World Tree MUSH

What Lurks Under the Road

Character Pose
    Ooo is a strange world. There are tranquil sights; fields of gently blowing grass, sprawling forests and snow-capped mountains. Even the expected signs of life! Cities, well traveled roads, homes and habitation all about.

    However, a second and more shrewd look would certainly reveal the devastation still being slowly reclaimed by nature. Piles of old motor vehicles overgrown and at times still tragically occupied. Strangely spherical lakes and ponds, structures and even paved roads that have, in places, managed to weather the passing of time. It's beneath one of these roads that the vine opens up to; a damp grotto that descends into an outlet where water laps beneath the deck of a cottage with a weirdly well groomed lawn. The windows are dark, the cavern echoes with the movement of water and a steady drip somewhere.

    Other than that, the peculiar sight seems peaceful, if a bit gloomy.
 Strange was...Kinda normal, at least when it came to the world tree. Still, Etheria and Eternia both weren't exactly great on obeying norms and laws of physics either. Perhaps that was why Adora didn't seem quite so unnerved as she might. 

Still, the sight of wreckage overcome by nature does give the blonde pause as she moved through, a familier thought of wars past crossing her mind before she made her way to the strangeness of the underground cottage.

Untransformed for the time being, Adora was drifting through with eyes sweeping the darkness.
    The darkness isn't total; light filters in from the mouth of the cave facing the hilly grasslands beyond and a bit less from the opposite entrance that leads out onto the water.

    The house at least seems inviting, with light pink siding and a neatly tiled roof and a small- Wait, something appears to be staring from beneath the house. A pair of glowing eyes amidst the shadows amidst a small, hazy outline. It doesn't move, doesn't even appear to blink. It just stares. How odd. Unnerving, perhaps?

    The sounds of the cave don't change, of course. There's a light breeze that filters through the cavern from the seaside, carrying a briny note. There's a small, hard to place sound as it kind of blends into the ambience. Shuffling? Thumping? It's coming from those eyes, though, whatever it is.
 "Uh...hello?" Adora calls, spotting those eyes just sort of starinf at her. Creepy...but expectedly creepy? 

Still, the princess of power (lower case until she was actually She-Ra) made to move a little closer, sniffing at the scent filling the cave.

"I'm not here to hurt you I'm just...looking around?"
    From under the house, the eyes seem to dip a little as the intruder speaks up. The light's just too awkwardly set to really make out what it could be! As the intruder approaches, continuing to speak and demonstrating no clear intent to do anything rash, those eyes disappear.

    From beneath the house, a small poodle emerges, wagging tail thumping against the underside of the house as it picks it's way around a toppled over piece of lattice wood that, it would seem, is meant to keep someone's pet from being precisely where it was lurking.

    The dog keeps it's head low, swaying back and forth as if trying to inspect the girl entering it's domain! It offers a curious little rumble, almost a growl but just a little bit shy in intensity.
 A poodle. Okay. Huh. 

Blinking a little, Adora bends now and extends a hand slowly towards the dog.

"Oh hey buddy," she offers in her best attempt at friendly, a smile offered in greeting and trying to reassure the creature.
    The dog doesn't seem overly excited or afraid or even territorial! Just, y'know. It's a dog. It's got some lazy wag, a cold nose that it uses to inspect that offered hand with a sniff. It flops out, legs splayed and prepares to endure what it probably expects are at least a few cursory pats.

    Course, as the light in the cave takes on a slight red tinge from the approaching dusk, a light flicks on in the house. There's some apparent signs of movement, though the blinds are pulled shut. A shadow can be seen moving within the small dwelling, then - a scream! Or lots of them? Along with some other muttering and a loud, machine-like buzzing whirr. Some kind of weapon? Like some kind of electric chainsaw crunching into something!

    The dog, clearly not at all bothered by this, climbs back onto it's feet and begins to trot from the front of the house, past a door with a dran blind and toward the wooden deck extending out over the water.
 Well, one couldn't leave a puppo wanting! The patting begins and Adora was quick and happy to oblige. 

Then there was crashing and machine-like noises of apparent combat? Well, Adora leaps into action. Crashing through the door, the blonde was already brandishing her weapon in search of someone in need to rescue!
    The poodle disappears around the corner of the house but, no- Today's company is another action-type!

    The door gives easily enough, bashing open with a rattle of protest and slamming into some obstacle behind it. The room beyond is a fairly simple living room with salmon pink walls, a couch and sofa, an ugly green lamp and some sound equipment; beyond, past a breakfast bar and pass, is a kitchen occupied by a familiar figure.

    Of course Marceline, startled by the sudden intrusion, lets out a shriek of surprise and anger as her privacy is invaded! The blender she'd been holding falls to the floor with a crash and a shower of red bathes the wall and half of the unamused homeowner. Smells like watermelon and maybe some kind of sweet fruit but- well. It really did sound like someone was being murdered in here or something.

    On queue, the kitchen door bangs open a squat, bearded... man? Woman? Anyway, they bustle past, pausing to stare up at Adora a moment. "If you're here to sell Marceline produce don't bother; she's a brute and a lunatic. She'll make SMOOTHIES out of your very best! Disgusting! Of all the- I never- I shouldve taken that Super Porp job!" They slam the front door on their way out and the silence that ensues stretches before the Vampire Queen wipes a hand down her face.

    "Schwable, buddy, don't- Nevermind, all yours dude." Lapping sounds. "So hey. That uh. Didn't figure I'd get any of you out this way." She bends down out of sight, fetches the still half-full blender and plops it down on the counter. "I wish I could say kicking people's doors in was weird but that's like the third time in a week."
 Sword of power already formed in her hand, Adora was currently left blinking at the new bearded figure offering...was that hype? Warning? Hard to know but...well, he's gone. 

Blink again and a sheepish bite of her lip, Adora looks over the mess to Marcy. "I uh...thought it was...I mean...Sorry?"
    "Eh, wizards. They have all these ideas about how you're supposed to treat their animated fruit people-things. I'm just treating myself. Smoothie?" She sweeps up two glasses, fills one and promptly drains it- of color. She lets out a satsified breath, then waves a hand.

    "Anyway, you're probably like. Fifty-fifty right to be worried about me murdering someone in here. Never happened yet but there's always a first time. Anyway, grab a seat or something. I uh. M'gonna change and grab a quick rinse. The uh. The smoothie's dragon fruit, watermelon and strawberry. B R B!" She pushes through the door, ascends through the hatch in the ceiling and an errant toss sends her shorts tumbling back down onto the living room floor.

    Behind her, the poodle from before comes into the living room. Absolutely drenched in the stuff and looking totally content for it.
 Well, it didn't appear to be immediate murdering. That was a good start, but at least Marcy didn't seem all that offended about the door as Adora pointed to it sheepishly. "I can fix that?" she offers. Probably. Maybe. How hard could it be? 

Still, with Marcy slips out of the room to change and clean up? The super powered disaster that is Adora moves closer, experimentally making to take a sip of the drink and then blink. "Did...did she say sentient?"
    Sometimes, it's easier to know when to pick your battles, right? Either way, the shower can be heard coming on. She'll worry about the door later, it seems! She does, afterall, have a guard dog!

    The smoothie turns out to be pretty alright. Just the right amount of sweet, tartness and mild flavor. When that realization kicks in, though, the only creature available to answer is the dog who simply looks up, raises that back and begins to shake off droplets of chilly red smoothie! Turns out poodle floof can hold a lot of liquid! She should have started by rinsing the dog.