
World: Pokemon-1


Suiren is a young girl and budding trainer of Pokemon, animals with uncanny abilities. Like most budding trainers, the allure of going on a journey around the region they call home, making friends with all she meets along the way, is too exciting to pass up. Suiren wants to be a researcher when she grows up and enjoys studying Pokemon, especially the oceanic varieties. With the vines expanding her horizons, she is excited to also learn about life on other worlds. She is a kind and playful person who is quick to offer a hand to a creature in need, even if the situation is challenging or dangerous. She can get a little embarrassed and quiet however if she suddenly becomes the center of attention among a large group, especially among strangers. Suiren is not very strong herself, and most of her Pokemon are better suited to fighting at a distance. As such, she focuses her training and tactics on their longer-range attacks, as well as means to escape or defend when a foe advances on them.


Ready for Adventure: She has a backpack stuffed full of various survival gear she might need.
Whether she's traveling on her world or across the vines, she is sure to pack things like an extra set of clothes, basic first aid supplies, Pokemon medicine, fire-starting kit, sleeping bag, pocket knife, and a battery-powered flashlight.
Daughter of the Sea: She's an expert fisherwoman, an excellent swimmer, and an ocean guru.
Suiren was born for the island life. She is already a pro with a fishing pole, whether it's catching various aquatic creatures, or hooking her lure onto something out of reach in order to pull it to her. She knows nearly all there is to know about the aquatic life of her world and strives to learn all she can about ocean life from other worlds as well. She also is very good at navigating by the currents and is said to be able to swim as well as a fish.
Special Bond: Through strategy and friendship, Suiren and her Pokemon protect each other.
As a result of the close bond between Suiren and her Pokemon, they will always do their best to ensure the safety of Suiren and anyone she asks them to defend. Suiren also uses strategy and anything she knows about her opponent to minimize the risks in battle so that the harm her Pokemon suffer is kept to a minimum.
Teamwork< Feature Edge >: Suiren's active Pokemon combine their abilities into an ultimate attack.
While traditional Pokemon battles are kept even and fair, in a real fight, there are no rules against using multiple Pokemon at once. When faced with a powerful foe, Suiren can command her Pokemon to combine their abilities into a more powerful combination attack. This can work with physical moves for a combo of strikes but can be even stronger with elemental abilities which can actually fuse into a focused blast that hits much harder than the individual attacks would on their own.
Ride Pokemon< Feature >: Lapras can carry others over water.
Suiren's Lapras was raised to be a ride Pokemon, making him well suited for swift transport over moderate distances, like from one island to the next in the island chain and longer distances at a more leisurely pace. He can carry up to three or four people depending on their size and weight, and can also be used as a fishing platform. Suiren often has him fitted with a special saddle that has a small storage compartment for supplies, and a raised swivel seat, allowing her to easily cast her fishing rod in any direction.
Stars and Songs< Feature >: Singing foes to sleep and pelting them with star-shaped projectiles.
Lapras can sing a gentle song to lull foes to sleep, but this can be resisted, or blocked with earplugs and the like. Eevee can attack with a beam of exploding star-shaped projectiles which follow their target somewhat, making them more difficult to avoid. However, quick erratic movement, a sturdy shield, or good cover can keep them from hitting their mark.
Water Wonders< Feature >: Creating large bubbles to protect, and sprays of healing dew.
Popplio can create larger balloons that allow a person to float in the air or breath underwater for a short time. The larger balloon-like bubbles are also elastic enough to cushion the impact of a fall or blunt physical attack before popping. Popplio can also create a spray of sparkling water around her that can mend minor injuries and invigorate her allies.


Water Blasts and Icy Gales< Feature Named D-Tier >: Fighting foes with blasts of ice, hot or cold water, and squalls of rain.
Suiren's Lapras and Popplio are water types and thus they mostly attack with water and ice elements. They both can create strong blasts of water, and streams of bubbles that explosively burst on impact. Lapras can create a stream of super-chilled water that freezes on impact, and Popplio can create an icy blast of wind and snow as well as blasts of scalding hot water. Eevee doesn't have an elemental type and has mostly physical attacks. However, he can perform a dance that if successful will cause it to begin raining, which slightly boosts the power of his allies' water-type moves and makes them a bit more comfortable on dry land.


Little Fish in the Big Ocean: She is inexperienced, which makes her naive and easily impressed.
Suiren may be pretty smart for her age, but she's still a child beginning her first journey away from home. Her Pokemon may be able to protect her from many things, but they can't help her get accustomed to the dangers that lurk on her world, much less worlds beyond the vines. She is bound to stumble into situations far over her head and run into people that are happy to take advantage of a naive child. Not to mention the bewildering array of concepts and technology that will be alien to her.
Protective Pokemon: Her Pokemon will selflessly sacrifice themselves to protect her or each other.
Suiren's Pokemon will do whatever they can to protect her even if it risks their own safety. They're also all close friends and thus will do the same for each other. A clever opponent could take advantage of this by exploiting a weakness of one of her Pokemon to divert her other Pokemon from their target, or by attacking Suiren directly while having some way to prevent or avoid effective retaliation from her Pokemon.
Compassionate: Suiren can't stand seeing anyone being cruel to others, Pokemon or otherwise.
Seeing people being cruel, especially toward a person or Pokemon that appears helpless or unable to fight back, makes Suiren very angry. She will hastily go to their rescue even if that means putting herself and her own Pokemon at risk for harm. She would much rather try and fail to defend the person or Pokemon in need than live with the guilt that maybe she could have stopped someone from getting hurt and chose to do nothing.
Be Kind to Nature: Will attempt to stop anything threatening the environment, even if risky.
Suiren loves all kinds of Pokemon and has grown a strong interest in the wildlife on other worlds as well. So, if she sees a person or group engaging in an activity that is doing significant or lasting harm to the environment on her world or any other, she will move quickly in an attempt to stop them from continuing and try to undo the damage they caused. But in her haste, she often doesn't properly assess the power and resources of the entity she is choosing to become enemies with.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1150 Fishing For a New Friend Apr 02 2023
1147 Poachers and Space Pirates Mar 27 2023
1074 Harvest Day Aug 20 2022
1016 Suiren vs Frost, Fight! Apr 29 2022
1008 Sandy Training at the Beach Apr 19 2022
1006 No Mercy Apr 15 2022
1005 Surfing Eevee Apr 14 2022
1003 Suiren vs Rez Apr 13 2022
1001 Rest and Reflection Apr 10 2022
995 Tournament Arc! Mar 25 2022
See All 22 Scenes


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