C'dakhi Tia

C'dakhi Tia
World: Final Fantasy XIV-2


C'dakhi found his fortune in the port city of Limsa Lominsa after leaving his tribe as a young man. He joined the rogues' guild and learned their dark trade and to uphold the pirates' code of Limsa Lominsa; C'dakhi later trained as a ninja in Othard. Years later, he now travels the World Tree seeking greater knowledge and to perfect his skills further. C'dakhi is curious, easily-distracted, and a bit of a troublemaker, but his focus reasserts itself when tasked with a target. His training as a rogue and a ninja have made him agile and swift -- a deadly combatant, in the shadows or out. The pirates' code resonates strongly with C'dakhi; thusly, he has a dislike for people who victimize the weak or steal from those who have no power to defend themselves, and he especially hates slavers -- all of whom, in his guildmaster's words, "need millin'".


Feline Physiology: Senses/proportionate physical attributes of a cat.
Miqo'te are feline in nature, and as such their bodies have feline characteristics. While shorter and more compact than a human, they are lithe and acrobatic, their strength is greater than they should be at their size, their balance is equal to that of a cat, and they are some of the fastest climbers among the Spoken (humanoid) races. Not only that but their senses of hearing and smell are as sharp as that of a feline. It's worth noting, however, that this does NOT extend to his eyesight.
Aetheric Manipulation: Basic ability to sense magical energy, intuitive use of magic items.
Aether (mana, for all intents and purposes) is so ingrained into the very being of any Eorzean that almost nothing can be done without it. It forms the basis of C'dakhi's skillset as a rogue/ninja. In addition, he can intuitively sense large amounts of magical energy. Magical devices that can be used without highly specialized training (or aren't specific about their users) are easy for him to use, and if they require some kind of bonding or attunement to sync up with the user, C'dakhi can do so faster than someone without this ingrained connection. The more similar the energy is to the aether of his home world, the more easily these abilities come to him.
The Echo: Translation, insight into people/situations/battle... and visions and headaches!
The Echo reads the intent/character of a person he speaks to, letting him understand their speech, but gives him no functional knowledge of the language. When asked to locate a person/object/location, he has an instinctual sense of the general direction he should go to find it, and in battle he can sometimes dodge powerful attacks. And he sometimes experiences visions related to the strong emotions of those around him. This causes him to "zone out", leaving him unable to get out of danger; he can't control when it happens or what he sees. Very strong visions may force him into unconsciousness. Since this is essentially a mix of ESP and psychometry, stronger mental defenses can block its effects. And the Echo's translation effect fails against beings with no soul.
Eorzean Ninja Warrior: Nimble and agile, hiding and short-range teleportation.
C'dakhi is quite agile, thanks to both his species, and to his training. His fighting style involves getting inside opponents' guard and stabbing in vital areas with paired daggers. He can roll when falling to mitigate damage, pre-position himself for lethal strikes from above, and attack from afar with thrown shuriken. C'dakhi can also use both terrain features and channeled aether (mana) to make himself more difficult to see (this is not invisibility, he has to actually have things to hide behind and make an effort to stay quiet). Finally, he can teleport up to 20 yards (not through walls, and the end point must be in visual range).
Mudra Hand Seals: Elemental attacks.
By channeling his aether through a sequence of hand seals, C'dakhi is able to attack opponents with a variety of elements -- localized firestorms, lightning strikes, geysers of water, and bursts of wind. He can make the earth unstable underneath a group of enemies for ongoing damage, freeze water around an enemy's feet to hold them temporarily, make shuriken out of ice to throw at an opponent, and hit small groups of enemies with a burst of wind. Obviously he can't do any of this if his arms aren't free to move.
Limited Summoning: Summon illusory clone or giant fire-breathing frog.
C'dakhi is able to create a single shadowy image of himself. It has no mind of its own, does not fight separately, cannot use aether abilities, and cannot leave C'dakhi's immediate presence. He can maintain this for about a minute in a battle; out of battle he can maintain it for about an hour, though it has limited use. C'dakhi also has the ability to summon a large, firebreathing frog. Like his shadow clone, in battle it remains only long enough to expel a mouthful of lava on a group of enemies; out of battle he can maintain it for about an hour, which gives it use as a temporary mount.
Fishin' 'n Cookin': Supernatural fishing ability(?!) and gourmet cook.
Eorzea has a variety of fish not just in water, but in the dunes of the desert, amongst the clouds around cliffsides, in the hottest lava... even in pools of chemicals and the depths of space. If it's got fish in it, C'dakhi can catch them (though whether anyone would want to eat them is another story). Also, Limsa Lominsa is the culinary capital of Eorzea, being home to a world-famous cafe and a slightly lesser known cafe across Vylbrand, as well as the home of the culinarian's guild, of which he is a member.


Seeker of Trouble: Easily bored, and this tends to get him in trouble.
Many Seekers of the Sun are people of action rather than words, and C'dakhi is no exception to this. In addition, his life of roguery has left him with a need for intellectual stimulation beyond that of the average person. His need for something "fun" to do often leads him into dangerous situations, and he rarely looks before he leaps in these cases.
No Bloody Hero: C'dakhi's intentions aren't always noble, and he's a violent sort.
Pickpocket, thief, rogue, assassin -- C'dakhi's done some really horrible things in his life. He'll say that what he does is for the greater good so others won't have to suffer under people that the law can't reach. But the fact is, for every person he's saved, he's beaten -- or possibly killed -- three more. He resorts to violence quickly since it's all he knows, so he's likely to miss other, more ideal outcomes to a situation being resolved without violence.
Morning Person: Has poorer vision in the dark.
The Seekers of the Sun -- the clan of miqo'te that aligned themselves under the worship of Azeyma, goddess of the sun -- are very much creatures of the daylight, in a number of ways. The only one worth mentioning however, is that their vertically-aligned pupils, rather than increasing the ability to take in light at night, actually do the opposite -- because they don't expand like a typical cat's slitted pupils, they filter out a great deal of light to make bright sunlight easier to work with. This means that, while he can deal with glare from the sun on water, sand, or snow, when it gets dark he has little way to get light into his eyes naturally.
Technologically Challenged: C'dakhi hasn't had much to do with technology and doesn't really like using it.
C'dakhi isn't one of those that have fought against the Garleans in detail, generally ending up either in the shadows taking out key personnel or in the shadows mopping up the dregs of a defeated imperial charge. And neither Limsa Lominsa nor Kugane -- the two cities he spent the most time in -- are really what one would call bastions of technological know-how. Now an adult, he has little experience with technology. And due to his association between technology and the Garlean Empire, he's unlikely to really be comfortable with using technology greater than, say, an old smartphone on an everyday basis.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1245 A Melody of Frost and Ember Sep 10 2024
993 Grasping at Vines Mar 20 2022
991 Ice Skating Kombat! Mar 15 2022
982 City of Pirates Feb 12 2022
See All 4 Scenes


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