World Tree MUSH

Surfing Eevee

Suiren goes out fishing with Luke. Neither of them catches anything good with fishing rods, but later Suiren rescues and catches an Eevee from a couple of Team Skull grunts who wanted to catch it but were fighting over who would be the one to actually catch it.
Character Pose
     Suiren figured Luke could use some more time to relax and wanted to spend more time with him, so she invited him to meet her at the beach with plans to go out for a little fishing with hopes that she might catch a new Pokemon, and who knows, maybe Luke could too! It was a nice sunny day as usual in Alola, and Suiren could be found going over her fishing gear, with an extra rod visible that she brought just in case Luke didn't have one of his own. Kaiko the Lapras is already out of his Pokeball and just offshore, waiting to take them both out onto the ocean.
Luke Gray
    Luke was not really quite looking to catch a pokemon at the moment, but did appreciate the chance to spend some time with her, and then again, one never knows what they might find!. He was enjoying the sunny day, and next to him was Pangshi, the small ghost panda floating around Luke and casually eating a snow cone... wait, where did it get one?. The boy smiles to Suiren, "So we are going to ride on Kaiko and fish in the middle of the ocean neat!" he says excitedly, moving to check on the gear, "I never tried to fish before." he admits.
     Suiren smiles and nods, offering Luke the spare rod. "Yup, should be pretty fun seeing what we can catch, even if you don't decide to try and truly catch any of the Pokemon you reel in, the experience can be thrilling at times, and you get to see the Pokemon up close. Just be warned, some might be a little grumpy to have been caught." She offers with a slight grin, remembering a friend she took fishing once that kept getting smacked in the face by fish as before they lept back into the ocean to swim away. She climbs up onto Kaiko's shell and holds out a hand for Luke to help him get on. Once they're both seated Kaiko starts swimming out into the ocean where the water is deeper.
Luke Gray
    The ghost panda seems to simply... hover next to Luke, as if attached via an invisible tether, and one might tell the young trainer had a small piece of paper sticking to his belt, the symbol looking similar to the one on Panghi's hat. He leans to whisper to Suiren, "I told Pangshi it is a talisman to make sure he won't get away, seems he believes it for now, but it is just a spell tag." he hopes the ghost won't get mad at the trickery, but it was quite interesting to see the cute panda making sure to stay close like that. "I'll try to keep that in mind." he adds, when warned about grumpy pokemon. He chuckles a bit and begins to approach the Lapras.
     Before long they have gotten far enough offshore that even with how clear the ocean water was in Alola, you still couldn't see the bottom anymore. Suiren smiles and lets Iona out of her Pokeball, then reaches into a cooler, pulling out a couple of canned drinks that looked to be a blended berry juice with carbonation, a mix of pecha and pinap berries. She offers one to Luke, then opens her own and takes a sip, holding it in one hand and her rod in the other. 

     "So, if you've never been fishing, let me tell you what to do. First, you need to cast your line, just need to swing your rod the right way to send the lure flying out to land in the water a nice distance away. Then you watch for the floating bobber to sink, signaling that you've got a bite. Then you need to turn the reel to pull in whatever you caught, that's the trickiest part. If you reel too fast or too slow, there's a higher chance the Pokemon will get away. Make sense? Here, watch me first." She says, before offering her drink to Iona, who drinks some of it herself, then balances the can on her nose.

     Suiren points the end of her rod back above and behind her, then with a quick movement of her arms and a flick of her wrist, she sends the lure flying, it looks like a Popplio head. After it lands in the water she sits back down and looks over at Luke. "Now you try!"
Luke Gray
    Luke accepts the drink, takes a sip, and produces a straw for Pangshi to take a sip from, the Ghost still casually floating around them, now more distracted glancing down at the ocean, and letting its snow cone fall down while following the shaeps of some fish pokemon moving beneath them!. Cue a cute 'Pang!' of protest, before being offered more soda. "You should be more careful." explains the trainer.
    To his credit, he does try to listen to the proper methods, and even holds the rod and tries to mimic her actions. He hands the can to the ghost, who begins a slow, steady 'slurp'. While Luke tries the back and forth motion, the lure flying backwards.
     Suiren winces with sympathy as she watches the snow cone fall into the water below. Moments later a Magikarp swims by and eats what's left of the melted snowcone in the water. Suiren smiles as she watches Luke try to cast his lure, not even a hint of laughter as she watches him accidentally cast backward, instead she tries to help. "Imagine you are trying to throw the lure at the end of the rod, you have to follow through with the motion, and don't jerk back so much." Iona gives a bark as Suiren takes her drink back, and goes over to Pangshi.
Luke Gray
    Seems the can is now Panghi's property, the ghost just... hovering, taking little slurps, looking a bit dejected at losing his snow cone!. The little pokemon perks up when Iona gets closer, waving and letting out some little growls, before offering the seal 'his' soda. Luke just chuckles a bit at the failure, and once again listens to the explanation, slowly reeling in his lure, to try one more time.
     Suiren watches with a smile as Pangshi and Iona are interacting and the ghost panda offers his soda. "Don't drink too much Iona, you already had some of mine." She says to make sure Pangshi gets to have something after losing his snowcone. Her attention is soon drawn to something new however as she feels a tug on her line and the bobber is pulled below the surface. With a single blink she exclaims "I got something!" before beginning to try and reel it in She eventually does and a wild Mareanie appears. It's about to use poison sting but before it can both Iona and Kaiko knock it away with a combined water gun attack, knocking the odd cross between an octopus, a sea urchin, and a starfish back into the water. Suiren breathes a sigh of relief. "That was close, you don't want to get stung by them, first you go numb a bit, then it itches like nothing you've ever felt before."
Luke Gray
    Luke seems happy to just focus on what Suiren is doing, or even checking on his pokemon, "Be careful Pangshi." he says, if only, out of fear of a random pokemon just surfacing to smack the drinking Panda. Of course, any further words are interrupted as Suiren catches something!, inching back a bit as he sees the clearly aggressive pokemon. "You were not kidding about them being mad."
     Suiren laughs a little when Luke says she wasn't kidding about the Pokemon being caught on a fishing line being mad. "Well some are more docile and the worst they'll do is swim away if you let them off the line and don't try to catch them in a Pokeball, but yeah, for a Pokemon that rhymes with meanie, Mareanie does live up to its name. They also eat the branches off Corsola, so there are a lot of jewelry makers in Alola that don't exactly love them." She says with a grin. 

     A few minutes later, Suiren blinks as she sees something else out on the water. "I see a Mantine, but what's that on top? Sure people surf on Mantine here, but I've never seen a Pokemon do it! That's really neat!" She says with glee. Soon the Mantine passes a little closer and you can make out an Eevee on the back. "Oh! It's an Eevee, how cute!" She grins and keeps watching as the shaggy little Eevee surfs on Mantine's back for a while, eventually heading toward land and jumping off to swim for the beach. Unfortunately, there are a couple of Team Skull grunts on the beach as well, a guy and a girl. Just as Eevee gets on the beach they toss out their Pokemon, a Salandit and a Zubat respectively, sending them to attack Eevee.
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles, "Perhaps I'll try fishing back on shore... next to my pokemon, if I ever feel inclined to." he replies with a grin, "I mean, it's clear you are prepared at least!" he says, patting the large Lapras gently. "Good work.". The kid and the ghost panda both turn to see what Suiren is pointing at, with the small panda moving just a bit closer, before stopping, "Don't run off." Luke calls, and thankfully the ghost listens. 
    "It does look adorable, want to follow it a bit?" Luke asks, before they both notice the approaching bored teens... sorry, Team Skull members. "Didn't expect them to actually care to try to capture a wild pokemon... even if attacking in a group seems a bit unfair... let's get a closer look, just in case."
     Suiren looks a bit annoyed when she sees the grunts attacking the Eevee two on one, that was certainly a bit unfair for the Eevee, as he gets a few good hits in but takes more than he gives. Before long the shaggy fox-like Pokemon is looking like he can barely stand and it is at this point that both grunts try to catch it, their Pokeballs bounce off each other and do nothing. So they both just grab the Eevee and start fighting over it while each holds an end of the poor Pokemon. At this point Suiren growls, she's seen enough. She doesn't even have to ask as Kaiko is already swimming as quickly as he can toward shore, and as they get close she leaps off his back and Iona follows. "Leave that poor Eevee alone, you're being cruel fighting over it like that." 

     The grunts look up at her menacingly. "Scram little girl, we found this Eevee first, and it looked so cool surfing!" Says one grunt. "It's soooo cute I have to have it!" Says the other. "Salandit use Flame Burst!" Says the male grunt. "Zubat use Bite!" Says the female grunt. Both of their Pokemon attack Suiren, but Iona gets in the way and uses Bubblebeam to block the Flame Burst, and takes a hit from the bite of the Zubat.
Luke Gray
    Luke has to agree, and moves quickly, "Can't you two figure a way to decide who captures the Eevee?, you already won, there is no point hurting it more." he says, trying to reason with the two teens. But, they are clearly both bored nad angry, and they cross a line when they both attack Suiren. He reaches for his pokeballs, and releases Bewear, the safest option he has when dealing with friendly fire. "Bewear, Brick Break that Salandit.". Luke seems mad, even sounds a bit upset. The pink bear seems pretty much recovered, only visible marks of hte fight being shorter fluff on its arm adn chest, and only barely. Seems the fluffy beast has no patience either, and wastes no time, charging at the dark little fire type, and raising its right paw, white energy surrounding it as it tries to karate chop right at it! "Leave that Suiren and that Eevee alone!." he calls.
     Seems when the grunts were talking to and then attacking Suiren, they either hadn't noticed Luke or weren't factoring him in as when he joins the battle and sends out a Bewear, their confidence drops into the negative range as they quickly drop the Eevee and recall both their Pokemon. "Ok fine, you can have the Eevee, just call off the fluffy bear of doom!" One cries as they both flee the scene. 

     Suiren sighs and shakes her head, pulling a super potion from her pack and spraying a little on the spot where Iona was bitten, and then the rest on Eevee. "There, that's better. Those horrible Team Skull grunts are gone now, you're safe." Eevee had fainted, but now wakes up and groggily looks up at Suiren. "Eh-veh?... Eh-Voi!" He cries as he nuzzles Suiren happily. She giggles a little and reaches down to gently scratch between his ears. "I'm glad you're feeling better. You're pretty cute, though I don't know how you can see with all that fur in your eyes." She comments as she takes out a pair of scissors and carefully trims the Eevee's bangs. "There, isn't that better?" Eevee jumps with joy and cries. "Eh-Voi!"
Luke Gray
    Luke keeps that stern look as the two grunts finally seem to do something smart, retreating and runningaway. AS soon as they get out of earshot the boy just seems to sit down, "That was a bit tense, not very good at trying to be scary.". Teh Bewear squeaks to Suiren and Iona, hugging both!... gently. Then moves to watch the attempt to work on the 'vee, hopefully the little guy is not scared. "He seems better." Luke exclaims, moving closer.
     Suiren smiles and hugs Bewear back, and Eevee nuzzles the fluffy bear as well. Suiren giggles. "Thanks for the help, and it looks like Eevee says thaks too." She could clearly tell that the Eevee was thankful for being rescued from the Team Skull grunts, and also to Suiren for the trim. Seems even though they went out fishing today, they made a new friend that didn't come on a fishing line. "Hmm, would you like to come with me Eevee?" Suiren asks, getting another leap and a flip from the Eevee. "Eievui!" He cries. 

     Suiren giggles and nods. "I thought so. Hmm, an Eevee that loves to surf and swim." She ponders as she takes an empty Dive Ball in her hand. "I think I'll call you Sandy!" She grins, holding out the Pokeball. The newly christened 'Sandy' lets out another happy cry and presses his nose against the Pokeball, and is promptly sucked inside it. Suiren holds the Pokeball as it moves around a bit while the button glows, then fades as the catch is completed. She leaps holding the Pokeball in the air. "I caught... an Eevee!"