
World: Pokemon-1


Miwa has spent most of her life as a performer, working as part of a group to entertain audiences around the world. But now she wants to see what more life has to offer her. Not having to worry about working at the moment, she intends to take life as it comes, with each day being a new adventure to tackle. For one, now that she's on her own, her inexperience in combat is a priority area she needs to grow stronger in. She knows many of her species' common attack moves but has almost exclusively used them as part of her performances and knows she wouldn't last long in a real battle. Her biggest weakness is that her voice is vital to her ability to fight, empowering most of her attacks. Thus she must take steps to care for her voice and avoid damage to her 'pipes'.


Aquakinesis: Through singing, Miwa can control water and form it into various shapes.
The signature ability of the Primarina species is the ability to control water through song, forming balloons of water ranging as small as a fist or as large as an elephant, and controlling their movement. Miwa can make these balloons sturdy enough to support herself or others atop or within them, or make them volatile, exploding when touched or fired toward a target. She can also control the shape of the balloons beyond just simple spheres. Her voice is key to this ability, so overstraining her voice, or taking a sharp blow to her throat, will cause her to lose her ability to control water in such ways until she can recover from the damage to her vocal cords.
Hydro Pump: Miwa can store water and expel it through her mouth at varying pressure.
Like most water type Pokemon, Miwa can store a lot of water within her body and expel it through her mouth. She can control the pressure also, from a light spray or stream of bubbles, to a powerful firehose like torrent. She often uses this ability to keep herself from drying out when on land on a hot day.
Dazzling Gleam: Miwa can use a fairy power drawn from the moon to unleash a blast of light.
Miwa is able to draw power from the moon itself and focus it into a bright orb of light which she launches at her target. She can also use the power to instead fire many weaker beams of light in all directions, creating a disorienting light show.
Siren's Song< Edge >: Beautiful vocals combine with charm to captivate or lull to sleep.
Miwa uses her singing and charming beauty to help turn the tide of battle, sometimes going with a captivating performance in an attempt to leave her enemy infatuated with her and less likely to attack. She can also sing a lullaby to whisk her foes off to sleep. Captivation only works on males, and both versions of the song can be resisted partially or fully through willpower or adequate hearing protection. There is also the potential that without proper hearing protection even her allies could be effected, as sound doesn't discriminate between friend and foe.
Cold as Ice: Freezing cold breath combines with water for a blast of icy wind or an ice beam.
Miwa is able to make her breath drop below freezing, and blow a strong freezing wind with shards of ice mixed in with the wind. She can also shoot a blast of super-chilled water from her mouth that instantly freezes when it contacts with a target.
Whiteout< Edge >: Pushing the limits of her freezing breath, Miwa blasts her foes with a blizzard.
Pushing herself beyond her normal limits, Miwa attacks her opponents with a combination of bone-chilling wind, hail, and heavy snow which is blasted from her mouth.
Hydro Cannon< Edge >: Pushing her limits as a water type, Miwa unleashes a ferocious torrent of water.
Though it requires her to push herself to the edge and use every last ounce of her strength, Miwa has learned to use the most powerful known water type move, unleashing a ferocious jet of water from her mouth that is capable of causing severe damage to her target.


Vain: Miwa takes pride in her appearance, dreading anything that would mar her beauty.
Miwa takes pride in her appearance, and thus she strives to always be seen at her best. She tries to avoid getting dirty, and would be quite distressed to find a blemish, or worse, a scar, upon herself.
Made for the Sea: Miwa is slower, has less endurance and is less graceful moving over land.
Like a sea lion with a long tail, Miwa can get around on land, but she'd certainly prefer to be swimming. On land, she's much slower and less agile, gets tired more quickly, and rough terrain can really be hard on her bare flippers. She can use her water-related abilities to mitigate this somewhat, but this is not without its own drawbacks. Creating large jets of water to quickly rocket out of the way of something will exhaust her water supply just as quickly, and while one of her water balloons is a very efficient way for her to cross long distances, they can be popped. So, if there is a way for her to get somewhere by land or by water, even if the water path is longer, it is going to take a very compelling reason for her to not take the wetter route.
Weakness to Poison: Her fairy typing brings a weakness to poison, making it more effective.
As a fairy type Pokemon, Miwa is more susceptible to the effects of poisons. Not only will poison type Pokemon moves deal double damage, but even man-made or natural poisons found on her own or other worlds will have increased potency.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
931 The Thing That Should Not Be Nov 29 2021
906 The Demonic Well Part 2 Oct 26 2021
905 Little Challenges at the Beach Oct 26 2021
903 Peacely at Peace Oct 25 2021
902 Sirens and Skulls Oct 24 2021
899 A Moonlit Serenade Oct 23 2021
896 Muradin's Multiversal Pubcrawl Part 1: Alola Nov 11 2021
893 Planetfall Oct 18 2021
892 Siren's Spar Oct 15 2021
891 Fighting for Answers Oct 17 2021
See All 86 Scenes


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