World Tree MUSH

Aren't you a bit young to be here?

Character Pose
Corneria, hopeful shining world of adventure, hope, and fuzzy people of all sorts. Ash figured showing up in his warframe would in fact be less eyecatching than going as himself even though he also felt he was safe enough to leave his weapons on the orbiter. As a byproduct of this, he could go places he wouldn't otherwise... such as to the local pub to get a drink. 

Granted he had no interest in drinking the sorts of thigns this place offered, and warframes didn't have mouths in the traditional sense, but he enjoyed people watching adn soaking in the relative atmosphere of the place. He wasn't intentionally trying to look brooding or mysteryious, which might explain the small bowl of peanuts and half full drink in front of him. Just... don't ask where the other half went.
     Krystal decides to take another trip down to Corneria. Though she now knows that this universe is not the one she came from, it was still the closest thing to home she had right now, she just keeps hoping she won't run into the 'other Krystal' cause that would be awkward. Today she is wearing a peach colored cocktail dress with a ruffled cascading skirt and a matching pair of heeled sandals. After a while walking around, she happens upon a little bar spot, and decides she could use a drink and a bite to eat. She walks up to have a seat at the bar and starts looking over the menu. She's not planning on getting into a fight here on Corneria, but her staff is still strapped to her back in it's collapsed size, just in case.
Ash wasn't really doing much, just watching what was on the TV over the bar, listening to idle chatter, and as he listened idilly in on Ordis grumbling at the local docking staff poking around the orbiter, he chuckled. Sure Ordis's 'body' was a stealth ship instead of a combat pod, but Orokin technology was weird, he wasn't sure if they'd be able to really do anything useful or if it amounted ot getting raw material and Ordis having to do the rest. Still, it was not a completely unreasonable risk to try.

Then he saw Krystal and tilted his head at the vixen lady's dress before deciding to wander over. Even though he did get more than a few bits of color commentary from differing bar flies of one stripe or other he would end up making his way through, "I could ask what a girl like you is doing in a place like this, but that line is probably literally older than dirt. Nice dress."
     Krystal hadn't noticed Ash until he came over to greet her, and she couldn't help but grin and laugh a bit at his old as dirt pickup line. "Oh yeah, pretty sure I've heard variations on that throughout the galaxy. As for the dress, thanks. I picked it up here recently, and it's actually the same thing I wore the last time I came down to Corneria... I should probably go shopping for a full wardrobe soon, since I pretty much got stranded away from home with the clothes on my back. Anyway, how've you been? What brings you to Corneria?"
"Man... Least when I got dumped out here I had my shi..." Ash for a moment pondered what he would do if he really were stranded away from everything with just whatever he was wearing. Probably freak out and then start learning how to punch people, not nessicarily in that order or mutually exclusive to eachother. 

He shrugged and grabbed a seat, "Actually I'm kinda thin on places I trust wouldn't strip half of everything out of my ship, and Ordis has even less confidence given he is the ship itself." Plus Orokin technology is weird and he's seen nobody that can really do more than cosmetic work on it. "Figured it was a safe enough bet to try here once i figured out this was the Corneria you were talking about." Not exactly, but close enough for government work anyway.

He then set his hands on the bar top to start lightly drumming on it, "Plus trying to get my head together. Last few days have been weird and I don't do people skills well." See also failing to convince people the scary looking guy with a meat bow to not come and get shot in the face with said meat bow.
     Krystal nods to Ash as she orders an iced tea and a cheeseburger. "I didn't get a chance to really see much of your ship, but you probably came to the right place. Space Dynamics, based here in Corneria, at least from what I've heard, is one of the top starship companies in the galaxy. They build ships for the Cornerian military, and also more custom stuff, like my ship, or Star Fox's Arwings. As for me, I guess this is as close to 'home' as I'm going to get. Unfortunately even though this isn't my version of the universe I came from, it's still pretty close for a parallel universe, and my home planet is destroyed here too. On the bright side, I guess it means I can continue my research into how it was destroyed, as it was probably in the same way."
Ash winced as Krystal explained that 'here' was not in fact home. Then, with every ounce of solomness and sincerity he could muster, "OK that has got to be the creepiest most depressing thing I've ever heard. I am sorry."

He reached over to pat Krystal's arm.

Deep breath in spite of his warframe not having a mouth. "Orokin technology is weird... Half of it's grown, the other half? I dunno." He waved a hand disissivly. "I figure worst case Ordis can get raw materials here, top up on power, get any built up debris cleared off the hull." Space might be on the whole very empty, but all the interesting spots were very active and thus very full. Thus colliding with thing s and picking up hitch hikers of one stripe or another. "Plus I might or might not be in a relationship with a very nice sea-lion and on the whole I'm honestly not sure how to shop for her. Here seems a good start."
     "It's probably for the best, since I'm not the same Krystal as the one from this universe. If my world still was around, the family and friends there would be those of the other me, not the me... me. I don't know if I'd feel comfortable pretending to be the other me, or how they would react to me being from a parallel universe." Krystal explains, and was about to talk about how she maybe had clues for what caused the destruction based on what happened on Sauria, but then Ash mentions that he's in a relationship with a sea-lion, and that raises an eyebrow. "A sea-lion you say? You talking one sorta like me in that they have a human-like body? Or a, um, ordinary sea-lion?" She asks with obvious curiosity in her tone. "Granted, now that I think about it, have I even seen you out of that frame of yours?"
In response to Krystal's questions, which he was half expecting a shrug and carrying on given how animalistic the locals seemed to favor, he pulled out a small tablet and flipped to cell-phone footage of one of Miwa's concerts. "Minor celerety starting a solo-act. Nice girl, good convrosation." Ash still wasn't sure how exactly he felt but since when did he ever look before diving in? "Not sure how thigns will roll, but if nothing else we're friends."

He slid the tablet over so Krystal could flip through his photo albums both of Miwa and other curiosities across the worlds, and more oddball moments from' home involving just how outright weird tenno fashion could get and peculiar their behavior. "I was with you and Meia in the blizzard a bit back trying ot find that girl when those... well... Ghosts? vampires? Things tried to make that not happen. Glad the girl seemed to end up OK."
     Krystal starts looking at the tablet screen and flipping through the pictures as Ash reminds her about the night during the blizzard, and her eyes widen in realization. "Oh yes! How could I forget that night already, I guess there's been a lot on my mind with discovering this place and just wandering the worlds of the tree in general. Anyway, she's cute. So you're friends? Or have you been dating?" She asks in idle curiosity, since Ash said they were in a relationship, but then says they're friends. Her order arrives and she sips at the tea while waiting for Ash to answer.
Ash shrugged, "I guess you could say we are," He shrugged, "But I don't want ot read too much into everything since... well.. Compatibility issues?" He seemed to leave it there before moving on, "So how're the locals handling the fact there's whoel other 'verses out there and the holes we pop through move around if they try doign the sensable thign and try putting a fence up?"
     Krystal can't help but smirk a bit at Ash's mention of compatibility issues with Miwa. "You mean because you're not the same species? Well, I guess that is a bit taboo in some circles, but I say, if you both have feelings for each other, go for it, who cares what anyone else thinks." She offers with a smile of approval. "As for people around here handling the other worlds and the vines, well, pretty well I guess. I think overall people are hoping that there are more friends out there than foes, and having connected worlds means allies to help with issues that arise here or come from other worlds. Personally, I find it quite exciting, but I always did enjoy seeing new places."
Ash gave a slow nod at Krystal's assessment of the situation, "I'm kindof in the same boat since I'm hopeful all the everything out here means when I find Home enough of this whole 'let's have all the murder happy people focused on eachother' tips to the point of finding peace." He smiled thoughtfully at the notion. "Besides, if we could ever get the Grineer and Corpus to start working togethrer and rebuilding, instead of 'all war all the time'" Well that and conveniently get them to leave the Tenno alone instead of see Tenno and the Warframes as a thing to be exploited, "We could get everything in order and actually be a hub for trade instead of .. well..." He reached over and flipped to an image of a fleet of bulbouse grineer ships hovering over an asteroid colony shelling it and anything else in the area.
     Krystal nods in understanding to Ash's sentiments about wanting peace. "Well, I'll do everything I can to help toward that goal. I have always been a bit of a diplomat, though I'm a little more 'hands on' lately if you will. I'm good at it, I find it immensely rewarding, and certainly being a telepath gives one an edge in trying to get to the root of conflicts and figure out how they can be resolved."
Ash nodded slowly, "Well the Grineer are by and large genetically conditioned to obey their queens, and they seem to want nothing but conquest." Ash laid the situation out as he swiped a fewmore pictures past to a styalized overview of his home system, which seemed suspiciously like one of the 'earth/sol' systems out there, and yet... diffrent. "The Corpus I think would be an easier group to work with since even fi they're all about war, it's all in the name of profit, so i have a feeling if you can convince them peace is more profitable then you might have your foot in the door." A frown as he glanced at what he saw on the bar's tv, "Then again that'll piss the grineer off. Plus Lotus has been playing a game of 'keep this guy and that guy fighting so they're too focused on eachother to try hurting evryone else.' A shrug. No commentary on that reasoning.
     "Well, that does sound like a challenge. War is usually pretty profitable, well, to certain people anyway while it decimates others.... As for these Grineer, if they're a hive-mind sort of race, I might have to actually meet their queen to really learn anything as I'm going to guess that delving into the minds of the rest of them wouldn't reveal much if they just listen to and obey their queen. Then the other races you mention just complicate things further." Krystal works through the situation and ponders what can be done. "Well, in any case, I'll be happy to do what I can, but I don't know if my efforts alone will be enough, and even so, it's not likely to be a quick process, even with others working toward peace beyond the two of us."
Ash shook his head, "Not a hive-mind. Each is an indavidual, but they're all clones that are bred to be loyal.... though there are a few splinter groups that somehow aren't," Or maybe they are and view their desertion as loyalty due to the queens behavior being self-destructive. He shrugged, "Good luck meeting the queens, nobody's seen 'em and a lot of people think they're propaganda phantoms. Still, I'd like to try peace, or at least attempts at getting people who aren't fighting out of the way of fighting."
     Krystal nods, taking a bite out of her forgotten burger, it was cold now, but she doesn't appear to mind terribly much as she's more interested in the conversation with Ash. "A noble pursuit indeed. I think you and I are going to get along well." She says with a smile. "I hope your ship turns out well, but I'm sure you'll generally find the people around here pretty reasonable. The attitude of people here does remind me a bit of home, which is nice. I should introduce you to Fox, maybe the three of us can work together."
     Krystal nods, taking a bite out of her forgotten burger, it was cold now, but she doesn't appear to mind terribly much as she's more interested in the conversation with Ash. "A noble pursuit indeed. I think you and I are going to get along well." She says with a smile. "I hope your ship turns out well, but I'm sure you'll generally find the people around here pretty reasonable. The attitude of people here does remind me a bit of home, which is nice. I should introduce you to Fox, maybe the three of us can work together."
Ash smiled from within his transferrence pod. "A decisive uphill battle. Hoping to get you to meet with The Lotus soon as possible as she's effectivly the Tenno's leader and as much a surrogate parent as anything. So I'm sure she'll want to latch onto anything that has a shot at letting us do things other than fight."

Then again the Lotus's mind was her own. Who's to say?