
World: Fate/interrupt-1
Apparent Age: 22
Quote: "If you tell me to fight, Ill fight. After all, it is not like I hate fighting."
Role: Innocent Lancer
Species: ???
Theme Song: Awake and Alive - Skillet
Voice Actor: Yu Kobayashi


Enkidu is a Heroic Spirit, a legendary being brought back to existence as a magical creation by the world itself. In this new life, he serves as a Counter-Guardian, a construct of the world to help protect itself and all other worlds from those that threaten its existence. Enkidu's legend hails from the oldest, and possibly greatest, epic known to mankind: the Epic of Gilgamesh. A creature made out of clay and mud by the gods themselves, created to end the tyrannical reign of King Gilgamesh of Babylon...but instead they became the unlikeliest of friends, and together even the gods stood no chance. However, because he was a divine creation, it was by divine law that his life was undone, brought back to clay in the arms of his one and only friend, Gilgamesh himself. A spirit of the spear. A true monster of combat, ranging from bare-handed mastery to the legendary skill with a spear in his hands, Enkidu seeks to protect what he loves most: life itself.


Age of Babylon: Enkidu can summon spears and fire them like missiles against his enemies.
This is Enkidu's primary form of combat. In life, he crafted an untold number of spears and lances, whose vastness allows this fantasy recreation to have an unlimited number of weapons to seemingly appear out of glowing, light green portals. From there, they can be fired at opponents like missiles with lethal proficiency. They are extremely accurate and durable and can pierce most substances rather easily, except for ultra-hard or nigh-unbreakable materials.
Enuma Elish< Edge >: Enkidu summons the chains of the gods to bind or strike down his foes.
The Noble Phantasm, or ultimate maneuver, of Enkidu. Enkidu calls upon the godly chains he used in life to either bind or pierce or strike his opponents. The chains are strong enough to hold the gods, but they are not unbreakable. They tend to work best against divine or demonic beings, but are still impossibly durable elsewise. He doesn't use this often, and only does in times of sheer necessity or in times where such is desired.
Master Combatant: Enkidu is masterful with spear, empty-handed, and archery-focused combat.
Enkidu is a true master of combat with a spear in his hands. WIth it, he's incredibly dangerous. Though he's equally skilled without a weapon in his hands at all, capable of martial arts combat with expert experience. Because he is a Lancer, he fights best with either a lance or nothing at all in his hands. However, he bears some skill towards the archer class, and is an experienced, but not perfect, archer as well.
Superhuman: As a heroic spirit, Enkidu is superhuman in literally every way.
As a Heroic Spirit of the Lance, and a Counter Guardian, Enkidu is superior to a normal human in every way. He's more durable, he's stronger, and he's faster. While not the strongest of Servants, he's among the Fastest. He can move at blindingly hypersonic speeds at best. Not to mention, as a Heroic Spirit of the Lance, he possesses a minor resistance to magic.
Shapeshifting: Enkidu is able to shapeshift into any organic creature he knows and recognizes.
Because Enkidu was born from Clay and Mud, Enkidu can alter his shape to any organic creature he knows. Including animals and even people. He can mimic someone down to the smallest detail, including voice and clothing. However, he cannot mimic the memories nor the skills/abilities of those people if they have powers or skills, but he can have a wolf's bite if he turned into a wolf, the strength of a bear if he turned into a bear, etc. However, he cannot mimic any animal that is more than 10 feet tall.
Animal Communication: Enkidu can sense the feelings of and communicate with animals.
Enkidu, do to being a creation of nature through use of clay and mud, has an uncanny ability to communicate with animals. They can be foreign or domestic animals, or animals from other worlds than the world he was created in, but! that does not mean that all animals he speaks to will be friendly or understand. It'd be the same as speaking to a stranger. Possibilities are endless, but he can also tell how they are feeling. He cannot alter the emotions of animals.
Regeneration: Enkidu can heal himself at a superhuman rate of speed.
One of Enkidu's abilities is that he can heal remarkably quickly as a heroic spirit. However, there's a catch. there needs to be magic in the ground he stands on. But it must be on earth. It cannot be in air, or on water. Not to mention, it takes time for him to heal, depending on the injury. If it's a serious injury, it could take him anywhere from a few minutes to a half-hour, and he cannot regenerate if his entire body is destroyed all at once. Another catch is that he must spend a deal of his own mana in order to heal himself, and it takes a great deal of energy to do so.


Intellectual Craving: Enkidu has a craving to learn new things from humans.
Like many Heroic Spirits of the past, Enkidu has a craving for what humans can show and teach him. For someone who is not a human, to learn to //be// human, to learn what it's like to be human. As such, whenever he meets someone new, or even those he calls friend, Enkidu happens to riddle them with endless amounts of questions that pretty much start with the word 'why' and he gets on peoples nerves very quickly.
Savior: Enkidu believes that everyone can be saved, even the darkest hearts.
Enkidu is a hero in both heart and mind. Despite all the wisdom he possesses and no matter how evil someone may be, Enkidu will hesitate and sometimes outright refuse to take a life, tied in explicitly with his love for life. He believes that every soul that has fallen to evil can be turned back to the path of good with the right push, and it's something he believes wholeheartedly. Because of his kind spirit, Enkidu is often taken advantage of, either easily falling for a villain's cause or letting a disadvantage against him be made because he refused to finish the fight.
Contradiction: Enkidu's role as a counter-guardian brings heartbreak when lives are taken.
Despite being summoned as a counter-guardian by the world, Enkidu's zest for life is ultimately contradicted by his role. It can cause him to be forced to make terrible decisions depending on what his mission is. He doesn't want to. it will break his heart, and it will bring hesitance. Especially when combat is concerned, it can place Enkidu at a severe disadvantage.
Love: Enkidu has such a love for life itself that he'd do anything to defend it.
Nature. Animals. Humans..even the very blades of grass that litter the wavy plains. Enkidu is madly in love with each and every piece of life that he comes across. Not in a romantic sense, but in a sense of admiration and family. Creation itself calls to him, and he has answered. Enkidu would give anything to defend all the good that exists in the world, and will always rise against evil. No matter where it may hide. Because of this, Enkidu will always risk his life in order to save another. One for all, and all for one.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1011 Placeholder Title Apr 20 2022
393 Lazy Afterschool Days Jan 06 2019
See All 2 Scenes


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