World Tree MUSH

Beneath a Sunset Sky

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The eponymous Sunset Road winds its way upward, a river of liquid sunset colors. Crowded on and around the path are a great hodgepodge of buildings from different eras and all manner of architectural styles. The Eastern Plaza (for the road runs east to west) at the food of the road is also the entryway, with its great plaque declaring the road a place of sanctuary.
    The inhabitants are as varied in appearance and form as the buildings. Magical beings and transformed humans mingling with the various maho that also call the place home. Most of the maho are human, though some, much liked Benedicta, have non-human features permanently showing. There's food stalls, gathering places, plenty of houses, and lots of interesting things about.
    Aurelia looks at the people that've come with her. "So where do you guys want to start?"
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta's been busying doing research on the diamond that they had retrieved from Dr.Worm and Baroness Spider. She's had limited success. "Well, there's a lot for them to see in one trip." She's currently in her al-mir'aj state since there's no need to hide her appearance here. She's decided to take a break for now and join the tour group.
Mao Mao
     Wrapped in his immaculate red cape, Mao Mao's shining green eyes survey the surroundings. "A sanctuary, a gathering place for people of all shapes and sizes. Safe... or is it?" he mumbles aloud, glaring at a particularly nondescript old woman. "There's no telling who could be a spy, or an assassinnnnnnn." This last syllable is held with a low growl as he grits his teeth, eyeing the granny as if she could be hiding some manner of deadly weapon under her shirt.
Talia Kyras
    Talia takes a chomp out of fruit she purchased, joining Aurelia on this one. "Hard to say. I feel a strange aura about this place. Like everything is enforcing some kind of calm. I couldn't even reach my lightsaber if I wanted to." Munch munch.
Misaki Sakai
Misaki hasn't bothered transforming, so she's wearing her school uniform. "I'm just going where you guys want to go, unless I see something that draws my attention." She tells the others, sounding a bit tired.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia looks at Mao Mao, concerned. "People who're intentionally violent get dumped into the bay by the ward on this place."
    Aurelia smiles and gives Benedicta a friendly hug. "Hey, nice to see you, Bene." She gestures at the other three. "I thought they would enjoy seeing the Road." Then... "Oh, what's Lizzie's daily special today?"
    She looks at Talia, Mao Mao, and Misaki. "Well if any of you are hungry, we can see if there's anything that grabs your eye at Lizzie's diner?"
Talia Kyras
    "We could do that. I'm starving and the living Force isn't exactly a substitute for a warm cooked meal." Talia chuckles and smiles. "We might be able to learn a thing or two there too. Places like those make decent sources of information if you just listen."
Mao Mao
     "There are more ways to assassinate someone than violence." Mao Mao says darkly, going silent for a few moments as he seems to have a flashback of some sort. It's hard to tell exactly what he's thinking about, though, and it ends just as quickly once his stomach starts rumbling at the suggestion of food. Glancing down at his belly, he grunts and says, "Yeah let's get some lunch."
Misaki Sakai
Misaki shrugs, "I'm not really hungry but I wouldn't say no to something to eat." She offers, "And we could stay a while and listen while we're there."
Benedicta Cornell
"Yeah, spies can be a bit of an issue, but an assassin wouldn't last long here." Benedicta's nods in agreement with Aurelia. "I think vegetrian chili if I remember right." Her attention then turns towards Mao Mao, "I'm not sure if he would be big on it though." She's not sure how much the cat's diet resembles an actual cat. "Magical, psychological, spiritual and any other kind of violence isn't allowed along with physical. Trust me, they've thought of pretty much everything."
Aurelia Argent
    The place is a restaurant, and advertises itself as being strictly vegan. Squash steaks with a side of lentil & bellpepper soup, potato dishes of all kinds. Fried tofu. What's more marvelous is that the restaurant is covered in plants that grow the ingredients for the menu. It gives it a whole air of being outdoors because of this.
    Greeting guests is a familiar face, with her dark hair and eyes. "Welcome to The Garden- Oh, hello again." Ariana Wolfe grins at the five people that enter.
    Aurelia ohs. "Nice to see you again, I guess Lizzie's helping you get on your feet?"
    Ariana nods. "Miss Talia, Miss Sakai, Mister Mao Mao, Miss Cornell, Miss Argent. Did you want a booth or table?"
    The interior is saturated with the smell of spices. A lizard-woman hybrid seems to be managing the kitchen, while a satyr busies himself with taking orders and waiting on the tables.
Benedicta Cornell
"I guess a table, I think a booth might be a bit cramped with all of us." Benedicta's also not sure how comfortable with the others are getting close to each other. Mao Mao seems a bit paranoid to her after all. The teenager takes a look around to see if there are any other familar faces at the resturant tonight besides those she's having dinner with.
Talia Kyras
    "Table works." Talia nods, smiling when she recognizes Ariana. "It's good to see you again, Ariana." She orders up a delicious bowl of noodles and fried tofu, settling into a seat. "This place is intriguing, is it entirely plant?" She muses, running a hand across the table unconsciously.
Misaki Sakai
"Glad to see you're doing well, miss Wolfe." Misaki orders a small salad when they get seated. She remains mostly quiet for now, though her attention remains undisguisedly high.
Aurelia Argent
    The satyr introduces himself as Vince and takes the orders. Aurelia orders a edamame salad and water. At Talia's order, Vince mentions that the noodles are spaghetti squash in case Talia decides that's not what she wants. He also takes down drink orders, smiles and says he'll give the order to Lizzie and be back with drinks.
    Aurelia sighs. "So I know Benedicta, but not much about the rest of you." A moment's pause. "Aaand I realize most of you probably don't know much about me either. I'm what normal people would call a magical girl. Transformation, magic, even a familiar; the whole deal. Even have to keep it a secret from normal people. I graduated high school last year and I haven't figured out if I want to go to college or not. I was going to try for an engineering degree but... " At this she gestures around at the whole of El Camino Al Atardecer. "... magical girl problems."
Misaki Sakai
"Also a magical girl." Misaki answers, "Transformation, magic, untrustworthy magical animal guide taking advantage of you for its own purposes. You know the basics." She explains herself, "I do Light magic, and honestly haven't given college much thought. I'll have to live that long for that to be relevant." She smiles, "But I'm making a difference and I sure wouldn't have if I'd become a salarywoman like I probably would've if I rejected this, so I can't say I regret it."
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta orders the vegan chili herself figuring it would be a break from salad for a change. "Yeah, being a magical girl isn't something you can exactly walk away from as nice it would be for some peace and quiet." She nods in agreement with Aurelia and Misaki. "I was planning to be a veterinarian myself, but I kind of became one with the beast more directly. Speaking of untrust worthy animal guides, I still haven't been able to track down Mephy. I wouldn't be surprised if he pissed off the wrong person and got turned into monkey jerky or something." She knows he's made a number of enemies after all.