Misaki Sakai

Misaki Sakai
World: Magical Burst-1


Misaki is the eldest daughter of the Sakai family. In the hope to earn a wish to cure her brother Kousuke, Misaki has become a magical girl. She's optimistic and peppy, sure everything will be fine in the end. Her natural athletics combine with her magical powers to make her an agile combatant fighting with twin pistols and magical light. She can absorb some of other people's negative emotions, and is confident a burden shared is a burden halved.


Magical Girl: A transformation that enhances Misaki's physical abilities.
Misaki can transform into a magical girl. This comes with a new fancy outfit. Her transformation makes her physical abilities go beyond human limits. Her speed and agility get the biggest boost, and her perception improves to let her keep up with her rapid motion. This makes her incredibly hard to hit, and she can hit back with incredible precision.
Light: Misaki's magic is control of visible light.
As a magical girl, Misaki can generate and shape visible light. This light has to originate near her. She can use this to: Illuminate dark areas, create crude holograms that cannot convincingly replicate real objects with any complexity, generate blinding flashes of light, and so on. She cannot create lasers, 'hard light' or other direct means of attack.
Joyous and Marvelous: Misaki's signature weapon is a pair of magic enhancing lasers handguns.
When transformed, Misaki can summon a pair of weapons she has named Joyous and Marvelous. These handguns accept no regular ammunition, but serve as a focus for Misaki's magic. With them, she can easily fire rays of high intensity light similar to lasers. She can adjust the intensity of these attacks on the fly, though the hotter they are the more time she needs to prepare her shot.
A Burden Shared: Misaki can absorb other people's negative emotions.
Misaki can take negative emotions from others, if they let her. This is easier to do for people she's close to, and she genuinely feels these emotions as though they were her own, albeit subdued if she only takes part of it. The person she's taken the emotions from will find those particular emotions subdued, or removed altogether if Misaki takes it all. Negative emotions include but are not limited to: sadness, anger, regret, fear and shame. Emotions that are not negative include but are not limited to: joy, love, satisfaction, confidence and pride.
Sense Reality Warp: Misaki has a natural knack to detect magic that twists reality.
Misaki's job is to hunt down reality-warping monsters, and so she has a natural sense for magics that twist the world out of shape. She can tell roughly where and how strong the effect is. If it's a pocket dimension or something like it, she can locate any seams or entrances. This doesn't work for nonmagical effects.


Impulsive Meddler: Misaki is eager to help.
Misaki wants to help people. She can't bear to see people in need of help. She might rush in to help without quite understanding the situation. She might end up way over her head. She might end up making things worse out of her desire to do good. She might upset someone who wanted to take care of their problems alone. She might find many other problems from this well-meaning habit.
Easily Read: Misaki wears her heart on her sleeve.
Misaki wears her heart on her sleeve. She can't lie very well, she can't hide her emotions. She might blurt out something better left unsaid.
Darkness: Misaki is afraid of the dark.
Misaki is afraid of the dark. While her magic creates light... it's really quite hard to be stealthy in the night or deep caves when she creates enough light to overcome that fear. And she can't create light if not transformed, and transforming just to mitigate that fear can contribute to overcharge.
Overcharge: Misaki's transformation can have negative effects on her and her surroundings.
Misaki's magical girl transformation is unstable. Her magic can unexpectedly surge and create something called 'Overcharge.' Overcharge is also created when she pushes her magic. As it builds up, it can begin to leak out. How this manifests depends on how she's been using her magic. It can run haywire on her emotions, by making her vulnerable or aggressive, or odd 'glitches' in reality that never are to her benefit. Maybe the lights suddenly go out, gravity briefly turns ninety degrees for her, or other odd things. This kind of 'fallout' releases pent-up Overcharge. The only other way to deal with Overcharge is to spend peaceful time with her friends.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
961 OuterSite Station Jan 14 2022
952 Phoenix Maiden Jan 05 2022
942 Restful Silence: Finale Dec 14 2021
937 Restful Silence Pt 4 Dec 07 2021
932 Restful Silence Pt 3 Nov 30 2021
926 Restful Silence Pt 2 Nov 23 2021
921 If Wishes were Staircases Nov 17 2021
919 Restful Silence Pt 1 Nov 16 2021
916 Beneath a Sunset Sky Nov 10 2021
912 When They Only Want Peace Nov 02 2021
See All 47 Scenes


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