World Tree MUSH

An Evening Stroll Through the Walled City of Edin.

Krystal bumps into Fox McCloud in Edin's market district, and the two end up making fast friends and even joining up by the end of the encounter.
Character Pose
Krystal was beginning to accept the fact that she was lost in a new place where many worlds were just a portal gate away, but that none of those worlds were her own, as far as she had found so far anyway. Today she had made her way to The Cradle at the very heart of the World Tree, and landed her ship in a field some distance from the city of Edin. 

By now she had made her way into the city, and spent a bit of time walking around, seeing what sort of place it was and what things the city had to offer. The latter brought her wandering into the market district, along with the fact that her stomach was starting to complain about the fact that she hadn't eaten in a while. "I hope this place has some good food." She says to herself as she looks around. The blue vixen did stand out a bit against most of the locals, wearing a midnight blue and lavender space jumpsuit which hugged her figure tightly and was complimented by a gray metallic belt.
Fox McCloud
Yeah this place was...Well, different, to say the least. But one thing was for sure, there was never a lack of work for a hired gun...Except today, it would seem. Fox had landed his Arwing, stopping for a moment to admire another ship that was parked nearby, and then setting off on his way. There had to be a recruitment office or something where he could drop off some cards.

Who wouldn't want to hire a daring space faring, gun toting mercenary for dangerous, well paying work after seeing these business cards? He pulled one out of the pocket of his jacket, admiring the font and the graphics. He'd spent a good deal from his last contract making sure they were perfect. First impressions and all. Of course, speaking of first impressions...What are the odds that two anthropomorphic vulpines would be in the same square at the same time?
Krystal decides she needs to take care of her hunger before she does any more looking around the market or food is going to be the only thing she can think about. She passes a stall selling what looked like various kinds of pie, and when the smell hit her nose, she couldn't resist ordering a slice of something. Taking a moment to filter through the various scents, she ultimately chose a slice of chocolate cream pie, and was given the piece on a small plate along with a fork. 

She paid and took a bite as she turned around, and almost choked on it as her gaze fell on Fox, in her opinion the odds of meeting another anthropomorphic fox here was exceedingly small. She recovered quickly and swallowed the bite of pie before clearing her throat quickly. "Eh, hello! Fancy meeting someone like you here. I've yet to meet any like us around these parts... well, until now."
Fox McCloud
The orange vulpine looks up from his card upon hearing the voice, and finds himself looking at, well...He takes a second to clear his throat and then tucks the card away, "Uh, hey." He replies, as he looks her over really quick from head to toe, "Wow. Sorry, just...Surprised to see another fox here.."

He takes a second and then offers a hand to her, "Fox McCloud, at your service, miss." He wonders if she's from his world or not. He has seen a couple of other animal folks, and a LOT of humans, but nobody that looks so similar to him.
With a nod given to Fox, Krystal agrees about the surprise. "Likewise, nearly choked on my pie when I saw you, you probably noticed..." She says with a bit of blush showing. "My name is Krystal Alysia, nice to meet you Fox." She replies, wondering for a moment on the lack of creativity naming a fox 'Fox' but she keeps that to herself. 

"Speaking of my pie, would you like some? I don't mind splitting it, was just hungry and couldn't resist walking past and not getting any." Without really waiting for Fox to answer, she would grab a clean fork and a plate from the counter of the vendor and slice the pie in half, sliding the half she didn't take a bite from onto the other plate and offering it along with the second fork.

"So, um... you from around here?" She asks out of curiosity, purposely not using her telepathy to try and pry it out, feeling that was rude to do to strangers you just met, particularly ones you hoped to befriend.
Fox McCloud
He knows that she's probably thinking it's weird his name is Fox. He never had a chance to bring that up to his dad. He smiles and nods, "Well it's good to meet you, Krystal." He replies, "You don't need to, but it would be rude to not at least try some."

He takes the offered fork, "And no, no I am not. I wound up here after a warp jump. No idea what happened, I'm not the biggest tech type.." He muses, "No idea where the rest of my crew is."
"Oh don't worry about it, I should find some real food, not fill up on pie." Krystal responds before taking another bite of her own half of the pie. Once she's swallowed that she offers a similar story about where she's from. "I'm not from here either, pretty much the same thing happened to me actually, except I can't really lose a crew that I didn't have to begin with." She chuckles. 

"At least I got here with a brand new ship. Sort of gift from the Cornerian military because I took care of an incident on a planet called Sauria after leaving my home system." She explains, not realizing she just left a truck load of cues that they were likely from very much the same galaxy.
Fox McCloud
After she mentions Sauria and Corneria, Fox almost chokes on the pie. He coughs a couple of times and then sets the fork down, "Corneria, huh?" He asks, clearing his throat a bit, "Uh, funny you should bring that up." He says, as he takes a second to grab a drink of water, "That's where I was based out of."
Krystal finishes her pie while Fox reveals that Corneria was the very planet he was based out of. "Huh, now that you mention it, when went to give my ship a test fly, which is actually what made me wind up here one of the guys in the hangar did say something about I should go join Star Fox, I suspect he was at least partly joking, but that wouldn't be the name of your team would it?" She guessed, still finding the odds of meeting him like this impossible, but having a strong feeling she was right, it just fit way to perfectly.
Fox McCloud
"That would be it." He replies, "If you're a good enough pilot to get Corneria to give you a ship, I'd have gladly recruited you." He replies, "Though I suppose it's not too late since you are here.." He muses, as he looks over her again, "Though I don't have a base any more.."
"Well, I wouldn't say I'm anything spectacular, but I learn fast. Most of the work I did on Sauria was actually on the ground, and when I was flying, it was usually on the back of one of the Cloud Runners whom my ship actually gets both it's name and design. The situation there was pretty dire, as the planet was actually starting to break apart. I am very suspicious that it may be related to what caused the destruction of my home planet of Cerinia. Though now, if we're stuck here, I'm not sure I'll ever get the chance to prove that theory, or find out what truly caused it to happen in the first place." Krystal explains, then moves on to respond to Fox's offer for her to join him. 

"Well, I guess we're both starting over here, perhaps we can find or build one somewhere. I've been working alone all my life, but I have come to realize there is only so much you accomplish by yourself. So I'd be a fool to turn down you're offer."
Fox McCloud
"Agreed. Plus it'll be nice to know I have someone watching my back." Fox replies, "So now that we're agreed to work together we just need to stake out a place to set up shop, take ownership of it, and then establish a clientelle.." He rubs his muzzle a bit, "No pressure."
Krystal grins and nods at Fox's response. "I'd be happy to watch your back anytime." She says with a wink. "In all seriousness though, you're right, there is a lot of work to be done, so I guess it's a very good thing we ran into each other. I guess the first step is finding a place to use as a base. Easier said than done though. I'm not sure we could set up here, and there are then countless other worlds connected to this 'world tree' but surely many would either not have the proper resources, or might be against allowing outsiders to set up residency there for one reason or another. I guess we'll need to start asking around."
Fox McCloud
"That's a fair point." Fox replies, as he hmms a bit, and then digs into his pocket and pulls out one of those cards he was fiddling with earlier, "Here. My contact info is on there. So you can reach me when you need to." He says, as he grins at Krystal, "Once one of us finds a place to set up shop, we just need to let the other one know where it's at."
Krystal nods, taking the card, but also pulls out a small pen from behind her belt and says to Fox. "Hand me another and I'll put my info on the back." She would then wait for him to do so, unless he refused, and then tucks the pen along with fox's card back into a small compartment behind the belt buckle. "Hope to see you again Fox, doesn't always have to be business, I'd love to have someone to talk to and spend time with who is at least from the same neighborhood of the universe."