Gonta (Dropped)

World: Danganronpa-1
Actual Age: 15
Apparent Age: Young Adult
Quote: "It's wonderful to make others smile. When others smile, they get warm, fuzzy feelings. Gonta will study hard to make all kinds of people smile!"
Role: Gentleman Entomologist
Species: Human
Theme Song: "Can You Hear Me" - Poets of the Fall, "Train Wreck" - MandoPony, "Butter-Fly" - Koji Wada
Voice Actor: Shunsuke Takeuchi


Gonta, on first sighting, is considered a scary looking figure by the vast majority from his world. However, his large, muscular frame and serious case of resting murder face are generally extremely misleading. Having gotten lost as a very young boy, he was raised by a pack of wolves and grew able to speak with all animal kind. After being found, he has been striving to become a great gentleman so his high class, rich, human parents will be more accepting of his wolf family. He is now titled the Ultimate Entomologist among Hope's Peak Academy students due to having already become a doctor of Entomology (bugs) in his mid teens. Despite this, he very much tends to give an outward appearance of being rather slim in brain power between oft still struggling with human concepts and obviously having plenty of brawn. While he is greatly capable of handling himself in a fight, he would rather not and is far more known for his kind, gentle nature and his stupidly high level of trusting naivety.


Sharp Eyesight: The act of having 20/.625 vision.
Gonta has ridiculous level of sight to the point that, while he can't see them well enough to tell what they are or discern any details about them, he can see down to the size of nanites. He can more easily see small details about his environment (if someone is hiding/sneaking), and on people (such as if someone is carrying a concealed weapon, or missing a usual accessory), and is more likely to be able to pick up changes in facial expressions. Though this isn't to say he's able to understand the cause of such things or what they mean, just that he is very observant. Another example of this is that he can draw well due to having such increased awareness of detail.
Strength: Gonta's muscle isn't just for looks.
Gonta has, at a minimum, proved capable of lifting a manhole (usually weighing between 90 and 150 pounds, but sometimes they weigh up to 250 pounds) effortlessly just between two fingers, and throwing it like a frisbee just as effortlessly, despite the fact this is all supposed to be strength he has naturally. He is also stated to have strength enough that, when he was still in the wild, traveling warriors sometimes tracked him down to test themselves.
Wilderness Survival: Gonta can hunt naturally and defend himself from various threats of the wilds.
Gonta's very quick, good at pinpointing scents he recognizes, and flexible on top of the aforementioned crazy strength and eyesight. He has a high endurance for temperatures, and is also more than capable of surviving outside of a civilized location, knowing his stuff about nature as well as being able to hunt. Having lived in the wilderness for ten years, he knows all about things like what to do for shelter, how to track things, general alertness, and safety (in regards to dealing with animals, forests, caves, and mountain terrain). Generally everything for when you are trapped in the woodsy mountains for years on end and trying not to die. He's not the best of the best at any of these things, but he has far more ability with it than most in his own world (who are generally tied down to civilized life) do.
Animal Speak: Gonta can talk with the animals as well as he walks with them.
Gonta's adapted to the whole of animal kind enough that somehow he can speak with them either at what seems like a mental level where he is seemingly not talking at all, or just talking normally like a human and they will understand and 'speak' back to him to a point he can communicate better on the animal level than the human level. This is to human level detail, to the point that he can talk to another human, who most people have trouble understanding, by way of that human's pet hamster translating it's master's words into a simplified form that Gonta understands.
Ultimate Entomology: Gonta's talent is knowing all about bugs.
While Gonta likes all animals, he especially loves bugs and he has studied them quite thoroughly. He can name basically any type of bug you throw at him (only one really shouldn't do that, one might upset him by being mean to the bugs) knows them all down to the tiniest of details, and has been able to do things like discover different diseases and cures effective for humans that were in insects. This is one of those rare things that Gonta will cast aside his general difficulty in communication and lack of self confidence to talk about when he feels he should. Unless one honestly wants to learn about bugs, they should avoid making him go into one of his doctor of entomology style teaching rambles at them. He likes bugs enough even, that he has done things like used his own hair as a nest and summoned swarms of bugs on command.
A Healthy Swarm: Not only the translation of his name, a swarm of bugs he can call in on people.
Due to the combination of his obsession with bugs, the knowledge about them, and his ability to speak with animals, Gonta can generally summon large swarms of bugs on command. While he would normally use this for educative purposes and not offensive ones, sometimes the two seem to become intertwined, or there might actually be someone who Gonta sees as needing to be beaten so badly as to endanger his bug friends. Given that the bugs are totally of their own wills and are as nature intended them to be(as this is a friendly calling kind of summoning, not a magical forceful kind of summoning), this does take into consideration things like stinging and poisons, however this ability should also be limited by what bugs would actually be available in the place he's at at the time. He obviously isn't calling a swarm of fire ants if he's stuck in a submarine under the sea or something. The only way around that is if he's toting bugs around in his cage or hair, but then it would be limited to exactly how many/what kind he came in with. This should ALSO only apply to bugs normally found in Earth's nature unless he's made some sort of friendship over the course of RP with even more exotic species.
Aura Flare< Edge >: Berserker-ish mode... that scary first impression isn't the worst of it.
If he wasn't scary enough to most people in his reality that don't know him, when he gets especially excitable, angry, or otherwise extremely strong emotions he takes on a green aura and goes into something of a light handed berserker mode. He's not entirely without his usual intellect as something usually is when it's considered to be in a berserker state. Instead he seems to have lost his usual scale of how much strength he is using and is a lot more likely to commit a deal of damage even just by accident, where as he is usually very careful about handling things with a measure of gentleness. While in this mode he has light green hair, glowing eyes, and his hair and clothing almost seems to take on the appearance of something bristling like an angry/scared cat.
Improvised Tools and Travel: Gonta is skilled in rope creation and use, and manipulates it with parkour.
Due to being a human trying to survive along side things like wolves, Gonta eventually learned how to make tools from the things around him in nature. Mostly this was for things like when he needed something sharp (sharpening a stone to be able to cut something, for instance) or needed to get around better. Living in not just woods, but /mountainous/ woods, Gonta has had to account for things like mountain climbing as well as sometimes just needing to get upper ground up in the trees. He's become skilled with rope knowledge due to this, knowing what to make them with, how to tie them, getting them strong and anchored down enough to hold his weight, and using them to swing between high places. Due to having to use this kind of travel he's not entirely unexperienced in the act of parkouring around when needed, but he can still have a tendency to be over excitable and miss his aim on things due to things like moving with too much force.


Stupid Muscle: "Gonta's not a smart boy."
While he is not as stupid as his trouble with grasping some human concepts, his naivety, and his own insistence to the fact might make Gonta very much appear stupid. Thus often he can be ignored or not taken seriously. He is also actually quite ignorant about various things. His having been gone from humanity for 10 years of the formative part of his life means he doesn't get a lot of things. Some he doesn't get after already having had it explained to him, and some just being things no one thought to explain because it was such common knowledge to them. For instance he'd likely have a lot of trouble with grasping even the most basic of complex social issues. It's almost impossible for him to wrap his head around higher tech things like virtual realities as well. and trying to explain as such is quick to lead to annoyance and headaches for both parties. To make matters worse he's a bit insecure because of these shortcomings and can can grind others' patients more so by assuming wrong doing on his own part and apologizing or fretting more oft than needed.
Naivety and Trust: "Gonta, sometimes you really are an idiot."
Gonta wants so badly to get along with people and believes in the best from most people. Unless he actually sees someone as evil, he will most likely want to give them second chances over and over and over again even though they've burned him personally, making him look very forgetful and stupid to those that don't understand his motivations and drive to help and protect others.
Berserker Button: Don't do anything negatively in regards to bugs.
Depending on the severity, sometimes just saying you don't like bugs is enough to start making Gonta irritated. Actually hurting bugs without very good reason is likely to cause MUCH worse with his temper.
Gentleman Code: Gonta insists on sticking to an easily manipulated honor code.
Gonta tries his hardest to follow everything he's learned of how gentlemen are supposed to act. As he feels part of being a gentleman is doing the right things, he probably would also be EXTREMELY unlikely to ever be talked out of these beliefs. This means there are several things he tries to severely adhere to that might strongly inconvenience him at times. For instance he must not strike women unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to do so(such as if they are being a clear and obvious threat to his friends). He's not supposed to look at naked people. He should help people in need. He should always treat women nicely and with respect. He shouldn't be rude. He shouldn't lie. So on and so forth for whatever he is convincingly enough lead to believe a gentleman should do.
Technology: The what goes in the where now?
Gonta has a very difficult time grasping more complicated tech such as computers, and should probably never be trusted or relied on when it comes to trying to figure out the tech on his lonesome.
Pacifism: Gonta doesn't WANT to hurt people if he doesn't HAVE to.
As part of the gentleman's code, Gonta really shouldn't be hurting people. As another part of the gentleman's code Gonta should protect his friends. This means sometimes one rule has to be broken for the other but, even without that, Gonta's a surprisingly gentle soul for someone who was raised in the ways of the wilderness. He's quite hesitant to hurt anyone on purpose without a VERY good reason or being provoked pretty badly first. The exception to this is that he can get too over excited and accidentally hurt people, or if someone says or does anything bad about bugs. Hurting him alone generally isn't enough for him to want to hurt back.
Sensitive Soul: What happens when someone isn't accustomed to having to control their emotions.
It's very easy for Gonta to fall into his emotions a bit too hard and, despite his generally happy and positive temperament, fly into the kind of aforementioned moments of being overly excited or angry, or one of the other alternatives is that he just breaks out sobbing over something seemingly small. This, in turn, tends to lead to him feeling self conscious of how he'd overreacted, often causing him to apologize or worry overly much.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
308 Exploring worlds Oct 25 2018
296 Pleasant Hill: Beyond the Curtain. Oct 25 2018
289 Monster in the Woods (No, Not That One) Oct 12 2018
286 Attack of the 50ft Brine Shrimp Oct 10 2018
245 Making friends Sep 20 2018
232 Multiverse 101 Sep 08 2018
222 Somewhere a Heart Aug 29 2018
200 Pearl Cup, Togle Arena Jul 27 2018
187 Making friends. Jul 19 2018
143 Hope's Peak Campus Tour Jun 22 2022
See All 13 Scenes


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