Millia Rage (Dropped)

Millia Rage
World: Guilty Gear Xrd-1
Actual Age: Mid-20's
Apparent Age: Mid-20's
Quote: "An assassin's path may walk in the night. Possibly even obtain glory. But happiness...? Happiness is something we'll never obtain. Happiness is a choice you make along the road. Happiness can only be chosen because of unhappiness or failure. That's why assassins can only walk the path of an assassin."
Role: The Blonde Huntress
Species: Human
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Tara Platt


Millia Rage was taken in at an early age by the mysterious organization known as the Assassin's Guild. Though she excelled in her martial arts training as a killer and was bonded with a forbidden magic that enabled her to wield her hair as a deadly transforming weapon, the life of a murderer was not for her and she escaped. Beneath her elegant, serene, and cool exterior brims a quiet and compassionate soul. Though she is a lonely spirit, she is learning to tap into deeper and wider range of emotions that she had not ever felt before while doing her best to ensure that the danger that constantly follows her does not spread to harm the innocent.


Assassin Training: Millia's entire body is a deadly weapon due to martial arts training.
Taken in at a young age by the Assassin's Guild, Millia was molded into a deadly weapon from day one. She was taught a variety of martial arts that can make almost any part of her body into a deadly weapon.
Agility: Speed, double jumping, wall running and climbing/clinging.
Millia is naturally very agile thanks to her training. She is essentially a human at peak athletic skill and can sprint for extended duration, double jump, run along and up walls, and climb or even cling to walls with ease.
Angra: Deadly weaponized shapeshifting hair. Danger Sense.
Thanks to forbidden magic, Millia's hair is a living deadly weapon. She can alter her hair length at will and shapeshift it into a variety of deadly sharp blades, melee weapons, or even artistic (but still deadly) forms that she can imagine. As her hair is alive and actually an entity separate from Millia herself it can convey a danger sense to her whenever it feels a possible threat is nearby by standing on end.
Energy Projection: Millia can produce short range deadly energy waves with her hair.
Millia can use her hair to produce cutting blades and waves of energy. Though these give her slightly more range than her normal means of attack, they do not travel very far and dissipate within a few feet of being launched.


Man Hater: Millia does not like men.
Millia views all men as selfish and greedy. She is generally distrustful of most men at best, and cool and cold to them at worst. In general, Millia assumes that most men have ulterior motives to anything they do. While her opinion on individual men can be swayed, more often than not she feels men are not to be trusted. This can result in all manner of negative social ramifications when interacting with any man.
Children: Millia has a soft spot for children.
Millia loves children and has a tender spot for them in her heart. She could never bring herself to harm a child no matter the circumstances and will go out of her way to ensure a child's safety in any crisis.
Love The Subhuman Self: Millia desperately seeks friends. Even if they're not the best.
Millia desires to break out of her shell. Her sheltered upbringing leads to her actively seek out acquaintances, friendships, or any sort of interpersonal relationship with as many people as possible, on an almost needy level. As long as their beliefs don't clash with her personal freedoms, they're fair game, even if they might not be the best people, or the best friends. This could potentially result in conflicts of loyalty when she has friends clashing, could lead her to be pressured into shady dealings, or even just get her stabbed in the back when she doesn't see it coming.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1212 The Lovers Apr 08 2024
1180 A City in the Mirror of Dreams Oct 13 2023
1179 Dead Man's Bluff Oct 12 2023
1176 Writhe In Pain Oct 09 2023
See All 4 Scenes


Title Date
P.W.A.B. Report: Marceline Abadeer Oct 12 2023
See All 1 Cutcenes