World Tree MUSH

Relaxing at the Beach

Miwa meets Raylene and Gonta on the beach, and after a wardrobe change for Gonta, the trio end up having some fun in the water while Gonta learns to swim.
Character Pose
It was a nice sunny day on Ula'Ula Island, with the sun peeking through some light cottony clouds that dapple the deep blue sky. Miwa was up early and had headed into town to pick up supplies including medicine from the Pokemon Center in case she or any of her wild Pokemon friends needed it, and also some breakfast. 

Soon anyone on the beach on the west side of the island could see a large water bubble with a Primarina inside floating over toward the beach as she sang in simple tones to control the direction of the floating bubble. Eventually Miwa lands her bubble and pops it, then begins to unpack her breakfast.

She got extra as she often does to share with some of the local children, but today the side of the beach where she had landed was fairly empty, so she shrugged and just began eating her breakfast sandwich, washing it down with a glug from a bottle of pinap juice. Before long she had eaten her fill and pulled out a brush to begin brushing her long aqua blue hair as she sat on her tail in the warm sun.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene is not really one to go on vacations, is she? Yet she really, really tries. Without anything resembling a normal childhood, she doesn't actually know why she should. But she tries to get this sort of knowledge, and besides, having met Miwa she was, in fact, curious about the creatures that were called Pokemon!

    It helps that Raylene is physically about... thirteenish? This makes it pretty easy to pop in with the children.

    In a one-piece pink swimsuit, wide-brimmed hat, and a light summer button up shirt. Because that's beachwear, right?

    She can also TRY to be friendly, and waves cheerfully. "Miwa!" This is the same tone she used when dragging Miwa into a fight against Lovecraftian monsters though, so may not be the best choice.
Today's research based wanderings would find the Ultimate Entomologist studying the beach for some small amount of time already. He'd never BEEN to a beach before! At least, if he had, it was when he was SO tiny he couldn't even remember. He's seen pictures, but that seems so different than actually being there. As such, much like a child a deal younger, he'd be overly enthusiastic and wide eyed over the smallest details.

An 'uwhaaaa' sound of amazement escapes him as he shifts his barely ever NOT bare feet on and off of the wet sand and peers out at the ocean. He's crouch down and put one hand in the water a slightly, splashing around curiously. There wouldn't be much splashing though, he shouldn't do that to the suit.

Once the most basic of things let his attention free again, the large teenager would look around a little more, spotting the entirely unfamiliar form entering in a water bubble. That's ALSO cool! How does that work?! Does that being know magic like his class mate Himiko? He'd start sketching away in his notebook. As for his external apperance....he obviously sticks out like a sore thumb. His bare feet fit but, he's in a suit, and now he's busy doing something hastily in a notebook. Not typical beach behavior at ALL.
While pondering what to do next, she should get the rest of her supplies back to her grotto, but that could wait, for now she just felt like relaxing for a bit, and maybe going for a nice swim for a bit. Miwa is snapped out of her internal thoughts when she spots two new arrivals on the beach, one she knew, and the other she had a strong feeling was not a local. 

Waving to Raylene as the girl greets her again, and though the similarity to the night they fought for control of a strange artifact didn't escape her, and she winced a bit at the memory of being zapped out of the sky.

"Hello Raylene, please tell me that there isn't something horrible going on here in my world that I need to stop." She says with a bit of a grin, showing she was at least mostly joking. "Nice to see you again though. What brings you to Ula'Ula Island? Just came to visit and see if I was around?" She asks, before raising an eyebrow at Gonta as she looks at him again, noting the open notebook, and pointing at the man with a flipper. "That a friend of yours?"
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene hurries over, wearing sandals, and shakes her head. "Hmm? Not that I know of. I know my perspective isn't normal - I'm told that quite often - but aside from that person over there I don't know of anything out of the ordinary for this world right now. I am trying to recover from summoning the Horror, that's all. It takes a lot out of me, and I'm told the beach can relax me."

    She doesn't look relaxed, but on the other hand the young witch doesn't look upset either at the strange sight of Gonta. "As for him... he isn't anyone I've met. Shall we go introduce ourselves? He does not look dressed for the weather."
The large teenager continues sketching away in his book, putting a sheet of something over it before continuing much more carefully.... Some of the wild hairs in his huge, dark greenish brown mop bob along with the efforts of his work. Eventually he'd carefully tuck away the sheet, tear the page out, and close the notebook, returning his attentions to the existance outside of the notebook again.

Being lost in thought and having just finished with concentraiting on his note book, his expression is quite severe as he peers as down at the sand again.
Miwa nods as Raylene comes over closer and confirms that as far as she knows nothing is going on here that isn't normal, and that she came here to relax. "Ah, well if you came here to rest and recharge, you came to the right place. As for the strange guy in the suit, sure, let's go say hi." She offers before beginning her shuffling walk through the sand on her flippers over toward Gonta. Once she gets closer, she offers him a smile. 

"Alola. Welcome to Ula'Ula Island. Is this your first time here? I saw you playing with the water a bit and it looked like you were sketching some stuff. My name is Miwa, I live on one of the little islands off the shore here. Um, if you want to change into something a bit more comfortable for the beach, I think you can find some small clothing shops up the north side of the beach, and if you need money I think I can easily cover the cost of a swimsuit and other related accessories." She says before looking to Raylene to see if the girl had anything to add.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene follows along, and actually tries to do something nice. "Ah, no Miwa, I caused you a bit of trouble. Covering the cost of a suit is the least I could do," she hurriedly offers. The girl tries to curtsie... then realizes she isn't wearing a dress for once. "Raylene Dunwich." WEll, now she just feels awkward...

    Which is a new experience for her, so that's good. "Are you perhaps looking for something? Are you a part of the Men In Black ROTC, perhaps?" She's probably making that up. Probably.
Ah! Gonta let himself get so distracted that Miwa and Raylene managed to catch him completely by surprise. He startles slightly, but is quick to smile and offer a little bow in greeting. "Nice to meet you Miss Miwa and Miss Dunwich! Thank you for talking to Gonta," he'd reply, "Gonta is Gonta Gokuhara... Gonta doesn't know of the 'Men in Black ROTC', but he is trying to learn about other worlds to help his school."

He hasn't quite processed all the swim suit stuff yet, but he offers the sketch he'd drawn and pulled out over to Miwa. It only seemed fair since it was a sketch of her and he hadn't thought to ask her first. "Sorry if this was rude of Gonta, but....Gonta's never seen anyone like you before."
"Nice to meet you as well Gonta. If you want to learn more about my world, I'll do my best to help you learn, but for now, Raylene and I were thinking of relaxing a bit on the beach. Would you like to change into something more comfortable that you don't have to worry about getting wet?" She asks kindly, offering Raylene a wink as she smiles warmly. When Gonta offers the sketch, she looks at it and then back up at Gonta. 

"Well that is a very nice drawing, and I don't mind that you did it without asking. I imagine you are going to see a lot of things here unlike anything you've seen before. This world is full of creatures called Pokemon. I am a Pokemon myself, of the Primarina species to be specific. We're good at harnessing water and fairy energy, and also singing. I am actually looking forward to starting to perform in shows again soon, and will probably have one right here on the beach in the near future, though I don't have any dates nailed down yet."
Raylene Dunwich
    "They're really very interesting," Raylene admits. "Like cryptids but more public. Odd abilities compared to animals, and like some cryptids are actually intelligent it seems," Raylene says with her usual carelessness about feelings. She means well, really!

    Oh yes the relaxing. "Yes, we are here to relax. Well, I am, but you say you are helping your school by learning of other worlds? Interesting! I do not go to school myself - home-schooled - but I have several acquaintances that would find that fascinating I am sure."
Gonta looks surprised at the information about pokemon and Raylene's likening them to cryptids, and takes a quick moment to write notes before putting the book away again. "Maybe Gonta can find out the date later and bring some of his class mates? But, it might be harder to find them since many are learning about the tree... Gonta will see what Gonta can do," he'd offer about the information of Miwa possibly having a show here. To the re-mention of the swim suit, he'd give another bow, followed imediately by another. "Sorry, thank you, Gonta will probably be a burden though, it's always hard to find things that fit Gonta..."

With the rest of what Raylene says, Gonta peers toward her curiously. "Home schooled," he wonders, "Is that what it's called when people are hired to come to your house and teach you?"
Raylene gets a curious glance from Miwa as she compares Pokemon and cryptids. "You'll have to tell me more about these cryptids sometime. Sounds interesting." Miwa offers, then smiles brightly at Gonta's idea to bring his classmates to her show. "Sure, that'd be great. I love the idea of having lots of people come from other worlds. After the concert, I think there will be plenty of time to hang out and socialize and have fun, maybe play some beach and water games. I'm still in the planning stages so it's all up in the air, as the saying goes." She offers with a grin, then glances back up the beach toward the Pokemon Center, the reddish orange and white building just barely visible over the hill from where they were on the beach. 

Turning back to Gonta she speaks optimistically. "Well, you are a pretty big guy, but I think I've seen some folk around about your size before, I'm sure we can find something that fits. Shall we go?" She asks as she begins turning toward the northern part of the beach and pointing at the road at the edge.
Raylene Dunwich
    "Cryptids," Raylene says. "They are simply creatures that are connected to magic in my world, ore ven just... hidden from the eyes of the masses. While Pokemon here seem to be common. A very interesting difference. If I studied such things it would keep me here, but I think Renfield would be the one who would stay about that." She gestures toward Gonta then.

    "I am sure we can find something. I don't know male fashion though, so we'll have to... 'wing it' I think the term is," Raylene says.
Gonta would nod in reply before he starts following after Miwa. He tries not to get too distracted by looking around at everything, but at least the non-beach part of things is a lot less likely to command his attention. Miwa's probably is right in being optomistic though, given Gonta's used to living in a place where other guys usually top out at almost a foot shorter than he is. "Cryptids...Gonta knows of what they are, but doesn't know many examples," he murmurs thoughtfully.
Miwa wasn't the fastest walker around, but it wasn't a terribly long walk to the end of the beach and right up the road was the Pokemon Center, with some small shops nearby taking advantage of the location by selling swimsuits and various other things someone might want at the beach like towels surfboards, etcetera. 

Once inside, it appears that the selection isn't vast as far as styles, most of them either being solid colors or having patterns of Alolan flowers, with many of the kid sized ones and a few of the adult sizes having Pokemon themed designs. There were also t-shirts in a similar variety of designs, and flip flops, sandals, and surfer shoes. Miwa turns to Gonta and asks curiously. "See anything you like? Feel free to look around." She offers, then asks Raylene more about these cryptids. "So cryptids are magical, and rare? Neat, I wonder if I'll ever get to meet one." She ponders, then decides it would be good to also ask. "Are they often friendly?"
Raylene Dunwich
    Strolling with the other two, Raylene has an odd look about her like she can't decide if she's having fun or not. It's a hard call for her to make! She tucks her hands behind her as she walks, and watches Gonta oddly. Something about this one IS pretty different.

    "Oh yes," she finally replies, answering Miwa while Gonta is walking. She's not sure WHAT to ask him yet. "They are... often not friendly. Some are hostile, most just want to be left alone. Not many are actually friendly, but I suppose approached correctly they could be watched."
Gonta peers curiously over the items. "And um...if this world will take the money from Gonta's world, Gonta maybe fine to pay for himself," Gonta points out as he looks around, "If not Gonta should do something to repay it." Barring there being any nice looking bug pokemon themed ones, Gonta would most likely just go for something in a non-flashy solid color. He'd go for a shirt too cause he's supposed to be a gentlman and not be in too much of a state of undress around ladies! He can obviously already do without shoes, as he's already doing as such.
"Well, then I think I'd like to watch some of them sometime, if that could be arranged." Miwa replies to Raylene. To Gonta's question about paying with his own money, she isn't entirely sure. "Maybe, this is a touristy shop, and I heard some were starting to take off world currency. If not, you can certainly pay us back, unless Raylene is really set on being generous and paying for your stuff as a friendly gift. Once Gonta has picked out some things he likes, she walks up toward the checkout counter but steps aside so that Gonta and Raylene can go ahead. "So, you two like to swim at all? Or would you rather just have some fun on the beach?"
Raylene Dunwich
    "I swim a little," Raylene says easily, as she already has a suit on. As for the topic of currency, Raylene notes, "If this world does not take your currency, then I can take it and pay with mine. It is no bother, I do offworld exchanges more frequently lately." She stops and smiles. "I'm afraid I am not a /good/ swimmer, though."
Gonta nods in understanding, "Gonta isn't used to VERY deep water, but he has some experiance with more shallow water in the wild, so, if Raylene and Gonta both are not very good at it, maybe we should stay closer to the....erm..." He struggles for the word he wants. Saying ground doesn't seem right cause that gives the impression they'll be ok if their feet are touching the ground no matter HOW deep it is. "...." Discarding his search for the right word with a minor look of frustration, he instead says, "As long as we stay in shallower water."

Gonta would proceed to try and pay for his things. Given the course of the conversation just now, should his money not work with the store, he'd pay Raylene instead. However, as he has typical Earth Japanese money in the form of yen, and pokedollars are based on yen, the trade seems to work just fine.
Miwa smiles as the two answer about how good of a swimmer they are, sounds like both are not exactly spectacular, and perhaps Gonta is less confident, but that didn't really dampen Miwa's spirits any. "Well, we can stay near the shallows if that's what your comfortable with, but honestly you don't have anything to worry about with me around. Couldn't ask for a better 'lifeguard' as I may not be able to grab onto you, but I can however use my aquakinesis powers to have the water push you to the surface, or even back onto land if either of you get in trouble." Miwa offers in a reassuring tone. 

When Gonta goes to pay for his items, the cashier does seem to look at his money for a bit longer than one might consider normal, but ultimately accepts it as valid payment, putting the money into the cash drawer and bagging up Gonta's stuff.

As they leave the store, Miwa continues. "Alright, now um, probably the best place for you to change is at the Pokemon Center across the street. Just ask the nurse at the desk and she'll let you use one of the empty rooms for a second, and there are lockers to store the clothes you have on now. Raylene and I can wait outside, or I can come in with you if you think that will help with figuring out where everything is.... I mean not for the changing part of course." She says, hastily adding the last part to make sure nothing she said was taken the wrong way.
Raylene Dunwich
    The way Miwa has to correct herself makes Raylene actually smile, though she doesn't argue. This she understands, she thinks. "I do not worry about drowning. With you nearby, and the Horror watching over me, I am sure that I am safe from that. How am I supposed to learn more if I cannot practice?"

    Raylene pauses, then taps her lip. "Well, I suppose I might learn if you died near me, but that would be unpleasant. I think the world would be lessened by that." Cheerily, she turns and nods to Gonta. "We will wait here!"
Gonta rubs at the back of his neck a little in reaction to Miwa's hasty recovery. "No, Gonta should be fine," he replies. It's not as if he's directionally challenged, and if there's someone inside to give him directions, it /should/ all be fine. As long as people aren't trying to explain things by which hand people use for it instead of simple lefts or rights, (given he's a left hander and not a right hander) Gonta should be able to do this.

"Gonta should probably try to learn too," he decides in regards to swimming. He furrows his brows a bit at the talk of dying, but just takes that as his cue to go off to the poke center to change.
Miwa nods, a blush that had shown on her face briefly as she made her hasty correction starting to fade. "Alright, we'll wait here for you then." She says with a smile. Upon entering the Pokemon Center, Gonta will notice a reception desk straight ahead with a young woman behind it sporting pink hair tied behind her in twin loops, wearing a white and pink nurse outfit. Beside her is an egg shaped pink Pokemon with a pouch holding an egg. Off to the right is a cafe, and off to the left is a shop that sells medicine and other trainer related supplies. Also to the left is the waiting area for people with sick or injured Pokemon. If he asks Nurse Joy for assistance, she will show him the storage lockers and lead him to a room down a short hall past her desk.
Raylene Dunwich
    Hmm. Raylene tsks, "I'm not sure how to teach anyone how to swim, but since I'm the only other human, mostly, I suppose I should try." She glances down. "I don't have a tail, so there is that in common." True she doesn't! The question is how good is she? Gonta looks athletic so might have her beat there.
Seeing the nurse and the cute egg shaped pokemon, Gonta'd greet them properly before asking for the needed assitance. After being shown to the correct room, he'd take care of swapping out clothing and coming back out to rejoin Miwa and Raylene.
Miwa chuckles a bit at Raylene's intentions to try and teach Gonta how to swim since she's the only other human in their trio. "Well, I may not be human, and due to having a tail and flippers, certainly swim differently, but I have watched how humans swim, and tried to use that knowledge to attempt to teach Ash how to swim some few days ago. It went alright, he actually took to it pretty well if I do say so myself." She offers, just in time for Gonta to reappear. "That was quick. Let's go to the beach now that we're all... well you two are dressed for it, I was kinda born for it." She giggles and starts walking back toward the beach, shuffling along as usual.
Raylene Dunwich
    "Oh, then definitely you should. I am a terrible teacher!" Raylene admits. She starts to say more, but Gonta rejoins them in a moment, and she lets the topic shift to something different. "I don't really know how to play at the beach though. My sisters never took me out to do that. I'm lucky I know how to swim at all."
The large, red eyed young man tilts his head at Raylene's statement. "Gonta's never BEEN on a beach til today, so he's not really sure either," he points out as he follows along. "...the sand feels really nice though..." Poor(?) Miwa having two beach newbies to deal with.
Miwa blinks and glances back at Gonta with one eye while looking ahead of her with her other eye. "Never ever? Where exactly are you from Gonta?" She asks with curiosity, knowing that there are of course places that don't have beaches, but living on a chain of islands, you don't tend to meet people who haven't been to a beach very often. "As for the swimming, I'll happily try to help you both learn to swim better...." 

"For the how to play? Well, there are some games humans like to play, some involving a ball. I sometimes enjoy diving for pearls shells and sea glass, but that's probably better left for when you're more confident at swimming, even if we stick to diving close to shore. We can also just swim around and enjoy the water itself, ride the waves, stuff like that." She offers as she makes her way out onto the beach and begins heading toward the water, smiling as she feels the cool ocean mist on her skin again.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene blinks, "Oh... I know an idea of how to 'play' but my upbringing just... didn't." She purses her lips. "I bet I could find some interesting components along the shore, though. I should have brought something to carry specimens in." Really, what a fun-loving girl!

    "Ah," but that offer is one that Raylene likes! "I could practice swimming, but I think it more important to let Gonta here enjoy the surf."
Gonta tilts his head at Miwa's confusion. "Gonta lived in the woods up in the mountains," he explains, "No beach up there...streams sometimes, but nothing like this..." He blinks a little at Raylene's comment to, holding up his little bug carrier. "Gonta catches things?"
     Miwa chuckles a bit at Gonta, and smiles at Raylene's enthusiasm about Gonta enjoying the surf. "Well Gonta, you've been missing out I would say, though, being a creature of the sea, I may be just a little biased. Still, most people I know love the water." She offers before making her way down the beach and up to the shallows here the breaking waves wash over the beach. "So, I guess we start with some swimming lessons and then we can have some fun body surfing after that?" She asks as she moves further into the water, till it's actually deep emough for her to swim around a bit, but still probably about waist deep for Raylene, and likely not even up past the very ends of Gonta's swim trunks.
Raylene Dunwich
    "Catch things? If you like," Raylene says, peering at the bug carrier. "An insect collector? How unusual. Most I know find them very unpleasant." Fortunately for Raylene, she has differing views than most, so she has no idea of the bullet she dodged.

    Wading into the surf gets a sigh of pleasure though. It's cool! "Hm... well I've never swam in the ocean. Does the salt water sting, you think?" Asking Miwa isn't a sure thing!
Gonta pouts a little at the statement that most find bugs unplesant. "People just don't understand bugs," he states, "Gonta needs to teach them how good bugs are." He then explains, however, "Gonta thought Raylene meant she needed something for catching things in though?" He smiles and fidgets around with his feet in the water as they wade out. The sand just feels so neat!
     Miwa may not have seemed like the best to ask about salt water stinging, but she answers anyway. "Well, I think to some people it bothers their eyes, and if you have a cut it really stings." She offers as she swims a bit further out. To Gonta's lament about people not understanding bugs, she comments with a happy tone. "Oh Gonta, I think you're going to like it here. Bugs are their own type of Pokemon, and they come in all different kinds. Some Pokemon trainers even only catch bug type Pokemon!" She says before shifting gears and trying to help her guests get more comfortable swimming. "Just get used to the water for now, when you're feeling more confident, try kicking your legs to keep above the bottom of the ocean. After a moment, some movement catches her eye and she looks up and spots a Butterfree fluttering over the water. "Oh my, look, there's one now, it's a Butterfree!" She cries, pointing a flipper up at the butterfly like Pokemon, who to Gonta, would likely seem positively massive, with it's over 4 foot wingspan.
Raylene Dunwich
    "Most of the creatures I'm familiar with are reptilian or not of terrestrial origin," Raylene admits, before just... sinking into the water. Not from drowning, she's just splashing in neck deep by letting her legs bend, and then treading water. She can do basice doggie paddling and attempt something more complex, but isn't very good.

    Seeing the Butterfree makes her stare as well. "Oh... that's a very large one. Or is it normal-sized for this place?"
The large young boy is trying to walk a little further out, but Miw's explanations cause him pause. He grins at the news that people seem to like bugs so much here. "Ah, maybe in this world, Gonta won't have to speak up for bugs so much then," he replies before practically going sparkly eyed over the butterfree. "Uwahhh," he makes a little sound in awe, "It's looks like it'd be big like Gonta is..."
     Miwa watches as Raylene swims, seeing that the young girl at least had the basics down. At the mention of the Butterfree's size, she grins a bit. "That is about normal size. I do think most bug type Pokemon are bigger than the bugs I've noticed on other worlds, though some are still fairly small, and some are really cute, like Butterfree there, and the aptly named Cutiefly and Ribombee. The biggest I've heard of is called Scolipede, which can be over 8 feet tall!" For now she gives Gonta some time, seeing how much he's gushing over the giant butterfly, and this being his first time swimming, she doesn't expect him to take to it instantly. "So Raylene, you said your world mostly has reptiles, and, they aren't from your world? Or am I misunderstanding?"
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene doesn't normally giggle, but something about the situation prompts it. She splashes closer, then looks at Miwa. "Hmm? Oh no, there are quite a few creatures on my world. I was saying that I knew reptiles best, and that I know quite a bit about alien creatures that do not really... match up with those classifications."
Gonta would gush over the butterfree a little more, but...most likely finds himself unable to call it over. As such he deems it best to not bother it too much and eventually goes back to trying to wade into the water deep enough to even try swimming. "Gonta needs to look around this world more," he says in reguards to Miwa's info, "...ooh reptiles are also nice..."
     Miwa finds herself giggling right along with Raylene. "Oh my, I see. So you both like a particular sort of creature. How interesting. Though I suppose I gravitate, at least some, toward water type Pokemon, being one myself, though I'm not sure if that counts in the same way." She ponders a moment before looking back toward Gonta. "You're doing good, if it helps, you can try paddling with your arms too, to try and balance yourself in the water. Try to keep your movemts fluid and broad."
Raylene Dunwich
    "Hmm..." Raylene splashes as she does a little circle, pushing off to deeper water so she can practice. She doesn't stray far, but she also isn't that worried. "Not exactly. I suppose I most like the Horror, but it defies a species. And isn't manifest right now." She ducks under the water and comes up sputtering. "Ah, don't worry Gonta, even if you should sink we can rescue you. I'd hate to see such a curious young man die of something silly."
Gonta grins and nods and the others before, once he gets deep enough, attempting to do as Miwa's instructing him to. Thankfully it shouldn't be too hard for him to adjust, since he's used to rough shallow waters at least. "Gonta likes all animals," he notes, "Bugs are just Gonta's favorite since they've been his friends since he was little...are there lots of other 'water types' like Miwa?"
     Miwa nods to Raylene. "Oh yes, the horror, I remember that from the amusement park. That was a little scary, I'm glad we're not enemies." She semi-seriously jokes. At the mention of Gonta not having to worry about sinking, she nods again. "Oh yes, nothing at all to worry about. You are certainly not going to drown while I'm around." She states with a reassuring tone. At Gonta's question about there being other water types like her, she nods. "Oh yes, lots of them." She says as she takes a moment to point a flipper at a gull flying near the beach. "That's a Wingull, a part water part flying type, and that's just one example." 

     As if on queue, a Popplio surfaces nearby, watching Miwa and the two humans with inquisitive curiosity. Miwa spots him and grins. "There's another, he's a Poplio, which is actually in the same Pokemon Evolution line as I am, Popplio is the beginning stage, Primarina, like me, is the final. Hey Popplio, mind going and asking the rest of our friends if they want to come out and play?" Popplio nods. "Buark!" and dives back into the water.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene shakes her hair out, and then listens to Gonta and Miwa before she makes any remark. "I wouldn't say the Horror is anyone's friend but mine, but he does not harm indiscriminately." Because of Raylene.

    "Such variaty!" With the morbid subject out of the way, Raylene floats a little closer. "Evolutionary paths... fascinating. Hmm. Well, perhaps when I capture one of the creatures from my world I will have you take a look at it, Gonta."
Gonta seems rather pleased at the idea of the Popplio coming out as Miwa asks about that. "Ahhh, yes, lots to learn here," he murmurs. If he wasn't in the water and had his items he'd probably be sketching away again like he was earlier. "Ah, really," he asks toward Raylene, "Well, if it's not a problem for Raylene and they don't get hurt, Gonta will appreciate it."
     "Variety is definitely something in generous supply here." Miwa comments to Raylene, still watching Gonta swim. "If you want to see more though, I'd be happy to have you as a guest for a few days. I can show you some other bug types, and just other Pokemon in general, beyond the beaches, even on the other islands. Would you like that?" She asks as Popplio comes back, with a gaggle of Pokemon, a Vaporeon, a blue canine-like water type with no fur and a dolphin-like tail, a staryu, looking like a starfish with a small jewel at it's center, a Horsea, looking like a very large sea horse, and lastly a Milotic, the beautiful serpentine pokemon with pink and blue scales on it's tail and tail fin, giving way to beige-white skin up to it's head, with pink feelers and two long fins coming down from it's head. It's beauty even gives Miwa a run for her money. Miwa indeed blinks at it, and back at Popplio. "When did we get a Milotic around here? They're super rare!"
Raylene Dunwich
    The appearance of more has Raylene interested, and the offer... well... "I will think about it, but I would like to document some of these sometime..." She splashes back and stands upright, wading toward shore. "For now I think I will sketch these, but the offer is also extended to both of you for my homes. The ah... non-haunted ones, of course." She chuckles. "Don't mind me, I will just be sketching some of these."
Gonta smiles wildly and waves enthusiastically. "Gonta will be happy to see both worlds," he states before peering toward all the water types with another look of awe. "Ahh, how pretty too," he murmurs, "Hello everyone!"
     Miwa grins, backing away a bit and letting Gonta look at the other Pokemon. Most of them are pretty shy, being wild, but Popplio is quite bold and friendly, swimming right up to Gonta and swimming around him. "Bark Buark!" He chips in, and Miwa giggles, translating the Pokespeak. "He likes you, says you're big and have really, um, cool hair? I guess would be the closest translation."
"Uwahhh," Gonta replies, "Gonta wonders if he can eventually use his animal speak to talk with other pokemon... Thank you! It's nice to meet you Mr. Popplio!" He holds a hand out but just kind of floats there, not wanting to startle any of them away.
     "Being wild, most of them are still shy around humans, and I think how big you are makes them more so, though I think because I'm with you, they are a little more trusting and willing to get closer than they normally would." Miwa explains, swimming over by Gonta and gently patting Popplio on the head with a flipper. "Popplio here is just a ham and likes everyone."
"Aww...but Gonta was raised in the wild too," the red eyed boy wonders, "Maybe Gonta's been back in the human world too long? ...but wait, if Miwa is like them, but Miwa can talk....does that make Miwa like opposite of Gonta where you can speak human speak instead of animal speak?"
     "Prima Pri Prim-rina!" Miwa speaks to the wild Pokemon, assuring them all that Gonta was not going to hurt them, deciding that speaking Pokespeak would likely put them more at ease, and get the point across better, as few wild Pokemon understand more than very basic human speech. The gagle of water Pokemon do swim closer, so Gonta can have a closer look. At Gonta's question about her being the opposite of him, she blinks a bit. "Um... I guess I am! I am an 'animal' raised by humans, you're a human raised by the wilds, and we both learned the respective languages of our environment. As for you learning to talk to Pokemon. It's not impossible, but not exactly the same as talking to animals in other worlds."
"Ahh, maybe Gonta can learn some day...probably not very soon sadly, there's so much for Gonta to learn already," Gonta says with slight disappointment. He's quick to return to smiling though as he greets the others more properly. "Hello everyone, thank you for coming," he says, though he can't say it in pokespeak he's hoping his emotions are otherwise conveyed anyway. He continues to be cautious of approaching any closer so he doesn't spook them. " do we play?"
     Miwa smiles as she watches the other Pokemon warm up to Gonta a little more, he really seems like such a gentle, caring soul, she really finds herself looking forward to showing him around later. At the question of how to play, Miwa grins, forming a large balloon out of water and tossing it toward Popplio, who bops it toward Gonta. "How's this?"
Gonta quickly tries to bop it in turn, shouldn't be that hard for him, "Yeah, Gonta thinks this works well," he answers with another smile. And thus the swiming lessons were interupted by playing ball, but then again, considering WHERE he's playing ball this probably works in and of itself anyway!