World Tree MUSH

A Quiet Day at the Beach

Character Pose
It was later in the morning, and the beach near Miwa's island grotto home on the west side of Ula'Ula Island was quiet. Kids were either in school or out exploring other parts of the island as trainers, and most adults were at work. Miwa was enjoying the peace and quiet and had made herself up a ways onto the beach to sun herself in the warm Alolan sunlight which streams down through the clear blue sky. Though, she felt so nice and relaxed, that eventually she fell asleep, and now was just laying there in the warm sand, seeming to not have a care in the world.
    There's a faint whistle of air from the distance, followed by a splash. Then seemingly calm again. Until a drenched figure comes trudging out of the water, grumbling suggesting that something didn't go according to plan. Once free of the waves, the woman appears to distort and dematerialize in places as she walks, allowing the water to fall away. One way to dry yourself.

    So caught up is Navi that she doesn't seem to notice Miwa at all. She's removed her spectacles to flick the water off them when she -- unless the Primarina notices and acts fast! -- trips right over Miwa with a startled yelp. Well, at least she's not wearing boots.
Normally Miwa might have noticed the splash of water, and certainly the whistle, but she was really out. She continued to lay there, only stirring slightly in her slumber, until Navi tripped over her and she felt the woman's foot hit her tail. "Urwah?" She questions groggily as she opens her eyes and looks around with a dazed look about her. Eventually her head begins to clear as she further wakes up, and she looks over at Navi. "Oh, did you just trip over me or something? I'm sorry, I guess I laid out here to sun myself, and I sort of... fell asleep." She says with a bit of an embarrassed blush coming to her snow white face. You new around here? Well Alola, welcome to Ula Ula island. I'm Miwa and I live on one of the tiny islands just a bit off the coast here."
    Navi quickly manages to untangle herself and sit up. Water now replaced with sand on her clothes. She looks at Miwa. Then removes her glasses, rubbing them clean once again, slides them back on and looks at Miwa again. "Does every critter here tal-" the mage starts in an undertone, almost to herself, but then stops. "Um, wait, um. 'Ula Island'...You know where this is?" Navi asks Miwa, sounding suddenly hopeful and eager. "Do you have a um, map or chart?" Navi continues, completely neglecting an introduction.
Miwa grins a bit as Navi gives her a double take, and is surprised that doesn't happen more often when people from other worlds meet her and find out she can talk. She shakes her head however at the question about all critters talking, even if Navi didn't finish speaking it. "No, most Pokemon do not talk, I'm one of the very few that can, though many of the more intelligent species can at least understand speech. As for a map, no, don't really have anywhere I could keep one of those around, and I know the area pretty well anyway. But I know where you could get one, there is actually a Pokemon Center just off the north side of the beach, and I'm sure they'd have a map there, probably to sell, but not expensive." She offers as she points a flipper up the beach toward a reddish orange and white building in the distance.
    "Poke--?" Navi starts, but then stops again. She's silent for the rest as she listens carefully, following the flipper pointed to the Pokemon center. Upon hearing that it costs money, her expression falls. Navi lets herself fall backwards on the sand, staring skyward. At least there's the good weather. "What's a, um... po-ke... thing..?"
     Miwa notices Navi's reaction to the news that the map would likely cost money, and gives an empathetic smile. "I could buy one for you if you really want a map that much. It's really no trouble for me. As for what a Pokemon is, well, from what I've seen and learned visiting other worlds, we're sort of like creatures commonly called animals on other worlds, but we have special strengths and powers. For example, I can do things with water, ice, and fairy power." She says, then demonstrates by squirting a stream of water out of her mouth, then starting to sing a bit just in tones, forming the water into orbs, and moving them around, she then makes them shoot up into the air and explode, sending small water droplets showering over the beach away from them. "Does that sort of answer your question?"
    With moving at first, Navi's eyes follow the stream of water as it dances and transforms, finally exploding. Propping herself up on her elbows at first, Navi then sits up. Turning from the last of the water display back to Miwa. She leans her face into a curled finger, considering the Pokemon carefully.
    "But you're more than just a mage. Sounds like you're an Elemental, basically." A grin tugs at the corner of her mouth. "We're not so different. Just um, y'know. Forms."
    "You're um, a lot more helpful than the others I've met." Navi gives a short nod to Miwa, perhaps a thanks of sorts, but frowns as she comtemplates the other things. "Other worlds." She lets out a long, slow breath. Of course. "Yeah well uhm. Maps they have aren't going to help me, are they." Navi flops backwards onto the sand once more.
     "So, you have elemental powers too?" Miwa asks with a curious glance at the woman as she finally sits up more fully, curling her tail under her upper body a bit for support. "As for the map, it's just likely to be a map of this region of this world, though we may be able to find an atlas of the whole world if we head into the city. What exactly are you hoping to get out of the map? It seems like you're looking for more than just getting around here, but I might be reading into it too much." She wonders, then looks Navi over a bit and also asks. "Would you also like to clean all that sand off somewhere?"
    Navi gives a nod from where she lies, also raising her hand to give a thumbs up. "Air. Or um, Wind, if you look at it that way." At first she doesn't seem very inclined to give a demonstration like Miwa's earlier... until the Primarina mentions cleaning off the sand anyways. Navi sits up, the air around her very briefly distorts and then she's gone entirely! Save for a gentle breeze. The sand, being left behind, falls to the ground.
    And then Navi's back, sitting down across from Miwa and opposite of where she was before. She flashes a mischievous grin. "Meridian City," she says, watching Miwa for any signs of recognition. "That's the place I need to find."
     Miwa watches with a smile as Navi literally turns into air, letting the sand fall away harmlessly, then reforms in a different spot. "Wow, I don't think there are any Pokemon who can quite do that, besides a few that are made of gases to start with. There is one called Vaporeon who can dissolve itself into water and reform though." She offers, but then frowns at the mention of the city Navi is looking for. "That's on the world you come from isn't it? I used to be a traveling performer as part of a group, so I've been pretty much all over this world, never heard of a Meridian City. There is Viridian City, close, but not quite."
    Navi looks like she expected the answer, but sags a little anyways. She nods to confirm Miwa's guess. "I didn't really travel that much, um... I thought maybe um, I was really just a continent away." That seems to have killed her enthusiam about asking detailed questions about the Pokemon, but her interest does marginally survive the bad news. She allows herself to fall against the sand once more. At least... There were definitely worse places to be stranded.
    "So you sing for um, entertainment too?" She asks, but it's a few moments before she continues. "How many more are there um, like you?"
     Miwa frowns, picking up on Navi seeming to be depressed by the news that Meridian City isn't anywhere on this world. She guesses the girl must be lost, and unable to find her way back to her own world, and can only imagine how horrible that must feel, as she tries to think about how she would feel if she could never return to this world. She isn't really sure what to say to the woman, so she just focuses on answering her other questions. "Like me? You mean that perform? There are others in the Primarina species who likely do perform in Pokemon Contests, but I was in a musical theater troupe, and pretty sure I was the only one who did that, now I'm on my own, and looking to start doing some solo shows, might even have one here soon."
    "Oh. Um." Navi takes off her spectacles and tucks them away somewhere into her tunic. Content to just enjoy the feel of these surroundings. "I mean um, you said not all... Pokemon could talk." A pause. "I'll um, come see your show if I can." But she probably couldn't if she kept moving.
     Miwa blinks and laughs. "Oh, the talking part, well, I'm not the only one, but it's not common at all, even if I do think many Pokemon could learn to talk if they and their trainers were dedicated to doing it, but most aren't, most focus on learning new moves and becoming stronger in battle, or making their moves as flashy and pretty as can be for contests. I learned because I wanted people to be able to understand the songs I sing during my performances."
    Navi opens her eyes and glances over at Miwa at the mention of trainers. Then closes them again. "So most really are just um... animals," she murmurs in conclusion. It almost seems like she might fall asleep, but with a sigh, she forces herself to sit up once more. "Anyways um... where can I, um, get off this world, or whatever?" The journey must go on, it seems.
     Miwa nods. "Well, I suppose so, more or less. As for how to get off, there is a vine portal a bit off the edge of the beach to the north. Head towards the Pokemon Center, that reddish orange building I was mentioning before, and when you're heading up the road away from the beach, you'll see a field on the left side, across the road from where the Pokemon Center is, you'll find your way off there. But before you go, I don't think I ever got you're name. It was nice meeting you. My name is Miwa."
    Listening to the directions carefully, Navi nods along and starts to take a step aways, but freezes at the last second. "Oh," with an awkward pause. "Navi." Another pause, and another ones of those terse nods of thanks. "Um. You need an enchantment made sometime, or a curse taken off, you let me know." One last nod and one last step, and Navi distorts out of corporeal existence once again.