World Tree MUSH

Altar of Lies

    After their aid in saving the last small town from Helio's wrath, Kyner Dorsett invites the party to meet the head of his church. Though everything seems peaceful, there's something off about the man...
    Social scene mainly for lore explanation stuff!
Character Pose
    So after the last fiasco on this little world, the sun god Helio took it upon himself to attack a small town in violent retribution for stopping a sacrifice in his name. That didn't go well for Helio thanks to the intervention of multiple offworlders.
    Well, some time has passed and there has been no word from the angered solar deity since but... An overjoyed and thankful Kyner Dorsett did have some things to say. Especially now that the party finds themselves in the town of Garthram.
    Garthram was built not too long ago, springing up around a rather grand temple that had been built in the area first. Castiel WAS making ends meet by helping at the inn when who should show up of all people, again, but Kyner.
    "Oh hey, it's you guys!" He said joyously. "You should all visit the temple, there's someone there I'd like you to meet!"
    Yes well as a result, Castiel is now standing outside that temple looking very pensive at the thought of entering.
Itana el-Zayl
Last time on our program, Itana shot a god in the face and then angels made her cry.

A part of her wanted to keep her head down. The rest of her couldn't leave the town be after she went out of her way to try and commit deicide and got scolded by Castiel for her trouble. She set aside her usual discomfort with urbanity by helping out around the inn. A not-insignificant share of the food sliding across the counter has come out of the pots and pans she's been working over.

They've been left to the actual innkeeper for now. There was an invitation at hand.

"We'll be with you," Itana assures Castiel with a faint smile, resting one hand on the tiny angel's shoulder and squeezing encouragingly. For all that, the look she casts up towards the temple is uncertain, her brows furrowed and her head canted a little to one side.

Matsu Shuzenji
    When dealing with the relations between the divine and the mortal, having a human along who is possessed by a goddess is a pretty solid idea. And so it is that Shuzenji no Matsu, Phoenix Maiden, head of the Shuzenji Clan, has been invited to show her face in this town. Her assistance doesn't come free, of course, but after hearing of the situation, the Lady Shuzenji has offered a deep discount over her usual 'donation as a show of friendship'.

    She had just arrived at the inn behind Kyner, when the latter had displayed entirely too much cheer. "'re the person we're here to meet, aren't you," she remarks in a dry tone. "Entirely my luck." Sigh. "Very well. Lead the way."

    When the group stands before the temple, Matsu and her current attendant stop beside Castiel, looking up at it with differing expressions. Matsu's is one of faint curiosity. "Different than I'm accustomed to."
    Where there is domestic work to do, Roll can be found! Okay, not always, but it's quite common for her to end up there, just because of her skillset and programming. The blonde robot girl was looking a little puzzled at all the urgency and nervousness though.

    "Are we expecting trouble?" she asks, uncertainly.
    Dante's been uncharacteristically soft-spoken lately. "Hey." is all Kyner gets when he shuffles into the inn, quickly to grab a chair. ONe can tell he's been using a lot of sunburn lotion lately, at least they're a common commodity here. Though he's had to endure more than a little good-natured ribbing from the locals, being such a pale boi.

    "Hopefully not. But there's always free cheese in a mousetrap." Dante muses to Roll.
    Illumiel remains pensively quiet, unusual for the usually boisterous Avenger... well not really boisterous but not the quiet type.

    She's right there beside Castiel, clasping her sister's hand firmly, and giving it a squeeze. She looks to Itana, but doesn't say anything... just giving a wordless gaze before turning her eyes back to the temple.
    Kyner can't help it. The paladin is a cheery guy. Nevertheless, soon enough everyone finds themselves outside the temple and Castiel purses her lips.
    "I do not think so." She replies to Roll amid squeezing Illumiel's hand. "It should be fine." She says, placing her other hand atop Itana's briefly before the doors open.
    "That's right!" Kyner is... Apparently totally the man Matsu was here to meet. "Honestly, I'm glad you could all make it, like I said there's someone who'd like to meet you for what you did at the last town-- and as well as open some good relations." The latter part of that statement is directed to Matsu and her attendant specifically as he leads the way inside.
    It's quiet at the moment, people are silent in prayer and reverent as the paladin leads past the chapel towards the man standing at the altar in flowing robes wearing a very official looking mitre, with a warm smile on his face.
Itana el-Zayl
With a tilt of her head, Itana glances back at Illumiel and catches her eyes for a moment. She nods once, then looks back up at the temple with a slow, bracing breath through her nose. Her fingers momentarily slide into the gaps between Castiel's as she shares a little squeeze.

When Kyner approaches, Itana offers a simple nod and crosses her arms across her ribs. She leaves the diplomacy to someone better at words than she is. Being verbally charming isn't necessarily her strong suit.

The reserved silence within the temple unsettles her in a way she finds hard to place. There's an austere, ordered quality to it that doesn't quite mesh well with the expectations of her own universe. The desert can be silent, yet the sounds that break it are not man-made - and even the lack of them can signify peril.

She does not smile back at the man at the altar. Her expression is difficult to read - stoic, analytical. Reading things that don't involve text that she couldn't decipher anyway.
Matsu Shuzenji
    "The obvious answer is to distrust free cheese," Matsu replies to Dante, her tone still just a bit dry. But she follows on behind Kyner without another word, regarding the adherents with silent curiosity but not much else. It's the man standing at the altar who receives a fair bit more scrutiny. She's spent plenty of time around nobility, plenty of time around clergy; she's putting all her experience into practice to try and draw an appraisal of this man.
    Illumiel is not suited to diplomacy... as was demonstrated with the local sun god. She remains silent, keeping close to Itana and Castiel, remaining quiet unless spoken to.

    The silence inside the temple doesn't seem to affect the angel. This is how it's supposed to be. The quiet allows His word to reach the souls of those praying, after all.
    "No shit." Dante says, just as dryly. "But even a starving mouse'll risk it." He is curious if nothing else. Diplomacy is completely outta his wheelhouse, so as he appraises the old man Dante's hand is dangerously close to one of his pistols. Juuuuust in case.

    "Uh. What's up?"
    Roll smiles brightly, "Oh, that's good! Then this should just be... fine?" The robot girl tilts her head. "I hope so anyway. I feel naked with out my broom!" Maybe not using that phrase correctly, especially as she certainly doesn't NEED it to fight if one breaks out!

    "Well this doesn't look dangerous at all." The nervousness is even more confusing for her now!
    Castiel gives Roll a very quizzical look. She knows the robot girl is very... Fond of brooms but... She furrows her brow a little.
    Neverteless once the group reaches the altar the man spreads his arms.
    "Welcome, welcome, friends, welcome." He says warmly in spite of the scrutiny.
    "I see our faithful paladin has brought you before me, and I must thank you all for coming. For those of us here to form new bonds." He says looking to Matsu, "And for those who helped my people in our time of need."
    "My name is Bishop False, and I invite you all to relax and please make yourselves at home in our humble temple."
    It's actually a pretty grand temple, with stained glass and vaulting pillars and everything, but that is beside the point, clearly.
    Well that name isn't ominous or prophetic at all. Illumiel remains silent, but her blue eyes bore into the bishop's when he looks at her, trying to figure out if he has any Divinity about him... he should have some, being such a high rank within the ecclesiarchy.
Itana el-Zayl
"Being naked in a church feels like an unwise idea," Itana murmurs to Roll with a sidelong glance.

    'Bishop False'

Itana opens her mouth slightly. Then she snaps it closed.

    /Think, Itana. It may be a language barrier. Perhaps to these people, 'Itana el-Zayl' also translates to Bullshit el-Badguy.'/

The internal caution doesn't make her feel much better about the situation. Brushing back a few locks of hair, she looks down at Castiel with wordless worry before turning her eyes to the bishop once more. "Forgive us if we do not stay overlong. But thank you." She's /trying/ to sound like she means it. Itana is not known for her moderation or her diplomacy, but she's pushing herself to try somewhat for the sake of Matsu and Castiel.

"I admit that I'm not fully clear on what exactly the dispute is between your faith and this sun god. I cannot speak for the others, but I intervened in it because I do not like threats from on high. One wonders what has caused this Helio figure to despise your people so."
    Roll doesn't have sensors to detect Divinity, so the robot simply looks about, then finds a seat. Fortunately, while very heavy for her size, she's still not so weighty that it should be a problem. "Well, it's nice to meet you, I'll be sure to pay attention!" Her eyes whrr as they focus a bit, but that doesn't lessen the enthusiasm does it?
    Dante...isn't one to judge. He's a pale cambion (for some reason there were rumors he's Nephilum, which is just absurd. His mom would find that hilarious.) and he goes around in dark red named after an Italian poet. He's edgy as fuck.

    He does however look befuddled at the Bishop. "It's no trouble. Gods need to know how to treat their followers better 's all." He chuckles, playing it cool for now.
Matsu Shuzenji
    'For those of us here to form new bonds.'

    This may be a part of Matsu's responsibilites that she hates more than any other. The need to play nice with people, to ingratiate, to do the political dance. But do it she must. She needs political weight at court in Arashi-no-Moto to best protect the commoners. And she needs the Shuzenji behind her to have political weight. And to have the Shuzenji behind her... well. She has to expand influence, strengthen the clan, and appease the elders.

    "The Shuzenji Clan thanks you for this most generous invitation," the small white-haired girl replies, bowing politely. "Shuzenji no Matsu is happy to meet for the first time, and provide any insight she may offer."

    Her posture does not, in fact, relax.

    There is a side-glance to Itana, before the tiny Phoenix Maiden adds, "As I am thus far only passingly familiar with the situation, I would also be deeply grateful for any further clarity you may be able to provide on the subject." This may well be the first time those who know her have heard Matsu Shuzenji properly talk like a noble at court, but... wow. She really can pull it off.
    Roll goes to have a seat! The pews are sturdy enough for her though so that's a plus. Castiel is strangely reticent about all this.
    MAtsu goes full court mode and that doesn't surprise Castiel overly much, but False just *eats it up*, smiling widely.
    "Well." He begins. "I can offer insight a-plenty." He replies to Matsu and Itana who also raised a similar issue.
    "The relationship between man and the divine should be that of an exchange." He says solemnly nodding to Dante, but then clears his throat.
    "Our religion is new to these lands. Though it started small at first, many joined the flock after finding their ancient and local gods to be a bit on the... Oppressive side. I believe you've met Helio already. He is the last of them, their squabbles over followers and territory resulted in quite the battle. ... And now Helio desires to be the *only* god there is on this world. He is, naturally, not very happy about our faith and has been trying to stamp us out ever since. Thankfully due to our paladin's such as young Kyner here-"
    Kyner flashes a big grin and a thumbs up.
    "-And your intervention, we have managed to survive thus far."
    "Do you have anything to do with the Virtue that appeared above one of Helio's towns, threatening to burn the entire town to the ground?" comes the Avenger's voice, her hawk-like stare never wavering from the Bishop. This is all she says, however. The divine goose is direct, and not subtle.
Itana el-Zayl
Itana is playing nice because she doesn't want to make Castiel sad. She has angels to watch over, after all. Or perhaps angels to watch over her.

Privately, she's glad Matsu is around. The priestess is far better than Itana at handling these sorts of formalities. There's a skill - trained or innovated depending on who you are - that comes with being able to put on a polite face in front of someone who seems untrustworthy. Itana doesn't have media or diplomatic training, and growing up in a desert left her little room to innovate how to play diplomat.

Moving one hand down to the curve of a hip, the archer takes in False's story with eyebrows curved slightly upward. She looks towards Matsu as if to measure her reactions, then down towards Castiel. The two of them have insights she doesn't, but the tiny angel's reticence is translating over. It gives Itana unspoken cues.

Castiel has never steered her wrong. The trust she's placed in her angel has never been /mis/placed.

"/Is/ your goal to replace the prior gods, then?"
Matsu Shuzenji
    Matsu listens quietly and attentively, and the attendant behind her begins smoothly taking down notes. When Bishop False finishes, Matsu once again inclines her head slightly in a polite show of gratitude. "I see. Thank you for this explanation. I feel as if I have a better understanding of your struggles thus far." If no one else, Dante may be surprised at what she doesn't say - the tiny miko would definitely agree with the sentiment that bonds between man and god should be give-and-take. But she doesn't breathe a word of it. Only careful neutrality remains on her face.

    Itana has asked one very important question, so Matsu opts to offer another. "I wonder if you might further indulge my curiosity - I would like to know more of the divinity which has taken you under their wing. To know what they offer, what they espouse and what they ask would help me to grasp the lives you lead under their aegis."
    "What do you call razing a village to the ground? Take and take?" Dante says. "Or is 'giving their lives' enough of an exchange for salvation?" Not the friendliest question, but Dante isn't one to softball when it comes to this sorta stuff.
    Illumiel asks a question that's more loaded than a shotgun. Dante doesn't help either.
    To his credit though, False takes the questions in stride. Especially when Itana and Matsu also press in from different angles. The man simply offers that warm smile of his.
    It's not reaching his eyes.
    "No. We do not want to replace them, we simply wish to live in peace." He chooses to answer Itana first before he looks to the angel and the cambion.
    "That... Was a result of our prayers, I suppose. We asked to be protected from Helio and our divine benefactor saw fit to send a messenger to that town. Such protection from our enemies *is* among the things that were offered to my flock. We have remained peaceful up to this point, after all."
    Up to this point.
    "Though some of the paladins and our templars are beginning to grow a little... Antsy. They believe it might be time to give Helio a show of our strength."
    This makes Kyner actually frown.
    "I'm still opposed to that." The young man says. "I'm sure even with our differences we can reach a peaceful solution." He says, prompting a nod from False.
    "Kyner is one of our more level heads. In the end all we desire is to be left to our worship in peace."
Itana el-Zayl
Itana reaches down and gives Illumiel a small pat on the shoulder. It is equal parts 'good question' and 'please don't stab his face yet.'

The bishop's smile doesn't quite translate. Itana is no diplomat and can't read text, but she can read faces and spot details. This one's jumping out at her with all the subtlety of a fully loaded Illumiel. She draws a slow breath, then lets it out through her nose, focusing her thoughts into a single funnel of how to deal with this knowledge:

    /Don't do anything my cute angel would yell at me for./

"I would hope that this dispute could be settled without violence," she says instead with a cant of her head. "Some of us stepped into this matter, perhaps unwisely, because we saw the threat to innocent people as immediate. If there is a pathway towards negotiated coexistence, perhaps that would be the one better taken."

Itana would never admit it straight out, but Hyouka and Castiel both got through to her somewhat last time.
    Dante laughs. "Well, you got us. What more can a village ask for than a group of mismatched goons to save their ass, right?" He does admittedly find skepticism in a peaceful solution. Helio had is mind made up pretty conclusively before. None of the arguments the group had would get through his thick skull. But Dante keeps his mouth shut, for now.
    Illumiel sees the smile not reaching the bishops eyes. She may or may not be thinking of stabbing him in the face, you can't tell me what to do Itana... that's the look the Nomad receives in return to the pat... but she doesn't seem to be itching to take heads... maybe Hyouka and Castiel got through to her, in turn.
Matsu Shuzenji
    Their new god's 'divine protection' consits of sending 'messengers' who will destroy a town that worships a rival god. That doesn't just leave behind the realm of 'protection', it's an outright act of aggression. Practically a declaration of war.

    It's sounding more and more like both gods kinda suck. But, once again, Matsu Shuzenji does not voice this thought.

    Instead, she inclines her head to Kyner. "A wise sentiment. Where gods war, it is their followers who most suffer. And your faith numbers far fewer than the devoted of Helio, just yet. It is not difficult to see who would fare worse in such an exchange, and I hope that your compatriots come to understand this in due time. Your foresight is laudable, good paladin."

    In other words, 'You need to smack those dumbasses over the head with how badly you'll lose that war, you might be the only one with his head screwed on straight.'

    Sweeping her attention back to Bishop False, the Phoenix Maiden inclines her head once again. "I am grateful for your consideration in telling me of your people. I shall be in town for some time, so if you would be willing to enlighten me further, I would be most pleased to find ways in which our two flocks might assist and uplift each other."

    An open-ended request to learn more about their faith at a future date.