
World: Mega Man-1


Roll is a young-looking robotic helper, intended to be a houseworker and general companion to her creator, Dr. Light, like a surrogate daughter. Programmed to be extremely helpful, sweet, and to do all she can to preserve human life and comfort, Roll is not truly self-willed, but has more vague restrictions in her programming than most, leading to an illusion of free will. Roll's 'brother' Rock took on the responsibility of defeating a number of rogue robots, leaving Roll to remain a household bot. That changed when Rock was unavailable recently, thrusting Roll into a more heroic role. Roll is almost alone and desperate to prove herself, but despite having a powerful energy cannon and the ability to copy special abilities, she lacks combat experience and confidence.


Light Robot: Roll is an exceptionally well-built and strong robot.
Roll's robotic construction is of superior design and care, making her far stronger and tougher than a human. She can easily lift most weights that a human would struggle with, and even lift and throw small vehicles. Her coordination and reflexes are also superb, but merely athletic human level instead of superhuman.
Roll Buster: A rapid-fire lightweight energy cannon.
The cannon built into Roll's arm can manifest itself at her mental command, and fires a rapid stream of small energy bullets. These are comparable to the Buster models of other Light Robots, but are notably weaker, making up for it in volume of projectiles.
Variable Weapon System< Copy-T >: Roll can copy special abilities from defeated enemies.
Roll can analyze an enemy to alter her circuitry and partially mimic their special ability, if any. This requires some effort and focus, so it can normally only be done with a willing or defeated target. She can only gain one aspect of a special ability, usually an attack, and eventually purges it from her systems to prevent corruption.
Broom-fu: Roll is skilled in hitting people with broomlike objects... and with sweeping.
Possibly as a result of using a broom so much in her normal life, Roll is surprisingly effective with any broomlike object like a weighted staff. She is far from a martial artist with this, just particularly good at hitting things. She's also pretty handy using brooms to, you know, sweep and clean.
Teleportation: Roll has limited long-range teleportation.
Roll has a built-in teleportation system that allows her to rapidly transit long distances, at the cost of a surge of power that makes it impractical for repeated use in a short timeframe. This is not very precise, nor capable of penetrating any real level of security, so it usually only lands her 'somewhat close' to where she wants to go and cannot be used for rapid short-range hops. She can carry people and objects with her, up to a little above her own size and weight, but teleportation is very disorienting to living beings and usually leaves them dizzy and ill for several minutes after.
Enhanced Senses: Roll has acute vision and hearing, and built in radio.
Roll was built to help out around the house and be a good girl, so she doesn't have a full sensor suite. She has excellent vision and hearing, along with some basic magnification of vision, but no special access to other spectrums. The only exception is radio transmission and receiving, which can access all bands including military bands, though of course she has no special ability to break encryption and would need access codes given to her to understand encrypted comms.
Robot Maintenance: Roll knows the basics of maintaining robotic machines.
Thanks to helping out around the lab so much, Roll knows basic maintenance routines such as cleaning and reassembly of typical parts. She's also very familiar with the types and models of various tools used for machine maintenance, and what they are used for. She has no skill to build robots or machines, and can only do the most basic of repairs, but she's an excellent assistant.


Programmed Personality: Roll has difficulty acting against others without clear cause.
No matter how lifelike she seems, Roll doesn't have true free will. She has a programmed personality core that is unchangeable, even if she can grow and learn within some degree. She is nice, friendly, and helpful to a fault, and any dislike she has for someone is generlaly expressed as a pouty tantrum. She tends to be very trusting, and while this doesn't make her unable to lose that trust, it's impossible for her to become outright cynical. Most immediately she is unable to act against a human without an immediate and dire need to do so, prioritizing saving lives and avoiding damage to life and limb of others. Even if she doesn't believe what someone is doing is right, she is unable to attack if they are not posing a direct threat to another.
Battle Jitters: Roll doesn't have a good stomach for fighting and is easily shocked.
Unlike her brother, Roll was quickly retrofitted for combat and, while not squeamish, is not really mentally prepared for the realities of harsh combat. She will do what she has to, but unexpected shocking events can cause her to freeze up or hesitate, and she will frequently stop before finishing the job, and can sometimes be frightened into panicking too easily.
Selfless: Roll will helpfully sacrifice her own well-being to defend someone.
Related to her programming, Roll is selfless to a fault, and will not hesitate to interpose herself between danger and someone she cares about if she has reason to believe they need her help. She won't step in front of an armored warrior braced for an attack, but she will unhesitatingly step in front of a sneak attack or a finishing blow, even if she is horribly outclassed or injured.
Maid to Serve: Roll is used to cleaning up. She is easily distracted by clutter or dirt.
Roll has a general compulsion to keep things neat and tidy. This doesn't really come into play in the heat of combat, but it can distract her from less immediate goals and have her wandering off where she shouldn't. This can also result in her ending up handling items or substances she really shouldn't, even if she does try to operate with reasonable safety.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1239 Sunfall Aug 07 2024
1236 Altar of Lies Jul 10 2024
1221 The Doomed Town May 29 2024
229 To Neverland Sep 04 2018
See All 4 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.