
World: Digimon: Digital World-1
Apparent Age: In a word, young.
Species: Gabumon


A smallish digital lifeform hailing from one of the older 'layers' of his digital world, fairly young and inexperienced in many senses, having mostly experienced only life in the digital realms, as opposed to the human one. He is friendly (and trusting) to a fault, and sometimes jumps into action before actually learning what is going on, but he tries to help! He wants to explore the worlds, meet people, make friends, prove his strength against others, and right wrongs! And taste exotic food as well of course. When situations go towards the more violent side, he mainly fights by releasing his potential, transforming into stronger shapes, which are mostly based on close combat.


Digimon: Being made of data, his body is resistant to many organic frailties
Bewul is a living computer entity made of code and data collected into physical form known as a Digimon; a Digital Monster. Bewul's particular kind is a Gabumon, a small, bipedal lizard that wears a large pelt on its back and head almost all the time, as if concealing his nature, and making him look like he has a fox head. When he is injured, he loses bits of his data that he can restore over time. This means that he is resistant or even immune to many diseases that might afflict most organic creatures as well as healing faster from sickness. On the same vein, he can withstand more damage, and recover faster from small wounds than other living creatures, up to a certain point at least, several not too deep cuts that might slow down a normal person might just be a nuisance to him, even a stab on a non 'vital' area might be healed within a day, or even faster, if he has the energy, resources and focus to devote to the process.
Digivolution: Bewul can take stronger/different shapes for a time, if needed!
Digivolution is an evolutionary transformation all Digimon can undergo. Each stage of transformation is normally followed by another. With the right circumstances, a Digimon like Bewul can Warp Digivolve into higher forms, skipping the previous ones. The largest challenge is learning how to stay in these forms, as a lapse in focus, running out of energy or sustaining too much damage will lead to Degeneration (see complications). Like most digimon, Bewul spends most of his time in his 'Rookie' form of gabumon, and trained enough that he can reach the Champion stage and stay on it for long periods without excessive effort. If the situation is dire enough (or if someone pushes him that far), he can push himself further ahead, reaching a stage that is rarer in digimon, the Ultimate/Perfect stage, which is far stronger and durable, but also that much harder to maintain. (specific info in the champion and Ultimate perks!)
Raw Strength: Bewul is certainly stronger than he looks like, regardless of form.
Like most creatures of his kind, Bewul is quite a bit stronger than his form might hint, even at his base shape, he is about as strong as a normal adult, if not more! In his most powerful form, he is capable of hitting the ground hard enough to cause shockwaves and crack the earth and rock, and move things multiple times his weight.
Digimon sense: Bewul has a 7th sense of sorts, to detect nearby digimon.
Basically, he can 'sense' and get information of any digimon nearby, this ability requires him to focus, and it is not perfect, but can easily help him notice how close other digimon (or similar digital entities are) and even the kind/strength.
D-Arc: A handy device bound to Bewul, meant to work with a tamer, if he finds one.
The D-Arc can analyze nearly every Digimon that Bewul Digimon sees, has a Compass/Radar function which can detect when an aggressive Digimon is nearby, and can display what the Bewul is seeing. D-Arc can also heal Bewul, but doing that makes him unable to fight for a while. If needed, the D-Arc contains a data port on the top that can be accessed by opening a hatch by pressing the up button, which can be used to read his data (or edit it) when plugged to proper hardware. It can also work akin to a pokeball, recalling his data and storing it inside, but that has to be done from a fairly close range. While in the digivice, he is able to hear, and 'see' through the screen, and with some effort, release himself on his own.
Champion: Bewul's form for most general uses, especially ones needing swift movements.
This form changes him into a far larger, and much more combat capable shape, a large (average adult height), quadrupedal fox!. This shape is very agile, aided by long, somewhat slender limbs, and surprisingly nimble claws. It specializes on very swift attacks, both to slash and to 'disarm' or even steal items from his opponents using motions so quick that are almost impossible to see by the average person (snipe steal). For foes at range, he can attack using dark energy blasts (Blast coffin).
Ultimate< Edge >: Bewul's strongest form, made for strength and close combat.
This form changes Bewul into a tall (as tall as the average human adult), bulky, metal clad 'dog'. This form changes the speed and agility from his champion form for incredible defense and strength. It is mostly a close combat shape, whose main method of attack is transforming his body into a large mallet, and slamming into enemies. (Bao Tsei) or even smashing the ground to cause a localized earthquake and a shockwave(Shuvaboshana). He does have a ranged attack, literally howling to unleash a wave of force (howl of the heavens) but it lacks in strength compared to his other techniques, so he only uses when he can't approach the enemy. While this form is far stronger than his Champion one, it is very hard to maintain, not made for prolonged fights, and as such, it's easier to 'knock' him out of it.


Hot weather: Bewul can't handle hot weather!
While Bewul can resist the cold (especially when wearing his pelt), he can't stand a too much heat. He has trouble dealing with tropical and overly warm climates. They can cause him to be unable to focus properly, cause him to lose his strength, and to sweat and dehydrate faster than normal.
Degeneration: Taking too much damage, or using too much energy, might revert to an egg!
When Bewul sustains too much damage in a short period of time, burns too much power, or loses his focus from some kind of shock or even mental related attack, he will Degenerate back to his Child/Rookie form (if evolved). Even making him fall asleep, or knocking him unconscious can trigger this, but falling asleep usually limits to forcing back to his normal form of Gabumon. In more dire circumstances, be knocked all the way to a baby (in his case, basically a small, fluffy blob with a large 'horn'), or even a digitama (basically return to being a large colourful egg), and that can happen even when he is in his child/rookie form. Once that happens, he is forced to remain on that state for a period of time, usually ranging for a couple hours (for baby) to days (as a digitama). The higher the stage of the digimon, the 'easier' it might be to force him back down to a weaker shape. Bewul is especially vulnerable to this in his 'ultimate/perfect' form because he lacks the energy to properly 'train' his resistance.
Too trusting: Bewul lacks much experience with people, bound to believe too much, too easily.
Basically, he is still relatively young, and never had to deal with evil people or even had real enemies so far, and he stubbornly believes that people are good until seeing hard evidence of the contrary, he tends to believe a lot of stuff people tell him, which might cause issues if they feed him false information.
Glitches: Bewul is a bit buggy!, from harmless to dangerous.
These glitches range from harmless, but embarrassing things, like changes in coloration (turning him into random colors, including pink), or having his voice change wildly in pitch, to more drastic afflictions, like his body turning into a wireframe figure, lacking 'textures', or losing the ability to speak, and instead produce modem noises. It can also affect his eyesight or his hearing, disabling them (but never both at once), with only the direct communication via the D-Arc remain unaffected.
    On more combat related effects situations, it can glitch how his attacks work for a little while, making them... produce wrong effects, from turning them into harmless bubbles to just the wrong 'element' for the technique used, like changing fire breath into water. And of course, the final being the 'flat' effect, which can be described as turning into a flat (2d) black and white, pixelated version of himself, unable to attack properly until the effect fades. How quickly an effect fades depends on how much he can focus on getting back under control it. It might take anywhere from a minute, to several, or even until the conflict is over and he is able to retreat and 'focus' on fixing the issue, depending on the situation, but being engaged in a fight makes it harder for him to recover. In general, Glitches are not a great trait on a digimon, often seen as serious flaws, and depending the glitch, a cause of ridicule. As such he still finds it a sensitive, and embarrassing subject, especially glitches that make him take awkward shapes/make funny noises, making him try to shy away, or depending on who brings him up, wanting to try to prove that he is still strong, even if it means acting dangerously and taking a risk.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1093 The Moon: Duel with Dreams Oct 22 2022
1085 The Magician: A Plague of Phantoms Oct 01 2022
602 Valley of the Fallen Star Dec 05 2019
597 When Artists Meet Nov 26 2019
297 One, Two -- Two Digital Foxes. Ah ah ah! Oct 18 2018
260 Shiny & Black Sep 26 2018
252 Gabbing with Gabu Sep 22 2018
226 A Performance at the Aether House Sep 19 2018
214 Freedom from the Gilded Cage Aug 21 2018
199 The Downtown Food Faire Aug 16 2018
See All 24 Scenes


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