World Tree MUSH

Morning Battle Practice

Character Pose
It was the earlier side of mid morning, and the sun was rising in the clear blue sky, casting a shimmering reflection across the ocean near Ula'Ula Island. Miwa was already awake and had made her way over to a Pokemon battle field near her home which overlooked the ocean. It was actually a very short walk from the Pokemon Center where Miwa had recovered after their tussle with Team Skull. With the help of a few of her wild Pokemon friends, Miwa had set up a few training dummies which she practiced some of her moves on, aiming Hydro Pumps and blasts of water balloons with her Sparkling Aria, before ending with a Blizzard, leaving the dummies covered in ice and Miwa trying to catch her breath for a moment. All the while her friends, an Alolan Raichu, Alolan Vulpix, and an Eevee, watched from the sidelines. 

It wasn't long before some people noticed and a young Pokemon Trainer was curious about this Primarina who was training so hard all by herself. "You want to battle me?" He asked, eyes widening in surprise as she replied with a quick nod and "Yes, sure!" The boy blinked. "You can talk? Cool!" He then wasted no more time, tossing a Pokeball, and when it opened, a very strange looking Pokemon appeared. It looked like a large sword inside a scabbard, with what looked like two white eyes and a mouth showing in the scabbard, and a third blue eye on the center of the blade's cross guard. There was also what looked like a blue ribbon coming from the hilt which flared toward the end, where it turned lighter blue and had a swirl pattern of the darker blue where it changed shades. "A Honedge... Don't see those every day." Miwa commented, before taking a ready stance and letting the boy go first.
     The Gabumon hasn't heard of Miwa in a few days, and decided that, since he knew how to get there, he might as well inspect the world and search for his friend!. He is a bit... nervous, cautious even, trying to avoid drawing people's gaze, even if a lanky, thin fox with limbs a bit too long, an oversized snout and far too many belts might raise an eyebrow or two as he rushed to the beach, only pausing when he spots what was going on. He tries to silently tiptoe to one of the sidelines, devolving to his gabumon form and slowly inching to join the pokemon, "What's going on?" he asks outloud, noticing a young human calling a pokemon and his friend.
Miwa's friends were happy to have Bewul join them at the sidelines, though they weren't terribly helpful in answering his question, as they just cheered in Pokespeak. Miwa grinned, and looked over at Bewul a moment. "Well, I was practicing some of my battle techniques out here, and this boy asked if I wanted to have a Pokemon battle, so I agreed." The boy also notices Bewul but seems confused. "Another talking Pokemon? How did you just change? Were you mega evolved before?" Miwa laughs a bit and shakes her head. "Bewul is my friend but he's not a Pokemon, he's not from this world. The boy nods, almost forgetting about the battle for the moment. "Oh, that's really cool! I've never met anyone from these other worlds. Mom says I'm not old enough to visit them yet. My name is Tim by the way." 

Honedge eventually starts grumbling a bit, feeling ignored, snapping Tim's attention back to the battle. "Oh right, I got distracted. Honedge, use Aerial Ace!" Honedge unsheathes from it's scabbard and it's body is suddenly surrounded by jagged white streaks as it flies toward Miwa. She tries to avoid the attack, but still takes a hit to the side of her torso, wincing a bit but not seeming terribly bothered by the blow. Thinking about how to attack this Pokemon, she knew Honedge was steel type, that was fairly obvious, but she couldn't remember what it's secondary typing was. Even so, she knew steel would resist fairy and ice types, so she would stick to water attacks. "Your Honedge is pretty strong, it's faster than I expected." Miwa comments before striking back with an attack of her own. Using Water Gun, she fired a pressurized blast of water toward the sword-like Pokemon, which nimbly moved out of the way. Miwa quickly adjusted her aim and still managed to land part of the blast on the Honedge, which took the hit before swinging around a bit to sling the water off of itself. "You're going to have to do better than that! Don't go easy on us." The boy taunted. "Honedge, Slash!" And the sword Pokemon's blade glows white as it flies towards Miwa, attempting to slash at her.
Bewul is quite curious about the pokemon, and hoped they did not mind if he inched closer to them, wanting to pet the eevee and the vulpix at least, his tail wagging behind him. He nods as Miwa explains, "I see!, just let me know if this goes out of line." he says to her friend, "I never saw a pokemon battle." he begins, before blinking and turning to the boy. "Hi!... yeah, I am not quite a pokemon unfortunately." he says softly, tilting his head, "I mean, I'll be glad to show off and talk about things, if you want, Tim." he says. He settles down with Miwa's friends to watch the fight, chuckling a bit as the boy's pokemon was so eager."
Raichu and Vulpix were very curious of Bewul and happily allowed him to pet them. Bewul might feel a bit of static electricity in Raichu's fur, and Vulpix would feel quite cool compared to the warm sun bearing down on them. Eeevee on the other hand was a bit shy and stayed back a bit. Miwa appreciated Bewul's concern, but didn't think this was likely to get out of hand. The boy was young, and Honedge was a first tier evolution while she was third, which was why she started off going easy on him, but he asked her not to, and as the boy gave another command to Honedge, Miwa's eyes widened a bit as she saw the sword Pokemon flying toward her in a slashing motion. Quickly she moved to dodge the slash, but only barely managed, feeling the blade harmlessly graze against one of the fins on the side of her tail. Maybe she shouldn't underestimate this boy's Pokemon, it did seem very well trained. 

"Alright, if you don't want me to hold back, then I won't!" Miwa says firmly, and quickly surrounded herself in a column of water, using it to propel herself forward and slam firmly in to Honedge, knocking it back. She followed up that Aqua Jet with her signature, Sparkling Aria, singing to form several orbs of water from the column of water she had just used for her previous attack, before sending them flying at Honedge. Still stunned a bit by her water tackle, it took several blows, and now was starting to look a little erratic in the way it floated.

Tim saw that his Pokemon was starting to struggle a bit, and decided to go all out. "Honedge, lets try out that new move, Flash Cannon!" Honedge grunted and began to form a large white orb of energy in front of it's body, then fires a powerful beam of white and blue energy at Miwa. Miwa quickly dives to the ground to avoid the blast, but still takes a solid hit. It takes a moment for her to get back up, shaking her head a bit as she looks a little dazed. She knows she doesn't want to take another hit like that, and needs to finish this off.

Using Aqua Jet again, she aims upwards, just using the move to launch herself into the air. She then aims a Hydro Pump down at Honedge, the blast of water rushing from her mouth toward the sword Pokemon looking immensely stronger than the Water Gun blast she had done earlier. Caught off guard by Miwa suddenly launching herself into the air, Honedge took the blast full force, and fainted, falling to the ground. "Honedge return!" Tim cried before pushing the button on Honedge's Pokeball, causing a red beam of light to shoot toward Honedge and pull the steel type into it's Pokeball. Breathing a bit hard, still feeling the exhilaration of the battle, Miwa moves to the sidelines by Bewul, and her friends cheer for her and both Vulpix and Eevee nuzzle her happily. Miwa turns to Tim. "The two of you did well. That Flash Cannon was almost too much for me." She says before turning to Bewul. "So, what did you think, that's the first time you've seen a Pokemon Battle. Honestly, it's my first time being in one, other than when we fought Team Skull, in as long as I can remember." Tim blinks. "You fought Team Skull! Those guys are bullies, I'm glad someone is around to teach them a lesson!"
Bewul is not quite aware of how pokemon work, and even if he did, it is kind of hard to gauge power on how big or not things look, so he is just cautious!. He certainly pets Vulpix, apparently fond of the cool fur, and chuckles as he gets static from the surfing zap mouse. He even tries to petr on the shy fox, "Not going to hurt you, no matter how I look like!" he tries to reasure it. "Would you prefer I looked like a big fox?... guess that one looks scarier." he muses. He says all that while watching the fight, tilting his head a bit. He has to admit, it is not quite as flashy or destructive than digimon fights!. Then again... that might be a good thing.. no wonder humans like being around them. 

     Bewul remains quiet for the fight, nto wanting to distract either of the battlers, until it is clear it finished, and rushes to cheer Miwa, and greet Tim. "Hi, I'm Bewul." he says, offering one paw to him. "It was cool, not quite as... destructive or violent as digimon fights look on some cases, but guess it is good, given it means you can just spar without worrying about being too damaged." he says. "That was a cool fight, honestly." he tells both, "Makes me want to do some target practice or pounce something."
Eevee watches as Bewul talks to it, but still keeps it's distance a bit, though when Bewul goes to cheer on Miwa, Eevee joins the other Pokemon in coming over to cheer for their friend along with Bewul. Miwa smiles at Bewul and nods. "Yeah, my head's still spinning a little, but I think I'll be alright after a little rest, maybe some food. Who's hungry for lunch?" She asks, looking around at the others. She notices Eeevee looking at Bewul but still looking shy and gives the little fox-like Pokemon a gentle smile. "It's OK Eevee, Bewul is a friend, he is really nice." Miwa says as she gently pats Bewul on the back with one of her flippers. That seemed to be good enough for Eeevee as it came closer still and sniffed at Bewul curiously. 

Tim watched them all with a bright smile. He knew that apart from Miwa they were probably wild, but wouldn't even consider trying to catch them, they all looked so happy to be together and with Miwa. He finally looked to Miwa as he spoke. "That was a really fun battle. Maybe we can do it again sometime. I know you helped me and my Honedge get stronger. You're surprisingly good for not battling much."

Turning to Bewul and nodding at his greeting. "Nice to meet you Bewul. My friends at school are never going to believe I met a... Digimon? That what you said you were?" Tim says with excitement beaming from his eyes. At the mention of wanting to do target practice or pounce something, Miwa grins and pats Bewul again. "Maybe later you can spar with me again, it's been a while and I know I'm stronger than I was the last time."
Bewul oofs playfully at the pat on her back, chuckling a bit. He does smell a bit like fox, at least the fur pelt he is wearing does, he smells a bit like reptile otherwise. "I'll be glad to show off a bit for a fan." he teases to Tim, "If you are curious about the change and what I can do." he says, smiling. "So never saw a digimon?, hope I can give a good impression!" he says with a grin, wagging his tail slowly. "It did look fun, I like sparring and training." he says happily. "I'll be glad to help you all train.". 

     The mentino of eating does get him to perk his ears, "I would use a snack, I brought some meat, but that's about it, I recall I really enjoyed what you shared with me last time." he says, before glancing at the other wild pokemon. "What do you guys eat?" he asks around. "And yes, I am a digimon, I am a digital creature... I mean... not sure how to explain, I am alive but... not quite work the same as most other creatures around."
At the mention of food, Tim's eyes light up and he grins at the others. "I know! You can all come to my home and we can eat there! My mom should be making lunch soon anyway and she usually doesn't mind if I bring friends." Miwa thinks about the offer for a moment then smiles and nods to Tim. "Sure, if your parents really won't mind, I'd be happy to come have lunch with you at your home." She says as she turns to Bewul. 

"That sound good to you Bewul? Would you mind carrying me?" She asks with a chuckle, watching as Eevee nuzzles Bewul a little, then tries to climb onto his tail and then his back. "I think you made a friend." She says with a grin. Tim then goes ahead and answers the question about the food Pokemon eat. "Usually in the wild, they eat berries, though some Pokemon do eat other Pokemon, but at home I have special Pokemon food that is both tasty and full of nutrition."
     Bewul grins and nods at the mention of visiting the kid's house... teen?. "Sure, I'd love to!" he says, feeling the 'vee trying to climb on his back and nestling on his pelt. "Sure, I can carry you all I think, just give me a moment to take a better shape for it." he chuckles to Miwa and Tim. He takes a few steps back, "Hold tight!" he tells the small 'vee, as his form glows brightly and he turns into a tall, lanky fox, a bit scary at first sight perhaps. He lowers himself down, "Climb up!" he calls to Miwa and the others. He has soft fur, and some of those belts make for good holding spots.
Miwa nods to Bewul and waits for him to change. She lets Tim get on first, then Miwa sits on Bewul's back next, wrapping her tail around his belly a little and holding on with her flippers as best she can. Eevee, Raichu, and Vulpix all take the rear. "You sure you can handle all of us back here?" She asks Bewul with a bit of concern, but unless Bewul reconsidered the idea, they'd soon be on their way as Tim pointed out directions to his house. It was a bit of a ride to get there, but it wouldn't likely take terribly long with Bewul carrying them along. 

"There it is!" Tim called out as they reached a quaint little neighborhood and he pointed out which house was his. It wasn't huge, but was cozy for Tim and his parents, and looked very nice. Tim slid off Bewul and ran inside to tell his parents he was having friend over. His mother came out and smiled at the gathering, giving Bewul a bit longer a look as she had never seen anything like him before. "Alright Tim, just don't make too much of a mess. Have fun." She would then go back inside and Tim would come to lead the group to the back yard, where there was a picnic table a few trees, and lots of lush grass. "My mom will bring food out soon."
    If it is too much for him, Bewul does little to show it, waiting for everyone to get settled, before he slowly raises on his lanky limbs, and quickly dashes on, making sure no one falls down of course, checking back now and then to see if the riders were fine. He likely raises several eyebrows and might scare a kid or two as he bolts towards the neighbourhood and approached the house, panting for air and letting Tim down, offering a polite nod to the lady greeting him. He wondered if he should speak or not, but chooses not to, for now, just following to the picnic area, and carefully settles down on the grass.
Miwa settles in at the end of the picnic table, finding that easier than trying to sit on the benches. Tim sets out three bowls of Pokemon food for Raichu, Vulpix and Eevee, and before long Tim's mother brings out a bunch of sandwiches for the group, some had meat, some were just vegetables, a couple were just peanut butter and jelly. For drinks, there was a picture of iced tea, nomelade, and plain water, and some plastic cups on the table. "Its a little bit of everything since I didn't know what you're friends would like." 

Miwa smiled and nodded to the woman. "Thank you miss. Your son has been very kind and it was generous for him to invite us over, we'll try not to be too much trouble." The woman was surprised for a moment at Miwa speaking, but the theater troupe she had been in was quite well known in Alola, so it didn't take long for the woman to guess who she was. Tim likely just didn't put two and two together.

The woman winked at Miwa and ruffled Tim's hair a bit. "You sure do find the strangest friends. Have fun you guys." She says before going back inside. Miwa takes a sandwich that looks to be filled with lettuce, tomato, and some kind of fish, and pours herself a glass of nomelade. After eating a bit of her sandwich, she looks to the others. "You know, I've been thinking of throwing a little concert on the beach sometime in the near future, and I've been working on a new song. Would you like to hear it?"
Bewul sprawls on his side for a moment, long tail swishing along the grass while the mother sets up the food, ears perked up when he spotted the meal. He raises up a bit to nod as she mentions 'not knowing what they like', but otherwise keeps a low profile, even when Miwa talks. It's only after the mother gets back that he sits up near the table, and with surprisingly fast motions, he ends up somehow holding a sandwich in his muzzle, surprisingly, a peanut butter and jelly one, making content noises. He manages to wolf down a second one, before Miwa offers the idea of a concert, licking his lips a few times, some of it stuck on his jaws, "Sure!" he manages to mumble.
"Sing us a song? Sure, that'd be nice!" Tim says enthusiastically, scarfing down a BLT sandwich and washing it down with nomelade. Miwa smiles, and quickly works on finishing her food and then drinks down a full glass of water to cleanse her throat. "Alright then, here goes!" She says as she backs away from the picnic table, moving toward the center of the yard. She then begins to sing an upbeat song as several orbs of water begin to form in the air and take various shapes, from various types of flowers to stars and the shaped orbs of water begin to dance in the air along with her song. Bewul may be surprised to hear that Miwa is singing in a different language, it was native Alolan. 

As the song continued, Miwa eventually formed a larger orb of water under her, and let it lift her up into the air so she could dance along with the rest of the water shapes she had created. After a few minutes, the song reached it's peak and the smaller shaped orbs of water would burst and rain down in a shower over Miwa as she wound down the song and slowly lowered the large orb under her till she was back on the ground. She took a bow, smiling brightly.

"What did you guys think?" Tim was ecstatic as he jumped up and ran over to hug Miwa, which was a little bit of a shock to the Primarina, but she gently hugged him back. In the middle of the song it had finally occurred to Tim that this was the same Primarina that his family had seen performing a show a few years ago. "You're Miwa arent you, from the Kailani show!? My family went to one of your shows a few years ago, it was amazing. I can't believe I'm talking with you right now. My friends are never going to believe this!" Miwa blushes at the realization that she never introduced herself, but grins and whispers into Tim's ear. "They might, if you take a picture."
Bewul inches to settle near the pokemon, feeling perhaps a bit cuddly, an dplayfully poking at Tim with his tail, just to play a bit, but otherwise, ears perked, nad his gaze on the lovely mermaid. He tilts his head at the language bit, but still likes the tune, even if he does not understand. He can't quite clap, but he yips a few times, and moves to follow Tim on showing appreciation, brushing against the pokemon, and the poor boy. "That's right, you are famous!" he says with a chuckle, "That was amazing." he says, chuckling a bit. "Want a picture of a digimon too?" he offers to Tim, being silly.
Tim's eyes light up at the suggestion and he runs into the house. Moments later he comes back out with his mother, the latter holding a camera. Tim moves to stand next to Miwa and nods to Bewul. "Sure, group picture, this is so great." He replies with happy excitement beaming from his eyes. Tim's mom would wait for Bewul to join Miwa and Tim before taking the picture, smiling herself as she was glad to see her son having such a great time. Once that was done, Miwa moves back over to sitting by the picnic table and sips from another glass of water. "I'm so glad you both liked the song. Been practicing my Alolan for a while now, thought it would be neat to sing a song in the native language of the islands. Hopefully you both can come see the actual show on the beach. Should be lots of fun."
Bewul carefully sits down next to Tim, doing his best to look non scary, so he refrains from actually showing his fangs, his tail might be a bit blurry as it swished behind them!. "Hope it worked out fine, perhaps I should find digimon items from my human world to share around." he chuckles, "Digimon back where I come from are very popular... but most humans think we are just made up, like comic characters or videogame stuff." he explains. He offers Tim a nuzzle on the cheek, before padding to snag another sandwich, more peanut butter, his maw once again seeming to get partially stuck on the thing, lickign his lips repeatedly. "Great song." he mumbles with a grin.