Fox McCloud (Dropped)

Fox McCloud
World: Star Fox-1
Actual Age: 29
Apparent Age: Mid 20s.
Quote: Don't worry, I'll get your back..If the price is right.
Role: Mercenary Commando
Species: Anthropomorphic Fox
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Steve Malpass


The leader of the Star Fox team and the son of legendary pilot James McCloud, Fox has established himself as being one of the best pilots in the Lylat system. Together with his crew, Fox takes on jobs that are too big or too hard for the Cornerian military, for a price. Fox sometimes can come across as a cocky flyboy, but he has a strong sense of justice, and will do what's right, he just prefers to get paid for it. With his blaster at his side, he's ready to face any threats to freedom and safety.


Ace Pilot: Fox is an ace and can pilot anything he can get to the controls of.
Fox McCloud is an ace pilot, he has had years of practice, mixed with natural skill, that allows him to take control of just about any vehicle he can get behind the controls of. As long as it has a fairly standard control scheme, he should be able to pilot it. Exceptions are made for vehicles with particularly complex operations systems.
Combat Equipment: Fox's rapid fire blaster and projectile reflector are his primary combat tools.
Fox has several pieces of equipment that he keeps on him at all times, his signature rapid fire blaster allows him to engage targets at range with multiple blaster shots, and the projectile reflector enables him to, with proper timing, send ranged shots back at his opponents.
Combat Training: Fox is highly trained in close quarters combat and small arms.
Fox McCloud is trained in ground based combat, capable of dishing out damage in melee combat as well as using a variety of small arms. While his primary weapon is his blaster pistol, he has trained with a staff weapon and other melee weapons, plus if he needs to, can get in close using his fists and feet. He tends to focus on rapid strikes, rather than powerful strikes.
Arwing II: The Arwing II is Fox's personal ship, capable of warp flight and heavily armed.
The Arwing II is Fox's signature fighter craft. Equipped with the G-Diffuser System, Twin Lasers, Multi-Lock and Nova Bombs, as well as a warp engine, the Arwing II is primarily designed to fight in space, and does not function as well against ground targets. Without the Landmaster tank, Fox uses the Arwing primarily for transportation.
Movement Equipment: Motion Accelerator for rapid dashes and Fire Fox boots for rocket jumps.
Fox possesses a few peices of equipment that allow him to move around the battlefield. The first is his motion accelerator, which allows him to rapidly move in a direction to either dodge or attack. The second peice of his equipment is the Fire Fox system, which lets him launch himself upwards using special boot rockets, enabling him to move around in combat, attacking opponents from above or below.


Mercenary: Fox is a mercenary, and he wants to get paid for his work when he does it.
First and foremost, Fox is a mercenary. While he can be somewhat picky about his contracts, and he does have a moral code, he's still ultimately in it for the money, and not for being a hero or saving the world. He doesn't do things out of the goodness of his heart, and expects to be compensated for his actions by whoever he's performing them for.
In The Fight: Fox is not the type to delegate, and prefers to get his hands dirty.
Fox hates delegating to other people. Even though he's the leader of a team, he prefers to be on the ground or in the air, getting his hands dirty. He'll throw himself into situations that he could or should have avoided because it'll keep others out of the line of fire.
Shoot First, Ask Questions Never: Fox doesn't generally believe in talking out problems. He's not a negotiatior.
Generally when it comes down to it, Fox does not negotiate. He'll go in guns blazing, take out targets, and let other people, usually whoever's paying him, worry about the rest.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
521 Shadows Never Die Jun 17 2019
388 Visiting Again for the First Time Jan 20 2019
193 Storm Pirates Jul 20 2018
173 Getting to know each other better, by punching. Jul 01 2018
163 Feeling Deja Vu Jun 20 2018
136 An Evening Stroll Through the Walled City of Edin. May 30 2018
See All 6 Scenes


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