World Tree MUSH

Restricted Access

After narrowly avoiding being found and captured by the Guard Captain Gepard, the group, along with Serval, make their way to the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone. It seems the engineer rock chick has a plan to get through, but only if they're fast enough to beat her brother's return to the area.
Character Pose
    Just before Gepard leaves, Serval asks a question that might put everyone on edge. "Hey, wait a sec-- uh, those intruders, I wanted to ask. What crimes have they committed?"

    The taller man pauses. "They are plotting to overthrow the Architects and bring harm to the city." he replies simply.

    There's a pregnant pause, before Serval huffs a mirthless chuckle. "Reminds me of the accusations against me. Cocolia's methods haven't changed." she shrugs. "Look, before you tell me off again, you better get going. Don't want to ruin your plans before getting back to the frontlines, right? Swing by sometime, Pela and I'll be rehersing for our next concert soon."

    Then, after the door closes, and the footsteps receded, Serval lets out a sigh. "Coast is clear, you can come out now."

    Stelle emerges from... one of the trash bins in the back, a discarded takeout carton on her head, acting like a hat. "I nearly suffocated! What kind of plot device was that?!" she grouses.

    Serval leans on the counter. "I nearly lost my cool when he went for his flask.

    Seele, after reappeaering from wherever she went, speaks up. "This is bad. Bronya's in danger, we have to go save her."

    "Storm Qlipoth Fort by ourselves? That's a suicide mission Seele. I don't care how skilled you are. Look, Cocolia's changed, but I'm certain of one thing, she'd never hurt Bronya."

    Seele scoffs. "You sound like Bronya herself! I don't get it, you guys are against Cocolia in some ways, and in others you trust her completely!"
Talia Kyras
    Talia drops from the ceiling with grace, landing in a crouch. "That was too close." She says, using the Force to pluck that takeout carton from Stelle's head and tossing it in the bin deftly. "We have our work cut out clearing our name, too." She points out. "Rushing in fighting the city guard would only add to our list of crimes, unless you lot would rather we go in sneakily."
    Jessica emerges scratching at an ear, her tail curling and flicking in agitation. "Nnnh... I mean we COULD try to but I don't think even we have the firepower to storm the castle. Are you sure there isn't like, a forgotten undercity converted into a drainage system that we could sneak in through?"
Bi De
    Bi De is looking thoughtful as he wiggles back onto the scene, shaking himself and letting out a bemused cluck. "Hmm. If we trust that she will not harm Bronya we could simply move forward with attempting to secure the Stellaron ourselves. However... if there is the chance she might do something, we should find a way to rescue her."

    He pauses. Then continues, "Even worse, even if she will not hurt Bronya, if we believe there is a chance she will and she thinks that we think there is a chance, then she could hold that threat over us even if she has no intention."
    Clara, like the sneaking expert that she is, lifts up her cardboard box and sets it aside.
    "Sorry to keep you waiting." She says, polite as can be as she sits herself on top of the box again.
    "We... Probably shouldn't go raid the castle." She points out. "Even with Mr. Svarog I don't think we have the manpower for it."
    "Clara's assessment is correct. At current, the odds are stacked against our favor for storming a highly fortified and defensible fortress. Acquiring the Stellaron should be our current priority." Svarog's voice says from... Somewhere.
    Stelle looks conflicted when her new hat is removed, but she doesn't say anymore on the matter. Dan and March extract themselves from their own hiding spots in short order, and the group reforms. Everyone seems fixated on going after Bronya, but Stelle brings up a point. "Gepard's got business in the city right? That means we might have an opening to get through the Restricted Zone before he gets back."

    Serval nods. "If we're fast enough, we can stay out of his way, I can get us into the zone, if we can secure the Stellaron, get ahead of the curve, we'll block off all of Cocolia's options."

    Serval moves to the door, then pauses... "Just, act casual. Most of the guards left in the city proper aren't in it for the job, they're here for the paycheck. Don't get too close and they should leave you alone."

    She then steps out.

    Seele frowns, clasping her hands behind her head as she follows. "Is Bronya really safe?" she asks, sounding a bit worried as she glances upward, toward the great edifice of the Fort towering above.

    Serval smiles softly. "You care about her huh? You two must've become pretty close."

    Seele relaxes her posture, unclasping her hands and folding them over her chest instead. "Close is... a bit much. But I made her a promise."
    Serval places a hand on Seele's shoulder. "Relax. Bronya's the strongest girl I've ever seen." which seems to get Seele to finally let it go. "Mm.. I can believe that." replies the scythe warrior.

    The trek to the Restricted Zone access isn't all that long, but when it comes into view... well, to say it's 'fortified' would be putting it mildly. Layers of barbed wire spooled around wooden barricades, cannons positioned behind them. Tents, and so many people in the blue and white uniform armour of the Siilvermane Guard. Some with the axes, some wielding the bulky rifles, and a couple much more intimidating specimens in full plate, wielding a tower shield and long sword.

    "Looks like security's pretty tight. Serval, we need a brainwave for this." remarks March, as she glances around.

    "Leave it to me. Stick close, and act casual."

    Serval walks up to one of the sentries, who immediately goes on the defensive, clasping his weapon in both hands and announcing sharply. "This is a military zone. Trespassers are not permitted. Turn back now."

    That is, until he recognizes the rocker chick. "Wait... Serval?! Long time no see!" He lifts his helmet visor, a big beaming smile on his youthful face.

    Serval smiles warmly. "Franz? Long time no see. They still have you on entrance duty I see." she replies, reaching out to clasp his free hand with both of hers.
    Given her distinctive look(if not as distinctive as Bi De), Jessica has opted to wear a fashionable headband and rugged outfit, complete with a large framed backpacker's backpack. It's all laden with supplies which looks kind of goofy on her tiny frame, but she still looks enthusiastic!

    "Hello!" she greets, hoping her headband does its job in preventing her cat ears from being seen. She's going to try for the 'overprepared girl' trope! But gosh, what is she carrying in that backpack?
>> SUMMARY[Jessica] >> Jessica just greets this new person, looking like an overprepared clutz with a backpack bulging full of Mysterious Contents.
    Just act casual. It's easy for Clara who is not a wanted criminal in the least! ... Yet. And no one can see Svarog, so she's confident no one will bother her as long as she acts liek a completely ordinary little girl that is, you know, sneaking out of town to the defensive lines.
    The military lines where Serval is clearly recognized.
    "Huh." She says at first before pursing her lips.
    "Should we really be stopping? Mister Gepard said there were things he needed us to fix at the Restricted Zone right?" She asks, indicating that, hey, maybe this guard shouldn't stop the party if Serval is here to... You know. 'Fix stuff'.
Bi De
    For his part, Bi De isn't seen anywhere! He's very distinctive too, so much so that even just walking along casually would be a big tell, wouldn't it? Don't worry, he's made preparations!
Bi De
>> SUMMARY[Bi De] >> Bi De is Mysterious Contents.
Talia Kyras
    Talia has...uh. Well, she opts to wear a robe that keeps her completely concealed. Like she's some kind of walking blanket. There's really not much she can do about the fact she has green skin and face tats. She keeps a hand ready to cast the FORBIDDEN (It's not really forbidden Talia just hates using it) Mind Trick if necessary.
    Franz smiles warmly at Serval, gripping her hand for a moment. "You haven't changed a bit Serval. Still nailing us to the wall." He leans to look at the motley group trailing after the rocker. "So, what brings you here at this hour and who're they?"

    Without skipping a beat, and working from Clara and Jessica's additions, Serval replies, "My brother said the restricted zone energy grid was malfunctioning- told me it was urgent? He doesn't trust those contracted maintenance workers, so he got me in for free." she gestures to the group. "These are my assistants. We need to overhaul all the installations here."

    Franz looks confused. "I didn't hear about that..."
    Serval is quick on the intercept, "Oh please, this is a Technology Division issue. Why would they tell you guys? Come on, let us in already. If the heating system goes down in the middle of the night... are you gonna take responsibility for the frozen corpses?"
    Jessica is not exactly a master of deception, but she can roll with a lie if someone else is starting it! She's still all beaming smiles, and she DOES have a large pack with her! "I've always been told I'm pretty good at heating up a room!" That's probably not the same thing but... even though she actually does get what is being said, it's fun to trip people up sometimes.
Talia Kyras
    Talia remains silent, as it seems her abilities will be unnecessary. "Best we get to repairing the heating equipment sooner rather than later, sir." She adds.
Bi De
    It is fortunate that Bi De is not particularly into the humor thing, otherwise he might chuckle at that and give himself away. Instead he works on suppressing his Qi, working hard to be less perceptible. Sure, they don't seem to have Qi senses here, but maybe it'll make their base instincts less suspicious!
    Clara is absolutely CLUELESS Bi De is in Jessica's bag. That's going to be a surprise to deal with later.
    She simply nods emphatically.
    "Frozen corpses!" She repeats.
    "N-No... that's not, uh... sometheing I could handle." Franz replies, then sighs. "Seeing as you're Captain Gepard's sister, it should be find... okay, here are some temporary passes... remember to give them back to me when you leave." he hands out medal-sized discs with the Silvermane Guard logo embossed into them. They have a strap that can be tied to something, and is long enough to be worn like a pendant.

    Serval takes hers and ties it to her belt, letting it dangle against her thigh as she walks. "Thanks, Franz. I'll put in a good word for you with my brother, and suggest he finally promote you."

    Franz puts his visor back down, and shakes his head. "No, no. Captain Gepard hates that under-the-table stuff. It'd probably be better if you don't mention me at all."

    The group are then allowed through, the medallions causing any curious guards to overlook them once its spotted. The passes are pretty universal for the area. "See? That was easy." she says, turning once the group are out of earshot of most of the guards. March 7th pipes up. "You're Gepards sister alright." This makes Serval huff, "I don't want people to see me that way. I'm doing this for you. Otherwise I wouldn't be using my brother's name."

Shehe resumes walking, and the group emerge onto a balcony area overlooking a large gear that's being used as a bridge. "See that mechanical gear bridge? Once we cross that, we'll be in hell made manifest."

    Stelle blinks. "The Architects follow Qlipoth(The Preservation) right? Do they believe in hell?"

    Serval nods. "They do. The Architects believe that hell can exist on any world-- an inevitable plight that arrives if no intervention is made." she looks pensive. "In the future, a terrible catastrophe will arrive. If, under Qlipoth the Preservation's guidance we fail to construct a barrier, that catastrophe will sweep away the stars, and plunge all worlds into hell." she shrugs. "That's the Architect's belief... but for us, hell is an endless Fragmentum, a few exhausted Guards, and the stench of death."
    Jessica tucks the pass around her neck, making sure it's visible. "Thanks a bunch, Franz!" She wiggles fingers in a wave back, all smiles, and then follows the others in.

    "Ah... it doesn't sound like we're going anyplace nice, but I guess if it were easy, people would have found it a long time ago," she reasons. "Once we're out of sight we can relax a little maybe? Or are there more guards?" After all, there has to be someone for the pass to be examined by... right?
Talia Kyras
    Talia pins the pass on her cloak, right on the chest. "Thank you." She says quietly before bowing her head. Yes, she's some kind of...uh. Tech priestess? Yes. She is here to hear the whispers of the machine spirit.

    "Here's hoping these passes will get them off our back."
    With temporary pass in hand, Clara beams brightly and heads on in with the others, clipping hers to her jacket lapel.
    But then Serval points out the bridge.
    "Hell doesn't sound very nice..."
    It sure doesn't sound nice at all, nope.
    "I mean they should be good, right?" She says to Talia about the passes. "Why would he give them to us, otherwise?"
    To progress further north, we must cross that hell." says Serval, turning to the others. "Are you ready?"

    Stelle speaks before the others can. "Without hardships, there is no Trailblaze. I'm ready." Dan and March nod in agreement, while Seele looks pensive, before shrugging. "We came this far, right? No turning back now."

    Serval chuckles. "Right... well I helped set up the underlaying mechanisms for this type of bridge, it's controlled by terminals used in combination. Lets go find them." She pushes off the railing, and heads down the stairs leading to the lower level.

    March asks a question. "Is Gepard on frontline duty a lot?"
    "What makes you ask that all of a sudden?" replies Serval, taken aback.
    "It's dangerous work, don't you worry about him?"
    "He's a Landau." is all the rockengineer replies with.
    Jessica seems to get the idea. "I think they've lived in danger so long they're kind of used to it," she explains. "My world is kind of the same. It's why most of us are pretty lively. It's not hard to meet a sudden end, and this world seems similar. It's just harsh."

    She then changes tack. "Where are the terminals?"
Talia Kyras
    "Paranoia is the name of the game." Talia points out to Clara. "Cocoilia will likely have many security measures. We'll need to be swift, and silent."

    Talia sneaks about with the stealth of a nexu, nodding to Serval. "Let's be off then."

    She smiles from beneath her hood at Serval. That kind of trust in another was difficult to break. "Faith is all we have, sometimes."
Bi De
    With nobody around, Bi De pokes his head out from Jessica's pack and clucks loudly, "Well that was uncomfortable. Though warm, at least." He shakes his head to free up feathers and wattles. "It's true, it seems they have grown used to hardship here. I do wonder if a sudden climate change will not be problematic in the short term."
    Oh so that's where Bi De is.
    The cluck makes poor Clara nearly jump out of her skin as the group searches for the terminals.
    "Just because he's a Landau doesn't mean you shouldn't worry about him. He is your brother after all."