Aranea Highwind (Dropped)

Aranea Highwind
World: Final Fantasy 15-1
Groups: Harvesters
Actual Age: 29
Apparent Age: 29
Quote: "Sorry, but this girl doesn't work after hours. Let's play again some other time, pretty boy."
Role: Dragoon
Species: Human
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Kari Wahlgren


Commodore ARANEA HIGHWIND is a former mercenary whose track record impressed imperial command enough to offer her rank and command within the Empire of Niflheim's military structure. Described as having an unbreakable spirit, peerless skills with a lance and no small amounts of care and empathy for other human beings, she stands out from her peers due to her disdain for the recent activities of the empire, most notably their research into daemons and the creation of fully autonomous magitek soldiers. Straightforward, pragmatic and confident, Aranea cares more about what people can do than where they came from, offering respect only to those who can stand and fight for themselves.


Dragoon: Mildly superhuman, can jump absurd heights, skilled with a spear.
Aranea's prowesses on the battlefield stem largely from her fighting style. Armed with superior strength, speed and endurance, she excels in rapid maneuvers that take her in and out of range quickly. She's able to jump high enough as to be able to reach an airship, allowing her to deliver devastating strikes when she lands on or near a victim. This can make it difficult to keep track of her if she goes straight up. Finally, her weapon of choice is a spear, and she's predictably very good at using it.
Stoss Spear: Rocket spear, lightning/dark attacks, can be summoned.
A state of the art magitek weapon, Aranea's spear can be used to jump even greater heights or rocket around the battlefield. Its electric actuator allows the user to strike with lightning, while its magitek core can deliver dark-elemental attacks like shockwaves. The weapon can be summoned and unsummoned at will, making it difficult to steal and easy to carry.
Dragon Mail: Fancy armor, projects shielding and prevents fall/g-force damage.
This extremely sturdy suit of armor does what you'd expect armor to do. It includes an A1-class powershield built into the bracers, which generates a barrier around Aranea. This barrier lessens both physical and magical blows, acting as an additional layer of armor. It also includes an inertia controller, a device that allows Aranea to withstand the g-forces involved in her jumps and to land safely regardless of how high she jumps or falls.
Commodore: Skilled in military tactics and inspiring people.
When Aranea enters a battlefield, it's usually a boon to her side. She knows how to make the most of the men under her command, she knows how to spur them on, and she knows how to apply her own skills to best support an army. In other words, she knows a great deal about the ebb and flow of a battlefield and how to use tactics to direct it.
Soulless Hammer: Excels at slaying daemons and mechanical targets.
Through experience, Aranea has acquired a wealth of knowledge most useful when engaging daemons or similar demonic/dark entities both large and small. Through exposure and working alongside them, she's also learned quite a few tricks that make battles with mechanical beings easier on her.
The Gungnir: A swift, lightly armed magitek transport to get people places.
Christened after a spear of legend, the Gungnir is Aranea's personal magitek transport ship. Although it has machine guns and missile launchers, its primary purpose isn't combat, it's to get Aranea where she wants to go faster than other ships can. It's red, so you know it's fast.


Niflheim 86th Airborne Unit< Basic D-Tier >: Human soldiers, decent armor, varied weapons, transport ships.
Sporting decent armor and various weapons, typically automatic firearms or magitek spears similar (but inferior) to hers, Aranea's men would follow her into the abyss if she asked, and she protects their lives fiercely. They have access to lightly armed (standard guns and rockets) airships which have for primary purpose to get people from point A to point B.
Biggs and Wedge< Named D-Tier >: Pilots, engineers, soldiers.
Wedge Kincaid and Biggs Callux are the best of Aranea's men. They're accomplished airship pilots, and although they can fight per the Niflheim 86th Airborne Unit entry above, they're most useful as support. Their engineering skills center around weapons and vehicles: they can upkeep and repair a typical soldier's wargear, fix airships in a pinch, and perform general maintenance on vehicles like trains or cars.


No Pay, No Work: Won't typically put her men or herself at risk for free.
Aranea retains much of her mercenary attitude despite no longer being one. Unless innocents are at risk or there's dark, nasty things that absolutely need to die, she doesn't put her life or others' at risk off the clock. She might still elect to put in overtime, but generally not the sort that could result in her death or casualties amongst her men. Either way, she'll expect a bonus for the effort.
That Wasn't In The Briefing: Won't stray from her objective or contract.
If you hire Aranea to do something, you'd better get all your facts straight before the mission starts. She won't steer herself offcourse, not even if ordered to, although she might make exceptions if her men's lives are at stake.
Her Men Come First: Won't sacrifice her men or leave them to die.
In the event the 86th Airborne Unit deploys with her, Aranea will always do everything in her power to ensure the lowest amount of casualties possible. This protection can extend to people she comes to view as friends, or people she has authority over in general, even temporarily.
Not Onboard With This Shady Stuff: Won't be loyal to people whose methods dabble in inhuman processes.
Though she's not likely to openly backstab someone for it, Aranea can't stand those whose methods can be described as immoral. While she might reluctantly work with them if hired or ordered to, she might well not give it her all as a result and withdraw as soon as possible.
Not A Murderer Either: Won't personally harm civilians or innocents.
No matter her orders or contract, Aranea and by extension her men if relevant will never harm innocents, and as much as the situation allows she may even intervene to save them from others' actions as well.
Tough Love: Won't mince words even towards friends.
Don't know what you should do with your life? Life's got you down? What you need is a slap to the face and some threats. Get it together, nobody ever got anywhere by moping. This might rub people the wrong way.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
193 Storm Pirates Jul 20 2018
186 Mining Operations Jul 12 2018
174 The Briefcase Jul 01 2018
145 The Imperial City Gralea Jul 11 2018
116 Onboard the Gungnir May 18 2018
114 Time to get kraken May 17 2018
78 Trouble in Chicago Apr 15 2018
73 We Definitely Started the Fire Aug 30 2018
67 AL1-8A8A And The Forty Sleeves Apr 01 2018
66 Daemons in the Night Mar 31 2018
See All 10 Scenes


Title Date
Not The Fun Kind Of Mission Mar 30 2018
RESEARCH LOG, YEAR 755, DAYS 92-94 Apr 04 2018
See All 2 Cutcenes