Auzren Cen

Auzren Cen
World: Starfleet-1
Actual Age: 161
Apparent Age: 25
Quote: An entire lifetime isn't enough to truly know the universe. Fortunately I've got a leg up in that.
Role: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Scientist
Species: Trill
Theme Song: She Blinded Me With Science
Voice Actor: Laura Bailey


Auzren Cen is a joined Trill, a species of aliens very similar to humans in appearance but with a unique advantage of carrying a symbiont lifeform. Normally barely mobile themselves, the symbionts retain lifetimes of knowledge and experiences. They share that with their Trill host, forming one new being from a fusion of both minds and personalities. This combination of experience and education, four and a half lifetimes of effort, came together in Auzren to form a young woman whose desire for exploration and knowledge tops all, yet is tempered with a humorous prankster mindset...and tempered with memories of being assimilated by the Borg as a drone. Auzren is still the playful, curious, and intelligent sort she's been, but physical or psychic contact is something to re-learn to accept.


Symbiont: Joined with an experienced symbiont, Auzren has four lifetimes to draw on.
Joined Trill are a combination of two organisms, the marsupial humanoid host and a sessile creature that bond together mentally and physiologically. This allows a mutual sharing of memories, mind, and personality between the two, very quickly becoming one person with the combined history.

    This gives Auzren the knowledge and memories of several lives, including over a century of study from previous hosts in the sciences. It includes the entire 161 year lifespan of the Cen symbiont, and the three hosts that carried it previously, male and female. Everything that the previous hosts have done, learned, read, and been is retained and shared.

    Much of her knowledge comes from the experiences of the symbiont, though Auzren herself was a graduate of Starfleet Academy prior to Joining and has pletny of her own skill as well. The combined being, the shared awareness, will make for a formidable scientist.
Emitter Implant: A "hand-tool" to jam or disable devices, scan things, a tractor beam, and more.
Several nanotechnological implants were placed into her body by the Borg. One of them is an exotic particle emitter built into her left wrist. The emitter is capable of producing energy beams or fields of various types, though at a short range and relatively limited area of effect. Due to the wide range of Borg adaptability, the emitter is capable of many things. Dampening fields to weaken energy weapons, particle emissions to jam sensors or disable systems, radiation pulses, even a small tractor beam to push or pull objects at range.
Starfleet Runabout: A small, comfy spacecraft capable of warp travel and some self-defense.

    A small starship capable of warp travel, the U.S.S. Passaic is a roomy, long-range vessel of the Danube-class that's served Starfleet for decades. Less than 80 feet long, and only 45 feet wide, and capable of flight and even landing on a planet, it's a versatile craft with a modular design, and even has a small weapons suite to protect itself, though is not at all anything classifiable as a warship.

    The Passaic has a wide array of capabilities above and beyond travel at Warp 5. A tractor beam emitter in the rear of the ship allows towing or moving of other vessels (or other cargo, slowly and carefully), while enhanced sensors that Auzren tuned herself give it almost the exploratory capabilities of a full-sized starship.

    Aboard the ship is a recreation area in the rear, with a sleeping area and cargo storage tucked into the safest part of the ship in the middle. Forward is the personnel transporter, food replicators, and a roomy cockpit, and as long as the ship is able to gather hydrogen fuel for the warp core it's capable of providing all of its services.
Touch Empath: Like most Trill, she has a minor psi ability, namely sensing emotions by touch.
    Auzren has a minor psychic ability of contact-empathy. It allows her to sense emotions, true emotions, under whatever facade someone may be putting on. It isn't perfect, as emotions are not always well understood, and the reasons why someone is feeling a certain way may still be hidden. She may know for sure that someone is actually feeling nervous when they seem to be perfectly calm, but she can only sense the emotions - not the conscious thoughts behind them. In addition, she can project her own feelings towards someone. A sense of calm for someone who is frightened, perhaps, or other strong emotions can be easily sent.

    The other limit is that she has to touch them; her empathic ability is deeply limited in sense and range. Prior to her assimilation it was more powerful, but the modifications made to her body limited that power to touching someone only. It must be skin-to-'skin' contact, she can't sense feelings through more than the lightest clothing - gloves or other such things would be enough to protect from her ability.
Sensor Implants: Several variable sensor and networking/control systems built into her body.
Other implants include improvements to her left eye, microsensors that allow improved visual acuity and distance as well as a wider visual spectrum. When combined with the sensor web built into her left hand, it's capable of scanning deeply into objects and generating, in Auzren's mind, a three-dimensional simulation of the object. This can be time consuming, but allows studying things in extreme detail, including from within. It is possible to 'download' that scan from her mind and share it, though that requires directly accessing the cortical node that coordinates her implants and connects them to her - and, potentially, to the Borg or anyone else controlling the node.
Standard Equipment: Starfleet phaser weapon, scanner, medical/repair kits, and tablet computers.
Starfleet issues its personnel a wide range of compact, portable equipment that almost always finds their use on various away missions. Auzren normally carries a older assault-phaser pistol, a heavy-duty energy particle-beam handgun with a wide range of power settings. Phasers are most commonly left on stun, capable of rendering most humanoid beings unconscious in one or two blasts. It can be used on its lowest settings to heat rocks or other objects, while at maximum power it's capable of vaporizing its target.

    Another common tool is a tricorder, a sensor/scanner tool that can be modified for various specialty tasks. It's capable of scanning lifeforms, energy fields, mapping areas, performing diagnostics, examining wounds, and other duties. Starfleet also provides medical kits with various aid supplies, capable of either healing minor wounds or at least stabilizing more serious ones. PADDs are similar to small portable computers, able to connect to various other computers and display whatever data, or run whatever program, is desired.
Frontier Gal: Auzren's always loved frontier stories and exploration, and indulges the hobby.
The Trill homeworld was unified long before it was fully populated, and for a long portion of their history there has been a frontier to explore. It's a time period that fascinates Auzren, as well as similar cultures' histories. She loves stories set in the situation, no matter what world they're from, and when possible partakes in holo-novel reenactments. She maintains a small collection of frontier style artifacts from several worlds, including a vintage revolver and marshal's badge from the Arizona Territory on Earth. She's even known to write a story or two herself, but finds them embarrassing and refuses to even admit they exist - let alone share them.


Never Again: Auzren would do anything to avoid losing herself to the Borg again.
    Because of her time assimilated with the Borg, and the ease of it happening again, Auzren is very protective with her implants and around high level computers. The potential for the cortical node - the critical part of her implants - to be reactivated and search for a signal from the Collective or any similar advanced technological systems means she is, at best, hesitant and careful around such things. At worst, almost violent emotional reactions can happen. If her implants were taken over, it's very likely that she would revert to the Borg drone state mentally. Connecting directly to other machines or similar systems is something she avoids as much as possible, and even being around them is unsettling.
Immensely Curious: After four lifetimes, anything new is shiny, and shiny must be studied intently!
Both Auzren and Cen are explorers. The symbionts carry the knowledge of generations of hosts, and are driven to seek out even longer connections and maintain more of those memories. The host, especially Auzren, is selected for their achievements and for their desire to go out and see more; the Symbionts seek newness and different experiences to record in their memories. This doesn't always manifest in space exploration, but in all sorts of things new and potentially interesting.

    In Auzren's case, space is indeed the core of it. The desire to go farther and see what is there has always possessed her, and as a host that desire is magnified. Give her a place to go and she'll explore around it for curiosity, give her a thing to study and she'll attack it from a number of different ways and untangle it like a ball of conceptual yarn. The idea of finding something new and different, whether it's archaeological ruins a hundred millenia old or the newest star forming, or even just meeting new groups of people, tantalize her and she'll be sure to learn all she can.
Irreverently Playful: Intelligence and experience beyond her years causes minor discipline problems.
Auzren was, before her joining with a symbiont, more of a straitlaced kind of cadet. Her time at Starfleet Academy went well, with only the most minor infractions against her at graduation. Since joining, however, a playful streak has grown as she tries to get used to the sheer amount of experience and knowledge in her mind. It's quite easy to say that she does know more, and have more experience, than most of her commanding officers. While she is respectful to them, there is an occasional bubbly sense of humor that she can't always repress.

    Jokes, nicknames, playful teasing, and very occasionally pranks have all happened. Her favorite prop in such things is a plush koala bear she'd been given by a friend on Earth, immediately named Ensign Eucalyptus. Generally cheerful, of course, sometimes this irreverence manifests when it shouldn't and a quip or joke trying to lighten any tension can misfire. But it doesn't stop her, because she truly understands how short - and how long - life is, even if it's an understanding she's just settling into herself.
No Touchy: Being touched, triggering empathic sense, or telepathic connection scares her.
The same feelings she has towards her implants connecting into computers, she has towards telepathic and empathic connections. While it isn't the same as being a Borg drone, or having her implants taken over by another computer, sharing a mind-space with someone else is just as 'psychically claustrophobic' as it was when she was a drone. Because of this, she avoids physical contact with others, wearing thick, tight gloves if she must. It takes a strong determination to use her empathic power, which she'll only do under orders or a worst-case scenario. Telepathy, however, being on the receiving end of mind-to-mind communication, is also just as terrifying from the memories it brings back.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
122 Rest, Recuperation, and a Case of Burn Heal May 21 2018
117 Takhamuns For Days May 19 2018
See All 2 Scenes


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