Yahiko Myojin

Yahiko Myojin
World: Rurouni Kenshin: Epilogue-1
Actual Age: 15
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Role: Wandering Swordsman
Species: Human


Born just before the Meiji Revolution of Japan, Yahiko grew up knowing he was the blood of a noble samurai family... but without any of the perks of such. Proud of his heritage, he became a brash and impetuous young boy who, despite his pride, was reduced to pickpocketing in the streets to survive. Eventually taken into a dojo, he found a new focus in life and honed his swordplay skills with dedication, becoming a master of the non-lethal Kamiya Kasshin style. Yahiko is dedicatd to being an example of what a warrior should be, intent on protecting the week and seeking justice. Despite his youth, he is now known as one of the greatest swordsmen in Japan, renowned nation-wide for his signature blade-catch technique.


Kamiya Kasshin Style: Yahiko is a master of defensive and non-lethal swordplay.
Yahiko has a natural talent for swordplay, so much that he often creates new basic moves inspired by the simpler(non-signature) techniques of other styles without thinking. His actual specialty is in the Kamiya Kasshin style, a method of swordplay focused on protection of others. Yahiko's attacks concentrate on attacking joints and disabling moves, and on defensive stances designed to expose an opponent's weak points and openings.
Disarmament: Specialized in blade catch, but skilled at disarming any weapon.
Yahiko's signature techniques are all variations of disarmament of a foe. He is particularly good at catching blades or other weapons, even non-sword weapons, and is able to do so without losing hold of his own weapon. Yahiko's skill is such that against weaker opponents he can not only catch a blade in mid-swing, but if it is of inferior make he can even find the weak point and snap it one-handed. Aside from the blade catch, Yahiko is fully capable of normal methods of disarmament as well, and focuses on them.
Deft Fingers: Yahiko has excellent dexterity, and is an experienced pickpocket.
During his time on the streets, Yahiko used his agility and dexterity to great effect as a pickpocket. While now ashamed of this past, he still has the necessary skill and light touch to divest property from someone or something with little evidence. He is also familiar with other common methods of pickpocketing, such as distracting a target or accidental collisions.
Body Language: Skilled at reading common tells and moods of humanoids.
Swordsmanship of Yahiko's level is partly about reading your opponent. Yahiko takes this to the next level, picking up on cues of body language and wording to read the mood of most humanlike beings. This is more effective the more similar they are to his own culture.
Combat Experience: Extensive experience in fighting. Excellent balance, endurance, and speed.
Yahiko has been fighting superior opponents for a long time. He's very good at improvising on the fly, reading an opponent's skill level, and so on. He is in excellent condition, has good strength and endurance for his size, and near peak human balance and speed.
Sakabato: A legendary sword with a blunt edge.
One of the finest swords forged in Japan of his era, Yahiko's Sakabato was inherited from one of his mentors. It is an excellent quality blade, but is a reverse-blade sword. The curved edge used to attack is blunt, while the inner curve is sharp. Yahiko usually uses a wooden training sword, but the sakabato is far more durable.


Cannot Kill: Yahiko is devoted to non-lethal solutions.
In keeping with the teachings of both Kamiya Kasshin Style, and his idol and mentor Kenshin, Yahiko is determined not to kill people to solve problems. Blood on his hands is something he desperately wants to avoid. While his combat style is well-suited to this, it very directly limits how he can approach problems, and in any group he will be push for the nonlethal solution toward anything. He will refuse to willingly kill a thinking being, and only in the most dire of circumstances help someone to do so at all, and never directly. He is more willing to kill nonsapient beings, but even then he avoids it when possible.
Self Sacrifice: Yahiko is willing to take a hit for his comrades... even if he can't.
While he is unlikely to jump in front of a heavily-armored tank to take a hit, Yahiko is very much the type to take a hit for someone who appears more vulnerable. It doesn't matter if this would obviously take him down or cripple him for the fight, he'll do it just because it needs done, and without thinking. It's a holdover from his more brash days. If there's someone who needs protecting, he'll take the hit for them.
Honorable: Yahiko upholds traditional values of honor and justice.
Yahiko is proud of his heritage, and wants to be a good example of such. He holds martial skill in respect, and accepts (non-lethal)duels from honorable opponents... and presumes they are honorable unless proven otherwise. He keeps his given word to a fault, takes defense of the weak and proper justice very seriously, and otherwise is just a good kid all around who will stand up for what's right... even if it gets him beaten down.
Proud: Yahiko has great pride in his skills and self-sufficiency.
Yahiko has a great amount of pride. Not just in his bloodline, but in his own abilities and honor. He doesn't like to accept charity, he doesn't always admit to needing help, and he often keeps going at trying something when he really should step back and let someone else handle it. He has largely gotten over the problem of being goaded into a fight... largely... but he still has issues with the other aspects of feeling like he is lowering himself.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1094 Pitch Meeting Oct 27 2022
1088 The Warden: Asteroid Insertion Oct 11 2022
1078 The Warden: Deck of Many Things Sep 06 2022
1077 The Old Ways Sep 04 2022
872 Captain's Log 2997, 3454.4 Sep 06 2021
725 Odds of Escape 1/1000 Aug 26 2020
696 Black Tide Over Kyoto Jul 16 2020
537 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Jul 11 2019
363 Pokemon festival/exhibition! Mar 26 2019
328 May Humankind Be Everlasting Nov 08 2018
See All 26 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.