World Tree MUSH


Character Pose
    As Rynn makes her way back into the city, she'll notice someone familiar along the way. Yes, it's Petrus, the kid from earlier, the one whose brother she'd rescued from the ruins. When he spots her, he hurries up to her eagerly. "Rynn! I was hoping I might find you here. I had wondered if you managed to do any more digging, or learned anything about what might have happened to Terrick...?" And possibly how to fix it. He doesn't go there out loud, but he's definitely thinking about it.
     Rynn had left behind the church where she spoke to the being named Tyrael. He has given her a task, a task to find a problem within the tower itself. There was someone in the Horadrim that was not doing their job or at least, doing the job of someone else's bidding that may not be at all in good alignment for this world.

Boy oh boy, where hasn't she seen this before. Heck, Arokh probably feels an even deeper connection to traitors amongst the ranks than she ever could fathom!

It is however when the young boy comes running up to her, does her thoughts sway from her mission and does her focus turn to the kid before. She smiled, but it was a wary one. "I fear I do not have any answers yet to help your brother. Though it seems that the city he stumbled on was supposed to be out right destroyed, not held together like it was."

She shifts her weight, resting her chin against her finger tips in thought, before lowering her hand. "I am not sure if I can find a means to restore your brother's memories, but I still have hope. I'll keep digging as deep as I can for something." She then goes to gently place her hand on his shoulder. "Just be brave for him and for you too, alright?"
    Petrus frowns, her answers only giving rise to more questions. "Wait, what do you mean, it was supposed to be destroyed? By whom? Why? How did you come to learn that? Did you..." he lowers his voice a little. "Did you find out if the Horadrim were involved?"
     Rynn sighs gently and goes to kneel down to one knee, placing both of her hands on Petrus upper arms, looking him dead in the eyes. "You need to trust me, Petrus and stay strong, alright? I can't answer these questions right now, because who knows who could be listening, but trust me, okay? I /will/ find out the bottom of this and I /will/ see things set right to the best of my ability."

She then goes to stand back up. "Just keep taking care of your brother, alright? He needs you more than ever now."
    "But--" Petrus starts to protest, but then sighs and nods. "...they are involved, aren't they?" he whispers. "I knew it..."

    Then he goes back to a normal tone. "Well, good luck, I guess."
     Rynn sighs as it seems the young boy isn't happy with her answer, but is happy he isn't pressing. Oh boy, was the shoe now on the other foot. She rested her hand on her forehead and then went to walk past Petrus, "Just--" She looked back at him. "Try to stay out of trouble, alright?" She then continues forward, heading further into town and toward the tower of the Horadrim.
    "No promises." Petrus tells her with a slight smirk. "I'll be waiting." Then he disappears into the crowded market.

    As Rynn approaches the tower once more, she'll notice that this time there is a man leaning against the wall by the doors, who looks a bit out of place. Well, Tyrael had mentioned that there were other outsiders like herself among the Horadrim.

    This guy though...if Rynn felt different from them, he stuck out like a sore thumb. His clothing for one is quite a contrast to the fashion of this world, and although he appears human, most of his face is obscured behind a helmet with a darkened visor and it looks like parts of his body are made from machine parts.
     Rynn had never seen someone like this man leaning there. There were no 'machines' in her world. There were things like catapults, sure, but nothing high tech. This causes her brows to furrow a little as she studies the man as she moves closer and closer.

At last when she is in speaking range she says simply, "Hello." Then looks toward the doors, then back to him as she adds, "Are you here to meet the people inside or-- are you part of their group?" Though she is staying a bit on her guard.
    The man smirks slightly as Rynn asks her questions. "I'm part of the club, yeah." he answers with a nod. 

    "You need help with something? Like the kind that involves violence? You know, monsters in your backyard...criminals on the run?" He has a lot of...items strapped to a utility belt and on various parts of his clothing. Things she probably doesn't recognize but if one had to hazard a guess they're probably weapons.
     "No..." Rynn says as she slightly extends that out a bit. "I am actually looking to sign up as well. I figured after helping them gain a little trinket, that they may be willing to take me in, or if nothing else. Give me some test to prove that I am worthy to join." The red head says with a gentle wave of her hand.

"Who do I need to speak to in order to, hm, sign up?" Rynn then asks, shifting her weight a little.
    "Oh, you looking to join the club too, huh?" The man remarks. "You're not from here, are you? But you must like it here." he shrugs. "Right, well anyway step right in, I guess." 

    He turns and opens the ornate double doors back into the hallway she'd seen previously. "Soo....what's your name, then?"
     "My name is Rynn," She says to the odd man, "And no, I am not from here, my companion and I are from another realm called Drakan. I ended up here while trying to learn more about these other realms and also seeing if-- a dangerous enemy of ours-- may have infiltrated any other places other than our own world."

She then steps up closer to the machine man and tilts her head, "And what of you? What is your name and where do you hail from?"
    "Rynn of Drakan..." The man repeats, appearing distracted for a moment, as if looking at something only he can see. "Got it. Right, I'll see if I can get the boss for ya. Usually there's a test but since you said you already got a trinket for 'em you might've already qualified yourself."

    Then she's asking about him. "Oh, the name's Elias Beecher. And where I'm from is a shithole."

    "So, that why you're joinin' up? Looking to see if your reality's archnemesis is lurking somewhere around here?" he asks.
     "That was my original mission as the leader to my order, however my new mission is to assist this world in what seems to be a growing darkness." Rynn explains further, perhaps starting to at last relax; Or seeming to at least. "I-- have trouble just ignoring those in need, one could say."

Though now fully inside, her eyes start to also examine the structure around here, looking for any little details to give some more information about this place she now stands inside of.
    "Oooh, so you're one of -those- types." Elias remarks, nodding. "Well then I'm sure you'll fit right in here....okay, I pinged Mr. Rasha, so he should be right down."

    The hallway she is in is no different than it was when she was here earlier before speaking to Tyrael, adorned with paintings depicting battles similar to the carvings above the door. There are several doors adjoining the hallway, some are closed but there is one that seems to open into some kind of library. There is a staircase at the end of the hallway that must lead to the tower she'd seen from the outside.

    But at the mention of a growing darkness, Elias' interest seems to piqued. "A growing darkness, huh? What kinda 'growing darkness'?"
     Rynn raises a brow a little when Elias says 'Oh your one of those types'. Then her eyes narrow a little, but she keep quiet for a bit. Then when he brings up about a growing darkness and wanting to know more. Rynn smirks a little and then looks at him dead on. "That is for me to know and maybe you to find out. After all, I am sure as one of those 'types', you think I would so easily express /everything/ or," She crosses her arms over her chest. "I don't know, be to 'nice' to not keep some runes close to my chest?"
    Elias chuckles. "Okay, okay Rynn. I get it. But, just sayin', if you're a little suspicious....if you're looking for information..." he lowers his voice a bit and leans in slightly, glancing behind him as if to make sure no one else is listening. "I might be able to get it for ya." he says, pointing to the side of his visor. "For a price, anyway."

    Then he straightens back up again."As you might have noticed, I'm not quite like the rest of these fine folks."
     Rynn watches Elias still closely, even as he leans in to whisper his comment on gathering information for a price. As he leaned back she shifted her weight a little. "And so I can tell, though I do wonder what your price would be." She says with a gentle head tilt. "But, I'll keep it in mind."

Rynn then looks down the halls. "... So, how long do they tend to take to show up?"
    As if on cue, a man with dark hair and purple robes comes down the stairs at the end of the hallway and approaches them. Elias looks up and nods. "Mr. Rasha! This is Rynn. Of Drakan. Right? Yeah. Rynn, this is Tal Rasha, illustrious leader of the Horadrim."

    Tal Rasha smiles politely. "Ah, Rynn. So you're the one who brought us the soulstone from Khanduras." He glances over at Elias. "Give us a moment." The other man nods and heads off down another hallway. "You'll forgive Elias, he is a bit...eccentric. But, he has proven himself to be very resourceful."
     Right on que indeed. Here comes the man and she nods to Elias, ""Right, Rynn from Drakan." As Rasha waves off the other strange fellow, the red head woman gives him a gentle wave, before her focus fully goes to Rashar. "That would be correct, yes. I freed the dragon from the darkness that engulfed him. Given I have my own dragon companion, it would be wrong for me to ignore the creature's plight." Not to forget the history her people had with dragons, but that is another tale for another day.

"As such, as I am trying to understand more about this world and wish to help end such darkness, I am hoping to join with your order." Rynn expresses, as she then crosses her arms over her chest. "Though I do have one little request if I am accepted amongst you. My dragon companion, Arokh. He will also need to be welcomed here, as he is-- as much part of me as I am of him."
    Tal Rasha nods. "Customarily, we would have put you to the test, but freeing a dragon from a demon's grasp is no easy task, thus you have already demonstrated your prowess in battle and with magic."

"Certainly," he nods again at her request regarding Arokh. "We have space available for him, hopefully it will be large enough. And we can even give you the adjacent room, if you would like. Elias will show you." He pauses. "If you don't mind him, that is."
     "No, no. That will be fine and yes. In my world we do have forms of magic, though they are written with runes. I imagine it probably works the same as your own in some way, but I am no sorceress, just a woman with a dragon." Rynn says with a gentle smile. "And that room will be fine."

Rynn lowers her arms, "Is there anything else I should be made aware of? Any rules or such?"
    "Well, you know who we are and what we do, yes?" Tal asks, arching a brow slightly. "Our purpose is the defense and preservation of Sanctuary, at the behest of the archangel Tyrael. Therefore, anything that serves agendas against such a purpose would be against who we are. That is the most important thing for you to understand; however, Elias can show you where to find the book of Horadric law."

    "Now, would you have any further questions for me?"
     "No, not really." Rynn says with a shift on her legs. "Though, maybe one more. How long have you been serving with those here and for this Tyrael? Are you by chance one of the older members or...?"
    "I am one of the founding members, yes." Tal answers. "Myself and Zoltun Kulle are among the only founders who are still serving. If you would like to know more about our founding, you may consult the library. Or you may ask Elias. He has...a very excellent memory."
     "Seems Elias is the one to talk about regarding anything and everything huh?" Rynn asks back with a smirk. "I'll try to keep that in mind and the library as well." After that she steps back a little. "Well, that is all the questions I have currently. I look forward to working with all of you and to help protect this fine world of Sanctuary." She then gives a bit of a bow to the man.

Her eyes then look over to the metal man known as Elias, "Well, I guess I should go catch up with him and see to my room, Hm?" She then looks back to Tal, "Been awhile since I've had a proper night sleep."
    Tal Rasha chuckles a little at her tease. "Well, he does have a way with other outsiders. But the first reason is because he knows some form of magic that allows him to acquire vast amounts of information very quickly...and recall it with perfect accuracy. So we often send new recruits to him. And in your case...he also happens to know and maintain the large room for your dragon. But of course, I do urge you to meet the others. You may have seen Aria, she was down here earlier today. She has a way with transportation spells."

    Tal nods. "Thank you for joining us, Rynn. Although you are not required to sleep here, you may if you wish. Welcome to the Horadrim." Then he bows slightly and heads back up the stairs.
     "Yes," Rynn says, catching the woman's name at long last. "She is a-- nice woman in her own way." She then waits for Tal to leave, before turning to walk over to Elias, "Well, my dear Elias. Looks like you are to show me to my room and to the room my dragon will be stay in-- and then I guess to this Library."
    "Sounds good, right this way." Elias nods and starts further down the hallway, passing by what must be the library Tal was talking about not long after. "Right, so if you wanna read all the rules, procedures, history, and stuff, you can find it in there." he says, pointing with two fingers. "A few spell manuals, too."

    A bit further down and into another hallway to the right and they arrive into a much larger room. This one looks a lot less ornate and more utilitarian. It's definitely more than large enough to fit Arokh, although it is a bit cluttered up with what looks like various types of machinery and machine parts, and what must be some kind of vehicle. It also has a few smaller rooms inside of it, the doors to which are off to the right side of the main door. Elias waves toward them. "You can have any of those, 'cept the one that's mine. Hope this place is big enough for your uh...dragon, was it? 'Scuse the mess, by the way. Just been doing some tinkering."
     Rynn looks over to the library and makes note of its location. "Right." Then she continues to follow till they arrive at the large room where Arokh would be staying, which seems to be shared by this man's very strange stuff.

Stuff that-- Rynn had never seen before and it was obvious when she came to a stop and just, gawked at it all. "What-- is all this? I never-- what is that?" She points at the vehicle. "And those?" Then to some of the devices laying about. Then the red-head looked at him. "Just what type of world are you from?"
    Elias walks over to a workbench, which has a half-opened up drone propulsion system on it. But to Rynn it just looks like an odd cylinder with lights on the outside of it in strange patterns. "Trust me lady, if I tried to explain it to you, it wouldn't make any sense. I tried with some of the folks around here," he shakes his head. He sits down on the stool in front of the workbench, still facing her. "Well," he looks over to the vehicle. "I guess could I say that's like a...really fast horseless carriage."

    Then he looks back over at her. "But enough about me. Why don't you tell me why you really joined up here, Rynn? I know, I know, you care about this particular dimension, but there's more to it. And you don't need to be afraid of telling me...if you're suspicious that there's some shady shit going on in this place--I'm right there with ya."