World Tree MUSH

Wrapped in Biting Winds

The Astral Express drops out of Warp in orbit of Jarilo VI. A formerly lush world, covered in forests, grasslands and home to a burgeoning civilisation.

    Now, it's a frozen iceball with only one final bastion of humanity eking out a meager existence in the hostile evironment of the Eterenal Freeze.

    Join March 7th, Dan Heng and Stelle as they investigate this enigmatic world. Space for 6 tags, may adjust the date if it works out better for people.
Character Pose

    The Astral Express spools up its warp drive. Stelle takes a seat and closes her eyes, as March stands with legs in a wide stance, chanting a refrain that Himeko and Welt roll their eyes at. "I won't fall over, I won't fall over."

    As the space trains drive reaches peak, with Pom Pom giving a final countdown of. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." and a wash of overworldly blue-silver covering the entire vessel, the universe seems to invert, March goes flying across the parlor cabin and lands in a heap at the rear... and a moment later, the Express exits in orbit of an icy planet.

    Himeko gasps. "After all those millenia? Is this what's become of Jarilo VI?" March asks. "So that giant snowball is our destination?" Himeko nods. "Yes, this expedition won't be easy."
    Pom Pom speaks up. "Spacial Readout anomaly! Star Rail stability is down to 12%! Stop-over time extended from seven days, to indefinite."
    "So, we're stuck here?"
    "Yes, think of it like a regular train. The 'rail' ahead of us is falling into an abyss... so trying to force our way forward would cause damage to the Express."
    Welt pipes up. "Just as always, we're detecting a Stellaron. They generate distortions in space, like what's distabilizing the Rail, and the Fragmentum."
    "I'll entrust this expedition to March, Dan Heng and you, Stelle. Welt and I will remain on the Express and provide support from here. Don't worry."


    The Trio walk along a canyon floor, as icey wind and snow blow across them. Dan Heng speaks. "Jarilo-VI, we're here." staring into the bleak expanse of snow and ice before them.

    March shivers. "Brrr, it really is one big snowball!"
    Stelle glances at her and a ghost of a smirk plays across her lips, as she mimics the other girl. "Brr, it really is one big snowball!"
    Dan Heng shrugs. "The Trailblaze Path grants some minor power, it allows us to better adapt to harsh environments."
Syd Fortis
    Syd materializes near the space anchor, having been traveling among the vines. The man shivers at the sudden onslaught of cold, wishing he hadn't shaved this morning. The blue jade of his armored breastplate seems to be helping with the issue, as the wind currents near him behave differently, swirling around rather than against the man. He glances around to try and get his bearings, to determine the nature of this particular world amid the worlds without number. He spots March 7th, Stelle, and Dan Heng, which gives him some idea.
    Syd approaches them, wearing a friendly grin. "I see our paths cross again. Hail Stelle, March, and Dan. Good to see you again."
    So. So so so so so... Becca's been pretty bored out of her skull in Night City.
    Sometimes... A girl just needs to pick up and go, and do something new.
    That's why she's been hanging out with the Astral Express crew.
    That's why she's here, walking alongside March, Dan Heng, and Stelle. And COMPLAINING ABOUT IT.
    And of course she would be cold, she's not wearing any pants.
    Huddling into her Samurai jacket as best as she can, she shivers as she follows the crew with her duffel bag of guns slung over her shoulder.
    Then Syd appears. Syd is a nice distraction from the cold.
    "Oh man! Syd, good to see ya, choom, how ya been?"
    Jessica doesn't know Syd, but does know Rebecca! Her Vine took her here, and she's shivering too, even in her tactical gear! Puffs of mist come from her lips as she tries to make her way through what is an overfrozen wasteland. "Did I take a wrong turn...?"

    Then she hears voices! Someone is here! She raises her hand to call out and... well, instead slips, and with a yowl, a tumbling roll of catgirl begins rolling down the slight slope, ending up in a heap of snow and feline at the feet of the others. Ears twitch, face hidden beneath snow, and her tail sways slowly as she tries to just not move from the embarrassment.
    Rebecca's complaints earn a nosebridge pinch from Dan Heng. "I did warn you to wear appropriate clothing." He offers in that measured voice of his.
    March smiles as she spots Syd and offers a happy wave. "Mister Syd~ Hi~." she chirps.

    Jessica's arrival, unceremoniously dumped, face down in the snow, gets Stelle moving to help the catgirl up. "You okay?" she asks.

    Standing again, Stelle shakes her head. "Why didn't we just land at the city?" she asks.
    "Why don't we ask March what happened last time we tried that?" remarks Dan Heng.
    "Hey! It was just one time... and about three million credits in property damage... there's a reason you donn't land super advanced space trains on planets." She ahems. "Anyway, moving on!"

    Dan speaks up. "Stay vigilant, we know very little about this world."
    "Don't worry! Between the six of us nothing can stand in our way... We've got Becca's guns and those giant arms. my Six-Phased Ice powers, Stelle's got that Stellaron in her body, The catgirl looks armed for bear and Syd's got those crazy super powers." she looks over at Dan. "And I guess you've got your 'Mysterious Past' thing going for you~. Anyone getting in our way is gonna regret it!"
    Stelle interjects again. "Yeah, they're gonna regret it!"
    March narrows her eyes. "So, how long does 'Copycatitis' last anyway?"
Syd Fortis
    Syd greets Rebecca with a friendly wave and greeting, then looks startled at Jessica's entrance. He helps by awkwardly brushing off some of the snow that's likely accumulated on the catgirl's shoulders. "I'm Syd, nice to meet you, madam."
    Syd raises an eyebrow. "Space train?" He scratches his stubble, contemplating how to build such a thing.
    At calling what he does 'superpowers, the man shrugs. "I just make things. Mostly things that fly." He smirks at March complaining about 'copycatitis'. He thinks it'll last for as long as it's funny to Stelle.
    "Armed for CAT, thank you very much! Beehunter uses her fists mostly," Jessica points out with a sputter, still blushing as she brushes excess snow off of her. She's listening though, and doesn't say more on the 'copycat' comment to instead look around. "I kind of expected there to be more here. I guess this answers where I am, though! Or what world anyway."

    Well, Syd seems nice, so Jessica smiles, "Jessica! Thanks! I'm normally not this lost, I swear!"
    "So anyway I-" Enter Jessica. Rebecca watches her tumble. And roll. And pomf into the snow with a wince and holds out a huge red mechanical hand to help her up if she wants.
    "Wait... We could have landed in he city?"
    That was an option?
    "Shit that'd probably less cold!" She points out. "Why didn't we do that?!" She pauses and looks to March.
    "What happened the last time you-... Oh. ... Oh..."
    That makes sense.
    March points forward. "Onward! Investigating the unknown is the heart of Trailblazing!" She strides off, followed quickly by Stelle, while Dan gives a soft sigh before following on after.

    The group quickly come upon a strange flower-like eruption from the snow, it's gleaming with a golden light and seems to 'bloom' as they approach.

    Stelle snaps a quick picture, and after a brief text exchange, announces. "Oh, this thing is a 'Calyx' according to Mister Yang... some kind of outcropping of a Fragmentum corrosion. It contains useful stuff sometimes, but it's dangerous."

    Moving on from the Calyx, March points into the snow-blind distance. "Hey, did you see that? I think I saw something moving up ahead!"
    Dan seems unimpressed. "Looks like a normal snowdrift to me, are you sure you're not just seeing things March?"
    "Of course not! My eyesight's perfect. Lets take a closer look!"

    As the group approach, it's clear someone's buried, or hiding in a pile of disturbed snow, likely a hastily assembled hiding spot.

    March puts her hands on her hips. "Hey! Get out of there or you'll shiver to death!" to no response from the individual. "Holding your breath won't help."

    Dan pipes up. "I'll handle this, March." and after a moment, he JABS the blunt end of his spear into the snow.

    A blue-haired man leaps out of the snow with a yelp. "YEOW! Hey, c'mon now is crawling around in the snow a crime? A-And even if it is, does it warrent a SPEARING!?"
Syd Fortis
    Syd narrows his eyes at the calyx. "But why is it dangerous?"
    He's amused by Sampo. "Not a crime but we're concerned about the well-being of one who would *hide* in a snow bank. How do you stave off hypothermia?"
    March marches off.
    "Hey wait don't just trailblaze without the rest of us!" Rebecca blurts, before they all come upon the Calyx. Rebecca taps it with a finger a few times before moving on to find a man buried in snow.
    "You okay buddy?" She asks when Dan Heng just jabs the guy.
    "What were you doing in the snow?"
    Jessica's pistol is out pretty quick. It's an odd-looking beast, but obviously a firearm of some sort. She's looking around, not paying as much attention to the newcomer as the others... in fact she looks around for something to climb up on, peering to the surrounding area.

    "Mm..." After all, if someone was willing to hide in the snow, maybe something REAL dangerous is out there!
    The new guy looks around at the group. "I mean, I guess I kinda deserved it, right? At least I've made a gallant group of new friends, right? hehe~." He looks around as if checking the coast is clear, before asking. "... Is, uh... Captain Gepard around? He's an... old buddy of mine..."

    "Who?" Blurts out March before anyone else gets a chance to react.
    The man's face changes almost instantly. "Wait, you're not Silvermane Guards? Well, why didn't you say so!? Turns out we're on the same side after all!" he spreads his arms wide with a big smile. "Pleasure to meet you, the name's Sampo Koski."

    Stelle looks bemused. "Stelle..."
    "Excellent, I'll remember the name." replies Sampo in that quick-fire way a sleazy salesman may use. He does look toward Rebecca. "Fine, dear, just fine~ But, since we're all on the same side, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm out here looking for treasure, and I'm not interested in hoarding! There's plenty out here for all of us, so we can get rich together!"

    Sampo leans in, hooking an arm around Rebecca's shoulders. "Why don't we join forces huh? I've got some pretty reliable intel that the main forces of the Guards is being redeployed to the front, so this. Is a golden opportunity!"

    Stelle frowns a bit. "What, business are you even talking about?"
    "oh come now friend, there's no need for a charade. Though I do understand the mistrust... then again, I know the rules. Vigilance is the watchword and I let my enthusiasm get the better of me."
    Sampo returns to his swagger. "A meeting like this must be fate, so. Ask me anything you like..." his voice drops to a deadpan rapidfire. "Just make it snappy, you're never more than ten feet away from a Silvermane Guard."
    The instant Sampo puts his arm around Rebecca's shoulders, the barrel of a gun tucks firmly under his chin.
    Rebecca smiles sweetly.
    "I'm not your dear." She says, chipperly. "And you have to the count of three to get your arm off be before I paint the snow red with your brains, buddy."
    But then he says he's looking for treasure.
    "Neat. I like treasure. 'One', by the way."
    Oh yeah she starts counting.
    Jessica, now perched up above, has something to say about this! "I don't know if I want to go on a treasure hunt! The last time I went on a treasure hunt I had to fight an orca and this huge guy with a chainsaw! It wasn't very fun!" She keeps looking around, "Wouldn't Guards be good people, or is it like an Imperial Guard or something?"
Syd Fortis
    Syd watches this situation develop, leaning against the haft of his hammer. "Not sure about the rest but... How about you show the way to a nice cozy fire before getting shot?" 
    He gazes further up the canyon, trying to see if there's some sign of civilization amid the snowfall.
    "Not all guards are good people. Depends on what masters they serve."
    Sampo is very quick to let Rebecca go. "No need for the violence, friend! Sampo Koski is always willing to oblige!" He distances himself very much from Rebecca, giving the little Solo the side-eye as he continues addressing the... less gun-happy members of this group.

    Syd asks to be lead to a cozy fire. "Well, I don't know about 'fire', but there's heat to be had in our beloved Belobog!"

    Stelle tilts her head. "Is that a nearby settlement?"
    "Settlement? What a literary turn of phrase. Why it's the one remaining bastion of humanity on this world. The further away you get from it, the dicier things get! The City of Preservation! The Towering Citadel! The Last Bastion against the Eternal Freeze... this may all sound a bit over the top, but those names are grounded in truth. The only place humans can eke out an existence is behind those impregnable walls."

    Stelle then remembers Syd asking the question earlier, so with a glance to him, she repeats it. "Why were you hiding in the snow?"
    "Me? You guys scared me to death! There I was looking for relics to sell then all of a sudden you guys came stomping over! I thought the Guards were coming to pay a visit!" his face changes from frightened, to amused. "Seriously though, try treading a bit lighter. The Guard don't hide in snowdrifts, and you'll get locked up before you can say Supreme Guardian."
    Jessica pokes her head over and peers down. "Oh, that may be because uh... one of us fell and took a tumble! It was really loud! They'll have to watch themselves a little better!" Nod firmly, then she scampers back down to the snow and dusts herself off.
Syd Fortis
    Syd simply says "Oh, they can try. They can even relieve me of my hammer." It's a very ridiculously sized hammer. He grins at Sampo. "But why would they lock people up?"
    Once Sampo is off of her, Rebecca stows the gun.
    Though she gives Jessica the WEIRDEST look for a moment.
    To her credit... She doesn't SAY anything. But wow.
    But then her attention is back on the apparent treasure and relic hunter.
    "Who's the Supreme Guardian? And come on, they wouldn't just arrest anyone for wandering out of the city would they? ... Would they try and arrest us if we wandered into the city? I'm kinda carrying a LOT of contraband..."
    There'll be hell to pay by anyone that tries to divest Becca of her guns, though.
    Sampo looks around. "You really don't know, do you? The Silvermane Guards are Belobog's soldiers, enforcers and police. Lets just say, they're not the most flexible of people, and they like paying visits to people in our line of work."

    March shrugs, looking between Stelle, Dan, and the others. Sampo folds his arms. "You guys really are new to this huh? Look, here's some free advice. There's ways of doing things in our profession, moving in shadows, finding the goods, pricing you stock... hiding from the Guards... it's an art."

    March interjects. "No needs, just... take us to the city we, kinda don't know the way."

    Sampo looks around at the others. "Already? I've not even started yet... I mean, it's simple enough but it'll cos---" he sees a look in Dan's eyes, and instantly changes his tune... he's also not letting much info go to the others questions, apparently deliberately. "But it'd be my pleasure! 'Kindness' is Sampo Koski's middle name! Follow me, and keep quiet... we don't want to attract the attention of the Guard."

    He then scoots through the group and starts heading uphill.

    "So... why were you hiding from the Guards?" asks March.
    "Oh, just storing some relics away for safe keeping. if it weren't for the uncompromising position of our civil service there'd be no need for all the secrecy, but that's just how it is." replies the man... then glances back. "So, uh, where are you guys from anyway? I don't mean to pry, I just like to know my friends better. No pressure or anything!"
Syd Fortis
    Syd tromps along through the snow, mulling over things as Sampo explains the socio-political situation of Belobog. He's wearing a frown as he listens. Not a pretty situation.
    "I'm from a giant starship that's the body of an ineffable titan of machines and knowledge, running from the forces of his siblings. It's called Autochthonia." He doesn't see a reason to reveal that Home exists or that he personally wove it from the yawning chaos of beyond.
    The minute Sampo starts to say 'It'll cost you' Rebecca has another gun in her hand.
    She's still smiling though.
    "Sampo 'Kindness' Koski has a nice ring to it. I like that." She says.
    "So fess up. How much of the goods are stolen?" She asks point blank abour the 'relics' that he was trying to hide as they arrived.
    "Me, though? I'm from Night City. It's a nice place but well... It's not really a nice place at all."
    It's not.
    You just kind of get used to it living there.
    Sampo listens, his face hidden from the others as he leads the way. he's jabbering on about 'rules of the runner', or something. "Rule seven, Never leave a footprint. I have my own special technique called "Invisible Snow Walking." Helps me throw off pursuers in no... time..." he trails off as he spots something ahead.

    A group of people, men and women by the subtle differences in stance and bodyshape, come out of the frozen mist. Their uniforms have armour plates and are a bright blue in colour. Most of them have full face helmets and little glowing modules on their hips that seem like some kind of heating element for their uniforms. Dan Heng asks, "Who're they?"
    Sampo quickly replies. "You remember the Silvermane Guards I mentioned? That's them... Help me, I don't wanna be caught!"

    One of the guards, the squad leader apparently shouts. "The Suspect! And accomplices! Arrest them!" The guards charge in, weilding halberds.
Syd Fortis
    Syd brings the hammer to bear, aiming to parry and disarm the guards rather than injure, the weapon moving far quicker than something of its mass should 
    "Bold of you to assume we're accomplices. Cease at once." As a display of authority, Syd's aura flares to life, bursting with rich purple-blues and deep reds intermingled with glints of sunlight. His forehead burns with a half-filled circle.
    So they're moving along and Sampo is talking about leaving no footprints.
    Becca lifts her foot to look at the sole of her shoe. She definitely leaves footprints.
    But then.
    And they're coming right for the group!
    Rebecca takes a slow breath and...
    Picks Sampo up.
    "I DON'T KNOW THIS GUY, YOU CAN HAVE HIM!" She shouts, waving the hapless man in one mechanical arm while flailing a gun around in her other hand in case they come too close to her.
    "AH!" Jessica squeaks when she hears and then sees the others coming! "Oh no! Please don't misunderstand, we're just travellers! I really don't want to waste ammunition on you or hurt you!" That's a really specific order of priorities there! "This stuff is really expensive, please?" The catgirl panics, but holds her gun up, not pointing it at them yet!

    Of course if they keep coming she may have to shoot, and that will not be pretty.
    Stelle summons her bat, March her bow and Dan his spear. The two melee fighters move in to block and parry alongside Syd, while March draws one of those special, crystal-like blue and pink ice arrows of hers.

    Rebecca picks up Sampo... wait that's not Sampo, that's a rock! Sampo scampers away, "Over to you, friends~!" he yells, vanishing quickly into the blizzard, and leaving no footprints behind him.

    March gruffs. "Hey where do you... bah, he's gone!"

    The authority of Syd's display, the fact they're getting beaten back by some random travellers and March loosing one of her arrows has the lesser guards on the back foot. March's shot splits into a fusillade of smaller bolts mid-flight, then a man in heavier armour, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes steps forward, holding out his right hand. The bolts of ice shatter against some kind of forcefield as a large guitar case on his left arm glows brilliantly blue, matching crystals embedded into his armoured chestplate and gauntlets. The man lifts his chin after the storm of ice bolts passes and states in a firm voice. "I Gepard Landau, Captain of the Silvermane Guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance."
    Becca waves the Sampo-rock a moment longer.
    Before she realizes she's holding a rock.
    "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, DUDE?" She shrieks still flailing rock and gun as the chief of the fuzz demands they cease resisting arrest.
    "Oh what're you gonna do? Police Brutality me into submission!?" She snipes before turning to look in the direction Sampo went.
    Her eyes narrow. Her pink-green optics flicker.
    Her vision mode changes.
    It's like right out of Predator as her vision swaps to thermal mode.
    In the frigid wastes... Sampo should show up like a BEACON of body heat.
    "You want this guy? YOU CAN HAVE HIM. GO FETCH!"
    Reeling her arm back, Becca HEAVES. ... And HURLS the rock in her hand intending to clock Sampo with it before he can get too far away.
Syd Fortis
    Syd scowls. "There's nothing futile here, unless you and your men want to die by obsidian butterflies or see the walls of your city crumble."
    He spares a glance back to see what Rebecca is doing, then back to Gepard "I've seen her fight. I've seen all of them fight. Greet us as emissaries of... " Here he pauses to recall the name of the space train. " ...the Astral Express, because the alternative is a painful lesson in humility."
    Jessica is a little less aggressive, just looking at her gun and then back to Gepard. "H-huh? But I haven't started resisting yet! Can you please not yell at me until I've started?" She has a point, but the catgirl's ears flatten out in distress.
    Somehow, SOMEHOW, Sampo manages to evade the hurled rock. He's again switcheroo'd with something, one of the other Guards in the group taking a rock to the helmet and sending them sprawling.

    Stelle pushes the guard trying to axe her a very cutting question back, hauling off with a straight kick to send them sprawling on their ass.

    Gepard frowns. "Did you get the main suspect?" he asks one of his subordinates. "No sir, he escaped in the pursuit, we can't find any footprints, and the little loud one gave Frederick a concussion with that rock throw... seriously, who throws a rock?"

    Gepard shakes his head. "No matter, we have his accomplices, he's sure to be nearby, plotting his next move.

    Stelle throws her bat down... it vanishes in motes of blue light before it hits the ground. "We. Are. Not. His. Accomplices!" She yells... causing the blizzard to pause for a half second before resuming.

    "Yeah, did you see how fast that guy ditched us? We're not friends of his or anything, we're just travellers."

    Gepard shakes his head. "I'm a Captain, not an adjudication panel. As a Belobog citizen you have the right to defend yourself but that can only take place under scrutiny of the Architects, not now."

    March whines. "But We're Not From Belobog! Look at our clothes! Does our equipment look anything like yours?"

    Stelle nudges March. "Show him the photos of the planet from orbit."
    Oh. Oh carp.
    Rebecca actually winces when her rock hits someone she didn't intend to hit in the first place.
    "OH SHIT SORRY DUDE." Rebecca says cringing.
    "HEY I'M NOT LOUD!" She snaps back very loudly. "And throwing a rock's better than shooting the guy!" She points out still waving her gun. "The heck's an architect and I'm not even from this world either! I'm from California!"
Syd Fortis
    Syd's trying to parse how dense Gepard is behaving. He thinks for a moment, glances at March, Dan, Rebecca, and Jessica. Then he sighs. "Okay, lets put some cards on the table." 
    He scoops up two handful of snow and breathes on it, melting it far too quickly to be normal breath, then breathing again and freezing it as the water runs through his fingers, forming icicles. "Go ahead and try imprisoning me. No cell could hold me. I can chisel stone with my fingers and melt metal with my breath. We're not from this world, we're not with The Suspect. Treat us as anything but guests and I will bring ruin to your city."
    Imprisonment! Jessica squeaks, "Do you know how expensive ammunition is right now? I don't want to shoot my way out of trouble! That'd cost SO MUCH! I'm just a mercenary and I'm not even being paid for this!" She huffs, standing herself up to her full height of... er... 4'10" or so. "Well, at least it'll be warmer there."
    Jesus Christ is Jessica taller than Rebecca?
    It's more likely than you think.
    "Here, choomba." Becca says casually handing Jessica a non-Originium handgun. Right in front of all the guards.
    "Go. Do a crime."
    There's a moment, several in fact as Gepard looks over the photo of the white marble in the blackness of space... the outline of Belobog can be barely seen in the orbital picture.

    Syd's demonstration of abilities is another nail in this coffin and Gepard, dutybound as he is... must relent. "It is said that a long time ago, strange visitors from beyond the sky would visit us here... but that after the Eternal Freeze, the blizzards made passage impossible. And Belobog would cease to witness such arrivals." He looks between the Trailblazers, the Solo, the Merc and the Exalt. "This decision is beyond me. If what you say is true, then only the supreme guardian may decide your fate."

    The guards tense up when Rebecca hands the armed catgirl ANOTHER weapon... but they don't interject. One pipes up warily. "Don't do crime, we'll have to try and arrest you harder if you do."

    Gepard shakes his head. "We must present them before her, immediately. Follow us Outsiders. Belobog lay beyond this blizzard."
    Jessica nods, "Don't worry, I try not to do crime at all! We'll be good!" She looks HARD at Rebecca.