Iota Assistant (Dropped)

Iota Assistant
World: Original
Actual Age: 5
Apparent Age: 16
Quote: Size does matter! ..sometimes
Role: Bio-Construct
Species: Artificial Human
Theme Song: Man with a mission Searching life
Voice Actor: Jocelyne Loewen


Iota Assistant is an artificial person created by the mysterious individual known only to her as "The Professor." A mad scientist and geneticist, the Professor required an assistant, and created Iota expressly for that role, serving under him for many years. After he died in attack, she was left with no home and nothing better to do, so she left and began to explore the Tree. Innocent and somewhat naive due to her life in relative seclusion, she is gifted with natural physical resilience and the ability to alter her size.


Size-change< Edge >: Iota can alter her size up to 25 feet.
Iota can alter size up to 25 feet. She usually sticks around the 10 to 12 feet range as getting larger than that puts a strain on her body and it is hard for her keep up for long periods of time. (Note:Going 12 feet or above requires Edge)
Artificial Human: She looks like a human but she isn't!
Iota was created by the Professor, she may looks like a teenager but is only a few years old. Superior genetic conduction has made her hardy. Knifes have a hard time penetrating her skin, bullets only cause bruising. She can tolerate extreme heat and cold for lengthy periods of time. Her body processes food and water well, she can go without it for extended periods of time.


Naive: Iota doesn't know much about the outside world
Iota has lived a very sheltered life until recently. She hasn't seen much of the outside world and will be curious about anything new she comes across. She will go OH THAT NEAT! or WHAT'S THAT? at anything she that catches her attention. She can get easily distracted, and will touch and examine the things that get her attention.
Unique Biology: Iota's insides are different
Iota's insides as arranged very differently from a normal human, so doctors trying treat any internal injuries will have a hard time fixing her up. Medicines will be less effective on her.
Unique Appearance: Iota stands out in a crowd
Due to bandages covering half her body and as well as a few large scars, Iota stand out. She easy to remember and stands out very much in groups. This make it hard to blend in with crowds as she is quite recognizable.
The hat: Don't touch the hat.
Iota hat is one of the few keepsakes she has of her time with The Professor, she rarely take it off and won't let anyone touch it. If someone takes or steals it she will put all her efforts into getting it back
Honest: I cannot tell a lie.
Iota doesn't know how to lie. She will tell the truth about anything that bugs her saying it without mincing words. She can't keep a secret and if questioned about something she will answer truthfully as best she knows.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
633 Iota eat all the ice cream Mar 16 2020
621 This Iota scene will get a better title later Feb 19 2020
541 The Angel of Death Jul 19 2019
416 Iota's gathering Feb 05 2019
326 The Crash Site Nov 07 2018
299 Lego Castle Oct 19 2018
260 Shiny & Black Sep 26 2018
208 Beta test Aug 03 2018
161 Chimera Trouble Jun 20 2018
112 At the Marketplace May 13 2018
See All 11 Scenes


Title Date
Escape and the Future Feb 11 2019
Rooting for the bad guy?? Feb 10 2020
See All 2 Cutcenes