Navi (Dropped)

World: Meridian-1
Species: Half-Elemental


A half elemental who wishes she was fully so; Navi is a air-aspected spellsword, capable of shaping spells to maim or mend. She can also imbue spell effects into wards or enchantments. She hails from a very marginal nation-state home to some of the world's last mages; a world that has steadily industrialized. Dealing with the pressure on the young from the older generation to somehow remake their home into relevance, Navi's answer to this impossible situation has been to become increasingly rebellious towards things often attached to phrases like "you should" or "you have to." She oft has a sharp tongue and can be equally quick to laugh and quick to anger, but may turn more cautious and reticent when finding herself amidst the unfamiliar or threatening.


Windrunner: Navi's heritage allows her to become an incorporeal wind.
Navi can become an incorporeal breeze, allowing her to travel quickly (and between planes, in worlds with such constructs) and reach very high or difficult places. She can pass through openings too small for a human. This also makes it difficult for her to come to harm from nature's own elements or physical sources of danger (albeit less so when they're of Heroic origins), but she is always vulnerable to spellcraft.
Spellblade: Navi is a mage skilled in Air aspected spells to maim & mend.
Navi can weave spells that focus the element of her affinity. She can deliver rending spells through strikes of her weapons and compress air into a cutting blade itself, or conjure the winds to curative purposes instead. There are also more subtle shapings such as stoking or starving an existing fire, cushioning someone's fall, making words carry on the wind, or drawing away toxic miasma. She isn't able to do such grand things as change weather patterns (unless it were to require only a gentle nudge), but she could create a small pocket of calm. And, of course, she tends to be very sensitive towards changes in air and atmosphere.
Spellweaving: Navi can make and unmake persistent spells, usually attached to items or places.
Rather than an immediate and ephemeral effect, Navi traces runes to make such spells that persist over longer periods, independently of the caster. These are generally more minor effects than a casted spell, such as healing over a longer time, granting a supply of fresh air, or imbuing weapons so their attacks strike with the cutting force of a gale. Navi cannot make enchantments outside of her element save by the assistance of another mage: If a client wanted their weapon turned incendiary, Navi would need the cooperation of a fire mage to channel the spell while it's imbued.

She can make a variety of enchantments that are elementally unaspected: trinkets to assist with a spellcaster's concentration and focus, to make an item resist wear and tear, or more easily take some other enchantment. These aren't likely to change a mage's effectiveness much, instead simply making their art easier or more convenient.

Navi can create wards to help in the safekeeping of an area against intruders, a type of being, or types of magic. She can also unmake enchantments, given enough time; gradually cleansing a cursed item or unraveling the wards of some location as two examples.
Swordswoman: Navi can adeptly wield a plain blade.
Navi is martially skilled at wielding sword-type weapons, preferring curved blades.
Traveler: Navi learns her way around and can adapt to new environments quickly.
Navi has a good sense of direction and spatial awareness. Even suddenly dropped somewhere completely unfamiliar, she can quickly conceptualize where places and landmarks are in relation to each other, and usually learn local conventions as well. But when it comes to cultures, Navi does not assimilate.


Two Worlds: Navi is always vulnerable to effects aligned against magical beings.
Naturally, Navi's elemental form is vulnerable to wards, enchantments, spells or so on aligned against magical beings; but as a consequence of Navi's mixed heritage, she is affected by these even when in human form -- even when they would normally not affect a human.
Aether Eater: Navi needs sources of magic to sustain herself.
In places of abundance, not needing human needs of sustenance can seem like simply an advantage. The trouble is this. Human sustenance tends to be a near-universal requirement while aether is not and many places simply have none. A few days is no trouble and if planned, "rations" can be taken along. But should Navi go too long without a source, she will gradually and then more severely weaken and lose ability to recover. At the extreme end, she is not immune from starvation.
Looking Out for Number One: Navi tends to look out for herself first.
Telling Navi "it's the right thing to do" will just get it thrown back in your face. There are ways to push her to do a favor, but it isn't easy: she does not take kindly to anything seen as self righteous or preachy.
Faithless: Navi has some misgivings about organized society.
Navi has little care for the conventions and strictures that come with organized societies, often leading to fiery clashes. She's also unlikely to turn to any lawful authority for help, nor to be forthcoming with any information or other assistance.
Clouded Sight: Navi's visual acuity leaves something to be desired.
Navi's vision is not the greatest. The threat of damage to her spectacles can leave her no choice but to be more cautious in a conflict; should something happen to them, she would be forced to rely more on her other senses and lose effectiveness outside of close quarters.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
182 Medication Dedication Jul 07 2018
175 Tax Dodging Jul 03 2018
174 The Briefcase Jul 01 2018
153 The Missing Miwa Jun 13 2018
146 A Moonlit Sea Side Serenade Jun 05 2018
140 A Quiet Day at the Beach Jun 02 2018
137 Getting Blown Away May 31 2018
See All 7 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.