World Tree MUSH

An Impromptu Visit

Miwa takes Ash shopping, and then after lunch they have a sparring session in a scenic part of Akala Island.
Character Pose
It was a beautiful sunny day in Alola, and the beach near Miwa's home was pretty crowded, so Miwa has made her way up to a grassy field by the Pokemon Center, overlooking the ocean. She was doing some singing practice currently it would seem, and as her delicately beautiful voice carries on the breeze, she still ends up attracting the attention of a few people around who stop and come to watch and listen. She was fine with a few, just didn't want the entire beach crowd surrounding her. Any who got close enough to hear her song clearly would notice it was not in English, but rather Alolan, some people knew it enough to understand, but anyone not from the islands would be unlikely to know the language.
Ash could be spotted in his warframe walking with what had to be a new trainer to the pokemon center. The kid looked worn out, upset, and if one were to be perfectly honest, on the verge of tears. Ash's warframe waved to Miwa before ducking into the pokemon center with the kid.

A few minutes lter Ash stepped into the crowd and slowly made his way to the fore of the crowd as Miwa sang. Tellingly he had a few weapons on hand, but if he were using his warframe he probably had reason to be armed. Miwa might see him sitting down, listening. She might not see the smile on his face, but he was grinning at this song he didn't understand.
Miwa continued to sing for several more minutes after Ash arrived, extending the song as she switched up to higher and lower keys, really putting her vocal cords through a bit of a workout. Eventually she decided to finish up and worked the song to a close, and gave her walk-up audience a bow, thanking them for being such fine guests for her practice session. As the audience clapped and then began to leave, Miwa made her way over to Ash with a smile. "Hey you! Long time no see. How are you?" She asks with a very happy tone, clearly glad to see him.
Ash inclined his warframe's head as Miwa approached even as he smiled within the transferrence pod. "Well... other than being confused when a kid triedthrowing a pokeball at my head and sending their team after me?" Beat, "That wasthe kidi was helping to the pokemon-center. Nice kid, but at the same time..." He held out a few pokedollars, "He wouldn't let me not take it and now im feeling like i beat up a kid for their lunch money." He patted a spot beside him for the songstress, "I will say even if hsi team was a bit... er..." He motioned as if to say 'small', "He did good with what he had on hand especially when going against an unknown."
Miwa curls her tail next to Ash and rests there for the moment as they talk. She grins as he mentions that a kid tried to battle him as if he was a Pokemon, and at the mention of the kid forcing his money on Ash, she tries not to laugh, but still lets out a small giggle. "Wow, I'd say that maybe they should be teaching kids these days that people from off world are not Pokemon, but that kid has worse problems if he's giving his money to someone who he thought was a Pokemon, not a trainer..." She sighs and shakes her head a bit. "Anyways, if you're beat, and I guess you have some money now, how about we go on a little trip to Akala? I can show you a great spot there, and like I've mentioned earlier at some point I'm sure, the shopping is better, despite this being the bigger island."
Ash nodded once, "I actually was here with the frame because as it turns out being able to fly while having opposable thumbs is really useful. So bee ndoing small jobs around the harbor for a bit." Nothing glamarous, but something Teshin once said about work building character, or was that some Corpus propaganda? He couldn't tell. "Sounds like a plan. Mind giving me a few so I can change out?" He gestured to hisframe, "Somehow i think I'd attract all kindsof attention with the tin suit. plus As amazing as a long coat on Ash would look, not exactly practical."
Miwa chuckles a bit. "So you've been doing delivery work in my backyard and I didn't even notice. Though I guess there wouldn't be much work delivering stuff to the beach, maybe to the Pokemon Center. But in any case, if you need to change, you can probably use the restroom in the Pokemon Center. After that we can head to the harbor and take a ferry to Akala Island. It's only the next island over, so it's a pretty short ride."
Ash facepalmed. "Nono... look. give me a few minutes alright?" He sighed before sprinting off as his lander craft started to detatch from the orbiter to pick the warframe up. This whole swapping out of Tenno and Frame wasannoying and it would take several minuts for a heavily breathing red faced Ash to show back up where he left Miwa. "Got... to find a better.. .way." He shook hishead and straightened, "OK. Le'ts go."
Miwa grinned at Ash a bit as he came back. "Yeah, forgot that it's not just like a suit of armor you just get out of, it goes back to your ship right?" She asks for confirmation. "In any case, I just thought of a better idea for how to get to Akala, since the docks are on the other side of the island, and we're actually closer to Akala from here, I have a friend who might be able to help us. Come on, let's head to the beach and see if we can avoid drawing too much attention." She says as she beings walking toward the path that leads from the Pokemon Center to the beach, hugging the path and staying to the edge of the beach to try and avoid the crowd. 

She made her way up to the water and looked out at the sea for a moment before giving a warbling whistle that seemed to have a sort of pattern to it. At first, Ash might wonder what Miwa was doing, but after a minute or so, a Pokemon would appear, and as it got closer, it could clearly be seen that it was a Lapras, the friendly looking water type greeting Miwa with a high pitched cry that oddly wasn't just saying it's own name. "Ash, this is Lapras, one of the friends I've made since I moved into my little island cave here. She's very sweet, and I'm sure if you ask nicely, she'd be happy to give you a ride to Akala, and I'll just swim along with you."
Ash walked with Miwa til they made it to the water'sedge. When he saw a Lapris surface his head tilted and an eyebrow arched as he looked to Miwa. "I... Hm." THen a look to the Lapris, "I really would appreciate the lift, but if you're busy i can find my own way." This probably would have gone simpler if he had stayed in his frame til after they got where they were headed and he used archwing, but that'd eat into more of their time. He took a breath and looked the lapris over again. "I've... Look I've never ridden so if I do something that makes you uncomfortable mind letting me know?" He sounded uncertain of himself. After all he knew, judging from Miwa herself, pokemon were quite intelligant. However most didn't speak, and many seemed content with the simple pleasures of life... which was like a lot of 'people' when he stopped to think it over.
Miwa picks up on Ash's obvious apprehension, and tries her best to diffuse it. "Well, if you would feel more comfortable getting there on your own that's fine, but I don't think you have to worry about making Lapras uncomfortable. I've seen fully Lapras commonly carry two or even three people, so just you would be no sweat. You can just find a place to sit on the hard shell on her back, and hold on to one of the dull knobs on the shell." Miwa explains, then turns to Lapras and switches to Pokespeak, explaining that Ash had never done anything like this before, and that he wants her to let him know if he does anything that makes her uncomfortable.

Lapras nods, and demonstrates a lower sort of grunting sound as Miwa turns back to Ash. "She says she'll make that noise if you're doing anything she doesn't like, but unless you do something really strange, it'll probably be just fine. Remember I'll be there still too, so you really don't have anything to worry about." Miwa says with a smile as she looks up to Ash.
Ash nodded and with some apprehension, started to get onto Lapris's shell. "Hey what kind of work have yo ubeen doing?" Ash's question was non-specific, He settled on a kneeling sort of position, folding his lower legs underneath his body as he balanced on Lapris's shell. "You alright?" He gently patted the shell under him before looking to Miwa and giving a thumbsup gesture. "OK... Let's do it."
Even though it was wild, Lapras does seem to understand some of what Ash is saying. At the questions, she nods and gives a warm melodic call. Miwa smiles and makes her way into the water also, moving to swim beside Lapras for the moment as they began moving out into deeper water and avoiding the small islands that dapple the shore where Miwa's grotto is. 

"She says right now she's working on eating a lot to prepare for mating season and the following migration. Also she says you're doing fine." She says with a grin as she kicks her tail harder, moving ahead slightly and leading the way.

"As for me, I'm doing alright. I helped Mouse out of a jam the other day. A bunch of men blew a wall off her apartment and I'm not sure what they planned to do to her, but we all got out of there before they could finish the job... Before that, I got caught up in some sort of battle on a world that seemed to be dying. There were these mummy kings, one of them nearly boiled me alive with a solar flare from a magical scepter of some sort. I'm finally pretty much healed up from that now thankfully, because it really hurt, a lot.
Ash was busy chewing over the whole logistics of chidl rearing and what that must be like for Lapris when Mirage's name and general perdicament were brought up. This caused him to look down at where Miwa was in the water. "On the one hand I'm sorry I couldn't have been there at either occasion, and at the same time the fact you survived means you did well." He had gotten a feel for Miwa in a fight, at least enough to guess she wasn't the type to freeze up. "DOn't beat yourself up over any mistakes you made. Void alone knows i still make my fair share and i've been fighting as far as I can remember..." He snorted then shook his head.

"Mating season huh?" He gave a soft laugh as he pattedthe lapris's shell. "You get a choice in the matter, or is it like... whoever wins gets dibs?" THen after a moment's thought, "On the other hand Probably better to not ask I guess... personal stuff."

Then he looked again at Miwa, looked like he was going to speak, then reconsidered, then spokeanyway. 'So, shopping huh?"
Miwa nods. "I guess when you're talking combat, mistakes are going to be painful, or at least they can be, and it's not like a friendly Pokemon battle where both sides have healing potions to take care of most things and Pokemon Center treatment usually nearby if things go bad. If you're off on some other world, and there isn't a medic or healer around, you just have to bear with it until which point I can get some help." She explains a bit what she's learned. 

Ash then bringing up Lapras mating season gets a chuckle from her and she decides there is no real harm in giving Ash some basic information on the subject. "Actually, Lapras courtship is pretty neat, though I may be a bit biased on that because it involves singing, which I'm sure you've figured out is something I love." She says while attempting to wink up at Ash. "Lapras are very gentle, docile Pokemon, so even during mating, there is no fighting for the right to mate, at least not physically. Instead, the male Lapras try to attract a female with pretty elaborate and beautiful songs, and the females choose the male they like the best." Miwa explains, curious what Ash might think of that system. "Anyway yes, I thought we could go shopping, and then I could show you a really beautiful spot on Akala, unless you want to do something else."
"Hm," Ash pondered the notion of serenading a prospective lady and shook his head. "Never been one for song." His fingers tapped out a fast rythm on Lapris's shell as he spoke, "Dance? That I can do." He smiled as he watched the wate rmove about them, "It's one of the reasons why I will use my warframe outside of a fight. Lots of movement potential I don't otherwise have." A pause as he looked at both pokemon, "Plus it's at this point like a favorite pair of pants, or I guess a dress in your case Miwa. It feels good to use."
"I like dancing too. On land I may be rather awkward unless I'm sliding around on ice, but in the water, I can really move. This is why many of my performances would either be at the beach, or on a stage with large water tanks for me to move around in." Miwa explains as she continues to lead the way, and now Akala island is starting to grow larger in view as they get closer and eventually the dock can be made out in the distance. 

"Lapras unfortunately, are just not built for dancing, they may be able to swim about the same speed as me, but my kind are much more nimble, where Lapras on the other hand is stronger, has more endurance, and being part ice type, can handle cold weather much better than I could ever hope to. I guess everyone and everything has stuff they're good at, and stuff they aren't." Miwa continues, and soon they are arriving at the dock and Lapras swims up beside it where there is a ladder leading up from the water. Miwa simply leaps gracefully out of the water and lands gently on the dock.
Ash nodded as he watched their destination approaching. "Far faster than I can swim at any rate." THen again he was all gangly legs and arm where both pokemon were literally built for water travel. On disembarking Ash leaned down and gave the Lapris a hug, or at least tried to, "Thanks lady. Here's hoping you can find the right song for the season." He smiled whiel straightening and settling in step beside Miwa. "Lead on." He looked every inch a tourist between the flipflops, loud shirt, and cheapie sunglasses.
Lapras seemed to accept the gesture as Ash attempted to hug her around the base of her neck. She chirped a reply and nodded before swimming off out into the deeper ocean. As Ash came to her side, she smiled at him. "That was sweet, not sure how much is because you're my friend, but I think she likes you." Miwa says as she begins moving forward down the street. Fortunately it wasn't a very far walk from the docks to the main shopping area of Heahea City. 

There were several restaurants, some stores that sold electronics, food, and beach supplies like surf boards and the like, and nestled among it all, a large clothing store, which Miwa heads for and shuffles through the automatic door. "Here we are, should be able to find something not quite so garish even if you are looking for island themed clothes, but there is other styles too."
Ash hmmed as he took it all in. Surfing for the moment wasright out, isince i f he wanted to impress he'd use hisarchwing. Though on second consideration wasn't the whole point of surfing to hone balance? Potentially seful. His gaze moved on to the electronics, and even if he dismissed it all as 'primative' he did find some of the device shapes pleasing. As he trotted over to buy a phone he had to admit the usefulnessof somethign that would ork here. Ordis could probably clone the device's functions into his earpiece." THen he looked at the plan pricesandfrowned. "Miwa? Isit this common for everyone here to be so greedy?" He looked at the cashier wit han expression that was effectivly 'Really bro?'
Miwa happily followed Ash as he went to buy a phone, as she had to agree, even if he had to be on her world to use it, being able to call her would be useful, though that meant she also needed to get her own phone which preferably would be well protected from the water. When Ash complains again about the prices of things, Miwa almost glares at him just as harshly as the poor cashier, though since he was her friend, that softens her expression a bit. "Keep it down Ash, no, everyone isn't charging you a lot because they're greedy, this isn't a mainland country, we're on a tropical island chain in the middle of the largest ocean on the planet, yes, things cost a lot. If you're short I can help you, I'm more than fine on money, and soon will be bringing in some more on a somewhat regular basis." She says to Ash while trying to be discreet about it. 

All the while, she is looking at the phones and wondering what would work for her, there was also the problem that she couldn't really hold a regular phone. She looks to the cashier. "I apologize for my friend, he's not from around here. Would you perhaps have a phone-like device that would work for me? Something that can handle getting wet, a lot?" The cashier who looks like a typical surfer dude nods and pulls a box out from under the counter showing a device that looks like a smart watch with a blue case and white band. "This is a Poketch. It's designed for Pokemon Trainers is waterproof, and has several functions, including a calculator, a calendar, stop watch, alarm clock, move and match-up tester, map, clock, and many more, along with making calls. This new model is voice activated, so even with you're lack of fingers, should work fine if someone can operate the touch screen to get it set up for you."
Ash hung his head at the admonishment. He really was unworldly when it came to the cost of thigns wasn't he? "SOrry..." He huffed in irritation more at himself than anything else.the lady was taking him somewhere nice and here he was acting like every credit was worth clinging to? He was Tenno not some corpus drone. What was money to him anyway? THen he looked to the cashier, "Look I really am sorry but as my friend here explained I'm not from here." Beat, "As in from this world at all. I mean I've done some odd jobs, but... Here's not like home." He was going to spare the kid details.

Then he saw the phone Miwa wasgetting, "I could do setup if you walk me through it." He looked around the shop and pulled out an earpiece. He didn't plan on activly using it, but if Ordis was going to transpose phone functionality over, he wanted to take the accessory in case it were for some reason needed. "Hm, Right..." He sounded unsure. "You mind giving me a bit of a hand on where would be good to go for clothes?" He looked the surfer guy over, "Y'know without looking like I flicked random and ran with it?" He gestured to his own clothes. "I like the shorts, comfy and lots of pockets, but the shirt?" Headshake.
The surfer dude nods to Ash, accepting his apology, though it probably helped that Miwa smoothed things over before hand. "Not a problem, I'll be the first to admit it's expensive here on the islands. The rent is crazy, and the shipping costs to bring in products from overseas are insane. It's hard for everyone, but we make due. As for the Poketch, it's pretty simple, there is a big blue button on the side which your Primarina friend might even be able to press with one of her flippers, that will turn it on. After that all you need to do is follow the on screen directions to set up a user account, activate it's phone service, and so on. You don't have to worry about some of it, like the trainer ID, since I'm guessing she doesn't have one of those." He explains, at which point Miwa just laughs. 

"Yeah no, I mean, technically there is nothing stopping me from trying, though I'm not sure the rules would allow a Pokemon to be a Pokemon trainer. Pokespeak communication would give me a bit of an unfair advantage, or at least some would see it that way." Miwa muses as she watches Ash look at the wireless earpieces for phones.

After a moment, she speaks up. "You know, this was my idea, and I'm going to be putting on a show soon that will likely bring in more money than Kaleo gave me to live on when I left the troupe, so today's my treat, and don't try to go all gentleman on me and talk me out of it, I'm buying your clothes too." Miwa says firmly as the surfer dude holds back a chuckle before responding to Ash about the clothes. "The shop next door has good stuff if you know where to look. The stuff in the window is to pull in tourists who think people around here dress like that every day, or even ever... Further toward the back of the store they have some more 'normal' clothes, which are maybe still a bit more islandy than you'd get in Kanto, but this is Alola after all."
Ash grinned at the recommendations, "Could use some good workout clothes too since I really should be working on endurance and strength out of frame. SO yea," He smiled to Miwa, "Considering we're still up for sparring?" A small laugh at Miwa, "It is a bit of a Tenno tradition to help newbies just starting out so no real sweat off my back." He got his first set of pallets from a Valkyre after all so it's not like he ascribed any real weight to the whole gender role thing.That, however, didn't mean he wasn't going to be thrifty when shopping. No sense streaching his friend's accounts further than was comfortable. "I wouldn't want to try starting a business of it, but pretty sure i could get money pulling in oddities and nice to have things from offworld."

He considered the idea as he waited for things to be paid for. Then after exiting the store he looked over to Miwa, "Really. I'm sorry for making a scene. Usually it's either Darvo, The Ostrons, Baro or directly trading with other Tenno and most times you can haggle here and there." He was aware of an infamoue incident where someone got a half off discount on a trade because he stared at a wall for a half hour. "So... yea, Don't ever be afrade of calling me out on anything. Alright?"
"They have a whole section for that too, it's a big store, has two levels." The cashier adds, and Miwa nods as Ash asks if they're still up for sparring. "Sure, I'd like to spar with you some more. Get some more practice in where my opponent is interested in helping me learn rather than... you know... Also the mistakes shouldn't hurt as much, or at least can be treated more quickly." She comments before pulling a wallet out of her hair that seemed to be made of some sort of waterproof material. She pulls out a debit card and pays for both her own stuff and Ash's. 

"Tell you what, if you don't like the idea of this being my treat, you can pay me back when you get the money in from your deliveries, or you can return the favor when I visit your world. But honestly, you're not going to break my finances." She tries to reassure Ash. However, as they move to leave, the cashier suddenly stops Miwa, his face turning a bit red.

"Um, I heard you say you were in Kaleo's troupe, and you were going to perform again. You must be Miwa, can I um... have your autograph? It's for um, my little sister." He explains, holding out a blue ink pad and a piece of paper. From the level of embarrassment, Miwa guessed he didn't actually have a little sister, but was too macho to admit that he wanted the autograph for himself. Miwa nods.

"Sure." She says with a smile, pressing her flipper against the ink-pad and then putting her print on the paper, and making it truly her own by blowing hundreds of very tiny bubbles into the still wet print, making a beautiful and unique pattern. Finally she used a more aggressive Bubblebeam attack to clean the ink from her flipper, and left the shop with Ash. "So, clothes next?"
Ash nodded to Miwa after letting her fan get a signature. He was going to have to get usedto Miwa being a local celebrety. "That happen often?" He waved at the Cashier before holding the door for Miwa. Fine fine it could be taken as gentlemanly, but for him it was more 'the lady lacks opposable thumbs.' "Let's see what do i need?"

He liked the things he got from Darvo for more ruggid wear and put it all black with a diffrent pair of pants and it really did work well for formal in his opinion. "Could use something that doesn't scream 'I'm from out of town and or expecting a fight' along with some workout clothes." He looked about and hmmed, "Hey Ordis, You want anything for the ship while we're out shopping?"

To help Miwa give a thing to talk to Ordis projected a cracked glass cube floating over Ash's shoulder from his earpiece, "No, Operator, but Ordis is glad you asked."
Miwa nods about the autograph. "It's starting to happen more often yes. I wasn't really seen in public as much when I was with the troupe, but now that I'm on my own, I have to provide for myself and can't just hide away while the people I'm with provide everything I could need. I'm honestly surprised it doesn't happen more often, since I'm the only talking Primarina in Alola as far as I know, and we're not found elsewhere, so, probably the whole world. I have a feeling that once I start performing solo, it'll only happen even more often. Thankfully I don't see many fans swimming out to hound me at home, so at least I'll still have some level of privacy, hopefully." 

She answers, moving out as Ash holds the door for her and then they head to the clothing store. When Ordis rejects Ash's question about needing anything, Miwa grins and adds. "Oh come on, we could get some lovely decorations for the ship. Island theme, plush Pokedolls, some of those are even island themed too! I know there's a surfing Pikachu one, and a Ribombee with some local flowers in it's hair." Miwa says with a laugh, wishing Ordis had a facial expression she could see after what she just said.

Moving on further toward the back of the store, there were more clothes that weren't so oppressively loud. There were some white shirts with wide stripes in blue or green or red, some simple polo shirts with white trim around the collar and sleeves, also in various color options, there were also tank tops, and even an array of different shorts if Ash wanted to pick up a few more pairs.

In another section there were hats, everything from baseball caps with different logos on them, mostly related to different Pokemon Leagues, in brighter colors, or said Alola with some flowers on the As. There were also some more traditional round brimmed hats, and some of each of these hats also had ears sticking out of them resembling different Pokemon such as Pikachu and Eevee. "So, any of this look better Ash?"
ORdis tried remaining polite, but the ring that indicated audio intensity flared as he blew an electronic raspberry, "Ordis is grateful for the gesture Miwa but Ordis would not DEGRADE HISMELF TO SUCH FRIVOLITY think there is better use of his internal space."

"Aw c'mon," Ash teased. "They'll go nice with the noggle collection." He followed Miwa, "Don't worry I won't get anything too terrible."

Then after Ordis's holoform winked out Ash chuckled, "I'd honestly like to see some of these things since I do have a nice little noggle collection. Even have a spare stalker noggle if you want." He was going to say nothing about the clem wall he has. That was a surprise he wanted to save for whenever she visited hisship proper.

As they walked Ash pickeda few T-shirts, mostly solid reds and greens, a black polo, several variations of the shortshe was wearing. THen he stopped at the hat rack and paused, staring at the selection. "To a Tenno Fashion is a bit of a status thing," he explained as he went through the hat selection. "Thing is what Tenno count as fashionable can be... Odd. Hence why you'll now andthen have a parade of eyebleed pink warframes in a given relay, or dayglow colors. GrantedTenno tend to default to red and black sfallbacks," His head shook refully. "Edgelord when all else fails."

He then picked up an Alola hat before looking at the pile he collected. "Hm, missing anything?" He took measure of the things draped over his arm. "Shirts, Pants. Hat. Wait... Shoes. Sure I've got dandals on now, but might want something less flip floppy ya?"
Miwa listens as Ash describes Tenno fashion. "Sounds like there is a lot of variety in what people think looks good, but I guess that's true most places, just perhaps not such extreme colors everywhere." She offers thoughtfully, then blinking as Ash mentions needing shoes. "Ah right, shoes. This way!" Miwa offers and leads the way toward the shoe department. Along the way, they pass by a section of various knickknacks and Pokedolls. 

There were fake palm trees to put on your desk, coffee mugs and vases shaped like Pokemon, collectible glasses with Pokemon and Alolan scenery on them, jewelry made from sea shells and sea glass, and much more. The Pokedolls did come in various sorts, some just looked like a more cartoony version of a particular Pokemon, but some were also dressed in various clothes or had flowers and/or bows attached to their ears or other relevant appendages.

In one corner though, Ash might spot one that looked somewhat familiar. It was a Primarina, in a very fancy yet well flowing dress that would be possible to dance in. It was one of the ones made to look like Miwa from her musical theater days, and she looked like a mermaid princess.

Miwa walked right passed it but didn't see it, she was looking ahead to the shoes, which were in many different types, from surfer shoes that had mesh sides to go swimming while wearing, to more normal running shoes, though most of them were still in bright blues reds and yellows. There were also some plainer shoes in a few different shades of natural brown leather. "Here are the shoes!" She announces.
Ash wasn't going to commnt on what he thought of most Tenno 'fashion' since everyoen was a critic and, frankly, his was probably just as horrible. Instead he contineud walking with Miwa and spotted.... well.. Miwa.

This was too good to pass up. He grabbed the doll as they walked, hiding it in the stack of clothing. Then to cover for his absense he picked up a few palm trees, a pair of fuzzy dice (d20 even) and a snorlax pillow he caught up to Miwa.

As he started browsing thorugh the shoes he made sure to position the Miwa doll so the tuft of hair would poke out from the stack of clothing as he considered his shoe options. "My needs are fairly varied and I suspect uniqhe. What do you think?"

He eld up a pair of running shoes and looked at the soles thoughtfully. "Think they'd hold up?" He did like the color (black) and the fairly nondescriptness. Seemed trainer designs were fairly universal across worlds.
Miwa was looking at the shoes while Ash caught up, wondering what would be best for him by her opinion, granted, she didn't wear shoes so what really did she know. When he picks out a pair of running shoes, she notices they have a stylized Pokeball logo on the heel indicating their brand. 

"Those are from a company that makes clothes for Pokemon Trainers, and thus designed to hold up to lots of traveling and everything from running down city streets, to trudging through the woods. So yeah, those should be good for you, and I guess they match the rest of what you got." She says with a grin, turning to look at the pile of clothes he's picked out, spotting a tuft of light blue hair poking out from the pike of clothes.

"What's this?" She asks curiously with a tilt in her gaze as she uses her flipper to toss aside some of the clothes, revealing the plush doll of herself. "Oh wow, did you find this back in that last section? I don't think they make these anymore because this was from a show I did right here in Akala a few years ago, actually it was where I was going to take you next. It was fun, and boy did I feel so amazing in that dress, it was custom made for the show."
Ash grinned at Miwa's reaction to the doll, "That is so going on my shelf to keep Clem company." He looked the dress over and smiles, "Do you still have the dress? I would like to see you in it sometime." He straightened the clothes pile. "Also shoes that are good in a variety of enviroments would be pretty good for my needs." 

Another look through the pile, "Anything else i"m missing?" THe dice he planned on giving to Nakak when he got back since he wanted to see if the Ostrons would find the new design useful to make out of local materials.

Then he looked to Miwa and how she moved overland Then looked to the plush and hrmed. "I take it you were in a tank for the show?" He seemed to have little trouble with the burden of stuff in his arms. "Also what're your thoughts on food?"
Miwa grins a bit and nods, seeming happy that he was buying the doll to keep on his ship. "Now you'll have something to remind you of me when I'm not around." She says with a soft laugh. "As for the dress, sadly I don't. I didn't get to keep any of the wardrobe stuff when I left, and honestly, at first I'm not sure where I'd have put them, even now, getting fancy clothes in and out of my grotto is not easy. Maybe building some sort of lift system through the opening in the cave ceiling would work." She shrugs. 

"Could probably see a dress maker about making it again, perhaps with a few slight alterations or enhancements just so it's not identical, would be expensive but worth it I think, particularly for my first solo show. What do you think?" She asks before switching gears and answering Ash's other more presently important questions.

"Anything else? Maybe some sunglasses if you don't already have any. Otherwise I think you're good. As for food, we can pick something up on the way to our next stop. You in the mood for anything specific? Could hit the Malasada shop if I haven't introduced you to those yet."
"Malasalad?" Ash asked questioningly. He assumed a type of salad but 'salad' was such an all encompassing word that could be anything from greenery to fruit, to even some oddball concoctions. "ActuallyI think I'm good on the eyewear." He took off the glass-less frames that were perched on his face. They were ornate and styled after half-specticals but held no frames. "Emitters give me a heads up display. Some prefer implants, or full visors, but I found these most to my liking. Lets me catch up on reading too." He smiled and flipped the specticals back on his face. "So I think we're good here unless you want things. i'll be happy to carry." 

He made a mental note to have the lander swing by before their return trip so he could stow his things. "YThis is your tour on your credit. So lead on." He laughed before patting Miwa's back gently. "Lead on.
Miwa can't help but giggle loudly as Ash decides that Malasada had something to do with salad. She soon composed herself though and shook her head. "Not a salad at all, but very good, I think I'll keep it a surprise." She teases, shaking her head about needing anything. "I think I bought enough here when I went shopping with Mouse, at least for now." She answers, nodding and smiling as he pats her on the back, and starts making her way up toward the checkout counter. Once there, she again offers her pre-paid debit card to the cashier, who does seem to be a little taken aback that a Pokemon is paying for things, more-so when she speaks. It appears not everyone knows who she is. "I'm paying for everything in the cart."
Ash shrugged helplessly at the Cashier and giggled, "I could claim to be a ventriloquist, but I don't think the lady here would take kindly to a cruel joke." A shrug as he waited on the salesperson to bag the clothes. "After all she's paying so it'd be bad form for me to give her any hassle right?" He now wondered what this Malasada is and shrugged. He'll find otu soon enough.
Once they had paid, Miwa smiles to the cashier and they head out of the store. She promptly turns up the street a bit and a short walk away is the Malasada shop. She lets Ash open the door for her, as it's not an electronic door like the clothing store. Once inside, Ash would find that Malasada are pretty much an Alolan variation of donuts, assuming he's even had those before. There were smaller ones in plain varieties and also ones that are topped with cinnamon and sugar, powdered sugar, or some kind of frosting. There were also big ones that were stuffed with some sort of filling. "So, this is malasada, not at all what you were picturing I'm sure." She says with a grin, ordering a few for herself along with a bottle of MooMoo milk to wash it down. She then tells the cashier to add whatever Ash orders to her bill.
Ash blinked at the sight of these Malsada then to Miwa, then grinned, "Sweet dumplings." Not exactly right, but close. His order was simple. Cinnamon on all three with an order of milk. With his in hand he sat alongside miwa. "So... today's been fun."
Miwa had ordered one of each cinnamon, powdered sugar, and a chocolate frosted one. She started with the cinnamon, which was the messiest, leaving a bit of cinnamon clinging stuck around her mouth once she's done with it and has taken a few sips of milk. "I'm glad you're enjoying this. I thought most guys didn't like going shopping. I guess we're pretty much done with all that, from here we can head up to Brooklet Hill and relax a bit while our lunch settles, then maybe do some sparring."
Ash griinned as he dissected the confections in front of him with a surprisingly practiced series of slices. "There's a dumpling vendor in cetus I grab takeout from whenever I'm by earth. So for me this really isa taste of home." As if confirming it he took a bite, and his eyes closed. His body seemed to relax, and for a moment he was at the earth he knew, in cetus, and the arguments between Rhino, Oberon, and Mag had stopped because pastery. 

Then the moment passed and he smiled to Miwa, "Thank you for this." He held up another bite on a fork, "Sparring sounds like a fun after lunch, though... as much of a bad idea s it'll be." He smiled, "I want to see if i can do anything with me as is." He pointed at himself, "I can call my warframe in so it'll be less like hitting a ragdoll for you, but I'll want to see what i can do on my own, since what if my frame gets busted? What if something takesit over and I have to go out on my own? I need to find ways to fight."
Miwa grins as she watches Ash eat, and how much he seems to be enjoying the pastries. "I'm glad you like them. These are an Alolan specialty, and I dare say that the shop here is the best of all the islands." She explains, then nods as he agrees to the idea of sparring, only to nearly choke on her milk as Ash says he wants to spar her without his warframe. 

"Are you sure? I mean, are you any stronger than a... fairly athletic human without it? I mean, the humans on this world do sometimes take the brunt of a Pokemon attack and not get too badly hurt, but I think in most cases, it's weaker, less developed Pokemon, or ones that aren't using nearly their full strength. I'm sure many of the stronger Pokemon attacks could do some serious damage at full strength. I guess at in the end my attacks are based on water and mystical energy, but both can be quite a force when focused properly..." She certainly sounded concerned, and was rambling because she was nervous about hurting Ash.
Ash nodded at Miwa's asessment of the situation. "THis is true, and I know this has bad idea written all over it." His voice was calm in spite of his own misgivings. "But my points still stand. I need to know both how well I can get by without my warframe, and what my limits are so I can work around or at least within them." He didn ot like the idea of physically punching Miwa, which he found puzzling when he literally fired shotgun rounds at her last time, but he needed to figure out how to handle the situation. Then he popped another pastery chunk in his mouth, "Besides, how well can you subdue a normal person? Being able to use less-lethal takedowns would be helpful when chasing folk down right?"
Miwa nods, and does start to seem a little more confident about the idea because of how calm Ash was about it. If he wasn't worried, maybe it would be fine, particularly if she didn't use her attacks at full power. "Non-lethal force you say? I think I can do that. I mean, I just used Bubble Beam, which don't let the name fool you, is a moderately strong water type attack, to accent my autograph, without damaging the paper it was on. So maybe you're right, this isn't suicidal, I just need to figure out how much power to use, maybe I'll start low and ramp up, that will give you a chance to get some blows in and feel what it's like to fight out of your Warframe, right?" She asks, finding it amusing that she was suggesting he could more or less pummel her while she figured out the proper power level to use against him. Then again, she supposed she didn't have to just lay there and let him wail on her while she slowly attacked back with progressively stronger attacks.
Ash nodded. "Don't worry. I'm tough enough you won't send me clear across the island before i can tell you to stop." Well, he hoped so anyway. As he looked at the remains of his pastery he smiled. "The whole idea is you're a friend and i'd rather figure this out with friends that are willing to stop instead of having ot figure it out with people that see 'oh hey that guy's hurt.' as 'we need to finish the job.' Y'know?" He reached over to lightly touch her muzzle, "I trust you."
Miwa nods back, listening to Ash as she works on eating her other two malasadas and eventually gives him an understanding smile. "That makes sense, not everyone out there is so 'nice' as to not kick you when you're down, one of the more unfortunate things I've learned since being out on my own. I appreciate that we're friends who trust each other, helping each other get stronger, I guess that's what friends are for." She offers, blushing a bit as he touches her muzzle.
Ash nodded slow before resuming the demolishion of his pastery. "I also am curious on how the whole hand beam of voidness thig I can do would stacks up. I mean fine it has potential in spades," He points out between bites, "But it's worthless if say... a paper cup could block it right?" Grineer armor soaked it pretty well, but most normal people aren't in the habit of literally wearing slabsof metal right? "So yea I'd kinda be a one trick pony, but maybe it'sa good trick? I dunno?" He was uncertain. "Do you have any friends that can watch and step in?Worse comes to worse Ordis can pull me back on ship via the lander and he's geared up for full medical on my end, so i'm kinda worried about you."
Miwa did much the same, working on finishing up her last pastry and washing it down with the rest of her milk. She was relieved to hear that in the worst case scenario Ordis could pull Ash back and treat his injuries, but it might not be as easy to get her to a Pokemon Center. There was one down the road from the entrance to Brooklet Hill, but she knew it still would be pretty far to carry her if she fainted. "Hmm, most of my Pokemon friends are either much more mobile in the water, like me, or might not have the ability to really carry me if I've fainted, but I might be able to call a favor if you can get that watch working real quick"
Ash held his hand out, and after being handed the watch he started going through the setup process. Every so often he would ask her questions such as time zone, and anything else needed for setup. The setup process was geared for complete newbies, so it wasn't that difficult. He did the same with hsown phone while they sat there since 'now was as good a time as any.'

Initial setup done he helped Miwa slip the phone back on her flipper. "It's a neat piece of gear to be honest, and not all that fr removed from what I use." It simply lacked an intelligance to filter, correct, and the like. This nearness to what he was famila with made him smile.
The watch was designed to be easy enough that a ten year own newbie trainer could set it up at least for the most part, on their own, so yeah, was pretty straight forward particularly for anyone with any technical knowledge. As Ash slipped the watch onto the upper 'arm' of her flipper, it fit nicely with the large band that came on it by default. Miwa looked it over a moment, then tapped the screen with her nose to wake it before speaking to it. "Create contact Olivia, phone number 555-8724. Call Olivia." The phone dials the newly added contact, and a young woman answers. 

"Hello? This is Olivia." Miwa smiles at the fact she answered, gave hope she was available. "Hi, this is Miwa, you remember me right? I wondered if I could ask a favor, friend of mine wants to have a little spar battle, wondered if you could be there to watch/referee, just in case things get out of hand?" After a brief pause Olivia's voice comes back through. "For you? Sure, I'd be happy to, looking forward to just seeing you again." Miwa then happily replies. "Thanks, you're the best. Meet us at Brooklet Hill, be there in a bit."

Miwa taps the screen with her nose again to end the call, and smiles at Ash. "Olivia is an old friend of mine, she used to come to all my performances in Alola, and eventually we met in person and became friends. She's the Akala Island Kahuna, which basically means she presides over the grand trial of Pokemon Trainers in Alola where they must prove not only their battling ability, and their respect for Alola, it's Pokemon, and culture. Of course, she also helps with other things around the island, she's great."
"Excelent," Ash grnned at Miwa going on about her friend, "I sometimes feel more than a bit selfish constantly on about my home, how thigns are diffrent for me, and so yea... seeing more of your doings? That'll be nice." He stood and offered Miwa a hand. "I do hope she isn't too weirded out by... well. Me." He closed his eyes and took a breath and pushed the fear aside. "Shall we?"
Miwa slides out of the booth seat and nods. "Sure, let's go!" At the offered hand, she wasn't sure what to do at first, as she needed her flippers for walking, after a moment, she gently whipped her hair so that the end of her locks landed on his palm, Ash could hold that. She giggled a bit as they made their way outside and Miwa looked up the Island toward where they were going. "Kindof a long walk from here, would be faster to fly. You up for a bubble ride?" She asks, looking over at Ash with a smile.
Ash quirked an eyebrow at the hair flip, then realized Miwa needed her 'hands' for walking and sighed. "It would be faster," He conceeded. "So yea, as long as you're driving." He sounded confident in Miwa's skill, moreso than he personally felt, but he wanted to keep her confidence high.
Miwa nods, still looking up at Ash. "Well it's either that or let the wind take us wherever." She says with a grin. "But I'll tell you the same thing I told Bewul, try not to poke the bubble too hard, my bubbles are pretty resilient, but they can still be popped with enough force." She warns, then begins forming a large bubble of water around the two of them. She then begins to sing in simple tones, her aquakinesis activating on the water in the bubble, lifting it into the air and soon picking up speed as they float over the shops and other buildings in the city, passing a resort hotel, and then over the ocean for a bit. Soon Ash would see their destination, it looked like more than a cascading dozen small lakes or pools all at different levels, waterfalls linking them together. From the air, it was a pretty amazing sight.
Ash has flown before, hasflown with his feet more or less freedanglign before too. The part that is new isthe fact he's not the one piloting. So he said little as they flew as he didn't want to give away the unease he had with only a thin bubble between him, Miwa, and a long drop. Even so, when they got sight of their destinatin he couldn't help making a small 'wow' noise. "That's...." He nodded, "No wonder you enjoy this place. THat is most definitely a view."
Miwa nods as Ash compliments the view. "It's a pretty great place. I almost decided to live on Akala, but I like my little spot on Ula'Ula, and at least this is just one island over, easy trip whenever I want to come here." Miwa replied, having stopped singing for the moment as the wind was actually blowing them in the right direction so she didn't have to control the bubble as much. At least, not until they got closer, as she resumed singing to bring the bubble in and she spotted Olivia in a grass clearing on one of the higher tiers of the cascading pools. She brings the bubble down for a landing, and once they're on the ground, she firmly pokes it with a flipper and pops it, then waves to Olivia. 

The Island Kahuna was a dark skinned young woman with an attractively thin frame and deep, brownish black hair, and brown eyes. She was dressed in a light pink top that has a 'v' cut along the bottom to expose her belly button, above a very short pair of darker pink shorts. She also has light pink high heeled sandals, and lots of jewelery around her ankles, wrists, and neck, and earrings to top it off, most were rock/gemstone jewelery. She greets the pair with a smile "Hello there." Her gaze moving toward Ash. "You a new trainer that Miwa found? A little surprised anyone convinced our little performer here to engage in battles, but I think it'll be good for you Miwa." She says with a grin.
Ash says, "Lot to be said for a nice quiet place to live when getting where you want to go is an easy trip." Ash offered they drifted towards their destination. He trusted archwing better, but he had to admit being able to carry passengers made this the better method. When he landed Ash smoothed his shirt out and bowed slightly towards Olivia, "Hello there miss." He paused as Olivia spoke and frowned, "It's a bit more complex, but it is more or less the whole 'things going on across worlds thing has forced Miwa to grow better at fighting."

He held both hands out slightly in front of hi and at his sides palms up. "Not every world is as friendly as here, and while diplomacy is preferred I would be a poor friend if I didn't try helping Miwa grow comfortable with self defense." THen he looked about, curious on the field they were going t ofight in. "Plus I need to push myself since I'm not always going to be within my comfort zone.""
Olivia listens as Ash explains, and does look a little surprised by the idea that he's going to be battling Miwa directly. "Ah, I see. I have heard about these other worlds but my duties here in Alola keep me from actually visiting. Pleased to meet you. You're actually the first off-worlder I've met." She realizes that Ash hasn't given his name, but she doesn't let that slow her down. "I'm sure Miwa has mentioned it but I'm Olivia, Kahuna of Akala Island, and I can see why you both wanted someone here who could help make sure nothing gets too out of hand. I do look forward to seeing how you both battle with each other. It's not every day you see a person and a Pokemon battling each other directly. 

Miwa nods to Olivia. "I really appreciate you taking time out of your day for us. I'll be sure to repay you, perhaps free tickets to my first solo show." She offers as she moves to stand down the field from Ash. "Alright, I'm ready Ash." She states, while Olivia's eyes light up at the offer. "You're going solo? That's exciting, I wouldn't miss it for anything."
Ash nodded to Olivia, "I'll see about getting information collected in an easy to sort through form so you are as up to speed as I can help get you as i like this place and want to make sure you're able to deal with oddities that ome through." Granted Ash didn't know that much himself, and didn't want to scare the lady. However her mandate seemed to be protectign this place, so he felt it was best to share what he had. Then the realization at having not made introductions. "Apologies. I'm Ash." No last name, just. Ash.

He then paced away from Miwa and bowed to the pokemon. "Alright," the fingers of his right hand flexed and his muscles tensed, but he otherwise stood loose. "I'm ready."
Olivia nods to the pair and stands back to watch. Miwa waits for Ash to say he's ready, and it would seem he's letting her attack first. She decides to start off with her weakest attacks, since even at full power they shouldn't be too dangerous to a normal human, particularly one as tough as Ash said he was, and she figures she can always grow things from there. She starts with a water gun attack, sending a powerful jet of water from her mouth toward Ash. It would be like getting hit with a high pressure hose.
Ash ran as soon as he saw the attack, ducking into a feet forward slide as he returned fire with a beam of void energy from his right hand. Type-wise Void... really would most closely match... Nothing. It wouldn't fit anywhere in the typical pokemon type resistances/weaknesses chart as the whole idea of void is it is it's own thing. He only fired a short burst since even with only at best fragmentary memories, he knew 'normal' humans got blinded, contact burns, and other nasty effects from exposure. Pokemon would probably be far more durable, and it wasn't like one oculdn't mitigate or block this energy, throw enough armor on and it was next to useless. Shield and it had to chew through that first. However Miwa, as far as he knew, had neither.
Miwa had expected Ash would try his void energy attack on her, though she wasn't exactly expecting that he would start with it. She had been thinking previously about whether she could possibly do anything to block it. She knew water alone wouldn't do much, considering what it did when he fired it into the ocean the first time he showed her. But what about ice? She thought it was worth a try. She quickly used a blast of water and her aquakinesis to form a watery shield in front of her, and then used a strong icy wind attack, blowing so much cold air from her mouth that the veil of water froze solid. She could only hope it would work, cause if it didn't, she wouldn't have much time to try and duck under the blast.
THe void beam hit the hastily made ice barrier, and started heating it as its energy went into the water. Fortunately for Miwa it tends to take a fair amount o energy to cause a state transition in a given unit of water from solid to liquid or liquid to gas. Ash smiled in spite of himself as he saw the ice shatter into droplettes across the field as he pused off from the slide back into a deadrun towards his opponent.

It was unfortunate he didn't know any other inventive uses of void energy, but at the same time wasn't that the whole point of this? To try figuring out what he had and how to use it?
It worked, which made Miwa smile, happy that her guess had worked out. Now Ash seemed to be switching from fighting her from afar, and was running to close the distance between them. As he ran toward her, she took in a deep breath, then blasted out a powerfull stream of bubbles. She hoped it would at least slow Ash down, but if hit he may also find the way the bubbles slam into him and explosivly pop means the bubble beam does hurt more than one would think at first glance.
Ash again fired his void beam. THis time it was to try sweeping across the bubbles approaching insteado f at Miwa herself. He was fairly confident each bubble hit would pop, but the beam wasvery narrow andthere were a lot of targets. He would keep running, ignoring any single bubble that wouldget past his attempts at clearing the field. He just had t oclos the gap between him and histarget.
It was clear now that Ash was trying to get in close. Miwa wasn't surprised, she was more of a ranged fighter and wasn't as capable up close, but maybe that could be helped and Ash was looking to do that. She could only hope. As his next void attack severely clips the wings of her bubble beam, she switches to a different attack once more, and this time uses icy wind on Ash himself. He would feel a very cold blast of air, only made colder by the contrast to Alola's warm sunny weather, and there were even small shards of ice blowing in the wind that would work at cutting anything they hit, assuming it was softer than ice.
Of all the times for Ash to go native too. THe cold was something he noted but seemed to not be debilitatedby. Ice shards however? One might expect him to be cut to ribbons by the ice knives the wind threw at him. instead one might see small bruisesforming at each impact. He laughed into the wind and took careful aim at miwa's chest, bracing his right arm with his left hand, andfired. Olivia would hear a sortof inhaling before a loud thrumming BWWWWRRRRRRR as the beam fired.
Miwa blinked as the ice shards were hitting Ash but didn't seem to be bothering him too much. Perhaps she was going too easy on him. For now though, she had to deal with an attack herself. At this close range there was no time to make a shield, and all she could do is try to get out of the way. She pushed off against the ground with her tail as hard as she could, launching herself sideways as she heard that inhaling sound, and then the loud noise of the blast itself as it blasted toward her, still grazing her side. Of course, moments later she landed hard on the ground, and it took her a moment to get back up, leaving Ash an opening to strike again. If he didn't though, Miwa would instead push off with her tail again launching at him and use pound, striking hard with her flippers as she sailed toward him.
Were Ash in his warframe he would have pivoted along with Miwa's dive to continue firing at her .As is he didn't have the same precision with the void blast. Plus continuing fire with it was taxing in it's own way. No matter, he had gotten to melee range. Now all he had to do was the exact thing that happened. He got smacked with large, muscular, and heavy flippers, sending him sideways and causing him to crash to the ground, causing a small grunt. HE couldn't afford to stay still however, so he rolled, hoping to get out of range of whatever Miwa was going to throw next before attempting to get to his feet. "Having fun yet?" He managed a small laugh in spite of the exertion. "Been awhile since i"veh ad to push this hard."
Miwa lands on her tail after pounding Ash with her flippers, and grins as he asks if she's having fun. "This really is great. I wish I'd done at least casual Pokemon Battles more in the past, but I guess with my performance schedule, I didn't really have the time then." Olivia picks up on the question and smiles. "Looks like you two are having a blast. I've never seen anything like this, it's great!" 

As Ash tries to get away and put some distance between her, she quickly follows with another attack, by far the strongest she's used yet Performing aqua tail, her tail is surrounded by a light blue aura, with water swirling around the tip, and she then balances on her front flippers as she attempts to slam her tail into Ash.
While he was nowhere near as nimble as he woudl have been with his warframe Ash again slid out of the way of Miwa's tail and fired another blas t of void energy at Miwa. He had to keep moving so could only fire a short burst. Maybe he could have tried tackling her, but he wasn't sure if him touching anything glowing would do anything unpleasant. He was breathing hard as sweat beaded across his skin. However even with the exertion he looked like he was enjoying himself. He even managed enough breath to jab at Miwa, "C'mon, stop trying to hit me and hit me!"
Miwa winces a bit as Ash's brief blast of void energy hits her squarely in her tail, but beyond looking like it left a minor burn in her blue skin, it doesn't seem to slow her down much. "Oww, I'd hate to get hit with a prolonged blast of that void stuff!" She comments in a grumbling tone due to his taunting her inability to hit him. As was faster and more nimble on land, that was ture, but with some help, she could be fast too. Using aqua jet, her body is suddenly enveloped with water which then propells her forward very quickly, in an attempt to slam into Ash with her whole body like a rocket propelled tackle. Of course at this close range, it was over so fast it was hard to see what happend.
Ash was fast by human standards, but sudden primarina to the Everything. So as Miwacollided with him Ash wrapped his armsaround her torso. Of course that asn't exactly helpful when she landed on top of him once the water jet propelled ride ended. So ash let go, letting his arms flop out to his sides. "OK," He managed a weak laugh, "Can't say I didn't ask for it. I'm done." He was laughing i nspite of how sore he was. "I yield."
Miwa smiles and rolls off of Ash, soon offering a flipper to help him up as she balanced on her tail. She giggles along with his laughter a bit and nods. "That was a lot of fun. We should do this more often." Olivia applauds the pair as she comes closer. "That was a really fun spar to watch. You two make a great pair in my opinion. I'm glad Miwa has found such a great friend in her travels off world. I think I must declare her the winner this time though. If you ever need me again, just call. For now though, I have some other duties I should attend to. Take care!" She offers with a wave and walks off. 

Miwa waves after her. "By Olivia, thaks for everything." She says with a wave of her flipper, then turns back to Ash with a grin before flopping over to the pool of water nearest to them and jumping in. "After that, I feel like a relaxing soak. Water is actually really warm here. The pools are fed by a hotspring."
Ash waved to Olivia and didn't seem phased by the loss. He was sore pretty much everywhere and he'd haveto review everything that happenedlater. However for the moment Miwa put forward a very solid idea, "That honestly sounds really nice." A smile as he patted Miwa's back. "I could make so many jokes y'know."