World Tree MUSH

Drive In Check In

Character Pose
    <<Yo, you alive? Awesome. Where you at? Wanna talk. ... What? That old place? Geeze. Aite, I'll be there.>>

    After a brief call, it's not too long before Rebecca makes her way to the abandoned drive-in theater in North Oaks. The place is run down, ragged, and the gates are locked. Not that locked gates are enough to stop someone like Scavenger from getting in. Or Becca for that matter as she uses the superior strength of her Gorilla Arms to just tear the doors open before letting them slam back into place.
    "Yoooooooo? Scav? You around, yeah?"
    The only sound, apart from the wind, and the slamming of broken doors, is a rhythmic scraping of stone on metal. It's coming from one of the little side buildings that used to serve snacks to the movie-goers. Crrrrrk-shng. Crrrrrk-shng. Someone's sharpening something the old fashioned way.

    Becca's voice earns a simple. "Here." from the same building, the deeper alto of the Zalak's voice a distinct sound from all the high pitched idolita's that mimic popular bands.
    Becca's ears are pretty keen. Not superhuman, but well trained enough to know the sound of a whetstone on metal, and when she hears Scavenger's voice call out, she makes her way over.
    "That's your new steel, right?" She asks casual as can be, gorilla arms stuffed in the pockets of her Samurai jacket. "Since that Arasaka 'bot dented up your old one, right?"
    As Becca walks into the building, she would find Scavenger indeed working a whetstone over a large nodachi-like blade. Still far too broad and large to be practical as an assassins weapon, but it's just right for the Zalak. "Yep." is her response to the first question. She seems to finish, wrapping the blade up in a black cloth and then sheathing it over her back again. "Yep." she adds to the second question, turning yellow eyes onto the solo.

    "Information. Who the fuck is Adam Smasher. Where can I find him, and what at the limitations on that... thing... he did." she demands, yellow eyes narrowing and her lips pressed into a bloodless line after she's done talking.
    "Well I'm glad to see you're okay at least." The diminutive solo says as she plops herself down for a seat, big metal hands plantingg on her knees. But then she frowns.
    "Adam Smasher is a bogeyman. Night City's apex predator. He's more machine than man. Most I know are rumors and fairy tales you tell your kid at night to keep 'em in line." Rebecca says.
    "But what I do know for sure is that he's Arasaka's head of security now, and that night could have gone a LOT worse for all of us at the docks." She says, flicking a long pigtail over her shoulder. "Finding him? He's probably holed up in Arasaka tower. That thing he did? It's a cybernetic implant. It's called a Sandevistan. It boosts the user's reflexes and reaction speeds to inhuman levels. I knew a kid who had one chipped in, tended to overuse it a lot. It always did a number on him, too. But Smasher... He's some kind of different beast altogether. I don't KNOW if he has limitations like David did."
    Scavenger leans on a table, eyes closed as she listens. The part about not having limitations gets her to lock a withering stare on the solo. "Everything has a limit. Everything has a weakness. An 'Unsinkable' ship can still be sunk if you know how to defeat its safety systems." She growls. "There has to be a limit, a time-out to avoid overheating, some kind of cut-off to allow his brain to catch back up with his body again. Something that leaves a window of opportunity..."

    She finally slumps down into a chair, pulling a ration bar from a pouch and scarfing it down with a dour look. "Nothing is invincible... you just need to look for the secret entrance."
    Becca holds her hands up, palms out, as the zalak fixes her with that glower.
    "That's the thing. If he has a weakness, *I'm* not the one who knows it." She admits. "The Sandevistan is super secret military black teck as far as I know. And from what I have heard it drives its user cyberpsycho faster than a Japanese bullet train. The one David klepped was taken of a dead military dropout that went full on psycho and killed 23 guys before MaxTac zero'd him. The fact that Smasher can use that thing and still string two words together is some kind of miracle in and of itself." She points out. Before plopping her hands on her knees again.
    "You really wanna go after him again that much?"
    Scavenger listens again, the corner of her mouth twitching at 'cyberpsycho'. "Can't go psychotic if you've no humanity left to lose." she grouses dourly, then leans forward. Arms folded on the table as she gives Rebecca another look. This one is a mix of pain and self loathing. "He hurt Hyouka... and she sacrificed herself to protect me... I owe her at least returning the favour to that short-circ freakshow... Even if it's just one hit. One good, solid strike to show him he isn't all-powerful."
    "He also could have hurt you. Badly." Rebecca points out. "Hell, he almost zero'd me and Dante." She notes. And she leaves out the fact that Smasher DID do in four highly skilled solos before any of them could react. But Becca sighs when Scavenger gives her That Look.
    "Hyouka's fine. And I came here to make sure you were too. I'd say let's leave it at that and not go kicking the bee's nest up... But..." She says.
    "But if you're really set on it... Someone has to watch your back and make sure you don't get flatlined, I guess."
    "I work best alone." she replies quickly. "I'm not going to go kicking the hornets nest though. That'd just make life harder for everyone else."

    She stands, heaving a sigh. "I should go see Hyouka... but, I feel like I don't deserve it." She shakes her head out, grunting at herself. "I should talk to Twintail... see if she has any jobs to take my mind off this."
    "The fuck makes you think you don't deserve it?" Becca asks point blank. "You could at least say 'thank you' to her, yeah?" She points out, folding her hands behind her head. "Thing I always learned about Night City is. 'You run alone, you die'." Rebecca notes.
    "You gotta find people you can trust to have your back and stick with 'em. That's why I'll go with you if you think it's worth taking Smasher down. ... Don't know how much help I'll actually be there, but..." She shrugs. "But yeah. Talking to TT usually helps. She's usually got something or other lined up."
    "Worked for me for four years working the Chernnobog underground... and Lungmen's back streets. Dirty work, stuff that even you wouldn't touch." replies Scavenger. "How do you think I got the name 'Scavenger'? My family didn't name me that." the Zalak then shrugs. "I'll... I'll go see Hyouka soon."
    "There's a lot I won't touch. But that doesn't mean... Ugh nevermind." Becca relents after a moment, rubbing her temples. "You're just gonna be a stubborn edgy loner gonkbrain no matter what I say aren't you?" Muttered with a huff. "Anyway as long as you're in Night City-- or even when you're not. Gimme a call sometime. I've got your back if you want it."
    ... "And yeah. Go see Hyouka."
    "Blame the magic cancer rocks in my head." remarks Scavenger dryly, before lugging herself out of the door. "Gonna track down Twintail. You better delta too, I think I saw some kind of drone sniffing around a few hours ago."