
World: The Land of Ooo-1
Actual Age: 1003
Apparent Age: 18
Quote: Everything repeats over and over again. No one learns anything, because no one lives long enough to see the pattern.
Role: Vampire Queen
Species: Vampire Cambion
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Olivia Olson


Looking every bit the teenager she acts like, Marceline tries to embody the free spirit she wants to see in herself. However, a thousand years plus marinating in her parental abandonment issues and the trauma of witnessing the end of the world has left her a bit of an angsty mess. She's spent the centuries since becoming a vampire adventuring, making music and slaying monsters while keeping decent folk at arm's length. Easy enough for an undead, shapeshifting half-demon that seems to derive joy from the terror of others.


Half-Demon: Her demon half grants resistance to fire, minor magic and she can consume souls.
Being a half-demon allows her to endure even intense natural flame and wield some minor cantrip-level magic. Producing small flames for light or moving small, light objects in the fashion of a 'mage hand' spell. She can derive sustenance from consuming the souls of living and undead creatures via an act similar to simply inhaling. It's much easier if the body that held the soul is completely destroyed first as any strong enough will can easily resist this effect. Souls extracted in such a way are held indefinitely and retain all sense of self, though they lack awareness of their state or any passage of time. The body left behind, if there are any physical remains, will immediately wither and eventually die. A sufficiently mad or brilliant scientist could likely devise a means to recover souls from her, though the intended target may not come alone.
Vampire Killer: Marcy is a self taught fighter, proficient with axes, stakes and unarmed combat.
Marceline had no-one to teach her when she began killing vampires so she had to learn everything the hard way. Self defense books and martial arts manuals only help so much, so she developed her own rather raw fighting style over the time she spent tracking and destroying vampires. She's a respectable opponent even unarmed and quite dangerous with the battle axe she inherited from her father. Her style is crude, lacking in finesse and precision and instead making use of aggression and tenacity to keep her foes off balance long enough to make a decisive move or flee.
The Fool: Grants the ability to levitate or fly and confer flight to others by touch.
Grants her near perfect flight control, allowing her to keep aloft constantly and maneuver about with ease. Given about 12-15 seconds she an accelerate unaided to right about the speed of sound, though slowing back down will also require several seconds unless she tries to stick a landing and make use of traction to stop faster. Good way to destroy a pair of shoes, though. While maintaining physical contact with other people or objects, she can share her power somewhat although she remains in full control of movement in this state. Weight limit approximately two-hundred pounds.
The Empress: Allows Marceline to become invisible at will and remain so indefinitely.
The soul of the Empress brought the power of near perfect invisibility. Without any sort of fixed duration, she may vanish from normal sight and remain unseen as long as she wishes. While attacking or interacting with people and objects doesn't break the invisibility effect, held objects such as weapons also remain visible. In the event she lets her invisibility lapse or is otherwise revealed, she'll need time enough to stop and concentrate. Several seconds at least, making it difficult to become invisible again while directly threatened. Exposure to the sun or some sunlight equivalent, even indirectly, will completely ruin the effect and render this power unusable.
The Hierophant< Edge-E >: Her shapeshifting enables her to enhance her strength, toughness or senses.
Grants advanced shapeshifting powers, allowing her to mix and match then assume bestial traits she's previously observed. She can limit the change to a single limb or assume entirely new forms,to enhance her strength and durability, produce natural weapons such as claws, tentacles, or even armor for some added protection. She can produce wings and fly with them, though more specialized abilities and traits kind of go over her head. While larger forms have more power and speed they're ultimately less agile. She can assume a form as small as a large bat or as large as eight meters with sufficient strength to easily shred basalt. Edge is required to assume and retain larger forms or anything smaller than her normal minimum. Finally, she is also able to make use of bestial features to enhance her sense of smell, hearing or even see in relative darkness.
The Moon: Grants regeneration, allowing Marceline to quickly recover from physical damage.
The soul of the Moon empowers Marceline with regeneration abilities, allowing her to heal from otherwise deadly injury within a short time. The healing factor follows a priority of addressing more grievous harm first, mending broken bones or attempting to recover lost limbs before healing more external trauma. It even allows her to resist damage that would immediately kill most vampires, such as stakes and indirect sunlight, allowing her to pass in daylight with the aid of heavy clothing, hats and sunshades. A stake, instead of outright killing her, would simply incapacitate her until removed. Direct sunlight fully negates this power.
Vampire Queen: Marceline is undead, functionally immortal and can derive sustenance from color.
As a vampire, Marceline does not age and could in theory exist until the sun blows up. She'll always appear to be an older teenager and always exhibit the punctures on her neck from the moment she was turned. Vampires aren't indestructible however and though she's unlikely to succumb to mundane illness a bath in lava would be a certain trip to the afterlife. Though she doesn't need to breathe or sustain herself the same way a human might with food and water, she requires blood or at least the color red, which can be stripped from objects for nourishment at the touch of one of her fangs. Anything larger than roughly human sized will take some time for her to completely drain and it's likely she'll be sated well before finishing.
Axe Bass: Her converted battle axe that can play extremely loud notes even unplugged.
Marceline converted her father's battle axe into a magical bass guitar long ago and has been known to take it into battle on many occasions. The enchantments it carries keep it honed and protect it from corrosion, though it can also be played as an electric bass guitar and produce all the expected sounds of such an instrument without even being plugged in to an amplifier. She can crank the volume to produce potentially damaging soundwaves but seeing as she can't control who the sound effects she tries to do so sparingly.
Fiendish Performer: She is a highly skilled bass guitar player and fantastic singer.
With centuries of practice under her belt, Marceline has become quite an accomplished musician. Able to play a bass guitar and sing even while under stress, sometimes especially under stress, she's both navigated danger and caused trouble with her music alone. She can perform totally without preparation or practice and has on occasion played flawlessly in an impromptu group. Her capability does depend somewhat on her emotional state though and she has choked in the past.


Monster: She embraces her monstrous qualities to insulate herself from emotional pain.
Early in her life, Marceline was left behind by parental figures and found family alike due, she feels, to her demonic nature and later, her vampirism. She resolved to be what she thought others saw in her, so she is prone to embrace the more horrifying aspects of her nature and curse to drive people away. This may occasionally make her seem more antagonistic or belligerent than she means to be. Cruel pranks, intimidation, manipulation, mockery and on occasion even violence are some of the shameful methods she's employed to deflect and insulate herself against the hurt she subconsciously expects to be subjected to again.
Seeing Red: She requires blood or at least the color red or else she will go berserk.
Marceline, as a vampire, must feed regularly or she risks losing control of herself. Her urges take over, her body assumes a withered, much more horrifying appearance and she is likely to attack even a close friend to meet her need. Rather than staving off her hunger with merely blood, she has developed the ability to feed on an object's color; so long as it's a shade of red. Typically, this results in no discernible change in the properties of inorganic objects; a red piece of cloth will simply turn grey. Organic matter sometimes only loses color but might wither if it's color depends on moisture; a living creature would be likely to simply die, though with caution and restraint she might be able to feed on pigment and not cause harm. Deeply afraid of losing her grip, she makes efforts to do everything she can to avoid it but sometimes bad circumstances are unavoidable. Darker shades of red will sustain her for hours, perhaps a day. Lighter shades such as pinks might keep her for a matter of minutes, hopefully long enough to flee home or find something red.
Take Care: Incident to her difficulties trusting others, she will tackle problems alone.
Marceline will at times become overly protective of people or things that remind her of her past. This can involve going behind the backs of others, lying or putting up a fight to keep someone from getting involved in something she thinks is too dangerous. She's a lonely person used to doing things and solving problems on her own and incidentally it can make it hard for her to trust others and their capabilities or respect their judgement of a situation. Her tarnished self image can also be dealt a blow when she fails and someone else decisively succeeds.
Vampire Bite: Plainly a vampire, she's vulnerable to direct sunlight, stakes and garlic.
Being a vampire bites, sometimes. The sun is ever her bane, requiring her to take measures to avoid being destroyed by it. While she can get by with wearing heavy clothing, masking up or carrying a parasol it's still painful and oftentimes distracting. Additionally, her combined undead and demonic statuses are plain to see by anyone with eyes; she stands out with her ash grey skin and mouth full of vicious-looking teeth. She finds garlic totally disgusting and acutely irritating and a stake to the heart will completely incapacitate her until removed.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1243 Remember The Alameow Aug 28 2024
1226 Blackout Jun 10 2024
1212 The Lovers Apr 08 2024
1204 An Orc's Bounty Feb 26 2024
1203 The Dead of Dorn Feb 19 2024
1202 Dorn by Day Feb 18 2024
1201 On the Road to Dorn Feb 17 2024
1179 Dead Man's Bluff Oct 12 2023
1176 Writhe In Pain Oct 09 2023
1173 The Great (Hover) Train Robbery Sep 17 2023
See All 34 Scenes


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