World Tree MUSH

A Visit to the Digital World

Miwa pays a visit to Bewul's home and finds that he and his friend Gao are being hassled by some other Digimon, so she helps to send them packing.
Character Pose
Miwa was relaxing a bit on the beach after lunch when she decided to check in on Bewul and see how he was doing as it has been a little while since the last time she saw him. She hopes he won't mind her coming unannounced, but before long she would arrive in the level of the Digital World in which Bewul and his friends lived in that little home by the lake. If Bewul or the others were around, they'd likely hear the sound of her singing before they saw her, even if it was muffled from inside her bubble as she floated over the forest and toward the little cabin. She landed near the entrance with a light popping sound as the bubble burst from contacting the ground, and looked around for a bit to see if Bewul was outside or if she should try knocking on the door.
Bewul had been unable to talk to Miwa as of late, things likely got busy for him!. The house seems alone, and the meat garden a bit rough, as if some kind of fight happened over there. There is no one to greet the singing mermaid seal, but further ahead, there are some noises that a pokemon might recognize as potential fighting. There is also what looks like a horizontal whirlwind, familiar as well, tossing dirt around, followed by muffled yells.
When she heard the distant sounds of what sounded like fighting, she gave up on the idea of knocking on the door and quickly looked around the house itself, it certainly looked like some sort of scuffle had happened. So she quickly formed another bubble and sang even louder than before to make the bubble move more swiftly as she soon went soaring over the cabin and toward the sounds of the fighting, hoping it was just Bewul sparring with his friends, but her gut feeling told her it was something more serious.
Bewul was seen standing near the other end of the clearing, growling to something, or someone, the only noises around being of some kind of creature... multiple, running away from sight, "We will be back!" one calls. Next to Bewul there is Gao, huffing and shaking his fluffy giant akita form. "Run away." he calls, before noticing Miwa arriving in a bubble and barking excitedly, "Hi!". Bewul is quick to follow, the gabumon moving closer, "Hey there, sorry to be so distant as of late... there had been a bit of trouble around here lately."
Miwa watches the offending group of Digimon running away as Gao calls after them before both he and Bewul notice her and greet her. She greets them both with a concerned look as Bewul mentions there has been trouble lately. "Trouble huh? I saw things looked a little rough back at your cabin. What's going on then? Any way I can help put an end to it all?" She asks helpfully, more than willing to lend a helping flipper to her friends.
Bewul moves to hug the pokemon, shaking himself afterwards, just a bit dusty. He smiles at the offer, "Just some group of troublemakers, heard there is a portal around here at the moment, want to poke inside." he explains, "The sovereign is a bit cautious on who goes back and forth, always keeping an eye on those... i fsomeone were to cause trouble elsewhere... it might be bad for everyone." he replies. Meanwhile, the akita pokes into the forest, taunting the running digimon again. "They likely went to find their leaders to come back and fight us, the guards are gone dealing with a bigger issue." he says softly, "So it's me, Gao and you now."
Miwa happily hugged Bewul back, but remained focused on the subject at hand, listening as Bewul further explains the situation. "So some other Digimon are causing you trouble, and the guards who usually keep this place in order are gone dealing with something else. Hmm, sounds to me like they might be related, like the troublemakers are taking advantage of the opportunity. In any case, if we're in for a fight, I will gladly stand with you guys and help defend this... was it a level you called it? From these troublemaker leaders. Do you know what we're going to be up against though?" She asks curiously, wanting to be prepared for what she might be about to see.
Bewul seems just glad to see a friendly face, "I think they are realizing they are not getting anywhere on their own, and they are running out of time so they will come here with their leaders and try to force through." he says softly, "I think we would use the help, just remember it might be a bit hectic." he says gently. Meanwhile, the Gao just wags that curled tail, "How have you been?" he asks. The question on what they might be against gets a nod, "I think at least one perfect level, a couple champions, and a bunch of rookie digimon... the only real issue might be the perfect, adn champions, I am sure the others will just sit aside to watch."
A smile is given to Gao as he asks how she's been, catching his tail wagging. "I've been doing well. Did some fun stuff with Mirage, ate some Pizza with Ash and a guy named Kakyoin the other day, and earlier I sparred a little with Ash and he taught me a few things." She explains before listening to Bewul mention what they were likely up against, but Miwa ends up looking a little confused by the list of different power levels. "Forgive me but I don't really remember what all that means. Rookie is obvious I guess, but what are perfect and champion level Digimon like?"
Bewul seems to perk up at the mention of pizza, "Sounds good, been a while since I had any." he says, chuckling, before nodding. He reminds Miwa they did talk of such, and just tries to explain it as, evolution stages. He is a rookie, his fox shape is champion, and... he has a stage further, called Ultimate. He mentions one after that but that is thankfully not a factor here. "Basically... I think you might do well against Champions... not sure against Ultimates." he muses, "My ultimate form is still new... need to train, but if the rumours are true, it's only one ultimate in their gang." he says softly. Meanwhile Gao wags and nods again, "I'm sure we can kick them out of here with her help." he boasts, seeming quite over confident.
Miwa nods as Bewul explains again. "Ah, I remember now. So this one Digimon is a fair bit stronger than the rest. I guess I'll have to be careful, though I have learned a few new tricks since I last sparred with either of you, one of which I haven't really used yet in actual conflict, maybe I'll save that for if things really get chaotic or if I just see a really good opportunity for it." She leaves what sort of attack it is intentionally vague, not wanting to ruin the surprise. When Gao expresses his confidence in their abilities, she grins and shakes her head a bit. "Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Maybe we should try to take out the champion digimon first, and then team up against the ultimate together, since if I understand Bewul, it's stronger than each of us individually." She says as she looks back to Bewul for confirmation.
     Far ahead, there is some rumbling noise, rustling of trees, and assorted loud growls, something large pushing it's way towards them. "I think so, but we have to be cautious, who knows what might happen." he muses, smiling to Miwa and Gao. "They are getting here." he growls, quickly pulling back, taking a fighting stance. 
    The first digimon to appear are... a bunch of kid sized ogres with small wooden clubs, that make sure to keep away from the trio, instead cheering for their leaders. "Now you will pay for hitting us!" one yells, before Gao growls at it, and the small guy hides behind the rest. There is a trio of larger, serious looking digimon approaching, one that is quite similar to a tank, threads and green, with a humanoid upper torso coming from where the tank turret is, and the cannon taking the palce of it's nose. ( ) . Next to it is another, much larger monster, a blue dinosaur with a somewhat shark like head! instead of hands, the beast's hands are replaced by giant heads, one being a skull of a dinosaur, and the other being a somewhat mechanical one.
     Finally, at least for now, another figure steps near the pair, who make sure to give it room... this one looks fairly out of place... a small (shorter than a kid) calico colored bipedal cat thing, with oversized claw gloves on it's hands. The bigger one seems to be arguing between the 3 heads, snapping at eachother, so the small cat one casually walks closer. There must be something about it, with the way Gao seems to be more wary of it than the others, "So, you are the ones kicking the small guys? are you going to be smart and move aside? or going to let us go through?... the boss is getting angry."
Miwa tenses up a bit as she starts to hear the rumbling and growling, something was definitely coming. "Here we go, I guess." She says softly, then watches as the digimon begin to appear, first being the ones that were running away before apparently, but soon they are joined by some stronger looking monsters. The third though, Miwa thought looked rather cute. 

"Hmm, the cat one looks pretty cute, but there are plenty of cute but very powerful Pokemon, so I know better than to underestimate it. Which one of those is the ultimate?" She asks before beginning to form a solid orb of water which she then sings to control it as it floats and shapes itself around her so that she is sort of swimming in it in mid air but her head and neck are still out in the air. When the cat spoke up, Miwa began to guess if it was the one doing the talking, it might be the strongest. She glared back at the feline fiercely, but resisted the urge to add some taunting into her aquakinetic singing
    Bewul shakes his head, "It's none of them." he muses, seeming a bit nervous, and evolving into his fox shape already, "Yes, they are all strong... so take care.. the cat is their... speak person." he says softly, snarling at the group. Meanwhile, Gao seems to focus his attention on the 'tank' digimon, the long 'hands' on the scarf shifting in the air. 
     The cat moves a bit closer, cracking its gloves, "So, you are all intending to fight, nya?" it asks softly, even the voice is kind of cute, "Don't say that we did not give you a chance to back away." she says.
    As soon as that is said, the group attacks!. The small cat seems to focus on Gao, jumping and doing a diving kick, "Nyako kick!". The tank seems to 'aim' towards Miwa, who seems the one most likely to cause trouble, that kind of powers tend to be unusual!. Finally, Bewul just charges at the giant dinosaur, using his agility to scratch at one of the arguing heads, takign advantage of their lack of cooperation.
A worried look with a blink of surprise is exchanged between Miwa and Bewul as he answers that none of these Digimon were the 'ultimate' they expected to see. It would appear that if one was to show up, it would be a little later. In a way that was a relief, as it gave them a chance to focus on the three foes they had at the moment. 

The Tankmon took aim at her, so she focused on it in turn, fairly quickly floating toward it and taking aim as she grew closer. All the while she was chilling the water she had stored inside her in preparation for her attack. Finally she let loose an ice beam, a stream of super-chilled water which she directed toward the gun turrets of the tank, assuming they worked like Ash's guns, and hoping her assumption was correct. The water would freeze on contact, hopefully freezing up the guns from being useful. Still, just in case, she floated around, dancing along with the orb of water as she tried to make herself a more difficult target to aim at. 'It's times like this I wish I knew double team.' She briefly thought to herself.
     Going by order. First, Tankmon, the mechanical looking digimon trying to keep up with the weird, water using seal, and aiming his 'nose' towards the large seal 'digimon' "Machine gun arm!" it exclaims, the gun arms spitting projectiles towards Miwa, following her movements!. Just as she prepares the ice attack, he tries another move, "Hyper....", the barrel glowing, before the barrel, and the gun arms get jammed by the icy water. That seems bad enough, but a panicked look on it's face is followed by an explosion on the nose, sending it flying back, seemingly dazed, and not in the best shape.
     On Gaomon's side, he seems to be struggling with the agile movements of the Mikemon, trying to deflect the quick kicks with the claws at the scarf, and return hits with his own claws, rearing on it's hindlegs, like a bear to 'slash' at it. Unfortunately, the cat is faster, landing beneath the giant paws, "PAw punch!" exclaims the cat, landing a combination of punches on the big akita's exposed underside, ending with an uppercut, sending the dog backwards.
    Finally, Bewul is keeping the big dinosaur distracted, jumping from head to head and slashing at the non skull 'arm'. The dinosaur seems to be getting angrier and angrier, before the skull head snarls and yells , "Skull fang.", the arm lurching on it's own to 'bite' at the accesorized fox, who jumps away, while the bite just smashes into the other arm. Cue chaos between the trio, fighting itself and stumbling back.
The tank monster appeared to have pretty good aim, as despite Miwa's attempts at evasive movements, she took a few close calls as she heard a couple bullets zoom through her hair, and two more struck glancing blows, causing her to wince and cry out softly in pain as a hole appears in one of the pink fins sticking out from her tail, and a light gash appears in the skin of her tail, both bleeding a little. Her song falters a bit, causing a bit of the water she was carrying with her to fall away, but she quickly recovers and continues her song, even pulling the lost bit of water back into her malleable orb. 

A look of anger fills her blue eyes as she looks back at the Tankmon, who has now blown himself away trying to use his frozen barrel nose. Still she goes after him, wanting to be sure he wouldn't be shooting at her anymore, not wanting to take the chance of getting hit somewhere more vital next time when she doesn't expect it. Using hydro pump, she expels a very powerful torrent of water from her mouth toward the Tankmon, which flies toward him like it was fired from a water cannon.

Hopefully he wouldn't be getting up from that, so now Miwa looked around to see how her friends were doing. Gao looked like he needed a hand, so she quickly floated in his direction, and as she got closer, blows a powerful breath of wind which is super chilled and filled with tiny bits of ice, making it glitter in the sunlight. She is able to control it's travel and avoid hitting Gao with the wind as long as he doesn't unwittingly move into it.
     The tankmon was already kind of out, given the battered look all over from the explosion on it's face, and getting smashed by the blast of water of that caliber just sends it smashing against a tree, where it collapses and flickers a few times, some of the small goblin/ogres moving closer to poke at the digimon.

    Bewul seems to be handling the large guy just fine, the big digimon strong was, but easy to distract and confuse, the large beast stumbling back, smashing trees and slowly making its way back, roaring at itself. That leaves the cat, rushing ahead, claws exposed, ready to slash at the distracted Gao when it is hit by cold wind!, it seems both surprised and damaged, "Boss?!." it asks in confusion, letting itself be kicked away by the dog as it rolls back up.

    Then, the snarling giant dinosaur stops as something seems to just poke at it, a loud voice heard, "Say, what is the problem with you?", the big dinosaur growling softly, before something smacks it aside, "Why do I keep you ugly mugs as goons?." it adds, moving closer. The figure is revealed as it 'waddles' into the open, it is somewhat penguin inspired... even if it looks more like a large container with penguin features painted on, a tiny beak, tiny nubs for arms and oddly, a crank on it's head. IT ignores Bewul and the others, looking for the Mikemon, "Say Doll, what's going on? I give you a simple job, to tail that guy living here, find where the gate is, and offer it a deal, get a chicago overcoat or get away...". The cat, bruised, moves closer to the Penguin thing, "Boss, they were too strong.".

    The penguin finally notices the lingering ice, "These are the ones?". The thing shaking it's arms, producing popsicle sticks as the crank on it's head begins to spin, ice spinning around it, before shaping it into popsicles. "I am running out of time, so here is the deal, if you manage to hit me right on the face even once, I'll go away for now... if you run away... I'll let you go. If you fail... I'll ice ya."
Miwa was glad that her icy wind attack had the desired effect of slowing down or at least distracting the cat-like Digimon long enough for Gao to regain the upper hand. Though it seemed it wasn't long after that when the three Champion Digimon seemed to be giving up to let their boss take over. When Miwa saw the one who was their boss, and presumably the Ultimate level one of them, she stiffed a giggle at his appearance. When he formed two popsicles in his flipper-like arms, it make him look any less ridiculous. However, Miwa did her best to stay focused as she knew Bewul had warned to be careful, so this Digimon was likely a lot more dangerous than he looked. 

Miwa floated closer to him, still suspended within the orb of water she had formed around herself. "We only have to hit you in the face once? Alright." She states before allowing her bubble to take a simple sphere shape, she shifted her aquakinesis control to using it for an attack. Preparing a sparkling aria, she formed several basketball sized orbs of water above and in front of her, controlling their form and movement with her voice. Once she was done, she swirled them around in different directions in an attempt to distract or deceive, before suddenly raising her voice to a high note and sending the exploding water orbs zipping toward the penguin looking Digimon with impressive speed.
     Bewul was about to say something to Miwa, a warning perhaps, returning to her side, only to see her prepare, and attack. The 'penguin' arches a brow as the water pokemon did her thing with the orbs of water, the crank on it's head spinning lazily, producing a small bottle of blue syrup and splashing the large 'popsicle', turning it blue. Apparently it wants to show off, holding the other one limply by it's side. "Say lass, that's a very pretty song." he says, and as the water orbs begin to shoot at it, begins to swing the blue popsicle in front of it, absorbing the blasts of water, splashing the blue syrup and ice around, it actually... smells sweet, was it actual syrup?. "That was a nice trick." the penguin offers, blocking it's face easily with the sheer size of the frozen treat. "And that's a pretty trick.". The crank over it's head begins to spin faster, as it begins to advance, suddenly trying to smack Miwa with the popsicle, not hard... at least, not what it calls hard, but enough to shove her back for sure. If it lands, also leaves a blue smear of syrup on her, pineapple it seems. 

     Gao takes that moment to attack, trying to pounce from one side and grab the unused chunk of ice in the scarf gloves, struggling for a moment before the large penguin just lets it go, "Keep that one kid, I can make more.". Producing another popsicle stick and reforming a new item quickly. Gao tries to swing the new, oversized weapon, with some effect. Bewul rushes to Miwa's side, and tries to offer a plan, distract the guy from both sides, and he runs and smacks the thing on the face. "Sorry for not reacting, but felt unless we were well coordinated, it might be hard to keep the timing right... I need you to get ready to attack, you seem better at aiming... we will distract him, just tell us when you are ready."
Miwa frowns as the Daipenmon blocks her attack with his massive popsicles, though she supposes she should have expected that. Then he went on the attack, swinging the blue popsicle at her, which she tried to move out of the way of, but it's reach was impressive, and still smacked her firmly. It wasn't enough to knock her out of the air, but it didn't feel too nice, and she found herself coated in sticky blue syrup, with some of it even getting in her hair. 

"Eww, yuck!" She complained, quickly trying to rinse herself off as Bewul came close to her and told her what the plan was. She nodded and tried to think of a way she could signal Bewul and Gao discretely. After a moment she floated closer to Bewul and whispered. "When I touch my nose with both my front flippers, that's the signal that I'm ready. She said as she floated upward in her bubble, getting herself into the best position she felt to hit the Daipenmon. When she was above and centered with him, she quickly touched her flippers to her nose.
>> GAME >> Bewul spends an Edge for: Digivolve to attempt to distract and damage a big enemy for a fun scene.
     Bewul nods to the explanation, shaking himself. While they discussed, the blue soaked giant ice popsicle cracked, and some pieces fell down, and some of the little Goburimon rushed to pick and eat the syrup coated ice. Even Gao leans to lick some of the splattered goo that landed on him from the fight. "It's good!" he says casually. If Bewul would do it, he'd facepalm. He moves closer to the big penguin, trying to get his attention. "Here comes nothing." he mumbles. 

     Bewul seems convinced this might be... hard, so he is not holding back now, a flash of light covering his frame as the lanky, belt wearing fox is replaced by a slightly taller, adn fairly bulkier looking armored dog, "I'll smash those popsicles and smack your beak!" he calls outloud, enough to cause a faint shockwave to shoot at the Penguin... to little effect. "That's more like it, show me what you can do, mutt." calls the Daipenmon. He regenerates the broken blue popsicle, and prepares the other one, this with reddish/pink syrup. Some of the Goburimon cheer as he does that. Bewul charges from one side, growling loudly and jumping surprisingly high, somersaulting forward, "Bao Tsei!" he howls, as he somehow transforms into a rather large hammer/mallet, trying to slam the oversized ice maker.

     At the same time, Gao, still holding the clean popsicle clumsily in his 'scarf' tries to swing it ahead to hit the big digimon! it's not fancy, but it is heavy enough to carry some impact even just smacking someone with it!.

     The penguin boss seems to smirk at the attempts, moving the red popsicle to smack Gao's Popsicle aside, while the blue one is raised to meet the 'metal' mallet. There is a loud cracking noise, the penguin pushed back and grunting, struggling to push back the mallet, before rushing to bring the other one as well, using both to stop the attack, his attention fixed on it.
Miwa watches as Bewul and Gao work to fight the popsicle toting penguin Digimon and keep him distracted. When she saw he was focused fully on blocking Bewul's hammer strike with the blue popsicle, which seemed to be splitting under the stress of the impact, she knew now was her chance. 

She had been saving Blizzard, her newly learned and quite powerful attack, but since this guy looked like a penguin and seemed to be able to create ice, she wasn't sure it'd be effective, so just to be safe, she decided to go with a marginally weaker but much more familiar attack. "Let's see how he likes my Moonblast." Miwa mutters to herself as an image of the moon would appear in the sky over Miwa while she gathers it's power, forming a large pink orb of energy in her mouth, which she carefully aims and fires at the center of the Daipenmon's head, watching to see if her attack would land true.
     The Penguin seems to be distracted with Bewul, blocking the strikes of the hammer twice, the popsicles breaking off, for the delight of the expecting little goblins, who just grab more of the strawberry and pinapple flavored ice. Gao just smacks with the one he stole earlier, it does not do much, but helps distract the big penguin, getting pushes with the blue popsicle now and then. "Not bad kid, maybe if you keep training you might be able to win, in a couple years." the big digimon taunts as he seems to get fed up and shoves hammer Bewul away. 

     Cue the pink orb flying right to it's face and exploding there, causing it to skid away and wobble, seeming confused on what happened for several moments, before glancing back at the mermaid seal. For a moment, it looks annoyed, the crank on top of it's head spinning, as the broken popsicles get repaired, and get a new coat of syrup, before suddenly bursting into a chuckle. "Ok, you three, ya got me kids, so I'll keep my word and leave, at least for this time." he says outloud. The cat digimon, the wounded Tankmon, and the small ones all begin to retreat. On the background, there is a loud roar, coming far from the east. "And I was out of time anyway... so I should take my leave.". It smashes the popsicles, planting them on the ground by the wooden sticks, "Keep them, as a small reward... I'll see you all again, and will fight you all seriously, might bring a friend." he warns, waddling back into the forest, shoving a scared looking Deltamon, before berating it for being so clumsy and distracted.

     Bewul manages to slip from the small crater the mallet ended, back on his Gabumon form, not really damaged, beyond some bruises of course. "Well... I heard he keeps his word... so we should be safe." he muses. Gao simply tries to grab some of the strawberry popsicle, tearing it with his maw and paws, and brings it for the others to eat. "That was amazing, I hope to get as strong as you two eventually." he mumbles.
Miwa almost cheered when her Moonblast hit the mark so perfectly, but she remained composed and watched as all the Digimon they'd been fighting and the Goburimon retreat, though he did say he'd be back, so it appeared they weren't done with him yet. She floats down in her bubble and comes to rest on the ground, looking rather tired. "Heh, we did it!" She cheered weakly, then looked down at her tail, the bleeding had stopped, but she still had a nasty looking gash in the blue skin of her tail, and a hole in one of those tiny pointed pink fins courtesy of the Tankmon's bullets. "Oww, my poor tail!" She complained as she gently rubbed the gash with one of her flippers. 

She finally looked up at Gao as he compliments both her own and Bewul's strength and smiles. "This really was a team effort, and I have to wonder if we would have beaten him if he didn't give us a winning objective where he'd just give up and leave. I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat and could use some food and a relaxing soak, in warm water preferably..."
     Gao seems to get a bit spooked as he sees the wound, adn lets go of teh popsicle chunk, "I think we can put you in Bewul's house to relax, for sure." he offers, reaching to try to pick up the poor damaged pokemon. Bewul offers a hug, "Thank you for your help, I am sure we might have failed quite badly if you weren't there." he says softly. "He was just testing us... I am sure he was strong enough to smash us to the other side of the level if he wanted to." he muses... "I would use some rest too... that really took a lot out of me."
Miwa was happy to be carried by Gao, as it meant she could conserve her energy and relax now. "That sounds great. Let's go back to the house." She says in response to Gao's offer, but then blinks and turns to look at Bewul as he says just how strong he thinks the penguin Digimon was. "He's really that strong you think? He did say he would be back, and maybe bring a friend. We better hope we have more friends to help fight back when that time comes or we're going to get stomped." She says with a bit of a shudder at the thought of fighting such a powerful being. "For now though I don't really want to think about it, lets just go relax and recover from all this."
    The trip seems easy enough, with Gao easily bringing Miwa back to Bewul's simple place and bringing her to the bathtub he had. IT's not that big, but seems enough to let her dip there. He has to prepare some wood to keep the water warm, but it is a simple enough task, so poor Miwa is given the warm water she required. That and a couple apples. Gao returns to a gomamon form to rest near her, still seeming concerned.
Miwa does her best not to move much as Gao carries her back to Bewul's home and over to a tub, she sits inside, her tail filling the whole tub even curled around a little, but the water felt good once it started to warm up. She would take a moment to wash the wounds she had sustained in the fight, then just relax there as she ate the apples offered to her. She smiles to Gao, noticing he seemed to be worried about her. "I'll be alright Gao, it hurts a little now, but not as much as when it happened, and they were just graze hits, I really hope this doesn't leave me with a nasty scar on my beautiful tail, but I think I'll live." She says before looking around a moment. "Where'd Bewul go?"
     Gao just grins, "He had to make sure there was enoug hwood and the fire was runing, that's all." he tells her, flopping against the bathtub, "I'm glad... didn't expect you to get hurt like that." he says softly, gnawing at a steamed bun. 

     Bewul returns moments later, letting out a sigh and eating a bit of meat, "There, should be more than enough to just relax for a while." he says with a grin.
Miwa does relax, resting her back against the wall on the edge of the tub and just enjoying the warm water against her skin. She nods as Gao explains where Bewul went, and soon he's back, and she smiles. "Hey Bewul, thanks, this is really nice." She then turns back to Gao, curious how he didn't expect her to get hurt. "Do you guys not get hurt like this when other Digimon shoot their guns at you?" She asks with a somewhat puzzled tone.
Bewul seems a bit concerned about the wounds, so he returns quickly, and checks for any first aid stuff he has, there are bandages at best. "Will this help?" the Gabu asks with a flick of his tail. "Well, will admit usually it is not that common, that kind of wounds." he says softly. Gao just nods, settled near to the tub, trying to lean on the border, "I mean, don't usually get... pierced through like that as a wound, or at least... it is quite more serious than that."
Even after asking the question and before Gao and Bewul's response, she remembers they are called 'Digimon, digital monsters.' and that kinda made sense in that context. "I guess since you guys are made of data, as odd as that still sounds in my head, you wouldn't get injured in the same way as something that is made of flesh and blood like me. Sorry if I worried you at all, but I promise you I'll heal just fine. I'll be sure to get checked out at the Pokemon Center when I go back home just in case."
Bewul rubs the back of his head, "I mean, I seen movies and know how things work for... humans, guess I did nto expect you to be similar to them." he chuckles a bit, "I am sorry for putting you in so much danger." he mumbles, looking down.
Miwa nods, realizing it could have been worse had she been hit more directly. As it is, though she was putting on a brave face to try and keep Bewul and Gao from worrying about her even more than they already were, inside she was pretty nervous. This was the first time she'd ever received a physically visible injury like this and she really hoped that she was right and it would go away in time. If it didn't, then well... no, she didn't want to think about that. 

"I guess I'll have to be more careful... Ash is teaching me how to better defend myself in a fight, I guess if stuff like this is going to happen, it's importance can't be understated...." She says as she reaches out with her flippers to hug Bewul and Gao. They might notice her tail twitch a bit from her nervousness.
Bewul is not dumb, not enterily at least. He simply forgot tht Miwa might be more vulnerable than he was, whimpering a bit and likely not helping on the front of 'being nervous', just leaning into the hug, followed by Gao, who thankfully, seems not as distressed. The Gabumon just sighs, "I... forgot... should not have made you stand there with us, shuold have asked you to stay back." he mumbles softly, "I mean... guess it was still your choice... but did not want you to get hurt like this."
Miwa shakes her head as she pulls back from the hug. "Well, maybe I am more vulnerable to harm than you guys are, but I still wouldn't have been OK with standing back and watching the two of you get beaten up by those guys while I stayed somewhere safe. This does however show that perhaps I should work on trying to learn some defensive moves like Protect and Double Team, though both of those I learn by a device called technical machine, which I'd have to either find, or find in a store and buy..."
Bewul reluctanctly pulls back and bites on an apple, still seeming a bit nervous. He nods slowly as Miwa speaks, but does not seem to really listen in detail, since Gao is the one to tilt his head at the mention of those machines. "So you can learn attacks like that?"
With a nod to Gao, Miwa explains. "Yes, though the actual essence of the moves come on what look like little disks, and the machine part is a device that reads them imparts the move onto a Pokemon, usually while inside it's Pokeball. Which I guess means I'm going to need some help for this to work. How do you guys learn new abilities?" She asks curiously.
Bewul seems deep in thought, rubbing his chin, before he snaps back to the conversation, tilting his head, "Wait, abilities?" he asks softly, while Gao, the small seal opens his eyes wide, "I... don't really learn any, we just know what we can do naturally, might need practice to be better at it of course."
"Oh, so you guys just know what attacks you know when you digivolve and that's it? That seems so simple and easy. For me, even attacks and other non damaging moves I can learn without machines, I learn as I grow stronger and through experimentation I guess. Oh well, as someone wise once told me, it's the differences in life that make it interesting, and I think that's true." She yawns and stretches a bit as she looks around. "Do you guys mind if I spend the night here and go back in the morning? I'm tired."
Bewul is quick to clear the food away, "I can let you rest on the bed." he offers with a grin, nodding, "It is simple that way I guess." he chuckles a bit, reaching to hug Miwa again. "You can stay as long as you want.". Gao grins and nods a bit, "Can I stay?" he asks to Bewul, "Only if you promise not to make a mess.". "I promise nothing!".