Noriaki Kakyoin (Dropped)

Noriaki Kakyoin
World: JJBA: Stardust Crusaders-1
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: Late teens
Quote: "I know my own limits. I'm no fool."
Role: Stand-User
Species: Human
Theme Song: "Noble Pope", Yugo Kanno -
Voice Actor: Daisuke Hirakawa (JP)/Kyle Hebert (EN)


For as long as he can remember, Noriaki Kakyoin has had a "Stand", the form that psionic and telekinetic phenomena take in his world. A solitary, aloof boy, he has always had trouble making friends, since he felt no one could understand him due to not being able to perceive his Stand, "Hierophant Green". Hierophant Green can unravel itself into tendrils of varying sizes. It's relatively weak in a straight fight; however it trades this for a great deal of long-range and utilitarian uses. As can be gleaned from its name, Kakyoin's Stand is represented by the tarot "The Hierophant". Some associate this card with the bridge between Heaven and Earth, which could explain the Stand's great usefulness at-range. Kakyoin has a strong prideful streak; this and his vanity can cause him to make mistakes, or to bite off more than he can chew when he feels he's been slighted. He is however, unfailingly loyal to those he deems friends -- he has so few of them, after all.


Stand: Psionic projection with long-range attacks and grasping tendrils
Hierophant Green is Kakyoin's "Stand", a physical manifestation of his fighting spirit/life force and a reflection of his psyche. The Stand is an extension of him, so if it is damaged, that damage will usually translate to Kakyoin himself. If the Stand is destroyed Kakyoin will die, and vice-versa. It is a long-range Stand, so its offensive capabilities are rather lacking, and its greatest powers can be best used at-range. Hierophant Green is capable of emitting liquid energy and large pointed projectiles resembling emeralds (an attack called "Emerald Splash"), as well as unraveling itself into tendrils of varying sizes. These tendrils can be used to set traps (which fire small blasts of emerald projectiles), wrap up enemies, or merely detect when an enemy has entered an area. By unraveling itself into tendrils completely, Hierophant Green can enter small spaces that it would not otherwise be able to go into.
Body Control: Like puppets on a string
When unraveling itself into tendrils, Hierophant Green can physically enter the body of a being and attempt to control it from the inside. This is a very visible thing when it happens -- the being in question gains unnatural (but not superhuman) strength (unless they had it to begin with), froths at the mouth, and all their movements are awkward. The target of such control can also suffer from delusions. Hierophant Green CAN still be merely pulled out of the victim once inside, but this tends to cause the victim internal injuries, as the Stand tries to latch on from the inside to prevent being pulled out. If Hierophant Green leaves willingly, the target is not harmed; the target remembers what they did under the control, but any delusions they were made to believe last only until they can be debunked (i.e., when made to think a pen in the hand is a thermometer, the target will continue to believe it's a thermometer when freed from Hierophant Green's control, but only until they look at the item; then they can see it's a pen).
Stand Invisibility: Mundane people can't generally see Stands
Non-Tiers aren't able to see Stands, or their affects, at all. However, Tiered characters will be able to detect Hierophant Green as a ghostly image with vague features, and will be able to see the Emerald Splash. Those with psychic/psionic powers, mystical senses, abilities to see spirits, etc., will be able to see Hierophant Green clearly. There are also other ways to detect Stands -- electromagnetic sensors, motion sensors, a keen sense of smell (they tend to smell like ozone), or being able to feel the currents of air being disturbed by the Stand's presence. Mundane folk who are astute enough will be able to eventually learn to watch for the feeling of "the creeps" when Stands are being employed.
Stand Resilience: Stands can take far more damage than a human body
A Stand is a reflection of either the mental or emotional strength of its user, and this tends to be greater than the PHYSICAL strength of its user. When a Stand is placed between its user and danger, even a long-range Stand such as Hierophant Green tends to exhibit greater "physical" resilience than a human body. When Hierophant Green is used to absorb an attack, it damages the Stand (and thus Kakyoin) far less than it would if the attack had struck him directly.
Art: Sketching and painting
Kakyoin can produce reasonably good art, both drawn and painted, though he seems to prefer paint on canvas. This seems to especially apply to art of people, as he can produce very good likenesses of people when he draws or paints.
Dexterity: Good reflexes, notable skill in dodging and manual tasks
Between his skill in playing video games and his chosen art hobby -- or perhaps he chose these hobbies because of this -- Kakyoin's dexterity, both manual and overall, is quite good. He's flexible and quick, and can dodge with relative ease, particularly when his Stand is involved.
Video Games: "Nintendo Hard"? Hardly a challenge!
Kakyoin is fond of video games. But not just any games. He's particularly enamored of games that are what some in other worlds would call "Nintendo Hard". These sorts of games test even the most skilled players' reflexes, reaction time, and memory retention. He is a skilled player of these incredibly hard games, and can beat many of them in a single sitting.


Status Link: "I Am Thou" -- not just pain is transferred
It's not just damage/pain that is transferred, sensations are transferred as well. Shaking Hierophant Green transmits the sensation to Kakyoin as well; turning the Stand in a circle will also turn Kakyoin in a circle. It's worth noting, though, that this does not work in reverse -- if Kakyoin loses an arm, Hierophant Green will NOT suffer the same damage.
Long-Range: Versatility over power, tries to stay at-range
Long-range Stands tend to lack the sheer destructive power of a Short-Range Stand. Up-close, Hierophant Green's offensive capabilities tend to fall behind, since his Stand does not posses the physical strength that a short-range Stand tends to have. This tends to be the tradeoff -- utility and greater range over sheer power and melee capabilities. As a result of this Kakyoin will generally try to stay at-range from an opponent. It can look like he's running away when an enemy's trying to close the distance.
Proud: Will not tolerate humiliation
Kakyoin's pride is extremely strong, and he will NOT tolerate humiliation. Pranks are one thing, but when they go too far, he becomes obsessed with the desire to teach the one who humiliated him a lesson. This can easily cause him to overlook his own safety, or the safety of allies, in favor of getting back at someone.
Psychic Energy: Psionic attacks damage Stands more
Because a Stand is a manifestation of psychic energies (or psychokinetic, whatever you prefer to call it), abilities that can directly manipulate this energy are much more damaging to Stands.
Solitary: One is the loneliest number
Kakyoin was never good at understanding people on the same fundamental level that most people understand each other. He always viewed himself as an outsider, whether it's his stoic nature or his awkwardness around others. It also makes it difficult for him to deal with people in general, leading him to be awkward and silent in more typical conversations. He also finds it difficult and awkward to ask for help (partially because of his solitary nature and partly because of his pride) so it's likely he's going to find himself with little assistance if he gets himself in trouble he can't easily extricate himself from.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
172 Preparing for a pokemon adventure. Jul 19 2018
153 The Missing Miwa Jun 13 2018
146 A Moonlit Sea Side Serenade Jun 05 2018
143 Hope's Peak Campus Tour Jun 22 2022
120 The Pokemon Kakyoin Drew May 20 2018
105 Aftermath of Teen Recklessness May 07 2018
99 Filthy Favors at Reasonable Rates May 02 2018
See All 7 Scenes


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