World Tree MUSH

Dead Man's Bluff

    Millia intends to go on a hunt. There's a nest full of vampire bandits in the caves surrounding the plateau of Dead Man's Bluff, and she wants to clear them out so that the people and children of Harmony Crossing can sleep better at night.
Character Pose
Millia Rage
    Dead Man's Bluff is a plateau just north of the small desert town of Harmony Crossing. The little town has seen better days between the fading glory of the gold rush and more recently a spate of vampire bandit attacks, and it looks like someone wants the latter of those two problems handled. Permanently.
    Word has gotten out about it; that a one Millia Rage of a group supposedly called the P.W.A.B. has offered a small reward from what little personal funds she has, as well as some funds gathered from the locals in town. It's not much, but it's something.
    Millia, herself, is standing at the old mines, built into the side of the plateau. It's just after sun-up and it's a bright, warm morning.
    The perfect time to hunt vampires on their turf.
    Well, it ain't much but it'll do for traveling money.

    Dante takes a swig off a bottle of hooch he haggled for with the general store owner as he joins Millia at the mines, before summoning up his guitar and strumming a l'il tune.

    Heartaches by the number
    Troubles by the score
    Everyday you love me less
    Each day I love you more

    Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
    A love that I can't win
    But the day that I stop counting
    That's the day my world will end

    This'll go on for a bit until everyone's here.
    Stelle has returned. She steps out of a Vine nearby, and then stabs something into the ground. A few moments later, a fractured crystal with a set of slowly spiralling golden rings appears and flares a soft green hue, before resolving into a pale blue-white.

    "Space Anchor. Express tech to let Trailblazers keep in contact when away from the Express." she explains unprompted. "It keeps supplies suspended in a pocket space too. Dunno how it works, you'd need to ask Mister Yang or Himeko."

    She summons her bat and rests it over one shoulder. "So, we're gonna break some vampire kneecaps... and the rest of them too, right?"

    She's... a lot more talkative today. This may or may not be a good thing.
Matsu Shuzenji
    Ordinarily, Matsu Shuzenji would not get involved in a backwater extermination like this, so far outside her own world. There has to be something in it; either favors to trade, or a different form of 'consideration' that could feasibly help the Shuzenji clan. This time, it's not so much something as someone. Everything about Millia Rage's profile suggested she would be worth having on their side for future endeavors; the clan elders had 'suggested' that Matsu extend a hand of 'friendship', and offer their assistance gratis.

    So it is that the young Phoenix Maiden has been dropped off near the mines, her attendants opting to stay well out of danger for this particular endeavor. She walks without much seeming worry for the new place or any new people, but she does have one comment she feels compelled to make.

    "How is it already so hot this early?"
John Murdoch
    A desert. It's not something John Murdoch has ever seen before. Or... has he ever seen one before? It's anybody's guess, with how muddled the memories of everyone from his city are. It's not a sight he remembers from RECENT memory, so he's enjoying the sunrise for a bit, before he goes into the town proper.

    So yeah, eventually a scraggly, scrungly-seeming guy walks to the mine, looking around as though he's not quite sure he's in the right place. He's left his coat behind because... yeah, it's too hot for that, and he's not expecting to be here at night. Still wearing black though -- a t-shirt, jeans, and... yeah, he went for the stereotypical cowboy boots.

    he greets those gathered here with a nod and a simple, "Hello. John Murdoch. Good to meet you all."
    So yeah, Marcy has found the place. Perhaps on her own, perhaps following the others. Though more likely the former since the morning sun will absolutely limit her freedom of movement. Vampires suck, dude.

    So, drawn from the shadows of one of the mine entrances she appears, plucking her bass to accompany Dante's playing. After that little bit of chorus, she'll join in singing! It's mellow, chill and a little sad; right up her alley.

    "Heartache number three was when you called me

    And said that you were coming back to stay.

    With hopeful heart I waited for your knock on the door

    I waited but you must have lost your way."

    She's perfectly content to be noisy and let the vermin know she's coming. If the trio of pistol belts around her waist are any indicator, her own hunting has been somewht successful.

    Just try not to think of what she's keen to do when she hunts other vampires.
Millia Rage
    That seems to be everyone who answered the call.
    Dante is someone Millia recognizes, though the son of Sparda doesn't exactly get a a warm greeting from the blonde huntress.
    "You're going to let them all know we're coming." She points out "Both of you." Added as Marcy appears and joins in with the devil hunter's song in an impromptu duet. Though Millia doesn't seem too bothered by this, having seen the both of them in action previously.
    "We're hunting them down to the last man." She replies to Stelle as she arrives, before turning her attention to the two newcomers; Matsu Shuzenji and John Murdoch.
    "Mn. Thank you all for coming." She gets the matters of politeness out of the way while sizing up the pair with eyes like a hawk. Their abilities she's in the dark on, but if they came out this far that means they know the inherent risks involved in an extermination job like this, as Millia turns to enter the mines.
    "These mines used to be full of gold. They've long since dried up, and that was when the vampires moved in." She explains, holding a lantern in one hand while leading into the darkness.
    "This is when they should be hibernating, but keep on your toes. They likely have sentries to wake the nest in case of intruders like us.
    The mines are dark and dry. Cooler on the inside than the desert heat outside at least. But the place is eerily silent. Quieter than a tomb as Millia leads into a large chamber that used to clearly be a base camp room. Old equipment has been left to rust here, and there's no sighns of life yet until a gunshot suddenly goes off. There's a muzzle flash and an echo of thunder as one of such vampire sentries misses his potshot aimed for the group, and turns to start running to alert the nest!
    Millia adjusts the fur cap on on her head before she runs her fingers through her short, shoulder-length, hair. As she does, her hair extends into an elongated scythe-like blade that falls to her hip.
    "You can run. I won't mind... But it won't help you." She mutters softly into the darkness at the retreating footsteps as three more sentries emerge from the shadows, six-shooters blazing.
    Dante gives Marcy a fistbump after their impromptu duet, and Millia gets a cheeky grin. "Just giving them something to dance to before we put 'em down for good."

    He spies other faces arrive, nodding to Matsu and Murdoch. "Dante, demon hunter." He says as he stows Nevan, drawing both his custom .45s as he cocks the hammers back and checking the chambers. The pistols will do for CQC, if for nothing else than pistol-whipping fools, which Dante is all too happy to do.

    Once a gunshot narrowly misses Dante's foot, he returns fire and aims to kneecap the vampire before blasting his head off.
    Stelle nods to Dante and Marcy, she recognizes those two at least. The new arrivals find the Trailblazer a bit more reserved. Those golden eyes size them up but she doesn't speak... unless spoken to.

    Millia confirming her assumption earns a nod, and with a shrug she swings her bat off her shoulder and trails it along the ground as she walks in around the middle of the group.

    The eerie quiet is broken by the metallic grinding of her bat on the floor, until the gunshot goes off.

    The bullet slams into the greynette's shoulder, shredding the jacket and... not bleeding. She shrugs the shoulder, and a dull clink of lead sounds, as the flattened projectile falls out of her clothes to the floor. "I /Just/ got these fixed." she grouses.

    The three additional sentries earn her ire, kicking off and charging straight in to give one vampire a couple of achers, with a ball bat to the jewels. The strength of the blow, if it connects, would be enough to launch the guy into the ceiling, and possibly break his neck in the process.
John Murdoch
    John nods politely in greeting to Millia as she greets him. He seems like he's unarmed, but then. World Tree, where weirdness waits! Or in this case, weirdness follows Millia as she leads the group down into the mines.

    Vampires SHOULD be asleep right now, yes. "But the mines are dark enough that sunlight won't hurt them if they move around down here," John points out. And those sentries? Yeah, he's pretty sure there are going to be some. And WOULDN'CHA KNOW, there they are!

    Murdoch ducks down at the sound of the gun, and finds cover to think. Mines mean rocks, right? Bunches of small rocks, debris, and possibly bits of old mining detritus. He'll grab a handful of those, and fling them in the direction the gunshots came!

    Though it's not quite as ineffectual as it sounds. Because the instant after he throws them, he narrows his eyes, and a silver glint slides across the surface, easily missed. And then the handful of debris freezes in the air, hanging there for a breath... before accelerating in the direction of the attackers at about the speed of shot fired from a shotgun!
Matsu Shuzenji
    There are two people singing. Matsu just kind of quietly stares at the duo; Millia has the 'shush you're going to alert the horde' covered, so the young shrine maiden just handles the quiet, incredulous staring. "...What... kind of music is this?" she mumbles, faintly baffled.

    Oh. Yes, introductions. Important. Ahem. "For those of you I have not yet met, I am Shuzenji-no-Matsu, Phoenix Maiden and head of the Shuzenji Clan. Matsu will do. I am skilled in healing, barriers, and purification."

    She winds up hanging near the back of the group, letting the others take point - at least until the gunshot goes off. When it does, she lets out a little, startled yelp, then immediately fans out a small hand of talismans in her hand, dropping into a guarded stance. When three more start shooting? Oh, she absolutely throws one of those ofuda; already made to harm supernatural entities, she imbues it with a hint of her purifying flame as well.
    Grinning, Marceline returns the fistbump. "Hnf. Inside the mine, should be a bunch of them. They'll probz- Yeah, gonna be guards for sure. May not all be vampires but well. They're all on the same side anyway."

    She leans her bass against the wall and stretches. "Sorry bout doing that in front of your kids, dude. Just uh. Try not to freak too much bout what's gonna happen in there."

    Righteous ultra violence.

    Stelle gets a nod, "Sup. Let's crack em up good and let's be noisy bout it. Might bring out the big dog early."

    John and Matsu both get a curt nod, "Aight! Nuff talk! Let's do some poofing!" Armed with just a stake and her ugly mug, she proceeds along until they're greeted by gunfire. "Whuff, you screwbs still not get it? Those things don't work! Look!"

    She pounces, swiping a monstrous arm through the legs of one of the sentries, holding on even as an ofuda does horrible, horrible things to his undead flesh. "Oh frick yeah! Roasted!" She flips the dude into the ceiling and twirls off, "Just uh. Try not to hit me with one of those, kay?" She smacks her cheek and grins. "I'm dead too! Hahaha!"

    Zero hesitation before she whooshes off after the first sentry. Maybe she'll even catch the bozo!
Millia Rage
    A lot happens; and those three remaining sentries? They don't stand much of a chance.
    Dante kneecaps a man before Stelle whallops the guy between the legs launching him into the ceiling. There's a nasty crunch noise as he does; and then the sound of more bones breaking as he hits the ground.
    John has the right idea though, there's plenty of good sized rocks and left over mining equipment he can work with, and when those stones and pickaxe blades and rusty tools are launched, it's MORE than annoying when another vampire is reduced to a red paste against a nearby wall from the debris slamming him with the force of a firearm.
    Marcy sweeps another off his feet just in time for a purifying ofuda to smack him in the face.
    He goes down screaming and flailing as Matsu's talisman and ofuda smack him dead on causing him to literally erupt into flame, bursting brightly to illuminate cave so the group can follow after the sentry into the next chamber.
    After a long and winding series of tunnels the caves open up into a wider chamber again, with a massive dark ravine separating the two halves of the chamber with only a single rickety looking set of mine cart tracks spanning it.
    That's when Milllia glances up.
    "Ah. That might be an issue. We might need more of that purification of yours." She asides to Matsu. "... Or more of Marcy and Dante's ultraviolence."
    There are countless eyes glaring down from the ceiling, men hanging from the cave roof upside down like bats, hissing as they wake up. And judging from the sounds of groggy snarls and angry men down the hall, the party was loud enough to do the sentry's job for him and wake up the nest.
    A vampire drops from the ceiling, intending to bite the phoenix maiden, only for Millia's hair to lash out faster than a rattlesnake and de-limb the man. Another descends intending to claw John, as another and another and another drop down, claws and teeth bared while more wake up on the other side of the ravine, taking shots at the group with long range rifles and lesser accurate shots with their six shooters.
    Millia's hair smacks several bullets right out of the air, but there are a lot of guys right now.

    Heaven or Hell... Duel one. LET'S ROCK!
    Dante watches Stelle knock a vamp into the next century before he splatters against the mine ceiling. "Oof." is all he can say, before he dodges another vampire's attacks, engaging in close quarters with the vampire as he tries to claw and bite at Dante. Dante just plays with his victim, dodging and weaving until he brings his pistols to the vamp's chin and blows the top of his stack off with both guns, then he dodges more bullets, streaking through the air as he returns fire on the vamps. "You guys even trying? What a lotta losers, c'mon try and make it at least a little exciting, fellas!"
    Ahhh, it's almost nostalgic. Marceline has been here before! The era is a bit different and this world has seen a whole lot less nuclear apocalypse but here we are! Another nest packed full of food- er, lesser vampires needing destroyed hard and with violence of ultra caliber or greater.

    "Yo, you half cooked baby faces! Bet you think you're scary huh?"

    Her voice distorts. Her whole form distorts! She's very quickly topping out at eight foot plus with big arms, wings and a mouth big enough to bite a fool in half. "Come on! SCARE ME!" She reaches up and snatches, grabbing at a couple of the rifle wielding vamps by arms, legs, or chests before punching a wall with them. Once. Twice. Then she uses the limp, dazed half-deads to flail around and bludgeon their bretheren! "Show us how tough you are! Haha!"

    Don't mind Marcy. She just really, really hates vampires for some reason!
>> SUMMARY[Marceline] >> Gonna beat a motherfucker with a motherfucker in a sec.
    Stelle grouses some more as she follows the group down the winding mineshafts. She keeps poking a finger into the hole in her outfit, though if Matsu tries to offer healing, she wouldn't find a gunshot wound, just a bruise where the bullet just... squashed against her skin. Whatever this chick is made out of, it's tougher than body armour, apparently.

    She does take damage from these attacks, she just doesn't register it the same way.

    And now there's more vampire bandits raining from the ceiling.

    She braces against the incoming fire, tanking several shots before charging in during a downtime between shots... she's charging straight across that rickety set of minecart tracks, exposing herself to all that incoming fire.

    Bullets rain in, holes appear all over her outfit. Each hit seems to add more glow to her bat, the circuit patterns starting to glow first, before each 'segment' starts to light up in a sequence. That bat is ablaze like a lightsaber by the time she gets close enough to start swinging... each swing seeming to rend the air with a painful-to-look-at void.
Matsu Shuzenji
    "While it may be extremely effective, I can only produce those so quickly," Matsu replies; her eyes have tracked upward warily, and a wary expression has already settled on her features. "However, I have another method that's much easier to- KYA-!" A vampire lunges down at the miko, and she immediately yelps, preparing an ofuda to flail at the attacker. But Millia's hair saves her from a fight in which she'd be at a severe disadvantage, and the girl is left blinking in vague bafflement. "That's... certainly some trick."

    Returning her attention upward, Matsu's expression develops into a scowl, and she brings up one hand, forming it into a peculiar gesture; almost like a 'finger gun', but two-fingered, and held vertically. Floating above her fingertips, a small flame appears in a fiery 'fwoosh'; then, she whips her hand around and begins waving it back and forth, as if to toss projectiles off her fingertips. And that's indeed exactly what happens; she begins lobbing fireballs into the crowd of vampires, one after another. There's nothing fancy or purifying about them, either. It's just basic fire conjury. But it's certainly effective as an attack.
John Murdoch
    The various responses of 'instant ultraviolence' shocks John more than a little. And he wasn't quite intending to reduce the one he'd flung the debris at into paste -- aren't vampires supposed to be super-strong?

    WELP! In for a penny, in for a pound. And as the group heads deeper into the mine, he follows, trying to keep an eye out behind them, just in case they missed something coming in.

    As the vampires drop down, John's t-shirt ends up 'fashionably distressed' by the claw that shreds the back at his shoulder. It's a bit less fashionable to have skin 'distressed' in the same way, but that's kinda how getting clawed works! Also part of 'how it works' to get pulled to the ground.

    It's more instinct than something he was trying to do, for him to lash out with his mind, to just SHOVE everything in his immediate area AWAY. Sure, it's a panic response, but there's no real clue that it's happening -- no magical aura, and he smells like a normal human being.

    Added bonus, his reflexive lashing-out with his ability is likely to deflect shots that come his way!
Millia Rage
    Dante toys with his foes. Stelle soaks bullets and goes to town with her spaceball bat. Matsu's fireballs incinerate multiple men. John's reflexive outburst floors several vampires nearby and pelts the ground full of small bullet craters, while Marcy...
    Marcy gonna Marcy.
    The vampires are given a moment's pause to have so many of their number decimated by such a small group, but they rally with a snarl from somewhere across the ravine.
    As three vampires roll a GATLING GUN to the edge of the cliff and take aim.
    As soon as it starts rattling off fire, Millia is once again in front of Matsu, crouched down, her hair slithering in front of her into the form of two large hand-shaped extremities, crossed in front of her to act as a shield, bullets spanging off her hair, while several punch through, earning a grunt of pain from the former assassin.
    But the P.W.A.B. chairwoman isn't without a sense of tactics.
    "Dante, Marceline! Thin the horde! John, Stelle, find something to deal with that gun!"
Matsu Shuzenji
    As the battle rages on, Matsu pauses in the swinging of her arm. She takes the chance to take stock, letting Millia act as a shield; it's a chance to spot who's injured, at least to the point of needing some attention. Dante's fine, but the bat girl seems to have a bullet hole in her clothes, the scruffy guy's been clawed, and Millia is quite literally taking bullets for her.


    The flame at her fingertips disperses, and instead, Matsu begins weaving her hands in a more complex pattern. Her hands themselves catch fire, but there's something... different about it. Warmer, not physically but psychologically. Like the flames of a fireplace after one has come in from the cold, a campfire pushing back the chill of night while dear friends roast marshmallows and chat. It's a healing fire, and these flames she unleashes first towards John, then towards Stelle; and then finally, she plants her hand on Millia's back and pushes a wave of Suzaku's flames right into the blonde.
    There's a gatling gun. Marceline is given a momentary pause as she tries to figure out what it even is before it starts firing. 'Ah' That's what it is. The bullets so far 'hurt' but they're not really doing anything to slow her down. Like they're either passing through or just sticking and stopping without any substantial effect. Her beastly hide shows basically... no damage at all!

    Satisfied that she's hammered her initial victims hard enough, she tosses the broken vampires into the path of the gatling gun's fire before slamming two hands and a clawed foot into more of them.

    "Dang boys, scariest thing you got is a bunch of bullet spam? Weak. Lemme gank them souls then!"

    Variously, she plucks pulls or twists heads off of her next targets and without caring overmuch about how it may disturb her company, devours the passing souls with a long, raspy inhale.

    Right in plain view of all the vamps! Horrifying presence go!
    Dante sees the gatling gun and has to admire the firepower, it's a real museum piece in his experience. God, imagine Lady with that thing.

    Pushing aside his urge to squee a bit at the old-timey WMD, Dante calls out, "I'll keep 'em supressed!" as he lets out a barrage of bullets from his pistols, more than the magazines should carry. But who's counting? They're magic and Dante's Dante. He pirouettes through the air as he fires, spinning like a missile as he lets out a whoop of delight before he takes aim at the roof of the cave, his shots ricocheting off the cavern ceiling. That oughta keep their heads down!
John Murdoch
    Fire... but healing? His damaged tissues don't resist the healing, so there's that. One less thing to deal with. Though he knows Schreber is still going to want to take a look at it... But that will be later! For now? He offers a nod to Matsu, and a, "Thank you."

    Though something else is about to get his attention, pretty quickly. "A gatling gun?! How did they fit that in here?!" At least he knows what it is, there's that. Millia needs to protect Matsu, the ultraviolence folk need to ultraviolence the horde of vampires. He's not quite sure he knows what he can do about the gatling gun... except maybe turn it back on them!

    The silver glint slides across his eyes again, and he starts reaching out to the spent bullets, pulling them to him. The level of energy to find all these little pieces and pull them to him is quite a bit higher than he'd been using, and that's clear from the ripple in the air in front of his forehead.

    He's pulling more than just the spent bullets too. He's reaching out and trying to grab every small piece of metal, rock, or whatever else that's laying around and is smaller than his fist. Pulling it in, gathering it...

    This is going to take him a bit, but on the plus side, the growing ball of debris might serve as a great shield!
    Stelle is in a Destructive trance, her face a passive mask covering a burning rage as she slams her bat into bandit after bandit. If she were left to her own devices she'd probably be at it until her endurance failed, though that's a very deep well.

    Millia breaks the trance by calling her name though, and she stops, after crushing a vampire against the floor with an overhead swing.

    She looks at Dante and Marcy doing their thing, keeping the main thrust of the horde back. Millia is covering Matsu.. there's a big multibarreled gun spitting death, and then John, the guy she got called together with, forming a really big ball of Stuff...

    She looks at the ball, looks at her bat, then something clicks.

    Stelle's legs bundle up, and she launches across the distance. Bullets strike home, but she keeps going... "RULES. ARE MADE. TO BE BROKEN!" she growls, coming in full speed to the ball of stuff. She pivots in a back-handed swing, her bat blazing with power, as she slams it into the sphere, and launches it straight across the gap at the gattling gun... a sound like a cannon report going off from the rent in reality caused by her channeling so much Destruction through her weapon.
>> GAME >> Stelle spends an Edge for: Rules are made to be BROKEN.
Millia Rage
    You know, it's probably a good thing the party brought a healer along for this. John gets patched up, and as long as Matsu channels that lovely healing warmth into her, Millia can probably indefinitely shield the phoenix maiden.
    But that won't be necessary because of the REST of the group.
    Dante and Marcy... Well. Dante shoots guys, this is natural for him, but Marcy eating the vampire's souls is kind of... Disturbing. It's BEEN disturbing since back in Harmony Crossing.
    Thankfully John comes up with an idea- gathering spent bullets, shells, rocks, debris- anything he can before---
    The Trailblazer comes in swinging with enough force to send the sphere slamming into the gatling gun and reduce it to spare parts while also mulching the three vampires manning it.
    Once free from having to shield Matsu, Millia stands herself up and dusts herself off, hair shortening back to shoulder-length as...
    The caves are silent.
    That seems to have been the last of the vampire bandits, and the former assassin dusts her hands.
    "Well... I'll certainly call this issue handled now."
Matsu Shuzenji
    And so it ends. Matsu removes her hand from Millia's back as the blonde stands up straight, and takes a step or two back herself. Folding her hands together, the Phoenix Maiden regards the rest of the room, thoughtful. "If anyone is still injured, come here. Now that we have more time, I should be able to completely heal your wounds."
    Marceline looks up from her miniature attrocity as Stelle calls out that she's doing something big. Wait, that new guy is also- "Whoah haha!" Boom! Bang! The gatling gat vanishes in a spray of destruction and, well... That's that.

    She reverts to her more humanoid form and she shakes almost like a dog as bullets start to clatter softly onto the stone floor. "Man..." She pokes a hole through her poncho, then groans and swipes it off before casting it onto the floor. "Figures that thing wouldn't last. Uh."

    "Anyone mind if I hitch a ride or..." Beat. "Maybe I can stay in here until it gets dark too. Iuno." She reclines, so blase after having done such awful things in front of everyone!

    Sorry not sorry.
    Dante was going to think of some cool way to ricochet his bullets to nail all these guys at once, but Stelle and John end up doing something WAY cooler than that!

    He watches and admires their handiwork. "Holy -shit-, new guy. You and Stelle make one hell of a team, gotta take this show on the road!" He says with a laugh, digging a few bullets out of his chest and flicking them aside casually. Yes, it hurts, Dante chooses to do what Marceline does and ignore it like a true man.

    He nods mournfully as Marceline's poncho is discarded. "Shame about that, I know the feeling well."
    Stelle huffs a bit, the momentum from her final strike sending her skipping awkwardly for a couple of steps.

    Now that the fight is over, her Path abilities start winding down, and she winces at all the impact bruising. "NNngh, ow ow ow." she grumbles, shaking herself out and causing a small shower of flattened bullets to fall out of her very holey outfit.

    "I /just/ got this fixed." she whines, again, poking at the holes in her clothes. "March is gonna give me such a hard time about this.
John Murdoch

    John's unprepared for the sudden bat that treats the ball of would-be ammunition like the biggest baseball in history. Though it certainly does deal with the problem quite handily. And probably a lot faster than he was intending! Though he winces a bit at the MULCH that's left of those manning it.

    "...Ouch," he notes. He looks to Stelle, and nods. "That was good thinking," he offers. Matsu gets a smile. "Thank you, that's appreciated. I'm afraid all the doctor back home could do for this would be to sew it up and put a bandage on it. Those healing flames are a lot faster."

    Marcy's words draw a sheepish look. "Sorry, I came here on foot too. I guess the... the portal was just willing to take me here." He's not familiar with how Vines work.

    Dante's statement gets a blink. "I wasn't really expecting exactly that effect," he admits. "Though... nobody got hurt too badly, so I'm glad of that." A tilt of his head at the paste that remains of the vampires. "And I guess they won't be hurting anyone else..."

    And Stelle's interjection gets a frown. "Are you hurt?" he inquires. He's no healer, and he doesn't actually know whether she can be healed normally -- wouldn't Matsu's healing flames have healed her too? Or is she talking about her clothes?
Millia Rage
    "I'm fine now. Thank you." Millia replies to Matsu, though glances down at the myriad holes in her coat. That's going to need replacement, so she's in the same boat as Marcy and Stelle in that regard. She is however in top form thanks to the phoenix maiden's healing, and casually dusts herself off a bit.
    "Excellent work, all of you... If you'll follow me back into down we can discuss the matter of your rewards." She starts to speak, all business and diplomatic, before she squeezes her eyes shut. "Preferably with less theatrics." She asides shooting Marceline a particular look at that.
    "Still. You all handled this very well. The people of Harmony Crossing will be thankful for a long time." She sighs.
    All's well that ends well, here.
    Dante salutes all professionally and such. "I do like rewards! I take cash, check or what have you." He says with a cheeky grin. "Being a big damn hero's nice too, don't get me wrong. He does chuckle, "I love theatrics, so hope you get all those details, 'comrade'."
    "I could use a bit of a patch-up... though the Anchor should have medical supplies in it. Kinda the point, really." she remarks, shrugging at John, as she casually tosses her bat over her shoulder. It vanishes before it's travelled more than a few inches from her grasp. "If I can get a patch-up from a healery type, that'll be less stress on the Express' supplies."

    She looks over to Matsu. "I'm sure Pom Pom would appreciate not having to stress out about supplies."