World Tree MUSH

A Sandy Serenade

Miwa practices a new song on an empty beach, and ends up socializing with a visitor who came to investigate the singing.
Character Pose
It was a cloudy day on Ula'Ula Island, with a cool yet gentle breeze blowing off the ocean. The beach on the west side of the island was mostly quiet as the weather called for a possibility of rain, and it was still early in the afternoon on a work day. However anyone who happened to even go near the beach would hear singing, and while the voice was quite beautiful, sounded feminine, and was singing in the native Alolan language the people spoke here in the past, there was something about it that didn't sound quite human. 

If one were to investigate, they would discover the performer of the song was a Primarina, the Pokemon appearing like a rather adorable cross between a sea-lion and a mermaid. She was sitting at the edge of the ocean with her tail curled under her for balance as she sang while the waves gently lapped at her tail.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko wanders a lot, so ending up going to a place that the Vine tumbles him into that is different is... not a big deal. The whole point is his search for his home, after all. That doesn't mean he can't investigate odd noises, such as singing. He doesn't feel any sort of compulsion at least... but would he realize it if he did?

    Eventually he decides that if it's a compulsion song, he obviously is rationalizing his choice to look into it anyway. So he's wandering closer, tilting head as he sees the creature. Despite being armed, his metallic sword isn't in a place to quickly draw it, intentionally so, and he mainly carries a practice shinai instead. Rather than interrupt, the youth just makes his presence known by strolling closer and looking for a seat, while examining the strange creature.
Miwa was practicing a new song, and though she made a few minor mistakes through the length of the song, those not listening with a critical ear would likely overlook them for the most part. When Yahiko approached her, she noted that she he was there, but continued her song as he found a place to sit, which there were plenty of spots if you didn't mind sitting in the sand. Before long though she finished her song and took a bow to her gathered audience of one, smiling to the young swordsman. 

"Hello there." She greets warmly as she looks the man over briefly. "Judging by how you're dressed, and what you're carrying, I'm guessing you're not from around here. I think I've seen a weapon like that in Kanto, but even then, I don't think it's a common sight these days." She says, noting the shinai. "My name is Miwa, welcome to Ula'Ula, largest island in the Alola region.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko has no problem with sitting on the sand, and when the song finishes he gives a polite clap. Since Miwa introduced herself, he rises to give a small and respectful bow. The boy can be a little rough around the edges, but when he's greeted with respect he's fine with returning it. "Myojin Yahiko, call me Yahiko. It's a pleasure to meet you."

    Straightening up, the boy touches the handle of his weapon, then nods. "This place seems a lot different than many of the ones I've wandered through. I've only seen one creature even vaguely like you that could speak. I'm afraid I'm from a very far distance, and I'm looking for a way home."
Miwa nods, moving to walk with a shuffling gait on her flippers out of the shallow water of the breaking surf and up onto the dry beach where Yahiko was siting so they could talk more comfortably. She now takes a more relaxed position, laying with her tail stretched out behind her and her upper body propped up by her strong front flippers as she looks back at Yahiko. 

"Nice to meet you, sorry to hear you've lost your way and don't know how to get home though. If there is anything I can do to help I'd be happy to assist, though I'm not sure how helpful I could be. On the other hand, if you ever need a place to crash, I don't mind company, though I must warn you that getting to where I live will involve getting a little wet." She says with a playful laugh. "So you say you've seen a creature something like me before? What was it if you don't mind my curiosity?"
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko smiles and shakes his head, "I wouldn't want to be a burden, I've worked hard to get something like a life of my own." He sits again as Miwa comes over, getting comfortable and watching how she moves. How odd.

    "The other one?" Yahiko stops and thinks. "Not a lot of the same. Just, the only other nonhuman-looking creature that spoke. He looked like a smallish dog most of the time, but changed to something bigger when fighting. I owe him for helping me out of a jam a few weeks back."
Miwa had thought he meant that the other creature looked somewhat like her, but it was just another non-human who could speak. She nods and decides to explain herself a bit further. "Well, I'm what's called a Primarina, a type of Pokemon. Most can't speak, but I was trained very early as a performer and eventually I decided that I wanted to sing songs that the audience could understand, and so with a lot of willpower, time, and help from my friends, I eventually learned to speak." She says before pausing a moment. 

She continues. "I theorize that many other Pokemon could speak if they wished to and put in the effort, but most don't. It did make the shows of the musical theater troupe I was in quite popular. As for working hard to have a life on your own. I guess I can understand that. I left the troupe and decided to live on my own, and I'd do it over again if given the chance. I do need to find a way to make a living on my own though sooner or later..."
Yahiko Myojin
    "Pokemon... Primarina," Yahiko mutters, obviously trying to keep all that in his head. Hey he's trying! "Sorry, I've encountered a lot of different creatures since I came here, but I don't think I've heard of a Pokemon before," he admits, lifting a hand with an apologetic smile.

    But hey. "I'm just a human. A swordsman from a place called Japan, the city of Tokyo. Or Edo, if you're really old-fashioned. It's been a little bit of a trip. I'm pretty boring, I worked in a dojo teaching how to use a sword for self-defense."
"Well, Pokemon are pretty unique to this world, at least as far as I've seen in my travels so far. In some ways we are similar to the more common animals you'd find on most worlds, but Pokemon possess special powers which set us apart, both from standard animals, and from other types of Pokemon even." Miwa explains, then briefly demonstrates, spraying a jet of water upward from her mouth, then singing a special melody to control the water, forming it into the shape of a giant snowflake, and then breathing out very clod air to freeze it. A moment later she lets the giant snowflake fall to the sand where it begins to melt. "So, you are a trained fighter, with hand weapons?" She asks curiously. "I've been trying to learn to defend myself better, but I don't think I could hold a weapon like yours."
Yahiko Myojin
    Oooh. That is impressive to Yahiko, and he watches very carefully as the snowflake falls, keeping his silence and trying to listen at the same time. That's something to keep an eye on, he decides. So many strange creatures!

    "That's pretty amazing!" he declares once the snowflake has fallen. "Yeah, I'm mostly into doing it for competitions, but I can do practical ones. I practice the Kamiya Kasshin style, it's meant to use a sword to protect people instead of kill them. We had a lot of death during the revolution, so my sensei's father wanted something that was more... helpful to everyone?"
Miwa blushes a bit at his compliment about how amazing what she just did was, but she explains a bit further. "Primarina are part water type Pokemon, so we have a lot of abilities related to water. Our special thing is controlling water through our voice, and having used it for performing I've worked hard to perfect the talent, making it into a sort of art. The other half of our dual typing is fairy type, but that is a little more abstract to try and explain." She pauses a moment and then switches subjects to talking about Yahiko's sword style. "That was very noble of your sensei's father. Would be nice if everyone could resolve their conflicts without killing others..."
Yahiko Myojin
    Nodding slowly a few times, Yahiko seems to 'get it' pretty well. "Yeah... I've seen a lot of people with particular talents. A singer and dancer once, too... but she wasn't as nice as you are." Pretty mean, actually. "And lots of other talents that would be pretty strange back home."

    Meanwhile Yahiko smiles at the thought. He pats the metal sword, and says, "Me too. A man I admire swore an oath never to kill again, and he gave me this sword when he thought I was strong enough to keep the same oath. Sometimes people have to fight... but it'd be nice if that never had to happen, wouldn't it?"
After stretching a bit and covering her mouth with her right flipper as she yawns, Miwa nods to Yakiko. "Yeah, I've met my share of mean people in the world, but I never really understood why some people are so apt to be mean to others, even people they don't know, without even giving them a chance. Then there is the fighting, and yes, it would be nice if people could settle their differences without resorting to fighting. Of course, this is coming from a Pokemon in a world where people train Pokemon to fight with others in a test of strength. It almost never causes any lasting harm though."
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko perks up at that. "That's different. It's a challenge to test your strength, you know? I do that a lot... enter competitions and such things. I'm actually one of the top swordsmen in the nation!" He taps his finger against his chest with some amount of pride.

    Then a scowl comes over him. "But I hate bullies, so I guess we're alike in that way. It's really great seeing all these different beings like yourself who are peaceful and kind. I've been fighting a lot lately, this really gives me hope..." Then a pause. "But you're tired. Maybe I should find a place to sleep too."
Miwa nods again. "I agree it's really nice to see someone who is dedicated to fighting for peace and not taking a life in the process. But yes, I should head back to my grotto before I fall asleep right here on the beach. Guess I've had a lot going on lately and didn't realize how tired I'd become. Guess I could use a nap. I hope we see each other again. You caught me practicing a new song, and I'm thinking of having a little party here on the beach at some point in the near future, inviting anyone who wants to come from other worlds. I'll put on a show for everyone, and then just socialize for a while. There should be food and drinks too. Welcome to come if you like, I'll try to let you know when." She says as she stands up on her tail and front flippers, ready to shuffle back into the ocean, though she'd wait to let Yahiko say his goodbyes and she would do the same before heading off toward some much smaller islands just off the coast.