World Tree MUSH

Harvest Day

Character Pose
    The local vine comes out near a rural bus stop. In one direction is a small town, in the other direction is the Getaway Farm. Entering the farm shows initially an orchard with various fruit trees, the oranges and peaches seem to be nearing ripeness.

    The path swiftly leads past the orchard, splitting the farm in two parts. On the north side is a grassy field with various animals. Chickens, ducks, goats, cows, pigs and dinosaurs mingling freely. A few barns and coops at the far edge of the field, with silos right behind these buildings.

    On the south side is a massive cornfield, further away is a similar field full of blueberries, and smaller fields with other crops can be seen. In the distance a grove of giant mushrooms. Walking further along the path reveals a couple more buildings, including the main farmhouse, a greenhouse growing a variety of crops and several sheds.

    Currently, Claire is working hard, loading melons into her cart, and carefully maneuvering around the two melons the size of a wagon as she does so. She's whistling a tune, entirely unbothered by the rain.
     Exploring a vine she hasn't come across before, Suiren finds herself at the bus stop and is soon walking along the side of the farm. She's helped one of her classmates with his family's farm, but the plants growing on this one and the animals as well are certainly different than where she's from. Although she's been around the multiverse enough that it's not her first time seeing normal barnyard animals, the dinosaurs do get a long stare. 

     She's traveling light today, with a drawstring pack containing just emergency essentials, and three Pokeballs clipped at her waist, though Popplio isn't in her Pokeball, and is currently running ahead of Suiren and splashing in the puddles, appearing to be very much enjoying the rain. She stops near Claire and looks up at her with a tilt of her head, letting out a seal-like bark while her trainer catches up and waves. "Hey there, looks like you're working hard. Would you like any help?" She offers warmly with a smile.
    Claire looks up at the voice of a kid, and stops herself. "Not in the habit of employing child labour." She points out, "But if you want to earn some spending money, I got some chores you can help out with." She pats a seat in her cart and points at the melons, "If you can cut these stems down to right above the leaves, that would save me a lot of time, and it shouldn't be too hard for you, just be careful with the knife." She offers, and continues harvesting melons. "Don't think I've seen you around before. I'm Claire, what's your name, and who's your friend?"
     Suiren laughs a little. "I wasn't really asking for a job, just offering to lend a hand or two, but if you want to pay me for it I won't say no." She responds as she climbs up into the cart and takes the offered seat, Popplio goes back to splashing around the puddles, though she is careful not to splash anyone else in the process. 

     "I'm Suiren, and that's my partner Pokemon, Iona. Pokemon are sorta my world's animals I guess. Iona is a Popplio to be specific." She answers while taking the offered knife and looking to be experienced as she handles it and starts cutting down the stems as asked. "I help my mom in the kitchen a lot, and know that knives are tools not to be taken lightly."
    "Well if you're not going to asking for payment, some people might take advantage of that." Claire comments, keeping up her pace, she's clearly used to the work, though she stops for a moment to enter her house, and comes out with a recently caught fish, "You think Iona would like this?" She asks Suiren as she gets back to work. "This is the Getaway Farm, and I'm the owner. Quite proud of what I built here, though I still have a while to go."
     "Hmm, was just trying to be nice, but you have a point there, some people are happy to let you do all the work while they sit back and do nothing but reap the rewards of your sweat. Shameful if you ask me." Suiren comments, her gaze following Claire as she heads to her house and returns with a fish. That certainly does get Iona's attention as the water-type suddenly stops playing in the puddles and looks toward Claire. 

     When hearing the question of if she'd like it, she promptly stands on her tail, and poses with her flippers folded at her sides while she shows off a bit by blowing up a beach ball sized balloon of water which balances on her round pink nose. Suiren giggles a little as she watches.

     "Looks like she'll like it a lot, she's even doing a little trick to earn such a nice treat. It's a very nice farm though. I go to school with a boy named Kiawe, his family has a farm, so I've helped with things there before. It's funny how some of the Pokemon you'd find on a farm are kind of similar to the animals here. He doesn't have dinosaurs, but he does have a Charizard, which I guess is kind of close, looks a bit like a small dragon with a flame at the end of it's tail. Together they fly around the islands delivering milk."
    Claire tosses the treat to Iona. "In the cities of this country, the corps have all the power. Out here, we've managed to fight them back, so far; but the corps would be more than happy to trick you into signing a deal that binds you to work for them twelve hours a day for a pittance." She warns, clearly hating these corporations, "I inherited the farm from my grandpa, though it was a bit of a mess when I did get here. In his last few years he couldn't really take care of it properly, and then there some years were there was no-one here as I wasn't ready to come yet."
     Suiren watches as Claire tosses the fish to Iona, the Popplio bouncing the water balloon up into the air where it bumps the fish higher into the air before bursting and showering the area in a mist while Iona leaps upward and catches the fish in her mouth and promptly eating it. She hops up onto the cart as well and barks a thanks before setting in beside Suiren, who reaches down and gently scratches around her ears. 

     She frowns and shakes her head at the mention of what the corps would do with her if given the chance. "That's awful, but if they think we're going to slave away for next to nothing without putting up a fight, maybe we'll have to show them we won't be pushed around." She says firmly while Iona also chimes in, giving a shaper sounding bark and a more serious expression, showing she's keen to back up Suiren against these corpo goons. "Anyway, you've really put in a lot of work here and it shows."
    "Thanks." Claire finishes hauling the last of the regular sized melons into the cart, and begins to drive the cart to a cooled storehouse that seems to contain a lot of produce. "Thanks for the help, Suiren." She just parks the cart in there. "So as for payment, here you go." She hands over fifty gold looking coins, "And as a bonus, I have something tasty for you." She produces a box containing a blueberry tart. "Share it with your friends, or eat it all alone, that's up to you."
     Suiren smiles as she takes the offered payment. "Happy to help, nice meeting you as well." She offers with a nod, and her eyes light up a little at the blueberry tart. "Oh wow, it looks so delicious. Thank you so much!" She says before she notices Popplio eyeing it as well and shakes her head. "You just had a nice fish, but if you're good, maybe I'll share a little bit with you later." She says with a grin as she carefully puts the tart away in her pack. Iona looks curiously at some ducks as they pass, they don't seem at all bothered by the rain either. "Maybe we can help you fight these corpo guys. I promise we're tougher than we look, we've both been doing lots of training."
    "Maybe if they dare try to come back, but we've ran them out of town and they seem to know better than to try again any time soon." Claire smiles, reaching out to hairrufle Suiren. "I'm tougher than I look, too, and even then most of my fighting with them has been economic rather than through force. Making sure they couldn't make a profit." She smiles, and walks towards her house. "If you have a phone number, though, I'll call you if I need your help, ok?"
     "Sure!" Suiren says with a nod and takes a pad of paper and a pink pen out of her pack, the latter having a Corsola figure on its top. She quickly writes down her name and phone number before handing it to Claire. "Actually, I remember one time there was this greedy guy who tried to buy Kiawe's family farm so he could turn it into a resort hotel. When they told him no, he tried using some goons and their Pokemon to intimidate Kiawe and his family, but we didn't give up!"
    "That's good. Don't give into greedy outsiders who want to ruin what's so beautiful about your home." Claire encourages, pocketing the phone number. "Now why don't you go on with your day, then? It was nice meeting you, but I've numbers to run before the local pub opens, and I don't want to work late."
     "Right!" Suiren agrees as she slides off the cart, Iona leaping to land on her shoulder even if she looks a little big to be riding on an eleven-year-old's back. "Was nice meeting you too. I think we'll stick around for a while but we won't get in your way. Hope we meet again sometime!" She says with a wave as she heads off, the pair heading to explore more of the countryside.