World Tree MUSH

Placeholder Title

Character Pose
  Peak Province is the northernmost region in the Kingdom of Hyrule. Most of it is made up of jagged mountains well above the treeline. It rises like the spine of the world above the grasslands below, a white banner in the distance, a pretty accent on the horizon -- and that's as close as most people ever get. No one actually lives here; it's the only province without an actual settlement.

Except one.

There are Vines that lead to this place, despite it being more or less the abandoned hinterland of the kingdom. They lead to a steep mountain road that's a step above a deer trail and a step below an actual road. The going is rough, but it leads up the mountain to a small plateau, where a garrison has been built among these smaller peaks: The tops are bare, but there are still scattered conifers growing beyond the garrison's walls.

Further below, there is a meadow of arboreal wildflowers and scattered pines in the weak spring sun. The flowers have already begun to bloom, and picking its way carefully through them is a lone figure in a hooded black robe. Kind of ominous-looking... but the figure isn't all that large, even with a voluminous robe, and seems to be clutching a wicker basket into which various herbs have been tucked, a sheaf at a time.
A vine. 

Vines connect worlds together. They provide the hidden passages and pathways that guide one to new planes, new realms. Enidu saw beauty in it all, that this World Tree could be so interconnected to lead to vastly new worlds and people. It excited him so greatly. Yet, Enkidu, dressed in robes of white, green, and some shades of black entered the Peak Province through the Vine.

His mouth was agape in wonder at what he had seen. The tall mountains well above the treeline were his major focus. Some animals running around to and fro. The tops of the peaks are bare on the plateua where a garrison was built.

Potential enemies?

Enkidu makes his way down. Barefeet easily traversing the landscape. The meadow of wildflowers and scattered pines in the sunlight illuminate and point out the lone figure in the hooded black robe.


His voice was kind and soft. Almost neutral, more towards uplifting. He had seen this figure never before, though that doesn't stop him from behing friendly. "Could you tell me what this world is please?" It's not like the vines have street signs.
  It's not really unusual to see strangers milling around the base of the mountains. Where the Vine opens is the lowest point of the trail, where Snowpeak Garrison is built, and the higher it goes, the more desolate it is. Most foreigners come to that understanding pretty quick. Unless they have a reason to linger, they generally show themselves out, sooner or later.


Twisting and straightening in one motion, the figure turns fully to face Enkidu. It starts to reach for the slender form of a bow slung over the shoulder but halts. The hood straightens before cocking distinctly to one side as though to study Enkidu. Eventually a delicate hand reaches up to sweep the hood back.

Revealed is a young woman with delicate features, summer-blue eyes; chestnut-brown hair drawn back into a loose braid. "Ah... hello." She seems puzzled by his sudden appearance, as though surprised he'd managed to sneak up on her, blinking, nonplussed. What world? She sighs. Clearly this isn't her first Vine rodeo. "Welcome to the Kingdom of Hyrule. Currently, you're standing..." One eye narrows into a squint; her head tilts, as though thinking. "Mm. We could be in Eldin Province, this low, but I'm going to venture a guess that we're still in Peak Province." She shrugs, and while casual, there's a certain regality to the gesture. "The difference is academic, at this point."

Those summer-blue eyes fix on Enkidu, suddenly interested, studying the details of his appearance. "The roads are not safe, here, and I recommend returning to the Vine you came here from. I can tell you are not a native of this land." Her head tilts slightly. "Forgive me; where are my manners? My name is 'Sheik.'" The false name is given smoothly and unhesitatingly. "Were you looking for something in this kingdom? I may be able to point you in the proper direction, although as I said, I recommend against travel. The roads are not safe, and the wilds, even less so."
Enidu looks upon Zelda, though he notices the bow slung over the shoulder. No doubt some arrows would be present as well. Enkidu has learned that the same rules of his homeworld do not apply to others. On his world, arrows are an afterthought unless they are fired by an Archer-class servant. He's tough enough that regular bullets might not do much simply because he could move out of the way. Arrows? 

He won't judge. He can't. It's physically impossible for him to classify others based on emotion like that. She lowers her hood and she reminds him of the first woman he had ever met. She was beautiful, large eyes and long dark hair drawn into a loose braid.

"The Kingdom of Hyrule..." Enkidu repeats, though his eyes fall upon Zelda. "Peak Provence. What lovely names." He smiles at Zelda, though hern ame is revealed to be 'Sheik'. "Sheik. It is nice to meet you. My name is Enkidu of Babylon." He looks around.

"I like to explore, you see. I can handle danger, though my mind is left with an exploration. For what I search for...I guess I cannot say. Someone to bond with, a friend, a partner...a new world where I might know peace?"
  What lovely names. The young woman blinks at that, head tilting just faintly, as though she were searching for some hidden meaning, or perhaps veiled cynicism. "I can take no credit; I did not name them." His mannerisms and tone seem genuine enough.

"You come from beyond the Vines," she surmises. The name seems to evoke no recognition in her. She straightens, seeming to take his words in. Her mien is quiet; still as stone and thoughtful.

"Hm." Her head tilts.

She seems to pass herself off as ordinary, but as a Heroic Spirit, Enkidu might sense that there's some kind of power about her. Something clean-burning, something pure; a little like sunlight, but not quite. It is intrinsically bound to this world, whatever it is. It's not quite unlike the mana and prana that Servants know.

This fragile-looking slip of a young woman is positively
seething in it.

Her head tilts a little further to one side. "Since I know nothing of this 'Babylon,' tell me of yourself and where you come from." Ah, there it is. As her shoulder moves, slightly, the lay of the robe reveals a quiver at her hip. Its arrows are fletched in grey, but as the robe falls, they're hidden once more. Her eyes stay on him, even as she moves on to another sprig of plants that look like what's in her basket. "Mayhap then I might have a better idea of what it is you seek." She looks up. "I have herbs to gather; don't mind my working. I am listening." And watching. Apparently she's still not entirely sure this traveller is trustworthy. Enkidu will find himself under her close observation -- she's working, but primarily, she's watching him. At least she seems genuinely curious.
"That takes nothing from the beauty of their names. The beauty is that they were named at all." Enkidu smiles a naive, innocent sort of smile. His mannerism are pleasant. No cocky stance, no strange manner of speaking...just simple. 

Like he doesn't know how else.

"I do." He focuses on her. She emitted so much magic that she might as well /be/ magic. She's humming with mystic power that Enkidu has never encountered before. It feels like mana but...purer.


"Iam a Lancer Class servant. I serve the world until a Master can claim me as their own and I will fight wars for them." Enkidu was not prideful. He speaks per the rules of his own world. "I originated in ancient Babylon, a kingdom that was the first of my world. The first true empire ruled by my best friend, Gilgamesh."
  The answer is met with a slow, somewhat owlish-looking blink. Zelda seems to be considering how best to respond, but refrains from comment. The stranger's peculiar mannerisms and even more peculiar words are simply taken in, for the time being. He is a puzzling curiosity; something to be studied before passing judgement.

Enkidu's explanation of what he is meets with another second or two of silent thought.

So she got about half of those words. Yep.

"I... do not pretend to understand all of that, but I can hardly prevent you from traversing this place, but know that Hyrule is a kingdom in collapse. The roads are unsafe and the countryside is ravaged by a curse called the Twilight. It twists what it touches; corrupts and makes monstrous the beasts of the wild, and renders helpless the people of the land, transforming them into helpless spirits." She pauses to stoop and retrieve a sheaf of herb, tucking them into the basket. "Spirits which are vulnerable to the monsters that are drawn to and roam the infestation of Twilight."

"Hm." Zelda tilts her head at his origin. "I am unfamiliar with either of these names, but perhaps I may see it someday. Well, you are welcome here, for however desolate a place this may be. There is a village further below, in Eldin Province, but I do not doubt that Kakariko Village was abandoned years ago." She flicks a hand nebulously in its direction; somewhere to the south. "If you need lodgings, there is a place I can take you until you are ready to move on."
"It's a confusing concept. When I was brought back from the Throne of Heroes, i barely understood anything that was happening myself. Perhaps I can put it as...ancient heroes are brought back from beyond the grave to fight for the peace of mankind." Enkidu smiles. It's somewhat a creepy smile, but it's a smile all the same. 

"Collapse?" Enkidu suddenly appears alarmed, his canines coming to a much sharper point like a mad dog. "Who has harmed your way of life? I would have diplomacy with them and discuss the ethics of their actions: Use the old ways." Enkidu looks genuinely upset, despite not being in this world for a day. "Do you know how this curse may be lifted?"

"I would be honored to accept the offer of proper lodgings until it's time for me to continue. Bit before we go, can I ask you where you learned magic? It's energy radiates off of you like the light around the sun."