World Tree MUSH

City of Pirates

Always watch your purse in a city of pirates! Thankfully there's a member of the rogues' guild on-hand to get it back. Rynn gets her money back, and also gets a few leads for ways to earn more coin for herself -- and some food for Arokh!
Character Pose
C'dakhi Tia
    Limsa Lominsa is a twisting, winding city made from what looks like the result of two ships smashing together near a shoreline, and the crews of both deciding 'sod it, just build concrete walkways between the ships and land'. As one can imagine, that makes for a rather confusing layout. That said, there are a number of landmarks that are easily found.

    On the lower decks -- the aetheryte plaza, the plaza around a large blue crystal in the center of the lower part of the city where people tend to congregate; Hawkers' Alley, the covered alleyway of merchants directly west of this; the docks, all the way east of that.

    On the upper decks -- the Drowning Wench, Limsa Lominsa's largest tavern; the Aftcastle, another large plaza; the Bismarck, a high-class restaurant with world-famous grub.

    There's a lot the city has to offer a tourist... but there are warnings about going into alleys or around blind corners with people one doesn't know. This is, after all, still a pirate town. Just because they're 'privateers' doesn't mean they're any less greedy or bloodthirsty...
     Rynn has found herself on a new adventure! One that took her through a portal that closed shortly after she and Arokh left. Now the two are roaming these new places, seeking any possibly allies they could make, making not of any trouble, and buying time till their mages back home ever find a means to keep a link open; If they ever do.

On the back of Arokh, Rynn see's the city of Limsa Lominsa long before it comes into full view. Unsure what this place would be like, Rynn decided to take a safe option. Leave Arokh not /to/ far behind, but out of the sight of the locals, while she goes into the city proper.

Thankfully a woman with red hair, leather half-tunic, leather pants, riding boots, and bracers with fingerless gloves doesn't stand to much out in this place. With a sword at her side and pouches on her other. What does cause Rynn pause however was-- the locals. This causes her to stand and stare a little, which means she might not be aware of any trouble that suddenly may come her way...
C'dakhi Tia
    It's true, there are a lot of different sorts of people here, from diminutive Lalafells and ratlike qiqirn, to tall and swarthy Roegadyn, some tall elflike people, as well as catpeople and the odd bunny person -- even a few people that have scales and horns like dragons! Careful not to trip on the Lalafells!

    Of course there's also a plethora of assorted human-types. So while there's no shortage of strange people, there's plenty of 'normal' people in the crowd. And in fact the human-types far outnumber the rest.

    It's unfortunate that Rynn is so distracted by the odd people in town, particularly if she's near Hawkers' Alley. Because if she's not careful, someone -- in this case, a ratty-haired human -- just might bump into her, with a mumbled, "Sorry miss." Before making himself scarce in a hurry.

    If she's REALLY unlucky, she might then discover that she's missing a purse of coins. That is, after all, a common tactic for thieves.
     Rynn feels the bump and her attention snaps back to what is around her. She see's the person who says 'sorry miss', but doesn't think much of it, till she looks down to her side. That is when her eyes go wide and she turns quickly to see where the individual went.

"Hey you!" The red head woman calls out, "Wait a moment!" Then proceeds to chase after him.
C'dakhi Tia
    And the chase is on! Through the crowded Hawkers' Alley -- another tactic, the thief may be expecting Rynn not to be able to navigate the crowds as skillfully as he. There's an open area between the two hallways of merchants, perhaps she can catch him there!

    As it turns out, she's going to get some help too. As the merchant makes to duck into the second hallway, there's an odd 'poof' sound, a puff of smoke near the thief's location...

    And then the thief stops, as a dagger's pointed at his throat.

    "Shame on ya, stealin' coin from the looky-loos," a male voice intones. "You can't even follow three bloody rules. No bitin' the purses of anybody in Limsa."

    "B-but... she ain't..." the ratty-haired man tries to protest.

    "Don't matter," the voice interrupts. "Long as you're in the city, you're representin' Limsa. An' I ain't havin' anybody present it like this. You take your thievin' outside, got it? Now give the lady her purse back."

    The holder of the dagger, the source of the second male voice, is one of those catpeople, with scruffy red hair and a scruffy, but still short, chin-beard. His eyes are two-colored, blue and yellow, and the pupils are slitted like a cat's.

    He's dressed in a cream-colored shirt, brown leather vest, brown leather pants, brown leather gauntlets, and dark brown boots that fold over at the top. A pair of sophisticated looking pince-nez sit at the bridge of his nose.

    Fortunately the thief seems inclined to return her purse, and holds out a hand towards Rynn. Her purse is of course held in his palm.
     Rynn skids to a stop when the 'poof' happens and the cat-man seems to have words with the human. Her brows knit a little, even as the man comes back over with her coin purse offered back to her.

There is a long stare from her before she calmly says, "Thank you." Before quickly taking it back. Then she looks to the humanoid cat, "... and you as well, who-ever-- whatever you are." She shifts her weight as she puts her coin purse back to her side. "Though I will make note to only bring enough silver, perhaps gold, to pay for food and leave the rest with my traveling companion." After all-- who ever want to steal from a dragon?
C'dakhi Tia
    "Good boy," the cat-man comments to the thief, putting his daggers away, sheathing them at his hips. "Now scram. Next time I won't be so nice. You might lose a finger or two. I'm sure you won't miss 'em though." The threat, and the grin afterwards, sends the thief running.

    Looking to Rynn then, the cat-man nods to her words. "Aye, that might be wise, if your travelin' companion is outside the city," he agrees. He of course has no idea that her companion is a dragon. But notably, he's also not asking why her companion's been left outside.

    Though at the realization she doesn't know who he is, he bows, and offers, "Name's C'dakhi. I took you for a world-traveler, and that's just a horrible introduction to the city, gettin' your purse stolen."
     "Rynn." The woman responds back, "And a little, but I also understand that people do need to eat and in large cities, depending if people fall through cracks-- they sometimes do pick horrible professions to make their living."

She shifts her weight once more, a hand coming to rest on her hip. "And while I am chasing evil lords and dark deeds... He didn't try to draw a blade to me, so," She shrugs. "It is an action I am willing to overlook."

Rynn then goes a gentle smile, "Though, I admit, its odd seeing a-- cat person. We have beast-like people where I am from, but they are..." She tries to find the word. "... Not as-- friendly." She then lowers her hand. "However, it is an honor to meet you, C'dakhi."
C'dakhi Tia
    "When people fall through the cracks here, they do what I did, an' go to the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss," C'dakhi replies, with a smirk. "They get real work and honest pay. But... you have a point. If he'd been less greedy and not taken the whole purse, I wouldn't have been too upset with him."

    At the mention of 'evil lords and dark deeds', C'dakhi chuckles. "Oh, we have plenty of both of those," he confirms. "Though not too much in the city proper. Ol' Baderon at the Drownin' Wench knows people who can tell you where all that's goin' on."

    Here's the mention of 'beast-like people', and he blinks a bit. "Oh, be careful who you say that too," he cautions. "We have beast tribes, and they're very much not friendly. About the only ones you'll find here is Kyokyoroon just over there--" He points to a rat-like person not far from where they're standing-- "Chuchuroon, at Fisherman's Bottom, an' Sweetnix Rosycheeks... probably at the plaza, that one. Most beast tribes aren't allowed in the cities."
     "Beast tribes?" Rynn repeats that back, though she does look to where C'dakhi points. "I will-- However keep your words in mind and maybe speak to this Baderon. Given I still need to get some supplies for a possible camp, along with it some food."

She rubs her chin gently, "Though if there is some local wildlife that people don't mind going missing, I am sure Arokh and I both can just hunt for our own meat as well..." She then raises a eyebrow, "Any good hunting spots by chance?"
C'dakhi Tia
    The one C'dakhi calls Kyokyoroon notes Rynn's look and offers a pleasant wave in her direction. And in a squeaky, rodenty voice, calls out to the alley in general, "Kyokyoroon select best selection, priceless prices for shoppers to shop! Customer's custom is truest truth!"

    "Oh, of course," C'dakhi replies. "Outside the Zephyr Gate, there's herds of wild sheep. So food an' wool, if you need it. Don't think the goobues will be much unless you like eatin' plants. Though honestly I don't know if they're vegetable or animal."
     "Go-boo?" Rynn tries to say that name back and furrows her brows a little in thought. Though she does take what the rat has to say, before looking back to C'dakhi. "Thank you for your help in all this. I probably should get back to my companion, Arokh before he starts to worry... Also soon we can actually get to herding some sheep for food."

She studies C'dakhi once more before giving him a smile. "Hopefully we do cross paths again. I might bother you for some more information about this land of yours."
C'dakhi Tia
    C'dakhi offers a pleasant smile. "If you follow trouble, we probably will cross paths again," he notes. "That an', if you're lookin' for coin, there's an adventurer's guild here; fact, ol' Baderon's the leader of it. Since you're goin' to talk to him anyway, might as well ask if there're any payin' tasks for an adventurer. Mind, I dunno how the guilds feel about offworld adventurers, so you might have to jump over a hurdle or two before he'll let you in on it."
     "I will also keep that in mind, Thank you." Rynn replies back with a nod of her head, before she goes to walk away. "Till next time, C'dakhi!" She says giving the cat-man a wave of her hand as she goes to head back out of the city.