World Tree MUSH

The Evil Within

Character Pose
     Rynn and Arokh both needed time to recover and while Rynn could use magic to help heal their wounds, rest was still needed. So, rest they did! The two decided to not go back to the village, but rather find a rock cropping that would provide enough shade from the sun and away from the path of most travelers.

As the sun started to rise, Rynn rose to her feet and started to tie up her red hair. The sand has come to rest upon her skin and with a bowl on the ground an ice spike she placed there by her magic, was already mostly now water in the bowl. Water she used to wash off most of that very sand off her skin. Arokh meanwhile was resting up on the flat rock high above, watching the sun slowly rise over the horizon.

The two were fairly silent at the moment.
    It's pretty quiet out here in the mountains, and fortunately there is plenty of shade to be had thanks to the many rocky outcroppings that one could rest under. They might even spot the dragon that had helped earlier flying overhead, maybe looking for a meal or just enjoying the freedom it had been deprived of for so long.

    And all the while, the black demon's spirit swirls and writhes within the crystal Rynn is carrying. Somehow, it seems...heavier than it should. Like an emotional burden. There is a great evil inside of it, stronger than any either of them had encountered before.
     Rynn slowly shakes the cold water off, before looking down at the crystal. Her eyes narrow a little at it. "Arokh." She at last says breaking the silence. "... Do you think..."

"If you are doubting what we have done Rynn, do not. Our mission is to defeat evil when we see it and it was evil." Arokh then looks up at the dragon flying overhead, "After all, we saved a soul... /You/ saved a soul. Like you have done countless times before."

Rynn looks up, "... yes... but also taken so many others..." She shakes her head, "Augh! Why am I-- right." She inhales deeply and then goes to get the rest of her gear. "We need to get to that place."

"Do we even know where we are going?" Arokh asks her as she climbs up to where he is, and helps her get up on his backside.

"Does it matter, we can't just stay here any longer. We can always ask a traveler and maybe I can pull out that map we were given to see a general idea of direction. Once we get in the air." Rynn responds, "Now Arokh! Let's ride!"

Arokh rises on all fours, before jumping off the flat face of the rock, spreading his wings, and taking into the sky above.
    Even trapped within the crystal, the demon's essence seems to call to her, questioning her decision to do what she did. Mainly, her decision to trust the archangel Tyrael. Why wouldn't he fight the demon himself? Why was he telling her to take the crystal Caldeum? Why was he even entrusting it to her care at all? Why did she have to complete a task--and a very difficult one that could have gotten her killed at that--just to get some answers? And most of all, why would he want that abandoned village destroyed? Perhaps the demon had been right--he really is making her do all his dirty work...

    At any rate, getting to Caldeum wouldn't be too difficult with Arokh at her side. The city isn't too far away from the town where she'd previously met Margrave, and it is capital city of Kejistan, the large nation in the east of Sanctuary. Any other traveler would be able to tell her that much.
     Even as they fly Rynn's brows furrow a little. Arokh can sense Rynn's growing concern and rumbles at her to bring her focus on what needs to be done. While he can't read her mind directly, he can sense that growing despair. It was becoming strong enough to grow even his own concerns. Though it be their mission or concern for her well being. After all, Their souls being entwined gave them a greater will power than a single individual, but this-- thing-- was even a challenge to that.

As they fly over the capitol, Rynn looks down at it from above. "Arokh,"

"Yes Rynn."

"If we go down there, we give them this crystal. We never get the answers we seek."

"... Rynn."

Rynn takes hold of the crystal and looks it over. "What if-- this world is backwards..."


"And what we /think/ is good, is evil..."


Rynn snaps her eyes forward, looking at the dragon's own eye peering at her over his shoulder as he hovers in the air, "... Arokh..."

"Keep your mind focused. You are letting it wonder from the mission. In all our times together, we have faced many enemies. While this one is indeed far more dangerous than what we may understand, and it is our lack of knowledge that /does/ make it dangerous-- we are together-- and you need to remember right now, what we, as the Order represent."

"Right-- what we represent." Rynn says as she goes to place the crystal back on her belt. "Arokh-- don't drop me off outside of the city."


"... Stay with me this time."

Arokh stares at her a little longer, before he looks away. "If that is what you wish, Rynn."

"It is-- but-- let's not startle the guards... and at least... Introduce ourselves."

Arokh then swoops down and goes to make his way where the entrance was and hopefully, just hopefully they didn't decide seeing a dragon over-head was a threat already.
    The guards are startled by the dragon approaching, and ready their weapons but upon seeing Rynn on its back they don't fire just yet.

    "Halt!" they call out to her. "State your business here."
     Rynn calls out to them, "We mean you no harm! My name is Rynn, this dragon here is my companion, Arokh! We have traveled from the mountains to deliver this crystal." She motions to it on her side. " Here to Caldeum. To the mages within your grand walls!"
    The guards peer at the crystal, then mutter something amongst themselves before answering her. "Mages you say? You mean the Horadrim? Hm." They finally lower their weapons. "Fine, but I am afraid the...dragon cannot enter with you. Don't worry, we will ensure no harm comes to it."
     Arokh raises an eye ridge and then speaks for himself, "And why is that, hm? Afraid I'll bite someone's leg off? Or did you think 'it' doesn't have a mind of its own?" The red dragon seems to have taken offense to their comments. However with a rumble he says then lowly, "But I will comply with your request, if I must."

Rynn goes to hop off of Arokh's backside and pats his side gently. "Easy Arokh, they probably never met a talking dragon quite like you before."
    It's true, they are even more startled when Arokh starts talking to them. "Ah! What sorcery is this?!" they exclaim, cringing away from him. "'s just that, the townspeople may be frightened by you, we simply don't wish the city to fly into a frenzied panic. And, of course, they may attack you out of fear. You... you wouldn't want that, would you?"
     "Hmph. ... Sorcery indeed..." Arokh responds and his jaw moves slightly, as his nostrils flare a little. "... Very well. Rynn, I know I told you I would come with you..."

Rynn smiles gently to Arokh, "It is fine. I know you will still show should the need arise."

Arokh gives a nod and then moves away from the group, before he unfirls his wings once more and goes up into the air. Rynn standing there like this is an everyday thing and places her hand on her hip, "Well. Which way do I need to go in order to speak to the Horadrim?"
    The lead guard who had been doing most of the talking nods. "Thank you for your cooperation, Rynn. Yes, there is an outpost here in Caldeum, in the center square. Just follow the road straight north from here." He points at a white spire that towers over most of the other buildings in the city. "You should find them there."
     Rynn nods her head and goes to make head in that direction. Though her hands tighten into fists she walks and her eyes focus dead ahead. She just needs to stay on that path, in all the different ways that can mean.
    She'll find it difficult. The evil presence within the shard seems to know she's struggling, and the more she struggles, the more it tries to seduce her. How does she know she can trust Tyrael? Technically she only just met him. Why does he bid her risk her life for him, and how does she know he'll even give her the answers she wants?

    At least the walk isn't far. She'll soon approach the building with the tall white tower.
     Rynn can feel doubt in herself. Her legs start to drag a bit as she walks, her brows knitting, before she inhales deeply and says out loud, "You are the fire that vanquishes the darkness. Your main mission is to do good and provide order in the darkness. To be the light, when none can be found. To save lives and protect the innocent. You are doing the right thing. This world needs this light. Not darkness. Fire burning bright."

She starts to repeat this to herself as she gets closer and closer to the white tower, till she comes to a stop in front of it, almost murmuring it at this point. Her eyes scan the structure, her fists still tight, almost shaking for how hard she is clenching them. If not for her connection to Aurok, she probably would have already succumbed to the will of the darkness that resides within the crystal she walks with. Their connection makes her will stronger than that of any human, but even still-- It is being tested.

It is heavily being tested.
    Large double doors adorned with white marble stand before her. On one side there is a brass loop hanging down, which one can only assume is a knocker. Around the doorframe are ornate carvings of mages locked in battle against all sorts of monsters and other creatures. There are two braziers sitting on top of stout columns on either side, although there doesn't appear to be any coal or oil in them so they must be intended to house some kind of magical fire or light.
     Rynn slowly walks up to the door and reaches for the knocker. Her hand pauses there, she starts to slowly move it away, before she grits her teeth, grabs ahold and slams it not just once, but twice, before backing away.

Her feet wanted to run the other way, as if some part was saying 'It isn't too late to change your mind', but she held fast, even if she was visibly starting to look shaken. ".. come on..." she whispers softly as she waits for someone to answer the door.
    Rynn doesn't have to wait long. The doors groan and swing inward slowly. On the other side is a long, equally fancy hallway with many more carvings and paintings on the walls and ceiling. Sunlight pours in through a skylight at the top of the arched ceiling. And...she'll recognize the woman who answered the door, it's the auburn haired one she'd seen at the buried ruins earlier. And it seems she recognizes Rynn as well.

    "You." she says, sounding surprised but not necessarily angry.
     "You.." Rynn responds with some confusion in her voice. "You are the one--" she doesn't finish those words, before her eyes narrow with her brows. "Why are you here at this place? I was told by Tyrael to deliver a crystal, but if he ordered -- and you were unsure... By the great elder dragons what is going on around here?!"
     Rynn raises a brow gently, "Lets just say-- I helped put down a demonic dragon or more importantly." She reaches for something wrapped up on her belt. "... what had the dragon tainted." The red headed woman takes a more serious tone.

"Do you know anything about that dragon? About what it wanted? Is it connected to the ruins you are all having buried into the ground or is there some other reason?"
    The other woman's eyes follow Rynn's hand as it goes to her belt, curious about what she's really carrying. "Ah...impressive." she says, nodding. " not certain, but I sense a great evil within whatever it is you are holding." She frowns. "Tyrael was right to instruct you to bring it here. There is no safer place in all of Sanctuary."
     "But you haven't answered any of my questions." Rynn says clearly, taking a step back. "I know what I was instructed to do, but I still want some answers." The red head says, staring down the other woman. "And I am growing tired of not being told anything at all."
    "What more do you wish to know?" The woman asks, suddenly sounding impatient. "I told you, I do not know anything about this dragon you speak of. You are the one who saw it, why would I know more than you? Furthermore, why would I know more than Tyrael himself? It seems you are on friendly terms with him, why not ask him?" She holds out her hand. "Now, hand it over."
     Rynn's brows furrow, she is about to argue further beyond simply saying, "I am not friends with that being. I am simply---" Her hand tightens on the wrap. "-- trying to... do what is right... and just... and is the correct thing to do..."

The red-head then closes her eyes. "... Should something this evil-- go to someone higher up? If... it is so evil... How do you plan to contain it?" She opens her eyes and looks at the woman.
    The woman waves a dismissive hand. "All right, you are not enemies with him. You are on -speaking- terms." She sounds a bit exasperated.

    "Of course it will, I shall deliver it to Tal Rasha. He is our leader and he will determine what to do with it. Therefore, I do not know what we will do to contain it, only he can answer that. If you want to speak to him yourself you will have to wait, for he is away"
     Rynn's hand continued to grip tighter on the crystal, here eyes looking side to side. ".... Fine!" She barked out, before almost tossing the wrapped crystal toward the woman. "If you can handle it till he returns, then handle it. It is shaking my very core and I can barely think straight with it. If not for Arokh..."

Rynn pinches the bridge of her nose. "If not for Arokh and my sworn words to the Order..." She doesn't go further into details, only trying to recompose herself.
    As soon as it's gone, it's gone. The weight of it all. It's quite relieving, actually.

    The woman takes the crystal, unwrapping it momentarily and staring into its depths, fascinated. Then she wraps it back up and puts it away. "Thank you. Know that you've done the right thing."

    "Now would there be anything else?"
     Rynn inhales deeply now that the crystal is gone and she is clear of mind. "No. No there will be nothing else and.." She looks at the other woman dead in the eyes. "I am sorry." She then turns away. "I have faced many dark beings, mages who desire to wear the flesh of people... but that-- that is unlike anything before. I hope your order can destroy it for good."

Then the woman starts to walk away.
    "Destroy it? Oh...well. If it were possible, of course we would. But it is not such an easy thing." The woman tells Rynn as she takes her leave. "Anyway, we are grateful that you came to us. Good day to you." The doors would shut behind her once she takes her leave.
     Rynn proceeds to make her way back out of the city and past the two guards who would not let her dragon companion enter. She continues to walk on and it isn't long that Arokh's shadow moves over her. She looks upward at her draconic friend, as he circles above before coming down to land a bit away to not kick up dust in her face. "I do not see the crystal on you, Rynn nor do I feel this nagging presence. It is done then?"

"It is done, Arokh. Now we just need to find Tyrael and get more of our questions answered since we no longer have pressing concerns." Rynn says as she walks up toward Arokh. "It is simply now the question of... How do we find him."
    Rynn may recall that Tyrael had told her to find him at an abandoned church called the Cathedral of Light just outside the city. Perhaps one of the guards could point her in the right direction?
     Arokh hrms softly and looks at her, "Don't we need to find some old church Rynn?" Rynn snaps her fingers, "Right!" Before making her way back toward the two guards, "Excuse me!" Yes, its the lady with the talking dragon once more. "Could I bother you for one little detail?"
    The guards turn to her. "Uh...y-yes, of course miss." One of them says, still looking quite a bit like he still wasn't quite accustomed to seeing people waltzing around on talking dragons. "What do you need?"
     "I am looking for an old building called the Cathedral of Light, do you happen to know where it might be?" Rynn asks the guard. Arokh keeping his distance, but he is looking over in their direction.
    "The Cathedral of Light," The guard repeats, arching a brow at her. "You mean that old church just west of here? Now why would you want to go there? It's been abandoned for years. Some say the ghosts of those mad zealots who used to worship there still prowl about the inner sanctum..."

    He shrugs. "Ah well, it's your life not mine I suppose. Anyway, just head due west from here, can't miss it."
     Rynn gives a grin. "Thank you sir and don't worry. I'm the lady with the talking dragon after all!" Arokh shakes his body a bit before he gives a low rumble to her words and maybe to prove that yes, he is in fact a big ol' red dragon for real over here.

Rynn walks back over to Arokh, "You heard the guard Arokh! We are heading west!"

"So it would seem, Rynn." He aids her a bit in getting up, before he flaps his wings and takes off into the air with her on his backside. "Let's hope that if there are any cultists there, they won't give us to much trouble."
    Sure enough, the church is easy to spot, out here in the desert. And especially from the air. The building looks like it used to be a grand thing, but by now it has been collecting dust and sand for years and years. Windows are cracked or shattered and there isn't much left of the doors. Well at least getting inside won't be a problem.
     Arokh circles around the building, as Rynn looks down at it. Soon though the red dragon makes his final approach and goes to find a good place to land near the building. Once he is fully on the ground, Rynn hops off and she goes to approach the front doors with some caution. Her hand comes to rest on the hilt of her blade as she calls out, "Hello? Anyone home?"

Not that she was really expecting a response.
    The doors are mostly collapsed, so it is more of a doorway than an actual door. It leads to a wide hallway that ends in another set of doors that aren't quite as broken down, presumably the sanctum is on the other side. There is a light coming from inside, though. There's only one way to find out if it's from ghosts or something else...could Tyrael have led her into a trap?
     Rynn continues inside with some caution, even if Tyrael was here and there was a glow, there was no way of knowing what could be behind the doors in waiting. With care she now opens the doors before her inside of the church and she does so with some caution to look around them before she fully enters.
    The inner sanctum is large and filled with mostly broken down pews, dirty and cracked stained glass windows, and...a rather strange golden apparatus of sorts up on the stage where the podium should have been. It seems to be composed of a series of interlocking gears, with a slot in the middle that seems to be meant to fit some kind of key. That's where the glow had been coming from.

    As she enters, it suddenly lights up even brighter, the gears turning faster and faster until a glowing portal appears. She may catch a glimpse of what looks like a floating city of white and gold on the other side, before Tyrael appears in front of it. "Rynn of Drakan." he greets placidly. "Welcome."
     Rynn peers at the mechanism and starts to walk toward it, at least till it comes alive. This gives her pause and she begins to unsheath her blade. It is only when she sees a city beyond, then soon Tyrael, does she lower her guard once more.

"Tyrael." She says with a respectful tone. "You will be glad to know that the crystal has been given to the mages within the tower at Caldeum." Rynn then shifts her weight, "Though that wasn't an easy task and you could have warned me that thing would bring a feeling of dread at every turn." There is a smirk there, but it is very faint.
    "Excellent. Thank you." Tyrael says, nodding. "And I am glad. You have done me a great service, and I am pleased to know that you endured the burden in spite of everything. Now, what more do you wish to understand?"
     "There are many things I want to understand." Rynn says shifting her weight onto one leg and her hand coming to her hip. "Like more on this.. Library that thing spoke about and how did something like-- whatever it was-- end up corrupting that poor dragon."

Rynn then goes to step up toward Tyrael. "But more importantly, I want to know why /you/ had that city sunk." She motions directly at him.
    Tyrael floats in front of her, his body a few inches off of the floor of the cathedral. His wings almost span the entire width of the room, and they fluctuate a bit as he considers her questions.

    "The Library of Fate is within the realm of Itherael, Archangel of Fate. Since the beginning of time, Itherael and those under his command have gazed into the crystals within the Library, divining past, present, and future." he begins.

    "The dragon you saw had been possessed of a powerful demon, a fate many other mortals have shared, both human and animal. That you managed to free it without destroying it is admirable."

    As for the sunken city... "The village was but a ruin and contained forbidden knowledge. Knowledge with the power to bring about oblivion. I ordered the Horadrim to destroy it, but it seems they have chosen not to heed my commands and hide it instead."
     "So, you ordered them to destroy it, but instead they hid it. Then do you know why someone who was there, a young man, would have been given amnesia? Would that be by your order-- or was it because he saw something...?" Rynn asks Tyrael, though it was easy to see she was thinking on it as well, as her head lowered slightly and her lips pursed a little.

".. also to think others could share the fate of the dragon..." Rynn adds with a bit of sadness in her eyes, maybe even a hint of Arokh's own thoughts entering her own from his past experiences.

The red head then looks over Tyrael now that she is closer. To how he floats above the ground, to his wings. Then her eyes look to where his face should be. "... How sure are you that your mages can be trusted... and did we just give them something that maybe, they shouldn't have been trusted with?"
    "I did not instruct them to destroy any memories, but perhaps they made that judgment for themselves, if they determined that he had already seen what he should not have seen." Tyrael answers.

    "Perhaps, but we had not a choice. There is no one else in Sanctuary capable of containing such a being." he tells her. But he seems to be leaving out one thing--why couldn't he safeguard it?
     Rynn doesn't think about asking him that question. Maybe because it slips her mind or perhaps the other matters are weighing heavily on her right now. Arokh is no better, he is apparently hyper distracted by something outside; Whatever that is.

Rynn crosses her arms over her chest. "Can you restore the man's memories? Maybe he can answer for us both /why/ they didn't follow your orders to begin with. There was also a woman there... and she didn't want to be known about, but you know what..." Rynn moves her hand to the side. "Given they seem to be hiding things from you, maybe I should tell you about her and also who she is among them."

"Given she was also the one who took that cursed stone from me." Rynn adds as her arm comes down to her side.
    Tyrael shakes his head. "If he has seen the forbidden texts, then it is best he remain as he is."

    But he seems interested in the next part about the woman. "And who was this woman?" he asks.
     "I never got her name." Rynn admits with a frown. "At least I don't recall ever obtaining her name." She rubs her forehead gently. "But she was down there in that city-- and she was also the one who answered the door. Apparently she was going to take it to Tal Rasha and seemed rather annoyed that I was speaking to you."

The red head then shrugs. "I guess she was jealous. Very jealous" She then lowers her arms. "You must mean a great deal to them." Rynn adds.
    "I see." Tyrael replies. There is a pause, as he considers this. It's hard to tell what's going through his head, but he finally continues. "Yes, I created the Horadrim to protect Sanctuary from supernatural threats..."

    "...Rynn of Drakan, you have already done much for me, and I am grateful to you. But I have one last request of you. Investigate this lack of subordination within the Horadrim. With what you have already accomplished, I am certain you would be readily accepted within their ranks should you express the desire to join them. If they trust you, the disobedient may reveal their true intentions to you. Return to me here, and report what you find."
     Rynn raises a brow, "So, now I am your errand girl?" There was a grin there, maybe even being a bit playful with her words. She does give a soft sigh, running her hands through her hair. "While I have no problem doing this for you. I don't know enough about this world, so while I am honored you are trusting such a task to me..."

"Wouldn't someone in there already be more worthy of the task? Someone who understands this world better than I do?" She asks, looking at him directly again. "They could pull a fast one by me and I may not even be the wiser."
    "The information you have just given me calls the loyalty of all current members of the Horadrim into question." Tyrael replies, shaking his head slightly. "I do not know who may be behind this subversion. It could be any of them, and that is why I need an outsider like you to investigate."

    "If there is additional knowledge about this world you seek, you only need ask."
     Rynn crosses her arms over her chest as she thinks about it. "There is only one problem with this. Arokh." She lowers her arms. "The people of the city fear him, perhaps rightfully so, but we are bound together and I won't just let him sit around in the desert for weeks on end while I do this."

The woman motions to Tyrael. "If you can get them to lend him access to locations there, Then I'll agree to help you out, but what I do, so does Arokh."
    Tyrael nods. "Do not worry, they will accept him when they accept you." he tells her. "You would not be the only outsider among their ranks."
     "Very well." Rynn says to him. "I'll do this for you, though now I have to ask." She raises her brow lightly. "... Who is the other outsider?"
    "Thank you, Rynn. I promise I will reward you."

    "The Horadrim have been recruiting outsiders ever since Sanctuary became a part of the Tree." Tyrael explains. "So I am certain that you will not be the only one."
     Rynn nods her head. "Thank you, Tyrael. I hope I can get down to the bottom of this." She then turns away and looks back to him. "One more thing actually--" Rynn fully turns back around. "You said something about a... Tome of Oblivion was it? But, this-- evil thing you wanted destroyed... what does it /do/?"
    Tyrael hesitates when she asks about what it was exactly that he'd said was so forbidden. He'd been hoping she would not ask. 

    "When I spoke of oblivion, I merely meant the destruction of Sanctuary, and perhaps even beyond. Such forbidden knowledge is foretold to bring about great suffering." he says vaguely, the slightest bit of unease creeping into his tone.

    And even with the demon gone from her possession, there may be a bit of a nagging feeling, questioning whether she really ought to trust this being. After all, she really only just met him, and he isn't exactly easy to read or very relatable for that matter. It's clear he's not exactly helpless, but somehow he needs her to do all these things for him? Surely, these are things any rational person might wonder about...

    "...Is there any further knowledge that you seek to understand?"
     Rynn stares at him, her eyes trying to look past the hood to see if there is any face at all in that void. "Tyrael. I want to help you. I really do. I want to not see whatever this evil is, take hold like it did with that dragon, so I /need/ you to be forthcoming."

The woman then shifts her weight and her brows furrow even a bit more as she speaks. "You have these people do these things for you, even though you seem to know how /dangerous/ this item is. This-- Knowledge. You knew how dangerous that creature was, even in the stone. You /know/ all these things, but why is it /you/ don't take a part in it? Are you bound by some law or...?"
    Try as she might, no matter how much Rynn stares into the dark void where a human would have a face, it simply seems that there is nothing there to look at. Either it is hidden by something completely impenetrable by the unaided human eye, or it actually doesn't exist.

    There is another pause, this one a bit longer, before he responds. Not with an answer but another question. "Why, do you not trust that my intentions are pure, and in concert with the welfare of Sanctuary?"
     "Because, we as humans have a hard time perceiving someone as being pure of action. Even when bound to a dragon... Though that dragon was betrayed by one that was like a brother to him... so the more something seems-- too good to be true, then /we/ start to wonder." Rynn sighs and shakes her head "I mean no ill will toward my question or even my concerns, just I would like to know why you can not do so yourself. If you have no desire to answer it," She then turns away. "Then I won't press."
    "..." Tyrael considers this, the nods finally. "Sanctuary was created through the union of demon and angel. After a long and costly battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells over control of the domain, the Heavenly Hosts sought to destroy the world born of such sacrilege, if only to prevent demonic forces from taking it. Had I not intervened, and convinced them to leave it be, they would have done so. 

    "But it was only on the condition that the Burning Hells would also follow the same pact, and stay away from this realm. But who could trust demons to honor their word? If the others learn that the Burning Hells have once again begun to take possession of mortal beings, they would surely rescind their promise to preserve Sanctuary..."
     "And war would break out between the two parties and those that have come to call this place home, would be stuck slap dab in the middle." Rynn says, glancing over her shoulder to him. There was a long silence as she studied him once more. "... I'll see if I can find your problem in the tower. You have my word on it, Tyrael."

Rynn then looks away. "... Thank you for telling me, so I can better understand your dilemma." She then goes to head for the doors.
    "Make no mistake, the war has been raging for eons. However, this time the Council will not hesitate in destroying Sanctuary completely, before any battle over it could even take place." Tyrael tells her, actually beginning to sound a bit tired. Not of her, but maybe of the general struggle that he's talking about.
    "Then let's hope we can keep that from happening." Rynn adds as she continues to head out, seeming focused on her new task set before her.
    "Indeed. Farewell for now, Rynn. And thank you again."

    As Rynn makes her way back into the city, she'll notice someone familiar along the way. Yes, it's Petrus, the kid from earlier, the one whose brother she'd rescued from the ruins. When he spots her, he hurries up to her eagerly. "Rynn! I was hoping I might find you here. I had wondered if you managed to do any more digging, or learned anything about what might have happened to Terrick...?" And possibly how to fix it. He doesn't go there out loud, but he's definitely thinking about it.