World Tree MUSH

Hope's Peak Campus Tour

Character Pose
Noriaki Kakyoin
Go figure, Gonta lets the people at Hope's Peak know about other people along the world tree with strange abilities, and they want to invite one of those people there. Noriaki Kakyoin, being one of the more immediately normal ones, might be a good choice. Besides, it's not like he's got anywhere else to go. Maybe they'd be willing to help him find a place to live while he figures out what he's going to do until he finds his world?

So, thus, it's a very well put-together Noriaki Kakyoin who arrives at the front gates of the Hope's Peak Academy. His 'friend' Hierophant Green is safely tucked away, out of sight. He has his green school uniform on -- gotta represent, yo -- and it's been cleaned and pressed, his loafer-style dress shoes have been polished, and his hair has been arranged neatly in its usual short style with the 'noodle' on the right side.
Likewise not in the school uniform (he can't fit into one and his outfit's close enough so they let him slide), Gonta rushes over, skidding to a halt. "Kakyoin-san! Good morning," he'd greet before bowing somewhat, "You're coming to school, right?"
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin bows as well. "Ah. It's good to see you again," he offers in greeting. Though as for coming to school? "They may offer me the option at some point in the future. There would be paperwork to be filled out if so. For now though, it's something of a tour... a 'day pass' if you will, so that I can see the school, look around some of the non-restricted areas, and see for myself if I would be an appropriate addition. And likely to see how well I get on with the other students."
Gonta ahhs a little, calming himself back down. "Yes, it's a nice place," Gonta replies, "So Gonta hopes you can stay. Are they sending someone to help you look around? If they left Kakyoin-san to himself, maybe Gonta can help?"
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin nods. The excitability doesn't bother him; Gonta has thus far seemed like that type of person, very much like an excited puppy. "I hope so too," he admits. "I've had to do some dangerous things to get by, and I'm not at all dreading the prospect that I might not have to do those dangerous things for a while." As for whether someone is coming to help him look around? "That I'm not sure of. I was invited to 'drop by', though I'm not sure if they meant literally 'whenever'. But if you don't have something else pressing to do, I wouldn't refuse the help." Otherwise he goes wandering, and that's always a bad idea.
Gonta looks thoughtful. "Gonta is supposed to be going to class, but, Gonta thinks it'll be ok if he tells them he's showing you around. They aren't very strict here, but Gonta almost never missed class before anyway. Is there any specific kind of thing Kakyoin-san would want to see first?"
Noriaki Kakyoin
"Aa... will you be able to make the work up?" Kakyoin inquires. "I don't want to be the cause of you getting a bad grade, or missing an important lesson." Subconsciously most students DO know it's important to go to school. And it really does put it into perspective when one loses the ability to do that.
Gonta nods in reply. "Gonta will be fine," he insists, "Gonta is-" He pauses, not wanting to say a GOOD student because that would give the wrong impression all together. "...usualy dutiful and on time. Though, Gonta isn't sure who he should speak to...but Gonta's class mates have skiped class for much less than this and they don't seem to get in trouble."
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin nods as well. "As long as you aren't going to get in trouble for it. If you do, feel free to let them know I asked you to." With that decided -- even if he's pretty sure Gonta is hiding something, kind of -- he notes, "Since we're outside, should we start with the grounds?" he suggests.
Gonta nods in reply before he starts showing Kakyoin around the grounds. If he's hiding something it isn't on purpose. He just doesn't want to make Kakyoin think he's smarter than he is, or anything like that. The grounds would have PLENTY of space, not only having room for all the sporting type events, but several other things as well. Gardening, places for keeping live stock and other animals, room for when they have festival stands out, ect, ect.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Oh not to worry, Kakyoin doesn't believe there's any kind of underhanded reason for Gonta to be hiding anything. From what little he's come to know of the larger student, he's not the kind of person that would plot against another person for no reason. The trip around the grounds is pretty informative, though he has to ask, "Why would you need places to keep livestock? Does the school offer farming or agriculture classes?" He's not being a smartass here, either. In all seriousness, he's curious.
Gonta kind of tilts his hand back and forth. "There are areas for students to learn about these things and people to help them, but none of those are required. Besides the basic classes you can study what ever you want, as long as you are working on your talents too. There are people that work with animals and farming and other things that need places like that."
Noriaki Kakyoin
"Oh, I see," Kakyoin replies. "So it's less academic and more tailored to the student?" He does pick up that other thing that Gonta said, too. "'Working on your talent'? What do you mean?" They don't have such schools in his world (at least, not that he's aware).
"The thing you are best at," Gonta replies, "Gonta is an entomologist, and is considered the best one of his age range, so that is what he is here for. You're supposed to continue working on that and not let your skills get rusty."
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin thinks about this, crossing one arm over his middle, raising the other hand to his chin. "I'm not sure such a thing would apply to me. I wonder how they'd handle that?" It's more a rhetorical question than anything else, truthfully. Though if Gonta has any idea, he's definitely willing to listen."
Gonta tilts his head. "Gonta's not sure," he states, "The school usually asks people to come to the school based on thier talent...but Kakyoin wasn't asked like that?"
Noriaki Kakyoin
"They did extend the invitation to look around," Kakyoin replies. "I have no idea how they managed to find me, seeing as I have no permanent address as of yet. Though I should ask... did you happen to tell them about Hierophant Green?" he inquires. He doesn't sound angry about it. Just curious. Though his eyes are narrowed shrewdly, as if he's trying to make absolutely certain that Gonta's not trying to sneak anything past him.
Gonta shakes his head. "Gonta doesn't know much about Mr. Green, so he left him out," he replies, "But our world is very curious about all the other worlds....maybe the school just wants to see how another world's person works in the school?"
Noriaki Kakyoin
"I see," Kakyoin muses. "That could be. Surely they'd have to know that not all other worlds would have people with such very specific talents." He's good at art and video games, but surely those things wouldn't be being developed in a legitimate school. Particularly not the latter, but either one, really. "I'm not certain I have what this school would call those sorts of talents, to be truthful."
"They chose weird things there is yakuza, a biker gang leader, the next in line of a rich family, and a despot," Gonta states, "Gonta's not sure how some of that's tallent, but that's what they do..."
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin raises an eyebrow at that. "Hm. Very strange. Well. I may not be any of that, but under those circumstances, I may yet have what your school would consider a talent, then," he notes. "That may have been the reason for inviting me here, now that I think about it... to observe me and determine if I have such a talent. It would be faster to just ask, though. But that's not the way for some people..."
Gonta isn't sure at all. He has no idea what they'd have in mind. "Does Mr. Kakyoin want to continue inside," he wonders curiously.
Noriaki Kakyoin
"That might be a good idea," Kakyoin agrees. "There's a possibility we'll run into some faculty in there. If we do, the situation can be better explained."
Gonta would nod and continue onward, leading Kakyoin into the first floor. This one's mostly the living area with the doorms and kitchen and the like. Going further in there's stuff like a store, a pool, nurse's office and the gym.