World Tree MUSH

Can't let you do that, Starbucks!

A Mouse and a Vixen walk into a coffee shop. H'lady'ing ensues.
Character Pose
Mirage Mouse
Malls. Malls never change. From lowly beginnings in history from general stores, to supermarkets--to large department stores. They have served as a hub of activity for shoppers and loiterers alike--or just people with nothing better to do--like Mirage Mouse right now!

The Cornerian city was host to a large amount of these sorts of places--they hosted all manners of shops as well as large multiplex holo movie theaters, food court, children's play area with a little train track that ran along it--helmed by a robotic conductor, of course, decked out as an old turn of the centry style train conductor, complete with overalls and handkerchief. A large number of assorted colored blocks made out of some kind of rubberized poofy material, all giant-sized. Ladies gabbed with eachothers while their children played or were glued to phones. Folks milled about along the corridors.

Mirage Mouse herself wasn't a Lylatian mouse, so she lacked the usual prominent elongated jaws or muzzle. Not that a bit of hard-light trickery couldn't solve that. Right now she was enjoying some kind of frosted creamy coffee colatta-style drink as she sat in a coffee shop, reading a newspaper. The kind of place that might be called Starbucks, if well, it would have been a bit on the nose, given it was in Lylat.
     Krystal is also at the mall, since today she doesn't really have anything else going on, and she knows she really should get herself a bit of a bigger wardrobe so she doesn't have to weare the same things endlessly until they totally wear out. Currently she has the fairly standard spacer suit which she came to the Wold Tree multiverse with, and a peach colored cocktail dress with a ruffled cascading skirt, which she bought several days ago before her first trip out for the evening in Corneria. Today she once again wears that along with a matching pair of heeled sandals. 

     Before the shopping though, she feels like grabbing a drink and perhaps a small snack, as she's thirsty. So into that very same coffee shop the vixen goes. She orders a similar frozen coffee drink to Mirage, though makes hers mocha flavored. With that and a chicken and bacon panini, she goes to find a place to sit, taking a table next to where Mirage was. She takes a long sip from her drink, then begins to munch at her sandwich.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage is wearing the charcoal black suit with gray pinestripes she had arrived to Miwa's concert in--complete with leather dress shoes, spats and even a fedora--which is on the table next to her as she kicks back with that fruity frappe coffee drink. Her long pale silvery hair is hanging down along her neck, a large red scarf-like cravat tied around it, her tail lightly twitching down around her ankles, clad in dress socks, of course.

"Lets see, where might one find work... or maybe some fun," Mouse mutters to herself peering over the headlines inside the newspaper. She doesn't even notice the blue fox as she strolls in, though the sound of her sandal heels causes her to look up. Well there is something you don't see every day, blue vixen in a cocktail dress. She grins, her bucked teeth showing, as she gets up and walks over to the woman's table.

"Madam, you look absolutely /smashing/ in that dress, do you mind if I sit here?" Mouse asks, her chivalrous act made even more amusing perhaps by the fact she's dressed like a man in that 50's style suit, holding a hand out for Krystal's.
     Krystal has barely sat down and started on her food and drink when Mirage approaches her and asks about sitting with her. She looks the sharply dressed mouse over for a moment, and finally nods, deciding it couldn't hurt, even if she's never met this woman, and she had to smile at the compliment about her dress. "I guess I picked a winner, you're not the first person to tell me I look good in this, maybe the third?" She chuckles a bit. "I'm Krystal, what brings you to the mall? Shopping for anything interesting? I'm looking to get some more outfits, since as nice as this dress is, I think it would be good to have other things to wear sometimes, besides my regular suit."
Mirage Mouse
Let it be known that Mouse could be damn charming when she wanted to be. Though she is laying it on a bit thick with this fox broad, she would freely admit.

"Ms. Mirage, it's a pleasure to meet you," if given Krystal's hand, she'd kiss it, before seating herself. Her hat and her drink would make their way over shortly--Mouse would make a gesture as if she was reaching back for it--but they'd actually float over to her hand. Krystal might miss it if she's not paying attention--but well, with how much she was gabbing as it was, she just might!

Mirage would sit herself down next to Krystal and cross her legs, newspaper folded in her lap.

"Soo... you're here to do some shopping, eh? I was just taking a break here myself, I run a talent agency," and this wouldn't be technically untrue, either--and the words carried weight.

"How about you? ever thought of the casting couch?" she grinned.
     Krystal smiles as Mirage kisses her offered hand, a hint of blush would show under her fur, of course the little bit of emotion would not be able to hide from Mirage. As she watches the mouse bring over her hat and drink with only so much as a gesture, she blinks a bit, eyes staring at the woman with newfound curiosity. "A Psionic I see. That is a rare gift. As for casting for talent, can't say that I have. Too busy traveling the galaxy and putting out fires, so to speak." She offers with a shake of her head before taking another bite of her sandwich.
Mirage Mouse
Mouse was good at the whole empathy thing, what with being able to read minds, and all--so it was a pleasant surprise when the fox girl was amused and just a bit embarrassed by her act of chivalry rather than weirded out by it. "What are you talking about, hon?" Mirage's smile does not falter, however, as she asks, her smile evident even as the words speak in Krystal's mind.

<Are you enjoying that, Krys?>

"The coffee here is rather nice, don't you think?" she sipped at her frothy coffee treat. "So you've never thought of doing any modeling or acting? My lord--you can't be serious!" her brown eyes widened in surprise.
     As Mirage speaks to her mind, Krystal grins slightly and speaks back. <You know what I'm talking about.> She then nods and agrees about the coffee. "It's very good yes, though I must admit it's my first time having it here. You could say I'm not from around here. As for modeling or acting, no, haven't really thought about it, like I said, didn't really have time for it, and I'm still not sure that I do now. Seems to be even more going on now with all these different worlds popping up."
Mirage Mouse
"You didn't before... but the question is, do you now?" Mirage asks, looking the fox woman over--Krystal enjoying her sandwich, hrm... something doesn't quite seem right about that, but she seems to let it slide--still grinning.

"Oh, the vines, yes--the portals, you can probably guess I am not from here either," Mouse would let her elongaged jaws shift back to her normal, humanoid-style face, though only for her and Krystal.

"Offer still stands, however," he picks up her drink and tilts it back a bit, unfolding her news paper as her tail idly flits about beside her, moving to reposition it. Krystal will likely feel it tickling against her legs or ankles--if that cocktail dress has any kind of slit up the side of it.

"So what does a lovely dame like yourself do when you're not looking your best? Putting out fires, huh? Do a little fortune telling on the side with that head-sight of yours?"
     Krystal listens to Mirage as she finishes her sandwich, then washes it down with a long sip of her coffee. The dress Krystal is wearing is not full length, with the skirt only reaching her lower thighs, so she certainly does feel Mirage's tail brushing against her. She playfully responds by gently wagging her tail into Mirage's leg, though it's a lot less fun on that end because Mirage is wearing pants. 

     "Anyways, I guess if I have some free time I'd be up for something like that, extra money is always nice, and I'm still trying to figure out where I fit into this new world. As for fortune telling, no, never really did that except for some fun with my friends back home..." She says the last part with a bit of a frown at the painful memory of friends she'll never see again. "No, instead I've worked as a diplomat, sometimes one who's a little more physically active toward bringing peace." She answers before it finally hits her and she blinks a bit. "So, psionic and telepath? I guess those could well go hand in hand..."
Mirage Mouse
"Oh my, I am going to need a lint brush to get all that blue fur off my trousers--at least it will be easy to see, sort of," Mirage grinned, looking down at Krystal's tail batting against her legs. Meanwhile Mirage's furless tail against Krystal's furry legs probably would feel... interesting, to say the least. Though Mouse wouldn't tease her too long.

"It's up to you, since you know I'm not head-blind, you can read me, right?" she tilts her head as she notices the pang of sadness there. Aww, blue foxy is concerned about something? Mouse wouldn't pry.

"Correct, I'm a mutant, m'dear," Mirage nods. "But I really do run a talent agency--I assume your telepathy comes in hand when working as a diplomat, mm?"
     Mirage's thin furless tail did indeed feel interesting, but Krystal doesn't seem to mind. She nods about being able to read Mirage. "I haven't really tried to, as I like to respect others privacy when I don't have a good reason to go poking around their minds. As for what you just picked up on, not so much concern, but painful memories. My home planet was destroyed, so all my friends and family are gone. Even now, it's hard not to feel a little sad when I think about it" She explains, before happily changing the subject to that of her work. 

     "Yes, it has come in handy very much, since people that are at odds with each other, often won't be so willing to tell their story without bias toward their side. Reading their true thoughts gives a much clearer picture of the situation."
Mirage Mouse
"I do too... well, only if they give me an attitude," Mirage thought back to her meeting with Navi. The girl had seemed... different, and had not wanted to give Mirage her name. So Mirage looked for it--and she had been able to feel it. And attacked her. Little wonder why Mirage didn't just go around flipping people open, or making things float when she didn't need to. Still, she did from time to time.

"Last survivor of a dead planet, huh? Sounds... familiar, somehow," she briefly imagined Krystal with a long red cape--and hey, she already had had the deep blue fur!

"So you are more of an empath, I see... but you are not head-blind... can you move things?" she seemed curious, a fork would slowly slide over the table towards Krystal.
     Krystal nods. "I'm still trying to find out what exactly caused the destruction of my planet, and how it can be stopped, but I don't have a whole lot to go on." She pauses as Mirage slides a fork toward her and asks if she can move things. "To be honest, I've never really tried, but I don't think so." She offers as she aims her palm at the fork and focuses her mind on trying to move it, but the fork doesn't budge. "Maybe I can't, maybe I'm doing something wrong. How does it work for you?" She asks curiously.
Mirage Mouse
"D'aww, you poor thing," Mirage mutters with a hint of genuine disappointment, or perhaps sympathy in her voice, gnawing on her lower lip with those large bucked teeth. "A poor little blue fox with no head-strength, perhaps we can teach you, if you like," she looks up and over at Krystal, seeming to have been talking to herself, rather than the person sitting next to her. She quickly snaps out of the reverie.

"I imagine it, concentrate on it--sometimes summoning emotion can help, like anger, makes your brain produce more delicious adrenaline," she grins a little, nodding.

"The mind is the most powerful organ in the body, after all--after the heart, anyway..."
     Krystal isn't sure if she feels embarrassed or angry at the way Mirage seems disappointed in her, like she's a child who failed a math test, probably a mixture of both really. Still, she takes Mirage's advise and nods. "Let me try again I guess." She says as she turns to look at the fork again, focusing on it like before. 

     This time however, she thinks of General Scales to really make herself angry, and focuses that into the fork. She once again holds her hand out toward it, and concentrates. After a long moment as she strains to block out any distractions, the fork finally wobbles and moves about half an inch. Krystal blinks. "I... I did it!"
Mirage Mouse
"Ah!" Mouse stares at the fork for a good ten seconds after it finally wobbles. "Don't strain yourself, your power is weak and it will take you time to get used to using it," Mirage leaned closer. "But I would be lying if I said that wasn't... exciting," she purred nearly right into one of Krystal's ears. Seems there was yet another reason why the blue fox amused her so.

"Ahem, but where our my manners--I'll give you my business card," she produces one from her inner suit pocket, it was eggshell white with 'Mirage Mouse' in dark cursive over it, along with a little cartoon picture of a mouse with red horn-rimmed sunglasses? or was that a visor of some sort?

"We definitely must meet again for a more... intensive interview," those bucked teeth dig into the mouse's lower lip again.
     Krystal smiles at Mirage, happy that her advice had been so helpful in allowing her to move something with her mind for the first time, even if it was small as her powers were indeed weak due to not being developed or trained. She takes the business card and looks it over a moment on both sides before stuffing it into a small handbag she has placed in the seat next to her. "Hmm, I think if you'll give me some help in getting stronger with such things, I'll gladly work for your agency in return. Do we have a deal?" She asks as she writes her ships com frequency onto a napkin and offers it to Mirage.
Mirage Mouse
"That could be an arrangement, sure," Mirage takes the napkin from Krystal, folding it up and tucking it into her inner suit pocket. "Well then, miss royal blue vixen, I think I shall take my leave--but it was an enchanting evening with you," Mirage grinned, putting their dark purple fedora on and bowing their head a bit to the still seated fox lady.

"Perhaps we can make the next meeting sooner rather than later, d'ohoho, bye bye now~" Mirage rolls her newspaper up and tucks it under her arm, strolling out. She usually doesn't walk like she owns the place, but right now she does--she must have been excited indeed.