Eizen (Dropped)

World: Tales of Berseria-1
Actual Age: 1000
Apparent Age: 30
Quote: "I bring ill fortune to all those around me. The "Reaper's Curse". If you join up with me, I can't guarantee your safety."
Role: The Reaper
Species: Malakhim
Voice Actor: Taliesin Jaffe


Eizen is the only name known as one of the few free Malakhim, spiritual beings that wield 'Artes' or 'Magic' from his world, most of the world knows him by the moniker 'The Reaper'. First mate of Dread Pirate Captain Van Aifread, and current captain of the Van Eltia and de facto leader of Aifread's, pirates who are the most infamous of their world, crew following his disappearance. Eizen is a serious man, who protects those under his command as if they were his own family, and resists anyone who desires to control or restrict him, refusing to let anyone control the wheel of his life. Beyond this, Eizen suffers from a curse of misfortune. The curse turns anything related to luck into bad luck, even the most improbable of circumstances. This curse, known by him as 'The Reaper's Curse'. Eizen does not just seek fame and fortune on the high seas, but to also break his Reaper's Curse, and find his missing captain. While these are his major motivations, the man has been known to continue his acts of piracy and adventures around the world, looking for a clue to either of his problems. Beyond being a pirate, Eizen is a powerful hand to hand fighter, and a amateur historian, knowledgeable about many different subjects...mostly because knowing the value of something allows it to be sold at a higher price on the market.


Malakhim: Malakhim are a race of elemental spirits from his world, blessed with powers.
Malakhim are spirits of the earth, much like the spirits of Shinto. Eizen, specifically, is a earth malakhim and is strong in the use of earth based arts (magic.) These spells come naturally to him, and he does not need special training for use of these spells, though more advanced techniques may take time and suitable power. Malakhim also do not age, but can be killed. Malakhim do not need to eat or drink (though they can chose to), nor do they suffer from disease. Instead of disease, however, 'malevolence' is a spiritual disease that affects malakhim in ways far different than it does humans. They also still need to rest and sleep like a human does.
Master of Earth: As a malakhim, Eizen has earth artes (Spells and techniques.)
Eizen can naturally cast earth artes (magic), allowing him to manipulate the earth. Rock, soil, natural materials found in the earth, or the ground that people walk on can be manipulated by this magic. Shaping and moving earth are part of these artes, what many people refer to as magic. He can also form things from the earth, able to use earth-based chains to tie people to the ground, or secure himself or others if need be. These can also be used to create direct damage spells, which tend to be more direct. Throwing a bolder, causing the earth to open up and try and eat someone, and cause earthquakes of small scale. This power can also allow him to physically augment his strength in physical blows, allowing him to make his fists as hard as the earth, or elements in the earth, or give them a elemental attribute. This also allows Eizen to perform impressive feats of earth manipulation with exertion of effort.
Pugilist: Eizen is a powerful hand to hand combatant.
Eizen is a powerful hand to hand fighter, and can land blows that match even the best weapons. Combined with his natural strength, as well as his earth artes, Eizen is a dangerous hand to hand fighter, and can take the punishment to overcome the weakness of fighting people with armor with his bare fists.
Master of Wind: Eizen can also cast artes (magic) from the air element.
Eizen has also grown in strength and power to be able to command the powers of wind, a rare trick that most earth malakhim can not perform. He can use artes (magic) to manipulate the air and either calm vicious wind storms, but also create vicious wind storms. He can change the flow of air in subtle ways too, turning a breeze into a good strong wind for sailing, or do the reverse. In combat, he tends to be more direct with these attacks, creating bursts of wind to knock down foes, or tornados to suck them up. Unlike earth, he does not use wind to fuel techniques, regulated to only elemental control and magic attacks.
Sailor: Eizen is an top notch sailor and navigator, having spent a long time at sea.
Eizen has had many years on the ocean, he knows all of the basics of running a ship on the open water. He knows how to properly provision a ship for travel, navigate dangerous waters, and command a ship in battle.
Amateur Historian: Eizen sometimes knows general historical tidbits.
Eizen has a lot of interesting information based on his world's history. This is mostly used to price or know the value of things they find or steal during their trips around the world. He is not a subject matter expert (and sometimes can have the details wrong) on more detailed knowledge. Eizen is always looking to expand his horizons, and would likely want to expand this to other worlds.


Aifread's Crew< Basic F-Tier >: Crew of the Van Eltia, a crew of pirates.
The crew of the Van Eltia, these pirates are what you'd expect from a band of outlaws. However, they have a honor to them, and follow certain traditions and codes. They mostly allow Eizen to run the ship, and would rarely actually do any direct combat.
Benwick< D-Tier Named >: Benwick is the current acting second mate to Eizen's acting captain.
Benwick is the current acting second of Eizen, who is the acting captain. Benwick is a up beat and rather together young man who is a good leader and competent sailor in his own right. He is often able to step in for Eizen, leading and commanding the forces while Eizen is away doing the more dangerous work, and heavier lifting for them. Benwick tends to be the contact for many people he knows in the underworld.


Reaper's Curse: Eizen's presence generates bad luck and misfortune
Eizen is possessed by the Reaper's Curse, a source of genuinely supernatural bad luck. The most improbable events occur in his presence, always detrimental to Eizen and himself. Coins always come down the opposite of what he calls; dice always roll the worst possible rolls; Eizen wakes up to find a bear eating his food. A GM is always free to add improbable and bizarre events to any scene Eizen is in in order to specifically cause problems for any plan Eizen is part of.
Weak against Water: An earth Malak is strong against wind, but weak against water.
Susceptible to artes (magic) that are water based in nature (though they are not crippling, just more potent.) He is also not adept with things that involve water. While training has provide him the ability to be a sailor, it has not provided him the ability to swim in water, for example. This even spreads into most mundane activities involving water.
Known Criminal: Eizen is a known criminal in Aifread's gang, and infamous in his world.
Eizen is infamous on his world as a known pirate and criminal, and active force that resists the Lawful Order of the Abby. He often has to be careful in cities ran by them, and often has to resort to underworld trading and navigating to get anything that could normally be gotten legitimately.
Come Hell or High Water: Eizen's desire drives him forward, regardless of the consequences.
Eizen is driven by many different things, but whatever Eizen sets his mind to he focuses on with a iron determination and a relentlessness that is often at the cost of anything else. He desires to break the Reaper's Curse, even going so far to consider the eating of a Dragon's heart to do so. He seeks to return his captain to his side and to his crew, even if it means fighting a losing and overwhelming battle against the Abbey, who is the political and spiritual authority on their world. He desires to protect his little sister, and writes to her every day, but will not return to her because his presence brings only misery to her. These are all examples of Eizen taking whatever he sees as the best course of action, and not considering alternatives...once his mind is made up.
Reaper Reaper that's what people call me: Eizen has a psychological fear of his own bad luck.
Eizen struggles to get over his title as The Reaper, a title directly linked to the supernaturally bad luck he carries. He deals with people at arm's length, unwilling to get too close to them for fear of the curse hitting them. This fear can be harnessed by someone who knows about it in order to put Eizen in a bad situation.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
82 Reversal of Fortune Apr 17 2018
60 Slipping the Noose Mar 25 2018
See All 2 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.