
World: Drakan: Dawn Of The Flame-1
Actual Age: 30+
Apparent Age: Adult
Quote: "Arokh! Let's Fly!"
Role: Dragon Rider
Species: Human
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS98RUaFn28


From being a hunter for her village to a slayer of evils that plague the land, Rynn is no stranger to combat. Thrown into the war against the darkness when she lost her family, she vowed vengeance in silence against all evil that threatens the lives of others, forming a pact with the powerful dragon Arokh. Stubborn, bullheaded, and willing to risk it all, Rynn can be an unstoppable force on the battlefield once she takes her stand. She can even match her dragon's pridefulness when it comes to getting Arokh involved in the battle, despite his greater caution. Arokh provides a more mature viewpoint with his age and experience, but hosts his own bitterness at the betrayal that destroyed the Order he was with. However, now with the Order Of The Flame reborn, the two set out to bring justice and an end to evil no matter where it might be.


Breath Weapon< Feature Edge-E >: Arokh can harness different elements into powerful breath attacks.
As a dragon of an elder breed, Arokh has the ability to harness elements into breath weapons. These include fire, ice, lightning, poison, and even sonic blasts. Each has their uses and destructive properties. If Arokh focuses and is willing to expend a great amount of energy <Edge>, he can turn these single focused attacks into more powerful onslaughts, dealing even greater damage across a much wider area.
Dragon Flight< Feature >: Arokh is a dragon born to the skies and a master of flight.
Arokh is masterful in the art of aerial combat and traversing the skies. While a rider does limit some of his maneuverability, he is still capable of performing graceful aerial acrobatics and fast paced evasive maneuvers.
Rune Casting: Defensive< Edge-E >: Rynn uses the arcane to produce barriers and heal wounds.
Writing symbols in the air with arcane energy, Rynn can use magic to heal minor wounds such as cuts, bruises, and even slow down bleeding till proper care can be given to a person. She can cast a barrier in front of herself to deflect away projectiles, act as a shield,or even a magical layer for armor. By focusing and using Edge, Rynn can cast the barrier in a wider area to include others in her field of protection.
Rune Casting: Offensive< Edge-E >: Rynn uses elemental magic to carry minor to devastating attacks.
Writing symbols in the air with arcane energy, Rynn can cast an array of elemental attacks ranging from explosive fireballs, wind gusts, lightning surges, earth impaling stalagmites, and even ice spears. By focusing and using Edge, Rynn can turn these magical attacks from a single focused action to a wide area of effect targeting enemies around her.
Martial Weapons: Rynn prefers swords and bows, but is skilled in all forms of martial weapons.
Rynn has spent many years honing her skills with martial weapons. While she prefers swords and bows due to her hunting experience, she is also proficient in axes, hammers, spears, and shields.
Tracking: Rynn is trained in the ways of tracking her targets.
Rynn is also a hunter trained in the finer points of finding tracks. Unless her quarry can conceal their passage, she can follow those tracks and study them to learn about who made them. From them she can glean how long ago they were made, where they were going, how quickly, and other basic information.
Connected Souls: Their bond gives them shared connection, greater willpower, and stamina.
Rynn and Arokh are soul-bounded by magic. They share pain, infliction, a sense of knowing where the other is, and even powerful emotions like rage or despair can be linked between the two. Their connection also gives them a greater sense of willpower, as both have to be broken at the same time and not individually. Because of this magical connection of their souls, Rynn has also gained the bonus of having a slower aging process equal to that of her dragon companion and higher stamina in rigorous activities such as running or combat.


The Elder Breed: Arokh< Named C-Tier Feature >: Arokh is a powerful, prideful red dragon who is Rynn's traveling companion.
Arokh is a red dragon, who is never far from Rynn's side, though he can journey off on his own if necessary or wait for her adventure to finish in places he can not go. He is her closest ally, trusted confidant, and sometimes the voice of reason. He is very fluent in the human language and knows how to think both like a human, but also as a dragon. Making choices that suit them both in necessary times. While Rynn may not always agree, she knows Arokh always has her best interest in mind and will do everything he can to keep her safe. He can be overly confident, but he can mostly back that confidence thanks to flight superiority, naturally tough scales, physical prowess, and different forms of elemental breaths.


Brave Fool: Rynn is willing to throw herself into danger without a second thought.
Rynn, and even sometimes Arokh, are willing to throw themselves into the midst of battle without thinking of the consequences it could have. If Rynn sees someone in trouble, she will be at their side, even when the odds are against them both. Because of her brash, bullheaded, and blinded bravery, Rynn will always find herself in situations that she probably should have given a bit more thought over.
Stubborn As An Ox: Rynn is highly stubborn and arrogant with the world around her.
Rynn can come across as being arrogant when she speaks with people, maybe even a little harsh sometimes with her wording. She can be hard to handle by anyone outside of Arokh, as she doesn't always listen to orders given to her by outsiders. Her bull-headed stubbornness tends to lead her to ignore advice given to her and that means she easily can run head-long into dangerous situations that may have been avoidable if she had listened to those trying to help.
By The Order: Rynn follows the Order's law and ignores other world's authorities.
Rynn has a tendency to ignore other worldly views, laws, and regulations. Keeping herself grounded only in what the Order of the Flame believes to be the proper path of justice, virtue, and structure. While she might only follow the Order's rules by the heart of the law and not so much by the letter, it can still bring her into possible confrontations. These confrontations are only accelerated by her stubbornness and sometimes Arokh's own overriding views. After all, the Order is out for the good of the people and to cut down any evil that could threaten that good, but what Rynn doesn't seem to grasp - Or perhaps has no desire to grasp - Is that not every world will view good and evil the same way. There might be other ways to handle situations, perhaps authoritative laws, and her actions could bring her in direct violation of that society's own morals and social conduct.
Tight Spaces: Rynn has acquired one Arokh's issues and can become claustrophobic.
Arokh has no love for locations where he can not unfurl his wings and because of their bond, this displeasure and almost fear quality is felt, along with shared, by Rynn as well. Even with Arokh not there, she too has grown a great dislike for places that crowd her, where she can not spread her arms out or feels like she has no room to avoid attacks. It can send her into a bit of a tissy, causing her unable to use her rune magic, make her hands unstable to hold a weapon true, and even longer exposure can cause her to go into a full panic.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1050 placeholder Dec 05 2022
1028 The Evil Within Jun 21 2022
1014 Avatar of Tathamet May 21 2022
1009 Town Unknown Apr 22 2022
985 Forbidden Knowledge Mar 01 2022
982 City of Pirates Feb 12 2022
See All 6 Scenes


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