World Tree MUSH

Next Steps: Wildfire

After the big reveal of the Stellaron and everything surrounding it, including the dark secret the Supreme Guardians and Architects have kept, Natasha pulls the group of outworlders aside to discuss some things.
Character Pose
    "Hey, can I have a word with you? I know we'll need time to process this new information, but we should plan our next actions as soon as possible." Natasha says, drawing Stelle, and the other off-worlders away from Svarog and to the other side of the open courtyard that served as a battleground only a short while ago.

    "The Furnace Core is so close to hand now. The path back to the surface." The doctor smiles, and huffs a soft breath that sounds like a half-laugh. "Thank you, Miss Stelle. Everyone. What you've done here has brought new hope to the Underworld. Now we have to wait and see... but this may lead to a new lease on life for us down here."

    Stelle shrugs. "Your help came at just the right time." she says, earning a laugh from Natasha. "Well, you should really be thanking Sampo. If it weren't for him coming to find me, we wouldn't have made it in time." She places a hand over her chest, just beneath the glowing green vial that hands from her collar. "As Wildfire's leader, I couldn't simply look on while you fought on our behalf. We had to come help."
    "Well, we're happy to help!" Jessica smiles brightly, but though she is pretty innocent here, she can't help but look them over a couple times. Svarog was obstinate and set in his ways, but he had a serious problem with Wildfire for some reason... Jess is going to just get used to keeping an eye on any of them in case they try to run off with the Stellaron or something.
Talia Kyras
    Talia bows respectfully. "It's no problem at all." She smiles. "For the time being, we've done one another a good amount of favors. We could spend all day exchanging thanks." Her gaze is kept on Svarog carefully, in case he still wanted to strike. But it's very slight glances, of course.
    Svarog was pretty obstinate yes. But it looks like the offworlders have managed to change his mind for the time being such that he's willing to let them use the Furnace Core to reach the overworld but...
    Bare feet shuffle over through the snow as Clara approaches.
    "... Miss Natasha? You're the leader of Wildfire? ... I always thought it was mister Oleg."
    Svarog is at least fully repaired by now, and he's watching everyone like a hawk.
Bi De
    The rooster is as usual disliking being underground. Trips elsewhere keep him from outright falling ill or anything, but it does make him... perhaps not grumpy, as Bi De seems to have better self control than that. But brooding, yes, that's a word. "Hmm. Well, perhaps we are a bit meddling, but it was for a good cause."
    Natasha smiles at the group, then looks down to young Clara. "Oleg has always acted on my behalf.. he helps me deal with all manner of problems in the Underworld. Thanks to him, I'm able to make time for the people. I do my best to make sure they have everything they need... at the same time, I was formulating a plan to... deal... with Svarog." she looks away at that, upward toward the ceiling high above. "Thankfully, the arrival of these offworlders unraveled that carefully crafted, but rudimentary plan... and for that I am truly grateful."

    Stelle looks at her Express companions. "We didn't do it for you... how did you put it Dan Heng? It's not out of pure altruism, we need to seal the Stellaron to continue our journey." she explains, rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish little smile. "Eheheh."

    "Be that as it may, you have Wildfire's full support... However, even with the Furnace Core open to us now, the Underworlders can't just go pouring out onto the surface. Cocolia, that cold-blooded hag, has used lies and tricks to turn the surface against the underground for over a decade now. If she detects any changes... well I shudder to think of what she might be capable of."
Talia Kyras
    "Sometimes, doing the pragmatic thing and the right thing intertwines, Stelle." Talia chimes in calmly. "We needed fuel, and we wound up helping others to get it. I call that a win." She pats Stelle's shoulder.

    Then she nods to Natasha, "We'll need to deal with her if we're to leave this place, yes. I think it's time we dealt with her, one way or another." The thought of joining another rebellion does give Talia pause, but only briefly. She can't let these people hang out to dry.
    "Huh." Clara responds initially. So it's not that it's a big secret, it's just relegation of authority. That's easy enough to pick up on. But then. Clara makes a decision.
    "... I want to go too." She says. "... I'd be lying if I didn't say I want to see what the surface is like. But if I can help somehow..."
    Now THIS makes Svarog approach silently from the sidelines.
    "Assessment: The Supreme Guardian will likely be an obstacle on the road to sealing the Stellaron. If Clara goes. I will go, as well."
    Jessica glances at Svarog. "Well if the Supreme Guardian wants to get in the way of fixing the world, we'll just have to convince her to move!" She huffs. Then she frowns, "But we should probably try to avoid hurting her badly... at least unless she forces us to." Bronya has enough to deal with without worrying about the... mother figure? Whatever the Guardian is to her.

    Because Jessica is an expert at non-lethal combat, right?
Bi De
    The rooster eyes everyone else, then fluffs up. "As usual, we should endeavor to talk them down if it comes to that." He pauses. "Though, at this point, I should think that their mind is set, so perhaps we should lean toward more... intimidating statements rather than simple reason."
    Natasha looks surprised at Clara and Svarog's assertions. "Well, since Wildfire still needs to rally our strength and wait for an opportune moment to emerge, I was going to send someone I trust with you all. It's good to know they'll have someone equally as strong from this side of the factional divide too." remarks Natasha.

    Seele steps up then, leaning on her scythe. "I'm the one going up with you. If Svarog doesn't mind the extra set of hands that is." she remarks, looking up at the big robot. March blinks. "Seele...?"

    "Didn't she tell you? In private she insisted on accompanying you." remarks Natasha, smiling at the young scythe warrior. "Don't let her carefree nature fool you. She's actually very discerning, and can read a situation like no one else I know. Seele's a talented scout, a quick thinker and she takes decisive action. I'm sure she'll be a great benefit to you." Natasha's eyes shift past Seele, to the grey-haired Overworlder as the latter walks up. "Not to mention, you have Bronya with you too."

    Stelle glances back. "She had a big shock, are you sure she'll stand with us?" Natasha shrugs. "You're right, but with Seele by her side, I know she'll recover and rally back stronger."

    Natasha looks around at the others. "It's refreshing to hear so many determined voices willing to take actuion. It's been a long time since more than a few have done more thana simple survival errands." She then frowns a bit. "Say... when was the last time you got some rest? I heard you've all been on your feet since Rivet Town looking for Svarog." She draws herself up a little bit. "Let Wildfire take care of the Furnace Core for now. You should head back and recuperate... if we're lucky, perhaps you can return to the Overworld tomorrow."
Bi De
    "I would like the Overworld," Bi De admits. "To see the sky again would very much help me, and make me more useful in battle." He hops up, stretching wings. "As for Bronya... her heart may be in turmoil, but from what I have seen, I believe that she knows what is right. Perhaps this shock is just what she needs to firm her resolve. One can only hope."
    It's settled then. Rest first, then a trip through the Furnace Core up to the overworld.
    "I estimate a 97.99 percent chance of hostility upon our arrival." Svarog points out in reply to Jessica. Before Clara raises her hand with an important question...
    "... What's sky...?"
    "Oh no," Jessica frets. "Hopefully she isn't agoraphobic! Um... it's like when the ceiling is so far up you can't even see it," she tries to explain. "So instead you just see the air, and it gets a deep blue. Or some other color." A great explanation from the cat! Right?
Talia Kyras
    Talia blinks at Clara. Oh dear, there's going to be a lot of explanation needed for the poor girl.