Ash (Dropped)

World: Warframe-1
Actual Age: No Clue
Apparent Age: Early to Mid Teens.
Quote: "Good Grief. How do I keep winding up like this?"
Role: Space Ninja
Species: Human(?)
Theme Song: Run Boy Run - Woodkin
Voice Actor: Boofire


Ash is a Tenno: a child soldier that commands the Warframes, suits of armor that allow the wearer to perform superhuman feats on the battlefield, which for Ash tends to favor classical ninja-like stealth and misdirection with a dash of flash step and stabbings thrown in. As a survivor of the Zariman Ten-Zero, Ash has been through a lot; be it saving his home system from an external threat that turns out to have really been made by the ruling class, to killing the ruling class themselves for being hedonistic to the point of sociopathy. He knows what war is, knows what war does to people, and has never regretted using his power to keep others safe. Unfortunately, his memory of things not-war are at best fragmentary, and only recently has he been in contact with peaceful settlements in ways that aren't strictly concerned with fighting. He wants to grow beyond the weapon he's become.


Warframe< Edge >: A suit that allows the user to teleport, turn invisible, and other ninja-things.
The artificial construct of a Warframe channel's Ash's natural energies into a more controlled output. Ash feels everything his Warframe does and suffers shock when directing it, even via remote control, and is just as vulnerable to mental contact and attack. Trauma from damage or destruction of the Warframe results in pain and some mental trauma to Ash as well. Ash's Warframe can generate throwing stars of energy shuriken, smoke bombs granting him a brief window of invisibility, and making a short-lived clone of itself long enough to attack from an unexpected angle. It also allows short-range, line of sight teleport. Edge can be used to make the smokescreen invisibility extend to nearby allies. Outside the Warframe, Ash is mildly stronger, faster, and tougher than a normal human, but is weaker than his warframe and lacks its powers. <E-Tier outside of Warframe>
Gun and Blade: Able to use variety of bows, guns, throwing knives, swords, and a throwing disc.
Through his Warframe, Ash is able to use with the same degree of skill as trained soldiers almost any gun, sword, or other weapon that is realistically useable by a single person, so long as it has been crafted to interface with a Warframe's systems. Outside of his warframe Ash's skill is greatly diminished in comparison and far more limited in nature. While using a Warframe Ash can carry at most three weapons often consisting of an assault rifle or bow alongside a pistol and a melee weapon of some nature. When not using his Warframe, Ash is limited to either a single assault rifle or Shotgun, or a combination of a smaller pistol and a melee weapon.

It should be noted that while Ash's arsenal will vary wildly from mission to mission, they typically follow the template of bow, ballistic type gun, throwing knives, swords, or a throwing bladed disc that can return to the wielder's hand unless it is embedded or otherwise held with more force than Ash would be able to exert if it were attempting to physically remove it.
Mobility: Can dive, jump, flip, and roll better than normal people.
Through his Warframe, Ash is able to not just run, jump, roll, and dive with a seemingly limitless amount of stamina, but Warframes themselves allow for a sort of corkscrew jump that gives a large amount of forward momentum, the ability to quite literally run up walls or flat surfaces, and the ability to cling to those surfaces for a short amount of time.

Outside of his warframe Ash can sprint, slide, and climb as well as can be expected from a reasonably athletic young man. This allows him to find and exploit gaps in crowds or other obstacles that normal people would either miss or be unable to squeeze through.
Tenno: Acclimated to war, pain, and hardship.
Ash is still largely human, so still hurts, bleeds, and needs air, but being a Tenno marks him as a member of a relatively small group that are survivors of the Zariman Ten Zero and gained a connection to an otherworldly dimension known as The Void. This life experience as well as those that followed taught Ash the art of fighting as well as how to endure physical and psychological trauma that would debilitate normal humans.
Orbiter: The ship Ash uses as home and storage for all the things he needs.
A spaceship that serves as Ash's home; a place to repair his Warframe and Archwing, store other equipment, and transport to and from places via the landing craft. The Orbiter and associated landing craft have no offensive weaponry and instead, it depends on a cloaking mechanism to avoid the need to fight altogether. While cloaking, by and large, prevents sensors from getting an exact fix, sufficiently advanced equipment or sensitive mystical means will detect the potential of a cloaked ship in a given area, and the Orbiter and landing craft are both still in normal space, thus susceptible to indirect targeting by saturation bombardment of an area.
Archwing <Requires Warframe>: A pair of wings that allows for flight and travel underwater.
Specifically, the Odonata-patterned Archwing is a pair of wings that attaches to the base of a Warframe's spine and allows single-man space flight as well as a series of void-based powers distinct from those of the Warframe it connects to. This allows it to travel at supersonic speeds (at the cost of not being able to use weapons), fire a self-replenishing array of micro-missiles, form a second layer of shielding, fire flares, and fire a blast that repels anything nearby by a few dozen meters.
Void: A source of power Ash uses to augment himself, shove with, and fire lasers.
Ash can tap into a dimension of exotic non-elemental energy to passively toughen and strengthen his body as well as use to power and control specially designed constructs. When not piloting such constructs his rough control of this energy allows short-ranged blunt-force short-range shockwaves, momentary bursts to rapidly propel himself along straight-line paths, and chargeable narrowly focused energy beams. Other than passive physical augmentation Ash's use of this energy is dependant on both his body's ability to gather and hold Void energy as well as his mind's ability to focus so that energy can be put to use. These factors as well as his relative inexperience make using more than one ability at once taxing <requires Edge to use more than one power at a time.>
Unusual Armaments <Requires Warframe>< Edge >: Can add acid, poison gas, heat, cold, or electrical to attacks
While Ash is often content with normal weaponry, some items in his Arsenal defy conventional explanation or are otherwise speciality gear. Ash can choose to either add any single of the following effects to an existing weapon by way of special ammunition or coating as appropriate to the weapon type or spend an edge point to have access to a weapon with any two effects for the duration of a scene.

Acids strong enough to eat through many types of material, toxic gas that can range from mildly irritating to fatal, a slow field that also subjects targets to extreme cold, explosive, electrical, or extreme heat either by way of open fire or more technological means such as microwaves.
K-Drive: A device that hovers slightly off the ground Ash can ride on.
A self-contained skateboard sized device that hovers over a given surface carrying Ash or whoever else it's loaned out to. When used with his warframe Ash can reach speeds comparable to vehicular travel, however due to saftey concerns Ash won't travel nearly so fast when not piloting his warframe. It has no real offensive or defensive capabilities to speak of outside of its speed, and Ash's creativity while riding.


Ordis <Bound to Orbiter>< F-Tier Edge Named >: An intelligence tied to Ash's Orbiter that helps keep everything running.
Ordis is an artificial intelligence that governs Ash's ship, as well as friend and second opinion on a given situation. Like the ship he inhabits, Ordis isn't designed for combat. He serves his Operator by handling equipment maintenance, but he does have some utility. He can remotely override some basic electronics, like doors and alarms, and can distribute items of minor convenience for Ash or his allies. &lt;Overriding an electronic alarm or lock requires Edge.&gt;


Meddlesome Nature: Often struck by 'Oh hey what's over there? I should involve myself.'
This is actually why Ash is here in the first place. He can't leave well enough alone; he has to see what's over the next hill and poke the proverbial hornet's nest with a stick. He is often too curious for his own good if left to his own devices not just with the location, but also with social situations.
Attention Getting: In or Out of Warframe, Ash tends to be fairly noticeable.
Even in situations where people don't think a Warframe is a tool of war and murder, it is going to draw attention simply by existing, due to being so outside of most senses of physical normalcy as well as being a conduit for void energy likely leaves it very metaphysically weird-looking to mystical senses. Additionally, even outside of the Warframe, Ash is still going to stand out to any equipment or entity sensitive to void energies.
Child Soldier: Ash has been fighting for most of his life. Peace is weird to him.
Peace is weird for Ash. It's a good kind of weird, since he's fought often enough to see not-fighting as a novelty. Unfortunately while he greatly values peace, and is often someone that will seek a peaceful solution, if it appears that fighting is the only answer, Ash will shed no tears over ending a problem with violence if need be. The larger problem is that, having grown up in war and experimentation in labs, Ash has the occasional problem when coping with gentler societies. Many social norms that would be easy to pick up by observation would be easy to mimick, but he will often be the one to chase after a thief, or resort to personal honor duels that may or may not resort in injury or death, rather than involve a wider response, and isn't really all that against bending or breaking laws that go against either his personal sense of honor or to help a friend.
Honor Bound: A contract is a contract, and his word is his bond.
Ash is used to taking contracts from people he doesn't like for reasons ranging from 'They have tried to have him killed' to 'They make people's lives miserable.' However, when under a contract for even those sorts, he will execute what is agreed upon to the absolute best of his ability. With that said, he does not blindly follow a set of instructions and is apt to find creative interpretations that will sit better with his morals. However, if a more palatable solution cannot be found Ash will compromise his morals to follow through on his obligations unless prevented by some outside force.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
559 Will Work for Loot... Oh, and Food. Aug 22 2019
538 A Splashing Battle at Clawmark Hill Jul 13 2019
534 One Mother of an After-Party Jul 02 2019
530 Raven's first Thanksgiving Jun 25 2019
526 Vacations on pokemon land. Jun 20 2019
488 Shopping for Supplies and Reflecting on the Past. May 18 2019
477 Lords of the Underworld May 09 2019
474 Don't Worry, It's Not Mushroom Cake May 01 2019
473 A Wolf, Two Foxes and a Tenno walk into a Bar... Apr 25 2019
468 The White Hug Apr 13 2019
See All 92 Scenes


Title Date
Light and Void Aug 13 2018
Post-Hunt Sep 24 2018
Grounded Sep 24 2018
Perchance to Dream Oct 09 2018
Between Here and There Oct 22 2018
Packages from Home Dec 04 2018
See All 6 Cutcenes