Ayla (Dropped)

World: Chrono Trigger-1
Actual Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Early-Mid 20s
Quote: Ayla not lose! Ayla lose when she die!
Role: Cavewoman Chief
Species: Human
Voice Actor: Janyse Jaud


Born a young girl in Ioka village in 65000000 B.C. of her world's time, Ayla's tribe suffered under raids and harassment from the local Reptite population. As years went by, Ayla rose in strength and fighting prowess, training herself in gymnastics and martial arts until she was finally able to provide protection and peace to her tribe. She became a force to be reckoned with, a fierce and tenacious fighter, combining acrobatics with a fighting style that combined fierce kicks, punches, claws and biting. She eventually became the chief of her village, stronger than any of the men and more skilled than the rest of the women. Combining feral grace and beauty, she could outwit the more technologically advanced reptilian-humanoid Reptites for days and crush giant rocks with her fists alone. Then came the fateful day when she encountered Chrono and his friends, and was caught up in his crusade to free the planet of it's chains that spanned across time and foil the machinations of the dread eldritch spaceborne parasite, Lavos. Ayla knows that unless she fights, her tribe and many tribes yet to come will have no future.


Great Strength: Pumped-up from the Paleolithic Era!
Despite her relatively modest frame, Ayla is capable of great feats of strength. It surpasses peak-human ability and is likely result of evolutionary mutation or some kind of supernatural gift. It is unclear. What is clear is that she is deceptively strong and powerful physically, able to perform superhuman acts such as crushing boulders with her bare fists lifting and throwing objects and creatures many times her own size. She utilizes her strength in both self-defense as well as hunting and providing labor around her camp.
Feline Martial-arts: A ferocious and animalistic fighting style.
Ayla's fighting style utilizes punches, kicks, as well as scratches with nails and even biting with her teeth. Think early karate, mixed with feral fighting tactics such as that of an animal's, in Ayla's case, it's based primarily off of large cats. She is capable of powerful somersaults, spinning roundhouses and diving kicks. Her style also combines elements of grappling and wrestling, lifting objects like large rocks or even other combatants and throwing them like projectiles.
Charming: She's got the look!
While her garb of cat-skin bikini and boots might be immodest in more civilized society, Ayla's appearance is pleasant by most human standards. She possesses a carefree and dyed in the wool optimist personality that gives her a disarming and friendly grace. She is relaxed and has a calming air about her, which is a combination of both her inner qualities as much as her appearance. In addition, while she might seem at first as if she's an uncultured or dim brute, she is not naive. Her feminine wiles and playful personality allow her to manipulate others to her own advantage--like extorting gifts out of potential foes or marks and allowing her to pass by guards and the like. This skill does not always run to plan, however, and her tricks have been known to fail in hilariously spectacular ways.
Aura: Healing by chi and encouragement.
Ayla is also able to utilize her charming techniques in more benign ways, such as focusing her body's aura to heal and encourage others. This ability is partly supernatural, though a combination of technique, appeal and the ability to focus her body's 'chi' or inherent energy for a mild healing effect.


Techno-Inept: She's a cavewoman, yo. She can't use instagram!
Beyond simple machines like say, a gas pedal, or a touchscreen interface on a computer, Ayla is bad with complex machinery and tends to cause more harm than good when interacting with them. While she is intelligent, quite so for the era she hails from--more complex technological concepts are hazy with her, she's not just having a blonde moment! She just don't know about a lot of those things.
Tribal: Prehistoric cultural sensibilities.
Due to the culture of survival of the fittest that her people lived under, Ayla is more concerned with practical matters that might benefit survival. Her concept of law and order is entirely different and primitive, those that do a wrong must pay up and or get beat, etc. Her customs are entirely alien to that of a modern person, or someone from a more advanced age. Where she comes from a strong leader or elder leads due to ability or experience, not necessarily due to a popularity contest or voting. If the leader becomes sick or unable continue their responsibilities, then their second will take their place. Where she comes from there are no police, or social constructs that more modern people find normal, so this can lead to some problems and true fish out of water situations.
Brute: She doesn't know her own strength sometimes!
Along with her blindness to social niceties of more civilized cultures, Ayla can essentially be a bull in a china shop at times due to her immense strength. This makes her dwelling in modern or high-tech environments potentially hazardous, for both her and those around her! She doesn't know her own strength at times and this can lead to problems--sometimes hilarious, sometimes not!

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
158 Cavegirl in Kaipo Jun 17 2018
112 At the Marketplace May 13 2018
94 In the Junkyard Apr 27 2018
71 Uncooperative Person Shipment Apr 05 2018
59 Suddenly Goblins! Mar 24 2018
See All 5 Scenes


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