World Tree MUSH

Supply Runs!

Character Pose
 A night out, a supply run...though unlike others it wasn't for bombs and bullets and that sort of thing: Adora was out to grab food. Making her way through the streets her form was wrapped in black leather pants and her white workout hoodie, she was weaving towards the section of the square that might have what she needed.
    Night time isn't really any more or less dangerous in Night City, right? Other than the city's veneer of modernity and seductive appeal shining brighter while the shadows hide the blood, the drugs and the filth ever so much better.

    Eyes tend to be drawn to neon lights, rather than a dingy corner occupied by some burnt out junkie or the suspicious, canny eyes of their dealer. Not up, toward the washed out glow of the night sky. Where stars can't shine down through the rebound of the city's lights and where the shadows do little to shield someone who, seemingly unbound by gravity, is strumming a tune on an acoustic-sounding guitar. Accompanying that tune is a voice that might be familiar, though the din of the perpetually noisy city may wash out anything in particular. Though the silhouette, a slim figure with lots and lots of hair floating about her might also strike a familiar chord. Seems she hasn't noticed anyone paying attention or moving about below; likely, she's passing a few moments before doing who knows what.
 Shiny, sexy, all of that...and Adora seemed unbothered by it. Instead she was simply walking along the path searching for something new and appropriate. Maybe it was easier not to be scared of venturing out on your own at night when you were 'She-Ra'. Still, she comes to a little stop as she hears the notes of the music strumming away, making her blink and look upwards with a little wide-eyed expression. 

"Oh! Hey Marcy!"
    Not so lost in the city's pulse, Marceline stops instantly when she hears her name from below and plummets from above until she brakes in a hover just above the sidewalk. "Oh, whassup? You're still hanging around this armpit too?" She still has one hand clamped over the neck of her instrument, head cocked to one side so her hair doesn't tangle into the strings. "Out late and alone, too. Jeez, got some kinda case of munchies or you looking to start beef with one of the rough bums around here?"

    Mean-mug the dealer takes that as an excuse to turn and shuffle off. His prior customer doesn't budge, likely too far into a high to give a rip or fart about the mortal realm for now.

    "Or were ya lookin for me?" That last question is followed up with a curious side-eye. She's not so presumptuous to think that she matters enough for anyone outside of her own homeworld to seek her out. "Anyway, good seeing you. Y'look good!"

    As far as she goes, some faded grey shirt with the sleeves ripped off, jeans that are probably pushing triple digits and red boots. She just can't get away from that look.
 "Yeah, Catra and I are staying around here," Adora offers, grinning at the floating girl before tilting her head to the side with the question before she lets her hands slip down to her back pockets, shrugging her shoulders. "I've never been able to -find- you unless you want to be found," she points out before grinning at the complement and then nodding her head. "You too! Are you out doing some sort of late-night impromptu concert?"
Marceline says, "Yeah? Sick, just don't like. Become the next gang boss or something or someone might blow your apartment up. Or whatever." She turns her body and reclines, resting the guitar on her belly as she hangs in the air, hair just kind of trailing along. "You've looked? I usually go back to Ooo; this place is cool and all but it's a little too much sometimes. Gets my senses all donked up and I gotta go decompress. I can do that here a little."

    She gestures up. "S'what I was doing up there. Just kind of, uh. Y'know. Letting some of it out." She squints, though, a little suspicious of Adora's assessment of her appearance. She's /trying/ to look grungy and unapproachable! What is /with/ humans!?

    "Anyway. You headed far? I'd offer you a ride but most peeps like walking. Which is cool, I guess." She smirks at that, then rotates to face the other way. "I haven't really been around anyone without there being some kinda serious downer kinda violent beeswax to get around to. Place is way harsh; even compared to back home.""
 "I'm not super good with gangs anyway, especially the ones I've seen around here so..." Adora offers before gesturing around them at the mention of 'Ooo' and clearing her throat. "I'm uh...still working out the whole 'travelling between worlds' thing," she admits before Adora and her positivity personified brings a little blink and a bright grin. "Wait, you're offering to fly me around this city?"
    "Oh, yeah, I've only kicked it with some of the Animals. They're cool peeps. Kinda lean hard into the meathead beeflife thing but they're aight. Usually." She plucks at a string and turns a tuning knob, then inclines her head. "Bit tricky, yeah. Sometimes it's the right place, sometimes it's the right time. It can be a pain in the butt but you'll get it eventually. Less some dingaling dosh grubber decides to stick a price tag on em, uh..." She trails off, "Well, sure I guess. You goin someplace specific? Gotta think about a route; in Ooo I can just wing it wherever. Here, I usually get shot at at least once a night." Her smirk grows into a fang-filled grin and ends with a laugh. "Hilarious. Scared one goof so bad he jumped off his balcony."

    A slight pause, then she puts up a hand. "I caught him, though I left him on the street with just his tighty whities. Not really the first time someone's tried to dust me, ain't gonna be the last!"
 "Animals?" Adora repeats curiously before giving a little soft 'Oh!' in understanding. "I've done a little bit of the street fights and such. I uh...don't really earn money any other way. I've kinda never had to earn a wage before..." A little shrug though Adora just lifts her hands up to make it easier to pick her untransformed self up. "I mean, I was just sort of going to wander around so..." 

She trails off at the mention of getting shot at, tilting her head. "I mean, I'm sure having you throw She-Ra at them isn't going to be a much better night..."
    Marceline nods along, preparing to explain but- "Ah, you got it. Yep, those guys. I really don't do much fighting. Kinda, eh. Mood thing. Y'know? That and maybe I can go a little overboard." She shifts her guitar around as she rights herself, slinging it behind even as she lifts her hair out of the way to keep it from getting snagged. "Yeah? Mm. Ooo has money but like... It's mostly like. Gold n treasure and stuff. Couple of boys I know stuffed the whole bottom of their house full of that junk once. I usually only keep enough around so I can grab groceries. Y'know. So I don't have to eat people. Living there though, uh. Not sure it's much safer than here for a human, anyway. No offense. It's kinda broken." What place isn't, though?

    Anyway, without missing a beat she reaches out and accepts those hands, lifting with shocking ease. Although, there's a strange weightless sensation that accompanies that initial contact and she simply begins to ascend with a rush of wind!

    "So like, just make sure you can grab on somewhere- NOT my hair! Or we'll find all about throwing She-Ra at stuff!" Her tone is light and joking, though really, she's kind of the lifeline here. "So just wandering? Like, wanna take a look at those nutjobs up close? The ones that hired that murderbot guy that everyone's scared of? Or like.." It's an entire huge city full of things to look at or get in trouble for looking at.
 "Not the hair! Fair enough!" Adora offers softly before tilting her head to the side before nodding her head a little at the mention of gold and treasure. "Huh...I guess I...don't really know what money looked like in Etheria..." she muses softly before there's a little soft 'oh!' as she found herself lifted upwards. This was -very- different to how Shiftwind helped her get airbourne. 

"Just wandering!" she confirms before tilting her head to the side. "Wait...murderbot guy? I haven't come across him yet."
    Flying seems to be a fairly work-free and effortless act by Marceline. She's relatively relaxed and seemingly comfortable letting Adora dangle, though there's no felt pull of gravity or anything for the moment! "Huh, that your place? Not everyone does money. Before humans disappeared from Ooo, like, you could get by singing old songs from TV shows."

    "Mmmh. Yeah, big uh... Dude with a freaky tech bod, lots of firepower and FAST. We ran into him on a cargo ship and he 'bout ghosted Scav and, uh... Hyouka. Last time I fought a dude like that on a ship I barely killed him and he... Anyway, I lost it a little and punched him through the deck of the boat. Bad times."

    "Anyway, check it. Afterlife down there; wonder if it's actually haunted or if it's just a buncha morbid peeps remembering crazy dead people. Bet I can get someone's ghost to show and say whatsup. Wanna try?" Without waiting for an answer, the Vampire Queen changes course and begins to descend.