World Tree MUSH

Paladin Problems

Character Pose
Anna Primrose
    Woodpine is a tiny hamlet on Anna's homeworld, with a population of under 200 people. The signal is poor, the wifi is crappy, people rely on horses and buggies more than cars, and it's a predominantly halfling and gnome populated little place. And it's also the place where Anna asked Yumi to meet her.
    The runaway princess is settled at the tavern and inn, huddled in a corner to herself as she quietly drags a whetstone over the edge of her silver coated axe, humming a soft tune to herself before she quietly begins to sing; a slow and almost mournful song...

    "Bellows of pain and scraping of chains... The echoes they taunt and deceive me. Oceans of blame and rivers of shame, the fury it never leaves me...
    Lock up the rage, it rattles the cage; the fury it never leaves me.
    Always within, to lurk in the skin, the wounds ever aching so deeply... Try as I may to hide it away, the fury it never leaves me..."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi doesn't mind a rural place. She's a regular up at Snowpeak, and probably spent at least a couple nights there. She owns an offroad bicycle pretty much entirely for places like this. So there's neither complaint nor delay in the redhead finding her way to the tavern, and she comes in wearing rugged street clothes; slung over her back is a backpack loaded with both summer homework and what has by now become her customary snacks.

    However, she doesn't offer one upon sitting down. Not yet. She's content to just sit quietly and listen to Anna sing.
Anna Primrose
    "Long I've suffered the hunger, long I've silenced the cry... Still I try to carry the pain... To keep it contained till the end.
    Pour out the anger and hide it away, lest it spill to the blameless and lead them to pain. In the steel and the rags I will cover the shame so the innocent need not be judged in my name..."

    The song continues for a moment- just a few brs more before the berserker princess trails off, pursing her lips before she motions for Yumi to sit and join her.
    "Yumi, hello." She gets the pleasantries out and aside first and foremost before pursing her lips.
    "There's a nearby town with a problem. I wanted to look into it but I didn't want to look into it alone. Care to hear me out?"
Yumi Tachibana
    When the greeting comes, Yumi finally bows her head, offering a soft smile and a warm, "Heya." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a snack - specifically, a packet of jerky, something that will be useful for a traveler like Anna. And only then does she set her bag down, lacing her fingers in her lap. There's a bit of an amused smile on her face. "If I ever say 'no' to hearing you out, grab me by the collar and ask me where the real Yumi is. Let's hear it."
Anna Primrose
    the jerky is graciously accepted, and though Anna pulls strip out for now, the rest gets saved for later.
    For like. After a Rage Episode later. Those tend to make her incredibly hungry.
    "Huh, good to know." She says. The day she has to shake Yumi will certainly be and interesting one. But once the sneshi settles down, Anna frowns.
    "Bleakburn has... A Paladin problem."
Yumi Tachibana
    There are many things Anna could have said which would draw a curious look, or a nod of the head, or other similar gestures of interest. Not so many, however, would get a blink of surprise, a slight tilt of the head. "A... paladin problem?"
Anna Primrose
    It is about now that Anna pulls out her phone and presses a few keys before sliding it over the table. It takes a few seconds to load because of the poor local service but when it does...
    On the screen is an article. About a paladin. Going on a killing rampage.
    "His name is Fulbright Dawnward. A local hero of some repute. He seems to have gotten his hands on a new sword, recently. And promptly turned it upon the innocent he swore to protect."
Yumi Tachibana
    When Anna slides her phone over, Yumi picks it up smoothly, and... patiently waits. It's obvious when the article loads, because her face falls. "...oh. Oh no, that's..." Her expression is troubled. Angry. Worried. Maybe a little sad. Finally she murmurs, "If he's as good as his reputation, he'd want someone to stop him. I know I would." She sets it down, and slides it back across. Her tone is businesslike. "Do we know why? The sword itself, some kind of infernal deal...?"
Anna Primrose
    "Zoom in on the sword in his hand and that should answer everything." Anna says, eyes falling half-lidded as Yumi soaks in the details of the issue.
    Pinching and zooming the screen will reveal that the paladin's sword is a little bit more on the... Jagged and menacing-looking side of the spectrum. Very unorthodox for someone with a name like Fulbright Dawnward.
    "I do not think he is working under his own faculties with a blade like that in his grasp." This is about when the princess pinches the bridge of her nose.
    "And let's face it. We both know I always run into demon problems everywhere I go. The fact that Bleakburn was the next place I had intended to stop by at, well... I hate to say 'it makes sense, it's a pattern, I'm doomed' but. It makes sense, it's a pattern, and godsdammit I'm kind of tired of it."
Yumi Tachibana
    "Agreed," the senshi replies, after examining the image of the sword. "Like I said... if it was me, I'd want someone to stop me."

    On the topic of Anna's luck, however, Yumi wears a different sort of frown. "There's something a famous author from back home wrote. 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.' If you keep running into demons, then maybe either someone's putting them in your way, or something's nudging you towards them."
Anna Primrose
    Anna scowls. And for a brief instant, there's a flash of red in the corner's of her green-blue eyes as though she struggles to contain that unstoppable wrath of hers for a moment. But with a slow breath she manages to keep it chained up and hidden in the secret place behind her heart.
    "Valerian and Misaki both said the attack on my tribe's village was likely an attempt on my life. ... At this point I don't have any doubt about it."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi nods faintly. "That's probably right, yeah. And if they're still making attempts, then they really, really want you dead." She opts not to comment on what that means in terms of likely culprits - it's a grim thought to voice aloud, and if anything, Anna's probably already considered. "...but that also might be an opportunity in disguise. If they keep sending demonic assassins, eventually they'll slip up and send some information right into your lap. Though you'll..."

    Here, Yumi shifts a bit awkwardly. " might have to keep a rein on your rage, to take advantage of the chance. At least long enough to question demons after we've beaten them down."
Anna Primrose
    "'Xaxugor'." Anna says succinctly.
    "It's a name I have heard twice now. As you said 'Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence'. ... If I hear it a third time I know who to scrawl at the top of my list of demons to kill." But then...
    Then Anna puffs her cheeks out, looking for all the world like pouty teen.
    "That's a difficult ask and you know it."
    Anna has taken a real shine to that chainsaw of hers, after all. But she purses her lips. "I can't make promises, but I'll try to leave them alive long enough that they spill something."
Yumi Tachibana
    Yumi nods her head faintly. "I know it's a difficult ask. But think of it this way - it's not that I'm asking it of you. I'm just pointing out that you'll need to ask it of yourself. I think you can, if you try. You're doing it often enough on a daily basis, at a smaller scale." She's definitely noticed the little moments here and there. "Sooner or later, they'll slip up. And whether it's this Xaxugor or someone else, you'll find your way back to them. And my sword will be right there with you. They've got a lot to answer for, and as..."

    Yumi stops herself, as if she's caught herself about to say something. But then, apparently, she decides to go with it.

    "...and as a paladin, it's my duty to make sure the path is clear for you."
Anna Primrose
    It is a difficult ask. Especially when Anna is so constantly nearly consumed by her desire to stamp out very demon in existence. But the princess nods slowly.
    "They'll slip up alright. And when they do..."
    When they do, Anna will have an actual target, then.
    "But... thanks, Yumi. It's good to know I have a friend that has my back. Sometimes it's just... Really hard."