Anna Primrose (Dropped)

Anna Primrose
World: Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1
Actual Age: 14
Apparent Age: 14
Quote: "Once you uncork that bottle and let it all out, something inside you breaks... And then there's no putting all the rage back inside. It's out there for the world to see, and it's ugly. But it's useful too."
Role: Runaway Princess
Species: Human
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Kira Buckland


A young princess raised in a sheltered environment, Anna Primrose grew frustrated, bored, and increasingly angry with her sequestered life. As her father had no time to raise her himself, he paid a local, friendly, goblin tribe to repeatedly 'kidnap' his daughter. Raised among the goblins as a hunter and tracker, Anna quickly grew to love her new family. Until one day a demon attack slaughtered her beloved tribe. Overwhelmed by the injustice, and with no desire to return to the castle ever again, all of her frustration and anger exploded into full on rage. Using her newfound fury and anything she can get her hands on to slaughter the demons, Anna carved a path to her own freedom. Now she roams the Tree in search of the demon that ordered the attack on her tribe, seeking bloody revenge.


Noble: Anna is noble blooded and knows proper etiquette and manners.
Raised as a princess, Anna knows a lot about etiquette and manners. Even some of the more esoteric rules, regulations, and norms of social propriety.
Weapon Skills: Almost anything she can get her hands on suddenly becomes very deadly in melee.
Anna can wield any mundane melee weapon put in her hands with deadly efficiency. She can also use improvised weapons such as tools, powered tools (like, say, a chainsaw), or even her plain old fists and feet to great and violent effect. Though she can wield more exotic weapons to lesser effect, she can only really use them as blunt force cudgels rather than the precision tools they are meant to be, and cannot use any of their special or unique functionalities without the proper training.
Barbarian Rage< Edge-E >: Strength augmenting and pain suppressing fury.
Anna is very angry. Though most of the time she keeps it bottled up inside (which is never healthy), she can let the floodgates open and channel her fury into a killing rage. When enraged, Anna's physical strength becomes almost unnatural, and any pain she feels is suppressed by sheer willpower and wrath. By expending a point of Edge, Anna may reach even more extreme heights of practically superhuman strength for a short time. Anna's wrath also allows her to fight on where others would be incapacitated by their wounds, and she may spend Edge to resist extreme injury when raging.
Mindless Rage: Anna resists mental effects when she is raging.
Anna's rage clouds her mind in a feverish haze. When she is raging she becomes so set on the path of violence that she becomes much more resistant to charm spells, mind control, supernatural fear-inspiring effects, and other such types of magical or psychic compulsions. If she is under the effects of one of these such spells already she may enter her rage state to dispel them.
Survivalist: Can hunt, track, and follow prey, be they animals, people, or even demons.
Anna can live, hunt, and survive in the wilds with extreme ease, able to find food, drinkable water, and shelter without a problem. She is also a skilled tracker and can hunt down and chase animals, people, or even demons with great skill. She knows how to set traps and can make and use a bow and arrow with basic skill for the purpose of hunting game. Her favored terrains are forests, plains, and even urban environments. However her skills are not suited for environments with extreme climates where it is too hot or too cold to survive without special gear or training.
Animal Handling: Can ride and tame mundane animals.
Anna can ride mundane creatures like horses and other animals that are tamed for the purposes of riding. She can also capture and tame such similar non-exotic animals for this explicit purpose.
Favored Enemy: Demons: Anna knows a lot about demons. And how to kill them brutally.
Anna knows a lot about demons, demonology, demon cults, and the like. She also knows a lot about their weaknesses and strengths in combat situations. Demons are considered to be any evil creature that comes from a hellish style world, or plane of existence, that are sources of evil, harm, distress, and ruin.
Feral Instinct: Anna has an almost sixth sense for dangerous situations.
Anna has an almost supernatural sixth sense for feeling out when things are not as they should be and when danger is near. It is not perfect and cannot tell where precisely the danger emanates from, but it does let her know when it's a good time to pull out her axe or find something handy nearby to use as a weapon.
Adventuring Equipment: Sundry survival equipment, basic healing potions.
Anna carries basic survival supplies on her at all times. A good length of sturdy rope, climbing pitons, a skinning knife, cook set, and bedroll. She also has bandages, salves, and lesser healing potions.


Noble Boredom: Anna hates the stifling life of nobility.
Anna can't stand the rigors, manners, and customs of nobility. Give a choice between sleeping in the fluffiest bed in a castle or under the stars, she will gladly sleep outside. Though she can function and blend in at noble and high blooded functions and events, she loathes them and will not be comfortable doing so for very long.
Reckless: Anna's rage can put her in dangerous situations she may need rescue from.
Anna's fury tends to drive her straight into the thrust of battles, and highly dangerous situations. This can put her in some sticky messes, and if she grows tired or gets injured and can't pull herself free from such messes, she may need someone else to get her out of there.
Hate: Demons: Anna hates demons and their ilk. And may go out of her way to hunt them.
Anna hates demons. She really, really, really hates demons. She will go out of her way to hunt them down if she hears they are in her general vicinity. She may drop other more important goals for the sake of doing this, too, or even simply get herself in danger in her single minded desire to kill all demons.
That's My Secret, Captain...: Always Angry. All the time.
The truth is that Anna is always angry. Ever since she first succumbed to her rage when her tribe was killed, her rage never fully abated. She can pretend to be a chipper and bright and sweet young girl, but the truth is that she is very much not. She is easily irritated by small details, minutiae, and little things that other people are not, and is liable at any time to suddenly get snappish if someone bores her or tries to make her do something she does not want to do.
Runaway Princess: Anna can't remain in one place for too long unless given good reason to do so.
An adventurer at heart, Anna can't remain tied to one place for very long. She must be free; free to go out and explore and see the Tree and roam while on her quest. Unless she is given a good reason to remain somewhere- be it a job, new quest, or even more importantly: demons to kill, Anna will likely wander off and simply resume her journey. If asked by a friend to stay somewhere longer or given a good incentive, or if she gives her word to help someone, she will stay as long as she has to to complete this before moving on. Really though, this means she can end up anywhere in the worlds at any time.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1092 Pest Contro Oct 19 2022
1070 Motel Triage Aug 17 2022
1068 Colliding Spirits Aug 15 2022
1066 The Corrupted Hero Aug 09 2022
1065 Paladin Problems Aug 08 2022
1058 The Dark Cathedral Jul 26 2022
1053 Rittersburg's Repine Jul 21 2022
1041 Whispers in the Ruins Jun 19 2022
1024 Trespassing May 13 2022
1013 Footsteps of Destruction Apr 25 2022
See All 26 Scenes


Title Date
Whistling Kettle Oct 20 2021
Overboil Oct 22 2021
See All 2 Cutcenes