Yumi Tachibana

Yumi Tachibana
World: Magical Burst-1
Apparent Age: 15
Quote: "I don't know how much help I can offer, but... well, if there's anything I can do, I will."
Role: Magical Girl
Species: Human
Theme Song: 'Supernova' by Tetra Fang
Voice Actor: Asami Imai


At first glance, Yumi seems to be a pretty normal girl. That only lasts, however, until one sees her wreathed in solar flames and clad in gleaming white armor. In truth, Yumi is a magical girl, a white knight of the sun armed with a grand runeblade. It suits her well; she's the kind of person who won't hesitate to arm up and stand in defense of what she thinks is right. If only she knew where those powers and that attitude come from. The truth of the matter is, Yumi has no clue. She has no memories of herself or her life before waking up in a crater one morning, and her abilities might be the only link she has to whoever or whatever she was before... even if those powers tend to occasionally warp her mind, or the area around her. It's worth the price, both to find out who she was, and to fight against the darkness.


Magical Girl: A transformation that dramatically enhances Yumi's physical attributes.
Yumi has been imbued with the power to transform into a magical girl. Her transformation outfit resembles a ladylike set of paladin's armor, and the transformation enhances all of her physical attributes into the superhuman range - most especially, it grants her immense strength, and a toughness to match, allowing her to shrug off blows that would fell others, and deal them right back. It also grants her the ability to land 'lightly', ensuring that the weight of an armored magical girl doesn't cause undue damage.
Sunlight Knight: Yumi's signature magic is blazing heat and shining light.
Becoming a magical girl allows Yumi to conjure forth intense, searing flames and blindingly bright light, which count as 'sunlight' elemental where that applies. This is limited to a short area around her - about twice the reach of her sword - but she is also able to imbue her body with these flames and light, or a (mundane) held object the size of a large weapon or smaller. For stronger flames and light, the effect fades less than half a minute after she ceases focusing; for weaker effects, this can last up to a few minutes' time. When untransformed, she loses almost all of this; with effort, she is able to imbue small objects with the equivalent of a flashlight's brightness, and very mild warmth, for just a couple minutes after she breaks contact.
Prominence: This huge, magic-enhancing sword is Yumi's signature weapon.
Transforming enables Yumi to summon forth a weapon which she has dubbed "Prominence". This massive blade etched with mystical runes is incredibly durable and sharp on its own, but also serves as an excellent focus and amplifier for her solar magic. This allows her to make blazing-hot strikes with ease, and serves as the basis for her personal 'finisher', Solar Maximum, an intense sword strike of absolutely stellar heat and might.
Seasoned Warrior: Yumi fights like a veteran paladin.
Somehow, Yumi carries an instinctive knowledge of 'how to fight'. She understands her weapons and armor instinctively, moving as if she's borne them most of her life. Her skill with a sword is quite advanced, in particular, but she's also not too shabby with her fists and feet.
Sense Reality Warp: A natural knack that allows Yumi to sense magic that twists reality.
As a magical girl tasked with hunting down reality-warping monsters, Yumi has a natural sense for when something magical is twisting the world out of shape. She can sense relative distance and intensity, and in the case of things like pocket dimensions, is capable of picking out where the entrances or 'seams' are, if there are any. This sense only works for magic-based effects.


Amnesia: Yumi doesn't remember who she is.
Yumi quite literally woke up in a crater one day, with no memory whatsoever of any of her life to that point. She has the knowledge needed to function in the world, but nothing about who she is. This is something that bothers her on occasion. Not just 'who was she', but 'how did she get there', 'did she cause the crater she woke up in somehow', and other questions. It provides an easy hook to lead her on; after all, she'd jump at a chance to find out more about herself, and the what-ifs about her life are a crack in an otherwise-solid personality.
Mei: The one thing Yumi remembers is a name - and she doesn't remember it fondly.
There's only one memory Yumi can dredge up from her past, and even that's only a name: 'Mei Sakamachi'. Yumi has no clue who Mei was or what she did, but just thinking of that name makes her teeth clench and her fists curl, just a little. If she were to ever meet someone she believed to be Mei, she'd probably react with instant distrust and open hostility. Moreover, this simple fact bothers Yumi deeply. How can she hate someone so much when she doesn't even know them? What could they possibly have done to warrant this? Yumi doesn't like that side of herself. Someone could very easily call her on it to shake her confidence.
Overcharge: Using her transformation can have adverse effects on and around Yumi.
Yumi's magical girl transformation is unstable. Her magic power can surge unexpectedly, or even deliberately for the sake of drawing out more power. When it does so, it leaves behind a residue called 'Overcharge'. When Overcharge builds up, it can begin to "leak out"; depending on how she's been accessing her magic recently, this can result in making her more emotionally fragile, drastically increasing her aggression, or potentially causing odd, never-helpful 'reality glitches' around her - disabling gravity for her at an inopportune moment, causing a nearby transformer to spark, summoning flocks of animals to harass her, or other Very Odd Things(tm). Such 'episodes' or 'fallout' serve to release pent-up Overcharge, so the more she has, the more drastic the effects will be. The only way for her to reduce Overcharge WITHOUT these effects, is to spend peaceful time with close friends.
Paladin: Yumi has the soul of a paladin... and that's not always a good thing.
Simply put, it's in Yumi's very nature to act heroically. A choice between 'catch the bad guy' or 'stop the innocents from getting hurt' is not a choice at all for her, and when she sees bullying, strongarming or other 'prey on the weak' behavior, it takes a monumental effort of will not to step in. She abhors treachery and cowardly attacks, and while the idea of retreating to fight another day isn't anathema to her, it won't sit well. She also has a bit of a self-sacrificing streak; she won't hesitate to put her health or wellbeing on the line to save someone else's. She'll be the first to go 'you run, I'll hold them off', and come limping back later half-dead from blood loss.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1068 Colliding Spirits Aug 15 2022
1066 The Corrupted Hero Aug 09 2022
1065 Paladin Problems Aug 08 2022
1058 The Dark Cathedral Jul 26 2022
1053 Rittersburg's Repine Jul 21 2022
1024 Trespassing May 13 2022
1020 Breaking Ground May 07 2022
1013 Footsteps of Destruction Apr 25 2022
980 What Scares a Goron? Feb 04 2022
973 In-Tent Conversation Jan 30 2022
See All 110 Scenes


Title Date
And Do What? Mar 01 2018
Lunchtime Musings Mar 21 2018
Sunrise Dec 02 2018
Red Sky at Morning Feb 05 2019
Lunchtime Rush Jun 18 2020
Left in the Lurch Aug 17 2020
Deal or No Deal Nov 20 2020
Guard Duty (1) Jul 20 2021
Guard Duty (2) Jul 20 2021
See All 9 Cutcenes