World Tree MUSH

At the Marketplace

Ayla runs into Iota Assistant and teaches her a few things!
Character Pose
Even if the chill and frost that had been present here at one point was gone, it still got a rather cold in the evening--and right now it was late afternoon, the sun beginning to set with the wind cooling and bringing a refreshing balm with it. The marketplace stalls would still be open, at least for a bit yet--and there happened to be a certain cavewoman there trying to score something for dinner. She knew how money worked, Chrono and his friends had used it several times--though like anyone else she was still a stranger around here herself, so she was not exactly the most savvy for what a kebab or the like went for.

"Gah... Ayla so hungry, might as well just go hunt something in forest at this rate..." she sighed, ignoring the occasional stare or weird looks from folks, considering she was in basically a gray fur bikini top and miniskirt.
Iota Assistant
It is a bit chilly tonight but Iota who dressed pretty lightly and has half her body covered in bandages, doesn't seem to be bothered by the chill. She get a few odd looks as she passes by the the stalls. "Wooow.", she says looking around. "So many shops!", she pauses. "I should get something to eat but what?", she hmms looking around at the shops that are open. "So many good smells! I'll try that one!", she walks up to a stall selling kebas on a stick. "ooh these look good."
While wrappings wouldn't have been out of place on someone necessarily where Ayla was from, the fact they were clearly bandages was a little odd. Ayla almost bumps into the girl as she walks past--her stomach rumbling audibly, which might sound like the sound of a small motor trying to turn over to the practiced ear.

"Woo--ah, sorry, sorry, I..." and Ayla gets a better look at the Iota Assistant. The strange pumpkin head hat, the bandages, the strange but cute look of her--it's a lot to take in at first!

"Oh my, who are you? I Ayla!" she said after a few moments, swallowing hesitation. She wasn't sure what to expect anymore--for all she knew Iota was some kind of weird vampire or something! Stranger things had happened so far! A street thug had tried to bite her with giant syringe fangs in a city back there, after all.
Iota Assistant
Iota ahs in surprise as Ayla bumps into her. "Oh! I'm Iota Assistant!", she says as a matter of fact. She looks over Ayla, she well toned. "Your pretty!", she says. "You look pretty strong too!"
"Iota... Assistant? That a name?" Ayla seems a little confused at first. The girl's chipper demeanor however soon cuts through whatever confusion Ayla might have had. Iota does look like a cute young girl after all--if a bit of a strange one. She smiles and bows her head a little, her gold locks bobbing a little.

"Nice to meet you--Ayla is stranger here, have you seen place to eat?" Iota would probably figure out pretty soon that Ayla is not a native speaker of her language. Less dumb brute and more... well, she spoke her own language better, most likely.

"Ayla so hungry she could eat a whale--where does Iota Assistant come from?" she asks idly in passing, stepping around to where the scent of something like falafel is wafting in. A food stand!
Iota Assistant
"That's my name and I like it!", Iota says proudly. She blinks at Ayla odd speech patterns. It take her a few seconds to get what she is saying. "Oh! I think this is a place to eat right here"!", she point at the falafel stand. She giggles at Alya comment about the whale. "You have a hard time fitting that in your mouth! Iota ponders she could possibly eat a while if she got big. She giggles at that thought. 
"My home?", her chipper attitude, lessens a bit. "It's pretty far from here.."
"Pshh, no Ayla wouldn't--" Ayla said back cheekily before approaching the stand with the artificial girl. Ayla would of course go with the one that was filled with meat, likely also vegetables--carrots, peas, that kind of thing.

"Ah, Ayla's home is far from here too--another place, really--Iota not going to buy anything?" she asked, already having wolfed down half the strange meat-pie type food, likely blinking for a moment as she tasted the sour cream. Now /there/ was something she hadn't tasted before. Dairy products like that just really didn't exist where she was from. Not /yet/ anyway.
Iota Assistant
Iota nods listening to Ayla. "Another place? What's it like?", she asks quite curious about it. "Of course I am! I just got a bit distracted. She can hear her tummy rumbling a bit saying I need food! She hmms for a second as buy one of the meat pies that Ayla just bought. She takes a bite out of it. "This is pretty good!"
"It is much warmer than this--and much more sun--me and my tribe--ompf--" she continued eating while she told her story.

"We fight Dinomen, they around lot longer than us," she nodded. "Then my friend, Chrono--he came from the future--nom--" she apparently didn't have the best table manners, even if they weren't strictly at a table--she talked with her mouth full. Probably not the best influence on Iota, to be fair.

"It's good--might be too much dough, though--what Iota think?" she asked, nearly finishing hers.
Iota Assistant
Iota murfles. "Yes I think there just a bit too much dough.. The filling is good thought.", she really doesn't understand Ayla's story dinomen? Chrono from the future? That name is just a bit too coincidental.. Maybe it a translation problem? She chews a bit more on her meat bun, listening to Ayla story.
"Then we fight Dinomen and get their gate key back--and I put Kino back in line, and--" Ayla blinked as she looked over at Iota, who seemed to be watching her with a wondering look.

"Err, Ayla is going too fast, sorry--" she grinned a little sheepishly, finishing the rest of her food and brushing the crumbs and such from around her lips. Not quite dainty this one, to be sure.

"Anyway, Iota been here long? Is big city--but Ayla been places like this before--some... not look quite as nice as this, however," what was it with her and winding up in dystopias, already? The wrecked future of her world, the cyberpunk city... and then worst of all, Detroit--though she did meet Demi there--so it had that going for it, at least.
Iota Assistant
"No, I'm following your story Ayla." ,she pauses. "I think.", she shakes her head. "No I'm still pretty new around here been her about a month. Still trying to wrap around how this all works! There so many worlds connected to this tree!", she pauses. "I wonder if someone made a map, or a guide at least."
"My friend Chrono--he travels time with me and his other friends, it's strange, Ayla know, but..." Ayla blinks as she realized Iota was pretty new here. Ayla was new also, though perhaps not quite as green as Iota was.

"Follow Ayla then--teach you how to buy stuff and take care of yourself," she nodded to Iota. She had noticed the girl had tried to give the Falafel man too much money at first, perhaps. While amusing--it could lead to trouble for her if she ran into someone not quite so noble.
Iota Assistant
"You know someone that can time travel? That's soo cool!", she sounds quite amazed. "The Professor theorized that time travel as possible.. Do you have to travel over 88 miles to do it?", she nods to Ayla. "Okay! Teach me the way of buying stuff!"
"I do--I just need to find him!" Ayla then blinked at Iota. She didn't know what she was talking about, literally--at all.

"Erf, Iota make Ayla's head hurt already," she put a hand on Iota's shoulder good-naturedly, giving her a bit of a friendly shake--before continuing on with her.

"Ayla will, don't worry--hopefully she can help," she grinned a little, leading the girl off into the city, the long tail-like scarf of her outfit swaying as she walked. Some people might have thought it was actually /her/ tail, but not quite.